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Anyone Else Pretty Much Ignoring They Need To Start School?


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I've got materials but.....I'm just not into it.  Heaven knows the kids won't start any sooner than they are forced to.  PS begins here next Monday and I usually try to mirror their schedule because #3 is in PS (a senior, yeah!) but I'm just not feeling it this year.  I'm considering just hitting math and LA and unschooling the rest for awhile.  Maybe I'll develop some enthusiasm.  Maybe.  I hope. 

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Oh rats.  You mean after one graduates we still have to school the others? :leaving:


I'm kinda in denial about the upcoming year.  Money's been tight- still need to order a few books. We normally start after Labor Day, but Diamond starts college next monday...  I'm considering starting the younger two earlier thn sual so our breaks canline up with hers- even though she'll be living at home. It will save twoo weeks in August and two weeks in December of having someone whining that it stinks that they have to do school when the other doesn't. We normally take a very short Christmas break, and one day for Thanksgiving, just to have that LONG summer break. I do have enough books to get started- Math & Science, plus a little bit of Language Arts stuff. Blech- better get off my butt and rework my plans. :glare:

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I am dragging this year.  We don't start until after Labor Day but this is when I am normally planning and organizing.  I am just emotionally drained dealing with dh's health issues and I am trying to drum up the enthusiasm I need for the new year. 

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Oldest started history since an online class started, and is sort of, not enthusiastically doing some math over the summer. Youngest has done diddly. Everything is planned, but I can't quite get myself to finish setting up notebooks and final stuff.


We didn't get much down time this summer, maybe that is why?

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I've been avoiding it.  In order to help myself avoid it, I've taken on some big home projects.  I've repainted and totally re-purposed a room in the house.  I'm about to repaint another section, and I've been setting up a new laptop (which is for school, but I'm pretending a my new toy. :) )


Next week I need to look over materials and creating working plans, but I don't want to do it.  My kids don't want to start school either, so we are all in agreement.  My ds8 told me he wasn't doing school this year, and that I can't make him.  So he should be real fun to work with in the coming weeks.  

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Yes. lol


And to not throw our whole year off, I have to start by the 19th. I thought I would be all into planning and organizing so our days go more smoothly, but I just haven't done nearly as much as I was planning on doing by this point. :(

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We're planning to start Monday.  I have all our materials.  The kids are already reading through their library books on Ancient Egypt, so maybe they'll finish up their first week before we start :).  It was a relief when I realized that my senior will only be doing 2 classes "at home" this year - economics and physical science - both with his younger sister who is just starting 9th grade.  Everything else is in tutorials or community college.


Then of course, I have new things starting on Monday for me personally as well which will likely take all my focus and so I'm expecting the first few weeks to be fairly :willy_nilly: .  I'm spending the next few days getting dinners in the freezer so at least we will have regular meals.


Just realized I forgot to set up the new year with our umbrella.  Oops. 

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We will hopefully start September 3rd.   I however, have yet to order anything.  I've never done this in homeschooling.  I always have my stuff by June, but I just couldn't decide on what we were going to do this year.   Basically, I'm in panic mode.  :scared:  :eek:  :banghead:

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School doesn't start for another 2 weeks here. And, then my older daughter is coming for a 2 week visit. Since there is no way my kids are going to voluntarily start before the public school kids are forced back, it looks like we probably won't dig in until mid September. We're working on math all summer long, so at least it's not a total wash. I may have them start doing some literature/reading just 'cause I can.  ;)

But actual, real, every  day school won't start until everyone recovers from DD's visit.

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We've got over 30 days in. We school year round and started in June.


However...I still haven't filed last year's work and I still only feel kind of halfway prepped for this year. We're trying an unschoolish year, so ds is responsible for a lot and I'm backing off some...but I really should deal with the binder and papers sitting in the middle of my office....and set up the notebook for this year....


So I'm all for denial ;)

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We started! They're doing math pretty much every day!


I'm totally ignoring the rest.


This is the year we have to register DD. I'm not sure if we have to do it before the start of the school year or when she turns 7 (one month later). I suppose I should just go ahead and do that.

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We will start after Labor day when local PS does. I'm trying my darndest to come out my happy place full of denial to do some planning. I did a few things today, but I'm enjoying denial again. So I'll just back myself right out of this thread. ;)

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I've received all my boys' materials last week before I'm done de-cluttering. Kids officially start this coming monday, Aug 12 for school. They have been doing some schoolwork to get back into rhythm.

Now back to more de-cluttering as older cannot find one of his small backpack.

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I haven't even begun to think about planning for school, never mind actually Start!


Of course, we are moving this weekend, so school hasn't even been on my radar to think about until after next week. 


After reading the OneNote thread, I did download Growly to use for planning just a few minutes back.  I haven't even opened it yet, but again...after next week and all the unpacking is done, I'll think about it.


Oh, plus I signed up for the Stanford math course...but haven't started IT yet, either.


Hmm, maybe I'll be ready to start school sometime around Thanksgiving.  LOL :D  Just kidding... I hope.

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We normally start the first week of August, but with the whole move thing going on, we couldn't.  We have been doing a light summer session, but haven't actually started with the 6th grade materials (I have them all except math).  I don't know when we'll be able to start, and it's freaking me out.  Why did we have to move in August????  Stupid Army.  

