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Update on my "morbidly obese" son

Sara in AZ

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I just want to post a follow up about our progress and thank everyone who posted on my thread about my son and his weight. All the comments with suggestions and support were appreciated and really helped me to take an objective look at the situation. As a result, I have had the confidence to make a few tweaks to our diet and work in a bit more exercise. And guess, what? He was down ten pounds last week! While I don't want either of us to get hung up on numbers, I am immensely encouraged that our hard work is paying off and we are headed in the right direction. He's noticed that his pants aren't as tight. :- )


In case it helps anyone else...just a few things I've changed:


* I realized that even though I bring home 90% really good food from the grocery store, he tended to hone in on the 10% not so good. So I closed up some loopholes. No more bread, no more cold cereal, no more boxed mac 'n' cheese. He's now actually eating more of the healthy foods I do make because there's no plan B.


* I've always made a menu plan for dinners for the week before I head to the grocery store, but I've started planning out every breakfast, lunch, and snack. Not leaving breakfast and lunch up to chance has made a big difference. He's been eating a lot more protein since the simple carbs aren't around. It keeps him filled up longer, and he hasn't even been complaining about it! (He still wants to eat four cheese sticks in a row....but baby steps here.)


* Taking advantage of the good weather and getting out on our bikes more, playing tag at the park as a family more often, taking every opportunity to get out and be active.


* Monitoring him more closely when we're at social events so he doesn't have a dessert free for all.


* Just talking, talking, talking about labels and serving sizes and nutrients in various foods, etc.


And we haven't totally cut out family treats. But I have been substituting a lot to make them healthier. And fewer and farther between.


Anyway, I just wanted to share our success and thank everyone who helped encourage me to try harder. It's made a difference!

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Congrads! It is so hard when you or a loved one are overweight. I am now down 25 lbs since the middle of December and it has taken diet and exercise. The last 3-4 lbs have come off because of me not feeling well the last couple of days though. Keep working at it and it will come off

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That is great. Our new foster son is 11, about 4'10" and wears men's size 36 pants and x-large shirts. We are trying to make small changes here as well and his exercise level has greatly increased which is good. I don't want to make it a huge focus as he has had a lot of trauma in his life recently but more of a "healthy lifestyle" thing.

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Sometimes changes like that leave us mommas in tailspins,more confused than anything. You are awesome for getting all that done.





That is so true!


Sara, I was so impressed by how graciously you handled all of the comments in your first thread about your ds's weight, but I must say that I am even more impressed by how quickly you made changes in your lifestyle to help your son. I think it is absolutely wonderful, and your son is very lucky to have you as his mom! :hurray:


Thanks for posting the inspirational update!

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Wow, what a great way to start my day! It has been a lot of work on my part to the sacrifice of other things, and we still have room for improvement.. But priorities are priorities, and habits formed now can make a for a better life later. I am thrilled to see how quickly we have seen measurable improvement, though.

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Great job!


So, what are you serving for lunch these days?


Lunch is the toughest meal, for sure. I don't want to have to take a lot of time making it, but my kids aren't great about eating left overs. My son used to love sandwhiches, but now no bread. I've started making various easy soups, and I've gotten him to eat salad as a meal with lots of good add ins..chicken, eggs, avacado, and a yummy homemade dressing. We met some friends for a picnic at the park last week, and I wasn't sure what to pack for lunch. So I took rice cakes and nutbutter and we made sandwhiches with two rice cakes with sunflowerseed butter and sliced bananas in between. The kids really liked that. We've also been making rice bowls at least once a week with brown rice and beans seasoned with chili powder and sprinkled with cheese and various veggies, and maybe some chicken. And to be completely truthful, I have made homemade macaroni and cheese a few times with rice pasta and a homemade sauce. I try to have lots of cut up veggies and fruit available, too.

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Honestly for lunch you might make your own "lunchables". I used to do that for my oldest who had portion control issues. Some veggies, crackers, lunch meats in a plastic container with the idea that this is lunch in a bucket, lol. She liked it a lot. I used to put a note in it sometimes for a surprise.

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Lunch is the toughest meal, for sure. I don't want to have to take a lot of time making it, but my kids aren't great about eating left overs. My son used to love sandwhiches, but now no bread. I've started making various easy soups, and I've gotten him to eat salad as a meal with lots of good add ins..chicken, eggs, avacado, and a yummy homemade dressing. We met some friends for a picnic at the park last week, and I wasn't sure what to pack for lunch. So I took rice cakes and nutbutter and we made sandwhiches with two rice cakes with sunflowerseed butter and sliced bananas in between. The kids really liked that. We've also been making rice bowls at least once a week with brown rice and beans seasoned with chili powder and sprinkled with cheese and various veggies, and maybe some chicken. And to be completely truthful, I have made homemade macaroni and cheese a few times with rice pasta and a homemade sauce. I try to have lots of cut up veggies and fruit available, too.




Thanks for the reply. I do rely on sandwiches nearly every day. I do feel better about it now that we use Dave's Good Seed bread, but it is still bread. My lunch is complicated by the fact that DS11 can't have any fresh fruit except grapes and melon due to having OAS. Everything else has to be cooked/canned in some way.

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