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Confession time LOL ... 10 things mom do at Target


Which are you willing to admit to?  

165 members have voted

  1. 1. How many of these will you admit to on a shopping trip to a Target (or similar store)?

    • 10. Circle the parking lot to get a prime spot, even though other reasonable ones are available.
    • 9. Buy a Starbucks before shopping. (maybe even plan the store you go to because of this)
    • 8. Decide to purchase shirt off the rack without trying on because your child is fussing.
    • 7. Used a receipt or other non-absorbant paper to try to clean a spill.
    • 6. Wish there was a mom merit badge system for when we stay strong (but still buy one of the three things they are asking for)
    • 5. Buy the exact same items every time in the grocery section. You like what you like.
    • 4. Buy more than you planned to buy, just because it is on sale, no matter how little.
    • 3. Buy random home decor items just because they are cute.
    • 2. Abandon items at checkout so you don't have to admit to the cashier you don't want it anymore.
    • 1. Lose track of spending and are surprised what you actually have to pay for that cart full of Cr*p.

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      10 things moms do at Target
Find yourself wandering the aisles, suddenly needing an owl-shaped candle while drinking a $5 latte? You're not alone, moms...
By dynamom1

9.. Upon entrance, make a beeline directly to the in-store Starbucks. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Instead, *spend* $200 buying a tall latte for yourself and a milk box and bag of Cheddar Bunnies for the kidlette.

8.. Head to clothing section. Consider a cute peplum top in slimming black, while kid complains in cart about how long it's taking to get to the toy section. Put peplum top into cart and hope it achieves its purpose in your wardrobe: to stylishly camouflage belly flab.

7. Set latte down in cart while contemplating new workout gear that will be worn for sitting on the couch. Sigh when kid spills latte with leg. Search for paper towels to no avail. 'Mop' up latte with Old Navy receipt found in handbag.

6. Arrive at toy section. Child wants 3 new Hot Wheels trucks. Enter into lengthy in-aisle discussion with child about how they need to appreciate the things they have and enjoy what they already own. Revel in glory from respected glances via other Hot Wheels Aisle Moms clearly struggling with same issue. Settle on one new truck for child, feel accomplished and await Good Mom Award or sash of some stripe.

.  Feel very frugal buying dog food on sale, even though it's only $.15 cheaper than normal. Put another bag into cart. Contemplate emailing TLC to be featured on Extreme Couponers because obviously this is talent, people.

4. . Find food section. Add the following: fruit chews, potato chips, Cheez-its, granola bars, peanut butter, frozen waffles, giant bag of mandarin oranges. Every. Time.

3. Browse housewares section for no apparent reason. Realize you really need an owl candle. And a citrus scented home fragrance diffuser. And that white lacquered tray.

2. Look at contents of cart. Experience momentary guilt about home décor purchases. Remove peplum shirt and set next to stackable crates. Consider buying a stackable crate.

1. Check out at the register. Feel simultaneously proud and horrified that you're spending $148. Realize your kid is still holding the Hot Wheels truck. Make that $152.


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In looking at that list, I can see my habits have changed. I no longer go to a store just to browse. I have a general idea of what I need and I look for those items only. The exception is grocery shopping. I shop with a list, but I might see a package of cookies that I decide I must have. I shop at Walmart and 2 grocery stores. One grocery store has Starbucks, but I don't buy a coffee when I'm shopping. I do stop in for the sole purpose of buying a coffee because the regular Starbucks is miles away. I used to go shopping just to browse. I'm not sure why I stopped but I guess it's good for my wallet. Stores probably don't like customers like me. And I don't have the patience to circle the parking lot. My DH does that and it drives me crazy. I can be in the store by the time he finds a spot closer to the door. He can run miles for exercise but he doesn't like to walk to the door from a far away spot. Weird!

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My friend calls Target the store with $100 cover charge. Even if you just go in for TP, you always end up spending $100. Which is why I avoid Target!


Costco is like that for me.  


I will go in to buy ONLY a $12 bag of pecans.  That's it.  That's all I need.


