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Any other meanies starting school today?

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*waves hand wildly*


Although technically we never stopped since we only took off the 25th for Christmas. We were at half speed because of visiting family, but I did not want to lose the good rhythm we had just established with Punk.


Our Monday's are our light day, so we are able to easily do school today. So far no one is bucking about it; we will see how it goes as we progress through our grandparent detox!

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Yes, but we're not starting anything new until Weds. Mostly, I wanted to get DD back on a schedule/routine and doing at least SOME school makes a big difference. So we're continuing the fun, lighter stuff we did for the week before we went on Christmas break today and tomorrow, and then will pull out the new books with big fanfare in the "new year".

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We're starting tomorrow. I told the kids today is a planning day and we're all going to sit down and review what we can do better. Our schedule needs some tweaking, and I find I get way better results implementing something new if the kids get to contribute to it.

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Technically, no. Ds is going to be reminded that he has several Geometry and science lessons due at the end of break and Dd is going to be reminded that she has math corrections to be done. Both will be told to up their piano practice today. I'll also be checking bedrooms and requiring gifts to be put away. I have not decided when break is going to officially end. It may end on Thurs, or maybe extended to Mon. Depends on what *I* need.

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I guess I'm a HUGE meanie because we only took 3 days of for the holidays. We took last Mon-Wed off but we did school last Thurs & Fri.


Initially at the beginning of the year I had planned on 2 weeks off since we generally follow the school system's calendar but then we made a big move to another state and we ended up with 4 weeks off from school so we're playing catch up. We're almost all caught up now though!

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We never really stopped. However, the kids are taking today off--they're skiing! Well, ds had to work early at the pool, but he's catching the bus up in a few minutes. He'll have to do some math and when he gets home and dd will have to do music and read. If no one came to the first hour of lap swim, ds will have gotten an hour of reading in already.


Skiing = PE!


DS has gotten in over 25 hours of PE since Christmas. :)

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We had school today - last day of our 2012 school year and a nice way to ease back into the routine before we kick off our 2013 school year on Wednesday.


We have been on break most of December and Dad has been home/off work for nealy two weeks. I felt like we needed to get some order back into our lives.

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We'll start back Wednesday, though DS3 asked me for a reading lesson, and then DS2 asked me to do Star Wars Phonics with him (Christmas present, thanks to the Hive suggesting it!), so they technically did a little bit of school. DS1 has done absolutely NO school, but he's been reading, reading, reading since he got his new Kindle Paperwhite. I put the first Percy Jackson book on there, and he loved it! Just finished it today.


DH is home today and tomorrow, and I don't school when DH is home. Just can't get into a good schedule when he's here. Plus I like the boys to be able to hang out with him.


I kicked them all outside earlier this afternoon, and they stayed out for a couple hours. Now they're playing Playdoh in the kitchen... playing "store". That's math, right? :D

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We started today, gently. And it was lovely!

I do like routine! DS does so much better with the predictable structure of a school day.


We are behind in schoolwork because my mom has had a major health crisis for the last month and lots of my time and energy got re-directed to that. While the situation is not completely resolved, it is much better and I am thrilled to be focused on school again.


My kids begged to do history today and we are in SOTW 2, which is loads of fun. Huge haul of viking books from the library today. :D

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Wow, y'all are dedicated! :laugh: I was going to start back on Wed, but I'm thinking about letting it go till next Monday. DH injured his back yesterday and is on the floor on an icepack, and I have work I am going to try and bust out starting on Wed. when businesses open again. It's also a good chance for Miss P to get together with friends who go to ps - they are off this week and wanting to do play-dates, and I don't see any reason to build resentment toward school by saying she can't go on playdates because she has to stay home and do math! We may do a few things, but I think this will mostly be an easy & relaxing week. We all need it.


Miss P has read about 6 novels in the last week, and is poring over a couple of her Christmas books (American Folk Art for Kids and Lewis and Clark for Kids), and has been sewing dresses for her dolls. She's enjoying the time off, and it gives me a chance to lesson plan - obsessively - way too far ahead!


I've also really been enjoying working on math and reading with dd6, since she's in ps and I don't get as much time to work with her during the regular school year. So it's kind of a treat for us!

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I may have been the meanie today, but come April 24th-ish I will be mom-tastic!! They actually didn't mind too much. They think they are doing half the work. Truth be known, I work them really hard until Christmas break and then after that we work less and less because things start tapering off. I love this time of year!

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We did. Math, FLL, Bible, Reading, and Science was looking at pond water for hours through our new microscope. A 1/2 day.

It's going to be an annoying spring, so I'm grabbing what I can and frankly I'm the only one in my bunch feeling kind of bummed about it.


PS. Does playing Catan Jr. and Quirkle count toward something if your kids are 4 & 6? Because figuring out all the rules is certainly part of my mind's training.

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