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Do you sleep the whole night through?


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I can't remember how I slept before I had kids.  I know I slept better than I do now, though.   :lol:   I seem to wake up a lot and then have a hard time getting back to sleep.  It's no wonder I'm so tired all the time!  My kids sleep the night through, but I still wake up every couple hours it seems.  Is this normal or should I not be waking up?

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I'm probably not the best one to reply. When I sleep I generally sleep 7-9 hours straight through. Sometimes depending on how long it has been since I slept I'll sleep 10-12 hours. Last night I shut out the lights at 11:30 I woke up about 6 thn went right back to sleep. Woke up at 7 when the alarm went off then woke up at7:45 because I have a million things to do today.

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I am the opposite.  I usually wake up at least a couple of times a night, sometimes to go to the bathroom, sometimes if dh is snoring, sometimes for no reason.  But I  fall back asleep instantly.  I do think what you experience, with the difficulty falling back asleep, is more typical.  I haven't always been able to fall back asleep like this, just in the past 4-5 years or so.  It's something to be very thankful for!

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Before I had kids, I slept through the night without any problems.  Now I wake up several times a night....sometimes because a kid wakes up, sometimes to nurse the baby, sometimes because I just do.  I have a hard time falling back asleep.  I'm hoping that eventually I'll get a solid night of sleep again....someday....maybe....but my hopes are not high.  

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If I don't drink too much before bed, I often sleep the night through.


When I am exercising every day, it's almost every night that I sleep all night.



We run 2 fans in the bedroom, one for sound, one to keep it cool. I sleep better if it's fairly cool and dh sleeps better if the fan drowns out any possible sound. (because I have the audacity to breathe at night.)

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I cannot remember the last time I slept through a night. I'm sure it's been years.


I almost always get up at least once to use the restroom. Pets wake me up. Dh wakes me up. Pain in my hips or knees or back wakes me up.


I set an alarm for most mornings, but it usually goes off while I'm having my cup of warmth.


I do get to take an occasional afternoon nap these days, which is wonderful.

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I have trouble winding down and getting to sleep, but once I'm out I don't wake up during the night (tho some nights there's not much of it left by the time I drift off!). However, if I wake up after daybreak because dh is noisy early, it's hard to get back to sleep, even if I know I need another hour or two.

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Sleep through the night? What's that like? For me, it has nothing to do with kids - my youngest are 12. I wake up several times a night, toss and turn, finally go back to sleep. The only time I seem to sleep well is after I get up with dh to get his lunch (between 5 and 6 am) if I go back to bed. Then I could sleep soundly until 10:00. During school time I have a real fight not going back to bed. I do sometimes take a nap in the afternoon. It does take a toll on the body, though.

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No. No way. I wish. I am co-sleeping and, as expected, wake every 2-4 hours. It's amazing that one can stay in bed for 8 hours and still wake up so exhausted. He's been waking more recently (he's 8 weeks) so it makes me nervous. I was stuck in a rut with my now-5yo for his first year where he started waking every 1-2 hours. I never want to go through that again :( It took a huge toll on me.

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No. I get up to check on my type 1 dd.


Sometimes I can go right back to sleep, sometimes I toss and turn. If I've had lots of toss and turn nights I will take a Benadryl and that will help me to get back to sleep and stay asleep. It's the only way I can feel somewhat refreshed in the morning.

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No, I don't. And I'm even on a sleep medication. It's very frustrating, especially because I get up and start eating.

I thought I was the only one who woke up and was hungry. I don't sleep through the night, but I'm not tired the next day. I find that if I don't eat much between meals during the day, I am less likely to wake up hungry. The problem is that I'm a snacker, so it's difficult not to snack during the day, especially the evenings.

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I wake up several times a night.  Sometimes I easily get back to sleep.  Other times I toss and turn.   Last night was a tossing/turning night.


I've read that it is not uncommon in menopausal women.  :glare:


Sadly, this :crying: . When I have something major going on, like dd's recent wedding, I can fall asleep easily because I am exhausted but wake up several hours later and toss and turn because my mind just won't shut down. Then after the event is over it takes awhile for my body to get back to normal. I'm just getting there now and dd's wedding was over 2 months ago. I never sleep the whole way through the night. Always wake up at some point and sometimes can fall right back asleep and sometimes not. It can be very frustrating. 