I come out with a blender, smoked salmon, shoes for DD, a few outfits for DS, socks for DH, new pillows, a chicken, and NO PECANS.  

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To the previous posters:  Your problems are easily fixed.  Simply move to a place where there is no Target and no Costco.  Voila!  Problem solved.


(Now, DO NOT ask me what happens to the budget when one heads off to the "big city."  But here is a pictorial:   :drool:  :w00t:  :eek: )

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4. Buy more than you planned to buy, just because it is on sale, no matter how little.


That is the only one I ever do.


I always park far away (exercise, and it's closest to the exit of the parking lot which in the end I find easiest).


^ Yep. This is me as well.

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I go to a store to buy stuff I need. I don't like shopping alone, but everyone I would go shopping with acts like being in a store for five minutes is a struggle so it is in and out. 


I also do most of my shopping on foot - even grocery shopping so once I know my backpack will be full shopping is done regardless of what else is one my list.


ETA: My mom likes to shop, I don't. She buys the vast majority of clothes for everyone in my family.

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I used to be more like the person who couldn't get out for under $100, but since taking and teaching Crown Financial, I am much more intentional in where my dollars go.


I no longer have little kids, rarely buy a Starbucks, and go to Target for convenience if I am in the area, otherwise I don't.

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I can't relate, either.  I apparently missed the gene that makes shopping fun and enjoyable.  For me it's just a chore to get done and over with as quickly and efficiently as possible.


I even managed to pick out my engagement ring and wedding by myself in less then five minutes, including sizing. 

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None for me either and I do like shopping very much (except for grocery shopping.)


However, when I "go shopping" I leave the kids home and have a goal in mind, so I don't get sidetracked by all the things on the poll. I already know ahead of time how much I'll be spending because I already know what I'm going to get. DH and are I kind of cheap so we don't impulse buy very often.


ETA: It's a cute article, even if it isn't me. I can understand someone enjoying their trip to Target and doing all those things. But I'm too methodical to be that kind of a carefree person.

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1 only. That's why I don't go often--a few times a year, I guess. (It's probably less than a mile from my house.) At least when I add things to a cart online I get to see a running total and it's easy to take stuff out!

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Explain to the 3 year old that I won't be getting one of the cool kids' car shopping carts, because I would have better luck maneuvering my minivan through the aisles than those things. 


Make it through the store without anybody having a meltdown and decide that I definitely need a mommy juice box (T-box of wine) for that night.  

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#5 - buy the same grocery items each time. I'll include clothing items in that it seems every time we go to Target dd gets a new pair of shoes too.


I don't shop much at Target but when I go I generally get the same items each time. Unless I'm looking for towels. Then I'll browse, though most of the time I still don't buy any.

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Costco is like that for me.  


I will go in to buy ONLY a $12 bag of pecans.  That's it.  That's all I need.


I come out with a blender, smoked salmon, shoes for DD, a few outfits for DS, socks for DH, new pillows, a chicken, and NO PECANS.


Wow... It's almost like we were separated at birth or something, because that's exactly what I do, too! :D

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Costco is like that for me.


I will go in to buy ONLY a $12 bag of pecans. That's it. That's all I need.


I come out with a blender, smoked salmon, shoes for DD, a few outfits for DS, socks for DH, new pillows, a chicken, and NO PECANS.

No pecans? That's when I start throwing my major grown-up tantrum. And no way can you go back to get some because then you're out another $200!!

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Oh, it's so bad.  1,2,3,4,5,7,8  


I like to park far away-exercise, plus less chance of an idiot parking too close to me and banging my car or making it practically impossible to actually get back into my car (this has happened more than once!).


I don't drink coffee (I loath coffee).


I refuse to be a slave to "Buy me this, please, please, PLEASE!"   I think THAT deserves a mom merit badge.

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I can relate to spending more than I thought, but that's about it.


