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What is the going rate for the tooth fairy?


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$5 for the first tooth. $1 for each subsequent tooth. Funny aside, youngest ds had his second loose tooth. At Chili's last night, he ordered corn on the cob as his "side" dish. We were happily chatting and eating when ds says, "excuse me. Dad? Is this a TOOTH in my CORN?!" Well, yes, it was. It was his tooth, stuck in the cob like a kernel. He thought it was hysterical, the manager gave him a special bag to take it home and comped his meal. Plus, he got a dollar. He thought he'd won the lottery! Lol.

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I wish I knew. Tooth fairy gave dd $1. DD woke up, found the dollar, threw it away and told us that she was mad because the tooth fairy took her tooth. Now we give her a "gold" chocolate coin when her tooth comes out and she keeps her tooth. This makes dd happy.

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If the tooth fairy remembers the first night, 1 dollar.


If the tooth fairy takes weeks to remember? three or four dollars.


I only blame it on the cat for so long... (the cat is chasing the tooth fairy)


There are two things I consistently forget. Tooth Fairy Duty, and a person's Birthday the first thing in the morning. Meaning, I can remind myself all day to get the wings on, and by the time the buggers fall asleep? I'm asleep, too. With the birthdays, I will plan all week, gather groceries, bake the cake, wake up the morning of and TOTALLY not know what day it is.

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The tooth fairy gives a new toothbrush and $5 for the first tooth.


After that it's a gold dollar coin per tooth, regardless of condition and how it came out.


Like other fairies, she's had to leave an IOU. But she's too cheap to feel guilty and add to the bounty, she figures "better late than never" LOL.

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I gave $1 for the first and 50 cents thereafter. Like someone mentioned up, he hard part is remembering. I have had many a disappointed dd that woke up and found nothing. They were told to go back and make sure after mom had snuck in to do the exchange. They don't believe in the tooth fairy but they like the money.

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$5 for the first tooth and $1 "golden" (presidental) dollar after that. (Unless they tell g'ma who then give $20 to the child who lost the tooth and $10 to the other child b/c of course he needs to be included too.... Ah, spoiling g'mas!!!!!)


And we sprinkle a little bit of glitter in the child's hair and on their face - fairy dust, of course!

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$5 for the first tooth, and $1 for remaining teeth. Also, the tooth fairy takes one night off a year -- Christmas Eve. Our dd lost a tooth on Christmas Eve and Santa brought the dollar plus an extra dollar just because it was a special Christmas Eve tooth. :laugh:



She also takes Mother's Day off to spend time with her mom....DS lost tooth number two on Mother's Day and we forgot! He was upset the next morning, until I explained.....

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