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Having my dog put down today.


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I am so sad. The yellow lab in my avatar pic has been my friend and companion for 15 years. She has had major trouble standing and walking the last couple days. She can't get outside without help. DH dug her grave last night and we're going to the vet this morning. This is really hard.


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We will be facing that day sooner rather than later. Our dog is now 14. She is a mixed breed but on the larger side so we are thrilled that we've had her this long. I dread the day when we are faced with this. Hugs to you and your family.


Elise in NC

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II am so sorry. My poodle is/was 12 plus years. We don't know exactly how old since he was a rescue and we adopted him in 2006 and told he was about 3. But in 2008, he developed a condition and at a stage that made the vets think he was at the very minimum 7 and maybe 8 or 9. Well it is 2013 and he had the same heart issue that was found in 2008, plus a tumor in his eye, the other eye was almost blind from the lens slipping down, arthritis, and finally canine dementia. He was taking lots of medications and I was considering putting him down. However, he still liked to eat and was happy doing so. I waited too long. Unfortunately, he disappeared on Sunday and mainly due to his condition and the lack of any leads at all, we do think he snuck out of the house to go off and die alone. I think putting a dog down with family is the better option. Because with us, if we do find him, the only good thing will be that we can say goodbye and give him a proper burial. :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Hugs to both Scout and Chris. I'm so sorry for both of you and will be keeping you and your four-legged companions close to my heart today. As someone else said, my dog -- the only one I've had in adulthood -- is considerably younger, and I have moments when I can already feel panicky and desperately sad that will lose her someday. Having her has enriched my life more than I can express. I can imagine how difficult this must be for you and your families.

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Hugs and prayers to both Scout and Chris. It's so hard to lose a beloved furbaby. Our 12yo dog passed away last year, and we've had to put a couple cats down in the past. Somedays thinking about them still brings tears to my eyes because I miss them so very much.

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Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts and prayers!


I know so many people here have walked this same path.

My sweet dog had a peaceful death and her body is buried in our backyard. The people at the vet were so nice.

I put away all the dog things for now. In a year or so maybe we'll get a new dog. One of my friends said that a dog worth loving is worth grieving.

I am thankful to have had such a good dog and to have had so much joy with her.

Thankful that DH was with me 100% through all this. Thankful that my kids have grown from babies to 5 and 7 with a gentle, fun dog.


Now it is pouring rain. Suits my mood. :crying:

Off to the library through the downpour to get our weekly heap o'books.

Then a rest time with the kids.

Take out for dinner. I'm exhausted.

School tomorrow. Kind of a relief to do multiplication and phonics after all this emotion!

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