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Oh, my doc did tell me that the symptom most commonly reported by his nearing menopause patients is disturbed sleep. He said that it sneaks up on us because we are looking for hot flashes and traditionally obvious things, but often write off poor sleep to other causes.

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It often takes me a long time to fall asleep at night, but once I am asleep, I usually can sleep straight through.  Although, I will go in cycles it seems where I won't because I wake up to go to the bathroom.  If I'm in a cycle like that, it's always around 3-3:30 that I wake up to go.  I often am able to fall back asleep quickly.  


Being able to fall asleep at night has been an issue my entire life.  :(

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I didn't sleep well at all when I was younger.  I took me hours and hours to fall into a restless sleep, no matter how early/late I went to bed, how tired (or not) I was, etc.  And then there were the baby/young kid years when sleep was a very rare commodity.  But in the past five years or so (I'm 50 now) I've slept the best I ever have in my life.  So obviously the pre-menopausal sleep issues don't happen to everybody.  At the most I get up once during the night, stumble to the bathroom and then go right back to sleep.  I feel *very* fortunate to be able to get a good night's sleep.  I do think some regular aerobic exercise helps a lot, as well as having a regular pre-bedtime routine.

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I come from a family who don't sleep  a lot I was a minimal sleep needer pre-children  but I slept solidly when asleep. A few years ago a bout of depression seemed to destroy my ability to sleep. I now struggle to fall asleep, I have to sleep with an audiobook on all night. I wake up about twice usually sometimes a lot more. I think I need more sleep to function now than I did and I love a day time nap which I would never have done pre kids. It may be that I am just in constant make up mode.

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Sigh.  What is this thing called "good sleep"?  Last night (for example), I was in bed at my normal time.  I had already taken two different meds for sleep (my usual).  I read a bit and got sleepy.  I turned off my book light.  And could not sleep.  I tossed for over an hour - tried opening a window and turning up the fan in case I was hot (my internal thermostat is broken so I can't always tell).  No go.  I finally figured out that I was in pain and took pain meds.  (Which sounds weird but I can't always tell if I'm pain either.)  And had an unsatisfying sleep until my dh woke me at 7:30.  But I was so tired still that I went back to sleep until 9 am.  

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Nope. Not since I had my first dd. And she is 19 now. My youngest is 14. I do all the right things - my room is completely dark and cool, I run a fan for noise (otherwise every single tiny noise wakes me up), I exercise every day, I don't eat too close to bedtime, no electronics for quite a while before bed, and I go to bed and get up at the same times every day. It has been particularly bad since my hysterectomy a year and a half ago. I wake up burning up, throw off the covers until I am freezing, then cover back up and repeat the cycle over and over all night long. I do take Benadryl and melatonin most nights. If not, I get no sleep at all. It is miserable and driving me crazy.

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Yes.  I sleep well.  I stay up pretty late (always been a night owl), but I really need 8 hours of sleep when I can.


The only time I wake up is if I need to go to the bathroom.  I hate that, but it's hard to increase fluid intake and not urinate more frequently. ;)


I do know that working out consistently makes me need my rest more, and I always relax for over an hour before falling asleep.  I'm usually in bed watching a show (sometimes Criminal Minds, so not exactly relaxing shows LOL).


I have heard epsom salt baths help.

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No. My youngest is 2 1/2 and still wakes quite often. Even on the nights he sleeps through, it takes me forever to fall asleep and then I wake often and have a hard time falling back asleep. He woke every 1-2 hours for so long that I'm ruined for sleep now. I can't remember the last time I fell asleep and slept for more than 3-4 hours at a stretch. I'm always tired and drag through the days, so I hope that as he gets older I'll get better at sleeping through the night again because being rested sounds like the greatest gift ever to me now.

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Oh, my doc did tell me that the symptom most commonly reported by his nearing menopause patients is disturbed sleep. He said that it sneaks up on us because we are looking for hot flashes and traditionally obvious things, but often write off poor sleep to other causes.

This is what I think I'm experiencing. I have never had any trouble sleeping but in the last year or so I've started noticing how much I wake up, toss and turn. I've started taking a half of a Benadryl at night in the hopes I rest well.


I feel like I'm too young (39) to be in perimenopause but maybe not.


Elise in NC

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