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Which movie scenes do you cry at even though...


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you know it's coming because you've seen the movie 101 times?


Here are three I can think of for me:


1. Band of Brothers, Part 9: Why We Fight - when Easy Company liberates the work camp.


2. Beaches - when "Wing Beneath My Wings" starts at the funeral.


3. Selena - when "Dreaming of You" begins when she is shot.


I cry at these scenes pretty much without fail!

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Terms of Endearment has a few scenes that make me cry but the one that stands out is when Aurora (Shirley McClaine) is screaming at the nurse to give Emma (Debra Winger)her pain medicine.


Oh, and Debra Winger reminds me of An Officer and a Gentleman, when Zach finds Sid. :crying:

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I was just thinking about this last night! I am not much of a crier, but these movies always make me cry.


1.When Matthew dies in Anne of Green Gables.


2.When the dad drives away and his little girl chases after the car crying in Hope Floats.


3. When the mom (played by Sally Fields) loses it after her daughter dies (Julie Roberts) in Steel Magnolias. 


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steele magnolias.  when sally field loses it after her dd's funeral.


did you know that movie is 'biographical'?  it was written by Shelby's (Julia Roberts) brother so his nephew would know his mother.  then it was made into a play, and then a movie.  many years later after his nephew became an adult, he told him "your mother was so wonderful, it took Julia Roberts to play her."

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Field of Dreams- There is a scene where the guy who was a doctor and then gets to go back and become a ball player has to make a choice about stepping off the field and giving up this second chance at playing in the Major Leagues (ghost team or whatever that it is) or saving Kevin Costner's daughter who is choking on a hot dog. He steps off and saves her. Kevin Costner realizes that the guy has just given up his chance and can't "go back". 


Thinking about it, I cry at a lot of sports movies but I'm not that big of an actual sports fan. 

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Terms of Endearment has a few scenes that make me cry but the one that stands out is when Aurora (Shirley McClaine) is screaming at the nurse to give Emma (Debra Winger)her pain medicine.





Terms of Endearment makes me cry every. single. time. When Shirley MacClaine is screaming to give her daughter the meds starts the tears but I (almost) sob when the children are brought to her bedside to say goodbye. My heart breaks when Debra Winger is trying to put makeup on before they come in so she doesn't look so sick.


One of my all time favorite movies. I usually hate emotionally charged movies but this one is the best.



Elise in NC

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1) The scene at the end of the English Patient when Ralph Fiennes character gets back to the cave and she has died.  

2) Many scenes in Schindler's List.

3) The end of Bridges of Madison County.  


I end up crying even when I'm reading the books English Patient and Bridges of Madison County.  Go figure.



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1. Snoopy Come Home-when snoopy is leaving to be with his first owner.  Gets me every time.

2. Dumbo -when the mom is caged up and she rocks him on her trunk. Tearing up just thinking about it.

3. The Champ-Ricky Schroeder crying for him to get up at the end.

4. Beaches-The funeral.

5. Steel Magnolias-when Sally Fields is ranting about how she can do all these things and Shelby can't.

6. Harry Potter-When Hedwig gets killed (much more emotionally charged in the book) and when Dobby dies.




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Mr. Holland's Opus

1. When they find out their son is deaf

2. When the young man who had no rhythm dies in Vietnam.

3. When Mr. Holland leads the school orchestra in a performance at his son's school for the deaf and signs John Lennon's Beautiful Boy and inserts his son's name in the lyric

4. The end where Mr. Holland leads the past students in his Opus.


Every stinking time I cry at those four points.  My oldest dd had a class in college where they watched the movie over several weeks.  I asked her to figure out where the four places I cry are and she nailed each of them :001_smile:

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5. Steel Magnolias-when Sally Fields is ranting about how she can do all these things and Shelby can't.

The part at the funeral just before M'Lynn breaks down is what I had in mind when I said I cry before a scene happens.







