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Urgent Prayer Request for DS


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Praying that all goes smoothly with your ds and praying for provision for all of your needs. I'm so sorry you have that headache on top of the health concerns. 


When my sister had her transplant, she had rotating caregivers. It is true that she needed someone with her 24/7, but it was sometimes her dh, sometimes a friend, most family members took a turn. I think it was nice for her and also nice for the rest of us to get some quality time with her and feel like we were doing something to help.

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I am so hoping for strength and healing for your son and stamina and financial ease for all of you.  :grouphug:


I truly hope the transplant unit did not seriously say your ds needed the SAME caregiver 24-7 through transplant.  I used to volunteer in a transplant unit and family was recommended to take respite by family life regularly.  I urge all of you to take care of yourselves too and allow others to help you however they can.  I know not dozens of people can serve as an advocate and caregiver in the hospital, but having a few people able to "trained" to handle that role might be a good idea even if your DH is the primary caregiver.


So many well wishes coming at you.  :grouphug:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Hive Members,

I want to thank you all for your prayers and for the financial help you so kindly offered earlier this month. Our hearts were deeply touched with your generosity, and with your selfless desire to help. What a blessing you have been! I stand in awe at your wonderful kindness to us.

This has been a busy week with more traveling for more mandated medical meetings and tests. Our heads are swimming with all that there is to consider. I will try to do a more appropriate update before long.

I am on a work computer, so must keep this short. My family and I just wanted to be sure you knew how thankful and appreciative we are to you. Our prayer is that God would mightily bless each of you and your families.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update; I am on borrowed computer time.


The two days of meetings and testing went well, but were overwhelming.



All the test results came back very good, which means ds is in the best possible position for transplant - the “only†thing wrong is the leukemia. None of his major organs (heart, lungs, etc.) show any damage from all the previous chemo and radiation.



The information in the meetings was overwhelming. We met with the head doctor and learned many more nitty-gritty details - and it is going to be VERY hard on everyone, but especially on ds.  Encouraging news from this doctor (as opposed to the last one we saw) is that he put survivability at 60-80% and higher (the 80%-plus being for patients from households of faith).



Ds signed the paperwork, but said he reserved the right to change his mind; said, with the new info, he needed time to think about it, pray about it, and talk with pastor. The doctor was actually good with this and commended him for not rushing this major decision. Ds needs to be “all there†and they would rather he be sure now, than to have doubts later.



Since the paperwork wasn’t yet complete (on their end), that gave ds more time to study and pray on it. He has not reached a final decision, but appears to be leaning towards it. (His conversation, for example, will begin with, "When I'm in the hospital ..." - or - "Mom, have you thought about such-and-such during the time dad and I are gone ..." - or - "If thus-and-such happens while I'm away ..." - or - "I need to take care of this now since I won't be here for ..." - etc.)  However, he has some additional questions, based on info this doctor provided and also has a slightly modified time line that he wants to present to the doctor.



Dh and I actually think ds’ time line is preferable - it “feels†more right. Just not sure how the doctor will take it.


In the meantime, ds continues to live and do and be, and to do things the doctors say he shouldn’t be able to do - like chopping down trees with an ax, or working up wood both with a chainsaw and an ax, and a myriad of other activities (mostly outdoors). He seems to be trying to put a lot of living into each day . . . as if he's storing it up for later when so many things won't be allowed . . .   It is God’s grace and mercy that is keeping him. Now, ds needs peace over the stem cell transplant overall, and God’s continued intervention as well as guidance.



As far as jobs/finances go, there have been no changes, except that another month is now upon us.



I don’t know if I am so much “holding onto†as I am “clinging to - grasping onto†the only One Who has all the answers.



My apologies for the delay in getting this update posted. Please know that your prayers and good thoughts are MUCH appreciated, and that there are times when we/I can feel them holding us up and helping us to carry on. 


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  • 1 month later...

Just a quick update - still using borrowed computers.


Ds made the prayerful and conscientious decision to reenter 
the hospital Monday, September 22, for another week’s 
round of chemo. This “booster†round is to keep him in remission until 
January. (His last chemo was four months ago). Staying in remission is

imperative if he plans to do the transplant.  Still no definitive decision

other than he is still leaning towards January - the doctors

are good with this, especially since he opted to have this round of chemo.

In the meantime, he continues to live and do and be; still confounding 

the doctors with all he is doing.  He still needs peace over the stem cell transplant

overall, and God’s continued intervention and guidance.

We greatly appreciate your prayers for us. This is a very hard 
situation and, as you know, has been compounded by other demanding


My apologies for the delay in getting this update posted. Please know 
that we greatly appreciate your prayers!  We continue to hold on to the

only One Who has all power.


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