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Raise your hand if you gave up on schoolwork this week.


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I had great plans of continuing all of our math and reading this week while finishing up all the loose ends in other subjects.  We had some science projects and reports that had been put off.  We managed to do most of our math and a tiny bit of science, but it took so much effort to keep excited children focused that I finally gave up.  I guess I'll spend today doing the housework, wrapping, and decorating.that I've put off.  Anyone else?

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Guilty as charged! Did some earlier in the week, but not we're totally checked out. We had tickets for 3 (!?) daytime shows this week, so that's educational right!? 2 based on children's holiday books and one was The Christmas Carol on stage. Literary too! :)

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Yeah.  I had great plans but too many distractions and a kid getting sick pushed me over the edge.  Honestly, we've had so much sickness and so many unintended breaks this year that I don't like it.  But that's our life this year. 


We do need to finish out a Coursera nanotechnology course.  That will get done.  And reading goes on anyway, much of it productive.


ETA: I was feeling really badly until I talked with some teachers at church.  Even in the high schools, the last week before break is filled with so much other activity (programs, etc.) that they don't get much academic work done.  One teacher said she hates this week because the extra activities put the kids out of sorts and crabby.   So they're not getting work done, and they're a pain to be around.  (This is not someone who is old and sick of teaching, btw.  Young gal, loves her work, really enthusiastic teacher.)  So, guilt mostly gone.

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We were supposed to have Christmas School this week, plus some extra math.


And then the dreaded stomach virus hit. Actually, it started before Thanksgiving, and despite my best efforts with the bleach, it was still going around this week.


So I gave up on everything. Well, except for baking and cooking and wrapping presents and running to the grocery store a zillion times. But something had to give, and since we can do school anytime, but there are only so many days left until Christmas, school went right out the window.

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We were supposed to finish today, but my 16 yo DD has had the flu.  She only started feeling better yesterday.  That along with the general craziness during this time of year caused me to give up on any structured work for both her and my 13 DD.  Next year, I'm going to schedule stopping the week before the week before Christmas so I don't feel I've failed. 

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Wait, we were supposed to do schoolwork this week??


Actually, we did a LITTLE bit. But Wednesday my daughter was wiped out after a field trip, then yesterday my husband took the day off unexpectedly,

and today we were supposed to go on a field trip. However, today ds reveals to me he's been having nausea off and on for several days, so I decided to keep

us home from said field trip. Kids will stay home today but no school since I don't have any planned, and I'll be running errands.


Schoolwork? What schoolwork?

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We normally take all of December off but this year we were pretty far behind so I planned to do school right up to today.  Well.....we've been off all of December.  :glare:


To make things worse I still, even without doing school,  haven't had time to do all of the December traditions I usually like to do like baking, crafts, reading Christmas stories, going to see the lights around town, making gifts...ugh.  This has unfortunately been a very Bah Humbug Christmas this year. However, I'm hoping to be able to salvage it come Monday...IF I GET OFF OF HERE AND GET MY BEHIND IN GEAR! :auto:

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I decided last week that we would start our Christmas break a week early so we could do some more fun things. Instead we have spent the whole week taking turns puking. :ack2: Now it is Friday and I haven't gotten anything done this week. Looks like I will be up late wrapping tonight.

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Ds10 has done math (TT) every day and has read (each day) two chapters of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. That's it.


Ds7 has done a TINY bit of math and a TINY bit of reading (to me). Not enough to speak of. 


There's way too much going on! Unfortunately, I'm the one who is busy and they are watching too much TV and are bickering like crazy. Note to self: order hundreds of time-consuming Oriental trading Christmas crafts next year.

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I finally gave up today. We've had two separate week-long trips in the past 5 weeks, one planned (business + family vacation) and one rather unexpected (my father passed away and we're 1000 miles from my hometown, where the memorial service was help). I thought I'd do some formal school on both trips... won't waste brain even thinking about that for a few more years at least. We did learn things both places, so not a complete bust.


Trying to get back into our routine between the trips (which included Thanksgiving week), while I was trying to help Mom with as much as i could long distance was marginally successful. We got back from the 2nd trip just the other day, I've got a whopper of a head cold, Christmas gifts aren't even all bought much less wrapped. We may get a tree this afternoon.


So.... yeah... today I am lying on the couch doing the minimum required to keep children alive today. Not expecting much more from the next week.

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:seeya:  Count me in! I thought I was going to have a light week with just reading and math with dd since ds had finals this week. But between his weird school schedule and just trying to get stuff done . . . we got nothing done at home school-wise. :tongue_smilie:

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We didn't do all that badly...for a change!


I planned 5 days of school and we completed 4. I call that good enough :)


We will certainly not be trying to get any done next week, though! My husband has the entire week off (paid vacation - woohoo!) and we will be focusing on family and Christmas. And it is a much needed break! Yay!

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Yup. If we weren't so behind I wouldn't feel a bit guilty.


We didn't take off because we are behind and I don't think I would enjoy the vacation knowing that. In fact, ds will be doing one more day of school tomorrow. Yes, on a Saturday! My dh has to go in to work, and then he will be off until after New Year's. We decided that if he was working, we had best squeeze one more day of school work in, and then we will take off with no guilt.


(It's not all work and no play, by any means. We have several days in January and two weeks in February of scheduled vacation. That's why we have to keep working right now for a bit!)

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