I always park at the far end of parking lots. It's so much easier to get in and out of parking spaces, rarely are people walking behind your vehicle like in close spots, and it doesn't kill anyone in my family to add a few steps into our day - no matter what they'd like to believe. :)

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Costco is like that for me.  


I will go in to buy ONLY a $12 bag of pecans.  That's it.  That's all I need.


I come out with a blender, smoked salmon, shoes for DD, a few outfits for DS, socks for DH, new pillows, a chicken, and NO PECANS.


Costco is my budget's nemesis, for sure. :) And yep, I leave without the item I went for more than I care to admit - happens at regular grocery stores, too.



I can't relate, either.  I apparently missed the gene that makes shopping fun and enjoyable.  For me it's just a chore to get done and over with as quickly and efficiently as possible.

This is why I spend more than I anticipated. If I'm there I'm loading up so I can stay away longer! I loathe shopping.

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I can't really relate.  I do tend to spend a lot at Target, but it's only on things that I need and planned to buy ahead of time.  Sometimes I'm a little shocked at what it adds up to, but then remind myself that we really do need toilet paper, cat food, tampons, shampoo, baby wipes etc, and in this area they're all cheapest at Target, so...it is what it is.


Now, I wish that I could spend forever browsing the home wares section and toss everything that catches my fancy into the cart.  But I know that's a quick way to kill the budget, so I don't even go there... :p

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Nope.  I can't really relate to this one.



I can't relate, either.  I apparently missed the gene that makes shopping fun and enjoyable.  For me it's just a chore to get done and over with as quickly and efficiently as possible.


I'm in your club. 


We always park far away unless it's raining hard.  Exercise is good and close spots ought to belong to those who have physical problems walking.


I've NEVER been in a Starbucks and have no regrets. 


I'd never buy a shirt of the rack without trying it on - at any store.


Why would there be a spill in a store?


I never had problems with my kids in a store - and didn't bribe them either.


Many items I buy are the same, but not all, and I don't feel confined in what I choose to buy.


I buy on sale if it's a good deal AND I need (or want) it - not if I already have plenty at home or "just because."  Usually I know what's on sale as I checked the flyer.


I don't believe in random home decor items.  I see them as a waste of money and something that will have to be dusted or stored.  Occasionally I will buy a potted plant, but not because they are cute and I can't resist.


Abandoning things at the checkout used to annoy me when I worked at a store.  I can't fathom doing it myself.  A little exercise returning the item to where it belongs is a good thing.


I usually have a really good idea of how much I've spent at a store.


So... I can't relate at all.

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I don't spend money recreationally so I don't really see any my own behaviours on that list.  I am in and I get what I need and I am out. And I really don't ever bring my kids into box stores. I would rather go at 8pm then have to bring my kids along. Blech.


I was actually just thinking I should make my oldest go along with me or his dad grocery shopping or he will have zero idea how to do it when he is in college.

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I've done 8 and 4 through 1. Though random decor stuff just means storage baskets for me or sheets or something that we need but not urgently. I never did this stuff before shopping with three small kids but anyone who can do a running tally as they go with a fretting baby and gabbling two year old plus a five year old who doesn't want to walk is totally amazing.

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They forgot about putting shampoo and lotion under the infant carrier so the toddler couldn't play with them and then forgetting about them and walking out the store without paying for them, only to discover them after you had put all the rest of your things in the trunk, buckled both toddlers into their car seats and then picked up the infant carrier. I did that a couple of times. I was too tired to go in at the time and pay for the items, but I did mention the mistake the next time I went in and paid for said items.

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I basically quit Target and switched to Meijer a few years ago - when I had a 2yo and a baby.  At Target, the special carts with a seat for the 2yo to ride *had a stupid piece of plastic closing up the leg holes in the baby seat*.  I tried to shop there a couple of times with the infant on my back, but that made my arches and hips hurt.  So I switched to Meijer, because they had carts with a toddler seat and still had a *functioning* infant seat.   I let Target know why I switched....their carts were clearly designed by someone who has never in their life tried to shop with an infant and a 2 yo. 


I do just as much impulse shopping at Meijer.  

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