Corrected because I said Ouiser when I meant M'Lynn.

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Mr. Holland's Opus

1. When they find out their son is deaf

2. When the young man who had no rhythm dies in Vietnam.

3. When Mr. Holland leads the school orchestra in a performance at his son's school for the deaf and signs John Lennon's Beautiful Boy and inserts his son's name in the lyric

4. The end where Mr. Holland leads the past students in his Opus.


Every stinking time I cry at those four points.  My oldest dd had a class in college where they watched the movie over several weeks.  I asked her to figure out where the four places I cry are and she nailed each of them :001_smile:


oh yeah. I blubber through that movie too.

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Mr. Holland's Opus

1. When they find out their son is deaf

2. When the young man who had no rhythm dies in Vietnam.

3. When Mr. Holland leads the school orchestra in a performance at his son's school for the deaf and signs John Lennon's Beautiful Boy and inserts his son's name in the lyric

4. The end where Mr. Holland leads the past students in his Opus.


Every stinking time I cry at those four points.  My oldest dd had a class in college where they watched the movie over several weeks.  I asked her to figure out where the four places I cry are and she nailed each of them :001_smile:


How could I forget this one. Cry every single time.


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mine are:


when Borimir dies in Fellowship of the Ring

Sam's speech towards the end of the Two Towers about the good in people

when they all bow down to the Hobbits in Return of the King


In the first Star Trek reboot when Kirks father sacrifices himself to save the crew

and later on the scene where Pike tells Kirk "your father was a starship captain for 12 minutes and he saved 800 people including your mother and yourself"


sci-fi and fantasy movies tend to be the only ones that I watch over and over again

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I cry at everything, but Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet kill me. I have seen both so many times and I cry every. single. time.


Once my kid was in a Shakespeare workshop and they did a kid version of Romeo and Juliet (they picked the play themselves) and the whole thing was done by children, had been condensed into a few scenes and I STILL cried when the parents lament over their poor daughter. I was so embarrassed.

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I must be a robot because as an adult I've never cried during a movie.  The only time I ever cried during a movie was as a child watching Of Mice and Men and they shoot the old dog in the back of the head.

I have a friend like that. She always says she must not be human because movies don't make her cry. I happen to know she's a lovely human. I imagine you are too. :)

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In The Big Parade when the son comes home missing a leg from the War (WWI) and his mother mentally sees him again as a child running to her on his two good legs. 


When the daughter gets married in Fiddler on the Roof and the song "Sunrise, Sunset" plays.  Oh, gosh, now I am tearing up thinking about it!

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We Were Soldiers - when all the guys left in the middle of the night to go on deployment. I know all too well how that feels.


The Patriot - when his youngest daughter that had stopped talking, suddenly breaks down and says that she will say anything if he doesn't leave. It gets me every time.

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Empire Of The Sun at the end when he reaches up and touches his mom's lipstick and hair. I love that movie. :crying:

There are other movies that make me cry too. This is just the first one that came to mind since I just watched it with my ds the other day.

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Terms of Endearment has a few scenes that make me cry but the one that stands out is when Aurora (Shirley McClaine) is screaming at the nurse to give Emma (Debra Winger)her pain medicine.



One night I was watching this movie for the umpteenth time in the middle of the night. I was bawling so hard that I woke my husband up and he came running because he thought one of the kids had died.

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steele magnolias.  when sally field loses it after her dd's funeral.


did you know that movie is 'biographical'?  it was written by Shelby's (Julia Roberts) brother so his nephew would know his mother.  then it was made into a play, and then a movie.  many years later after his nephew became an adult, he told him "your mother was so wonderful, it took Julia Roberts to play her."


I had no idea.

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I was just thinking about this last night! I am not much of a crier, but these movies always make me cry.


1.When Matthew dies in Anne of Green Gables.


2.When the dad drives away and his little girl chases after the car crying in Hope Floats.