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I have no intensions of starting until we get the girls off to college. No way ds would get anything done with all of his sisters not having school! Instead, he is securing a job lifeguarding for next summer. All of the regular guards (hired no new this summer) have started back to school, and he has been hired to fill in. Now that he is on the books, he is in for next year.

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I school year round.  I will say after this past time I took a break it was extremely difficult for me to motivate myself to start up again.  Things have been going pretty well though.  The first few days were ROUGH.


Yeah, I decided to let mine take a month off.  I didn't realize how much *I* needed a break.  


I am dreading Monday - which is when we start back up again.  I'm so unprepared, I still have some curriculum I need to buy.   :cheers2:

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Oh rats.  You mean after one graduates we still have to school the others? :leaving:



This sums me up.  I've got to find the fun- I've got my very last kindergarten year ahead of me then, "I will diminish, and go into the West, and remain Galadriel"

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DS is still doing his summer writing. He asked to start lit and science early but I told him no because I'm not ready for him to start yet. I did tell him he could go ahead and start back on grammar if he wants.  LOL


Maybe I'll work to get everything finished up so he can start next week.

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We're not going to start until mid-September. So no guilt there, LOL.


Buuuuuuut, I really should be doing more work to get prepped, KWIM? I'm excited about the new materials, just not about all the work it'll be to put in our year and get the work done. And my kids are only going into 1st & 3rd! :)

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This sums me up.  I've got to find the fun- I've got my very last kindergarten year ahead of me then, "I will diminish, and go into the West, and remain Galadriel"


Yeah, see... I don't understand how you do it, with kids at all points on the age range. A graduate or two, a few high schoolers, a few middlers, and a K'er? My hat is off to you! How do you start over again and again? That is brave, IMO.


All girls, 1st, 1st, and 3rd. That's what I can manage, LOL!


Enjoy your last little K'er. :)

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Yes, I was ignoring it for the most part because I don't have the money to buy the materials I wanted.  :nopity: I finally realized I will just have to rework it, bought two inexpensive books I could not get along without, and will probably churn out some lesson plans this weekend.

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Schools here get out mid-July (DS6's school got out 22 July in fact). We're then in "yay summer vacation!" mood, go to the States for the holiday and are promptly confronted with back-to-school sales everywhere we go! Drives me nuts. The B&M dcs start 9 Sept and my hs'd dcs will start then too.

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Should we have a slacker moms forum? I was doing so well - all material bought, most of it here now. Math and LA planned (those are so easy, take total lessons and divide by x days). Then...I tried to hit science. Got bogged down. Switched to history. Ditto. Now I'm just hanging out on the boards a lot, trying to get inspired.

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Should we have a slacker moms forum? I was doing so well - all material bought, most of it here now. Math and LA planned (those are so easy, take total lessons and divide by x days). Then...I tried to hit science. Got bogged down. Switched to history. Ditto. Now I'm just hanging out on the boards a lot, trying to get inspired.



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Oh rats.  You mean after one graduates we still have to school the others? :leaving:




I felt like that last year, and it hasn't got much better.  My oldest did great her first year at college.  But I remember when we dropped her off last year, I let out a sigh, and thought, "I'm done."  Of course, I have 4 more at home.   :tongue_smilie:

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I feel so much better! We start right after Labor Day, but I have nothing bought, nothing planned, NOTHING thought through.



Whew! I am ahead of someone. I was required to turn in a list of classes at the end of last year. I should have everything around here since he is #4. I have to find it at some point. I do hope we still have it....

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I school year round.  I will say after this past time I took a break it was extremely difficult for me to motivate myself to start up again.  Things have been going pretty well though.  The first few days were ROUGH.

We took five weeks off.   We normally school year round and never take a long break like that.   

The first week was rough.      How do school teachers manage 30 kids with a whole summer off?  lol

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In fact, I'm sitting here thinking I should really do something -- copy something, plan something. Maybe it's starting my 14th year, but I'm just feeling blah. So much of what I planned in the past never panned out as planned anyway.


But, I will make myself do something to plan for the next hour.

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One more week before we start.........went out and got school supplies at Target today, the last of what we need. Posted our schedule to the fridge. I was still hoping to do more planning of our actual days, but I might just have to wing it again this year. Math is open and go, but I was really wanting to make a detailed plan for the other stuff. The only subject I did that for was English for my oldest. This is so time-consuming and not at all friendly for my ADD brain.

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Gaah.  I just realized I haven't planned out world history for DIL yet.  She's not doing the same thing DS did b/c she wants to fast track it and get it done before the holidays.  Going to have to go thread hunting now...  I swear I really need to make a bookmark folder for *just* WTM threads in it!

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I have not been ignoring it. I have been in a downright freaked out panic!! My dh and kids, they are ignoring. I am tired and haven't even begun....sigh. Everyone here is on slow summer schedule...stay up late, sleep in.....ME???? I am in GET UP!!! Mode.


Anyway, we were supposed to start today, and I just do NOT have it in me to even go there. I know this year is going to be downright torture before we even start....my little guys have developed som bad habits and my teen girl has never been easy.


I think I will t

Ate my wine and my chocolate and hide in my room. 👀

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Ignore, ignore - one is off for college semester in Spain so I'm sending the high schooler to Germany to live with my host family of many years ago. He'll be back in a couple of months. I tell myself I'll have it all sorted out when he comes back. ha ha

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