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What are you having for your Valentine meal this evening?


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dh is going to take our dds out to dinner. He wants them to be his valentine. We exchanged a box of thin mints and a king sized butterfinger. :)

He's taking me out to dinner at Black Angus Steakhouse tomorrow night. I have a coupon for a campfire feast for two for $39.99. Aren't we so romantic.

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steak with either a garlic butter sauce or balsamic reduction sauce (I haven't decided which yet), crash hot potatoes and cajun roasted sweet potatoes, salad and asiago cheese bread (or garlic naan from TJ if I'm feeling lazy about making bread later). Then we are having chocolate fondue with strawberries, bananas, pretzels, marshmallows and Peppermint Jo-Jo's for dippers. There is also a bottle of sparkling grape juice left from Christmas.

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No fancy dinner, but I bought myself a gorgeous bouquet of roses and flowers. Dh was shocked. He has never gotten me flowers or done anything for Valentine's though, and I just figured if I wanted flowers I might as well pick them up. I love flowers and they are so cheap around Valentine's Day.

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I'm making a cauliflower sformato. Never tried this recipe, but it's from one of our favorite vegetarian cookbooks, so it should be good.


It will be accompanied by a loaf of my homemade bread (my latest hobby) and a salad. I was going to do a fruit platter since dh is not big on desserts but when I went to pick up the strawberries, they had those little shortcake things that you put strawberries and whipping cream on top of. I don't care for them, but they were something special to dh during his childhood, so that'll be dessert.

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No fancy dinner, but I bought myself a gorgeous bouquet of roses and flowers. Dh was shocked. He has never gotten me flowers or done anything for Valentine's though, and I just figured if I wanted flowers I might as well pick them up. I love flowers and they are so cheap around Valentine's Day.


Hee Hee. Dh and I ran to the store last night to get flowers for ds's girlfriend- he couldn't go w/ me because he had a ton of homework, and had been tutoring other people for two days and was behind. So here I am running around the store w/ dh and carrying a single red rose. I finally handed it to dh, and told him to carry it, because I was tired of getting funny looks from all the men in the store!

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We're having balsamic marinated steak with baked potatoes, carrot-broccoli casserole, salad, and red velvet poke cake for dessert.


All eaten on our wedding china by candlelight. The kids love it!



I'm coming to your house for dinner! :D


Care to share the recipe for carrot broccoli casserole?


So far, I have gf chocolate mini heart cakes. What else we are having, I don't know. At least I have my priorities straight!

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luckily i forgot to plan anything . . cuz i'm sick. we're having plain old spaghetti night. well, partly planned so i could make extra meatballs for the freezer in case I get over my cold in time to have my knee surgery which is scheduled for monday . . .

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Pizza Dippers. I'm making two heart shaped sauce-less cheese pizzas, sliced into thin strips. Then, everyone can have little cups with their choice of dipping sauces - pizza sauce, ranch, garlic butter, hot sauce, and barbecue sauce. If I had a nacho cheese sauce, I'd offer that too, but I don't tonight. Cucumbers and carrot sticks for sides, since we have ranch out anyway.


For dessert we have sugar cookies, chocolate covered strawberries, and a few chocolate covered cherries.

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We had Valentine's Day breakfast instead - Greek yogurt with strawberries, blueberries, and Love Crunch (organic chocolate granola from Aldi's).



We did this too. I even cheated and picked up the pancakes, bacon, and sausage from a fast food place because we were out of milk...lol. I used a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut the pancakes into heart shapes, and we also had strawberries. I left the baskets of valentines from the valentine swap, along with a package of candy for each of the boys, beside their plates.

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I was going to make homemade heart shaped pizza, but I seem to have gotten some virus type thing, so I don't feel up to cooking. Dh is out of town, so I just ordered heart shaped pizzas to be delivered & added an order of breadsticks. We already have fresh fruit, so I'm calling that a perfectly acceptable Valentine dinner. Please don't burst my bubble of pseudo-accomplishment.

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I'm making my one "fancy" dinner that everyone in the house likes! Pan-fried chicken in a creamy white wine/mustard sauce with grapes served on top of couscous. And a layered mocha cheesecake for dessert! We may not be able to go out to eat (not that I'd want to be out with the masses today, anyway), but we can still eat like it! :)

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I'm making my one "fancy" dinner that everyone in the house likes! Pan-fried chicken in a creamy white wine/mustard sauce with grapes served on top of couscous. And a layered mocha cheesecake for dessert! We may not be able to go out to eat (not that I'd want to be out with the masses today, anyway), but we can still eat like it! :)



That sounds fantastic!

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I'm making my one "fancy" dinner that everyone in the house likes! Pan-fried chicken in a creamy white wine/mustard sauce with grapes served on top of couscous. And a layered mocha cheesecake for dessert! We may not be able to go out to eat (not that I'd want to be out with the masses today, anyway), but we can still eat like it! :)


Oh that sounds delicious! Would you share recipes if we ask nicely? Could I have the recipes please? (That was me asking nicely)


Take out Olive Garden.


DH's idea...fine by me! I can make my one meal last for 3 meals.


I love making multiple meals from one takeout meal. Three times the yum!

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We usually celebrate as a family, casually, at home. For the life of me I cannot remember last year's Valentine's Day. Usually I make a special meal at home and give my son & hubby each some candy and a card.



This morning (afternoon, really) I made heart shaped pink pancakes for ds. Tonight dh is taking us out to Logan's Roadhouse. Not sure why he chose that restaurant or how he can afford to take me anywhere, but it's dinner out, so who am I to complain! :hurray:

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