3. When the mom (played by Sally Fields) loses it after her daughter dies (Julie Roberts) in Steel Magnolias.



1) The scene at the end of the English Patient when Ralph Fiennes character gets back to the cave and she has died.  

2) Many scenes in Schindler's List.

3) The end of Bridges of Madison County.  


I end up crying even when I'm reading the books English Patient and Bridges of Madison County.  Go figure.



All of these movies make me cry, with the exception that I cry all the way through the English Patient (there's something about the music) and An Affair to Remember when he visits her and he knows and she knows he knows. Also, an embarrassing list of children's movies, like Up and The Fox and the Hound.

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Ev. Ry. Thing. I cry at anything. Half the scenes in Little Women. The end of Cars when McQueen gives up his chance at the Piston Cup to be the hero. Most of Lord of the Rings, but especially the coronation scene where Aragorn sees Arwen -- I cry at it every time, because I'm just so happy that after all he went through, he got the girl in the end. (Yeah, I also can't watch the scene where Mulder and Scully kiss, with the baby between them, without crying either. I'm a sucker for a romantic relationship.)


We won't even discuss The Green Mile. I had read the book and knew what would happen at the end, and even in the theater, I just buried my face in DH's shoulder and sobbed and sobbed.

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Most of the ones listed get me. I specifically thought of Steel Magnolia's and Sally Fields in the cemetery when I first saw the thread. 

My Sister's Keeper - much of the movie, but the end (ugly cry)
Passion of the Christ - where Jesus is being beaten and the rest of the movie (ugly cry)

Rudy - when Rudy plays

Facing the Giants - the death crawl & the end

An Affair to Remember - when Nickie comes to Terry's house & discovers why she didn't make their meeting
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - when Aslan gives his life for the Pevensie children
The Blind Side - many scenes 

There are a million more. :)

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I'm so emotional all the time.  Happy or sad, it doesn't matter.  It started with Bambi and Dumbo when I was a kid and continues into adulthood.  A few years back, I helped some ladies in our church put on a dinner for one of our members-her mother had died and it was after the service.  I had never met her mother and yet, I found myself with tears welling at the service because of all the lovely stories they told about her.  :P  I'm such a sap.  Just reading these has me sniffing and eyes filling...

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Terms of Endearment has a few scenes that make me cry


I've never seen that movie. I have no idea why I've never seen it, but I know that it's one anyone my age should have seen. 




did you know that movie is 'biographical'?  it was written by Shelby's (Julia Roberts) brother so his nephew would know his mother.  then it was made into a play, and then a movie.  many years later after his nephew became an adult, he told him "your mother was so wonderful, it took Julia Roberts to play her."


I knew it had been a play first, but I didn't know it was based on real people.

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steele magnolias.  when sally field loses it after her dd's funeral.


did you know that movie is 'biographical'?  it was written by Shelby's (Julia Roberts) brother so his nephew would know his mother.  then it was made into a play, and then a movie.  many years later after his nephew became an adult, he told him "your mother was so wonderful, it took Julia Roberts to play her."


I didn't know this! 



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I've cried in a lot of movies, Schlinder's List, The Mission (about the Jesuit missionary in SA), The Seventh Seal (when Demi Moore dies having the baby), End of the Spear, and more than I could ever name. I'm amazed at how Pixar movies can move me so much. Two of my favorites are:


Up--all the Carl and Ellie stuff


Toy Story 3 when Andy is going off to college at the end



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that was an interesting interview to read.  bette davis would have been fabulous in oouiesa (and knowing her work, she'd probably have had lots of fun playing her) - but I think she'd be on the "too old" side.  (she would have been 90. she died in 1989.)


eta: the armadillo groom's cake was real (the red velvet was license.)

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I can't even watch the end of The Color Purple when Celie's adult children from Africa come back to America and meet Celie for the first time. It is horrible. I cry big ugly tears.

Also, The Joy Luck Club has a scene where one of the women kills a newborn but I can't remember exactly the context.


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