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How Much Sleep Do Your Children Get?

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If DD had her way, she'd sleep 12 hours per night. As it is, she chose PS and has to get up early to catch the bus. That said, both my kids go to bed at 9 pm. DD is up at 6:30 on school days but will sleep until at least 9 or 10 (sometimes even 10:30 or 11:00!) on weekends. DS used to be an early riser but has started sleeping in a little more now. On school mornings, he'll usually get up by 8:15 because he wants to watch Dinosaur Train at 8:30. :D On weekends, he'll still be up between 8 and 9, though even he has slept in from time to time. Ok, long answer to a short question. hehe....

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My kids (ages 3, 6, and 8) go to bed at 7pm. They wake up sometime between 6 and 7 am. Actually, one kid wakes then and wakes the others.


I'd be fine with my oldest staying up later - 8 or 8:30, but he needs a lot of sleep and can't sleep late (they share a room).

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My dc were in bed between 7:30 and 8 (except on church nights) when they were little, and as close to that as possible until they were, oh, 11ish. They slept until 7:30 or 8. :-) When they were 12ish, they were still in bed fairly early, but they could leave their lights on and read.

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Oldest, 13, goes to bed at 10pm and wakes at around 6:30am. She gets up before her alarm on school days. She will sometimes sleep in until 10-11am on Saturdays because they stay up till around midnight or so.


Youngest, 10, goes to bed at 10pm and wakes around 9am on her own. She'll do the same as oldest on Saturday morning.


When they were younger they usually went down around 8pm and woke around 6am. They both stopped taking naps around 2 years.

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My 6yo goes to bed around 8-830 and is up at 630. I've tried putting him to bed earlier, but then he gets up way too early. My 1 yo sleeps from 10-8 and naps from 1-3 hrs/day. I'm hoping he doesn't drop naps for a good year or so - my oldest dropped them by 18mos and, combined with his nighttime habits, it was rough.

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Mine are in bed between 7:30 and 8 on school nights (usually before 9 p.m. on weekends). My younger has always needed more sleep than my older dd. Younger dd will usually wake up around 6:30 or 7 a.m. and my older wakes up at around 5:30-6 a.m. and reads in bed until her sis wakes up. They are 9 and 11.

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5 1/2: Asleep by 9:30 and up around 8:00

4: Asleep by 9:00 and up by 8:30

2 1/2: Asleep by 8:30 and up by 8:30


The baby is down at 8:00 and usually up for the day by 7:00 (minus still getting up for one feeding around 4:00 or ). He's the only one that still naps during the day also.

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My kids (almost 6 & 8) have been getting probably about 10 hours lately. They used to go to bed at 7pm on the dot. We've had some changes in my husband's work schedule where he's been getting home later, plus I'm just not getting dinner ready and everything done by 7, so we've been averaging closer to 8. My kids, also, are ones that usually are up at 6:30-7, no matter what time they go to bed. I find that with going to bed between 8-8:30 means that every few nights we have a melt down and they go to bed very early. It all seems to balance out.

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My school age kids sleep 9:00 to 7:00ish. We start bedtime at 7:30 so from 8-9 they are cuddled in bed with dad reading books. Dd6 could really use a bit more sleep than that and it catches up with her every once in awhile and I try to get her to nap. Ds8 is a night owl but good at sleeping in. Maybe once a week or so he'll sleep past nine. My littles sleep 12 hours, still, but ten hours at night, two hours at naptime.

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My children go to bed around 10:00 pm, but we read to them for a bit, so it is closer to 10:30 for the younger kids and 11:00 for the older two. They get up between 7:30 and 8:00 am, sometimes earlier. I usually get them up at 8:30 if they are still in bed. If I know they are tired, I let them sleep in longer.

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DD11 is a nightowl - usually asleep around 1 or 2 am and wakes around noon. So she consistently needs between 10 and 12 hours a night. This is a relatively new thing and didn't start until puberty hit full force.


DS3 seems to need about 11 hours - he's asleep between 8 and 9 pm and wakes between 7 and 8 (sometimes a bit earlier).


Flying Marco Monster (9 months old) appears to do well very, very little sleep :p

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Bedtime is between 8:30-9pm.

ds 8.5 is up between 7:30-8:30p, however he often doesn't go right to sleep, he has never slept much. Considering that he does take a while to go to sleep I'd guess he gets maybe 9hrs.

dd(almost 6)- right to sleep and up at 7ish- 10 or so hrs- she sometimes naps as well, 10-12 hrs w/naps

dd3- right to sleep if she hasn't napped takes a while if she has had a nap- up at 7:30, 10-12 hrs w/ naps

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Bedtime is at 8, if for no other reason than mom's sanity. ;) One child wakes around 7 and wakes his brother. My daughter is able to sleep until 8 or 8:30 if left to her own devices, though I don't think she goes right to sleep at 8.


So, somewhere around 10 or 11 hours a night.

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Mine are 7 & 10.


They go to bed between 9 & 11ish, depending on the night.


They get up between 6 a.m. and noonish, depending on the day. The earlier to bed, does not always = earlier to rise, nor vice versa.


I would say the probably average between 9 and 10 hours per night, with an occasional 6 hour or 14 hour sleep here and there.

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We've always been an early to bed, early to rise family (with the exception of DH). DS13 goes to bed between 8 and 9 every night. Typically, he goes to bed at 8 and reads until 9. A lot of times he'll actually fall asleep before then. He normally gets up at 5am to come to work with me, which would be between 8 and 9 hrs. of sleep; however, he's been requesting to stay home in the mornings lately and has been sleeping until 7am. When he sleeps until 7, that means he's getting about 10 - 11 hrs. of sleep.

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I have wondered about this too. My 8 and 11 year olds go to bed around 10 and get up around 7:30 or so. My younger ones are asleep by 9 and get up at 7. The almost 2 year old still takes 2 naps (though one is usually short) and the 3 and almost 5 year olds sometimes sleep during quiet time and sometimes don't. So my older ones get about 9 1/2 hours and my younger ones get about 10 hours plus naps or quiet time. If my older ones are having a very tired day I usually let them take a nap.....

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