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Did you ever have someone show you such an amazing act of..

Desert Rat

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kindness that it took your breath away and left you with a crazy smile on your face and tears in your eyes?


That was me today.


I've been dreaming of a red Kitchenaid mixer for the last several years. I've tried saving for one then someone breaks arms or the van breaks down. *sigh* There goes the money I had hoped to spend on a mixer.


The lady I clean for gave me one today! And it was red! I refused it at first, but she said she wanted to do this for me and she had bought an extra one on a great deal and her daughter didn't want it. She didn't want to send it back and knew I would love it.


We both cried! I know it made her heart sing to give it to me, but not nearly as much as my heart is singing now.


So, everyone out there feeling like there are no more kind people in the world, that times are tough and it seems like it will never get any better, have hope.


Now. What should I make?!

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I actually had one too. We're having a lot of money problems right now and were behind in payments to the girls' gym. The gym manager waived Rebecca's tuition for Nov. and Dec. Gone. Waived it. That's nearly $400! I was just shocked!


How awesome is that???


Sigh....I really do love people. There are some awesome ones out there.

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I actually had one too. We're having a lot of money problems right now and were behind in payments to the girls' gym. The gym manager waived Rebecca's tuition for Nov. and Dec. Gone. Waived it. That's nearly $400! I was just shocked!


Love it! Maybe this thread can turn into a "What kindness I received" thread. :)


And Erin, she will be getting cookies every other week until....forever!


I give all my clients cookies, candies and banana bread this time of year. She got some today. I told her I take requests! :)

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Wonderful, Kalah! I'm so happy for you.


And yes, I was blessed very much by someone a few years ago when they flew my family and me out to a specialist who specializes in difficult chronic problems and paid the entire medical bill. They had been offering to do for over a year but I only accepted when I found myself unable to vacuum my living room without going to bed for 3 days afterward.

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Many years ago when we brand new to full time ministry dh came home early. He had been pulled into the Sr. Pastor's office and was ripped into for something I was overheard saying. (it was nothing major) He was basically told to get me under control. Dh quietly came into the room where I was reading a book and explained what had happened. I was hysterical, humilated, scared and probably over reacting because I was a 3 months pregnant with the twins. As I am cycling between tears of shame and anger the doorbell rings. Trepidatiously, dh goes to open the door. A few minutes later he comes up the stairs with the most bewildered look on his face. In his arms in a warm, homeade, apple pie and a card. A woman from our church said she felt God told her to remind us that He love us and even though things are rough he is with us. The card was a horribly tacky kitten hanging by its paws from a branch with some caption about holding on.


There was no way she could have known. I will always remember that moment and wish the church wasn't so large that I had no real idea who she was.

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Many years ago when we brand new to full time ministry dh came home early. He had been pulled into the Sr. Pastor's office and was ripped into for something I was overheard saying. (it was nothing major) He was basically told to get me under control. Dh quietly came into the room where I was reading a book and explained what had happened. I was hysterical, humilated, scared and probably over reacting because I was a 3 months pregnant with the twins. As I am cycling between tears of shame and anger the doorbell rings. Trepidatiously, dh goes to open the door. A few minutes later he comes up the stairs with the most bewildered look on his face. In his arms in a warm, homeade, apple pie and a card. A woman from our church said she felt God told her to remind us that He love us and even though things are rough he is with us. The card was a horribly tacky kitten hanging by its paws from a branch with some caption about holding on.


There was no way she could have known. I will always remember that moment and wish the church wasn't so large that I had no real idea who she was.


That's awesome! Thanks for sharing.

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At the beginning of November by dh was driving the kids to practice and the van broke down. Diagnosis: broken rod (piece inside the engine).


Our only choice was to have dh rebuild the engine in our driveway. But, we were just about out of money so we couldn't get started without the parts. Dh is extremely mechanically inclined so this was certainly an option.


A co-worker gave me $300 to pay for the first of the parts that we needed to get and now the van is just about running. We are probably up to about $600 in parts but much better than a new used car or having to get a new engine.


We were blessed.

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In August I was going thought an extremely low point in my life,it was the lowest point in my life! In fact I think I was having an emotional or mental breakdown. Rosie from these boards drove about 14 hours, just to bring me some Tim Tams, and a hug, she was here for a total of 15 minutes, then had to turn around and drive 14 hours back home again.

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Last weekend I was doing a fundraiser with my kids in the supermarket lobby. It was just my 2 younger kids and me, and I was singing songs with them and they were taking turns sitting on my lap to get warmed up (even with winter coats on it was cold near the door). We had worked a morning shift starting at 8 am, took a break for lunch, and were finishing the last shift in mid-afternoon after everyone else had left for the day. We sold the last of our product and I started packing up signs, empty boxes, table cloth & table. A gentleman about 65 or 70 years old came up to my dd and asked her if she had a good mommy. He asked her if her mommy deserved flowers. He handed her a bunch of roses and told her to give them to me and tell me "thank you" for helping her with her project! She was so dumbfounded she just did exactly what he said! It was so sweet when she gave me the flowers and said, "Thank you, Mommy, for helping me with my project."


Brings a huge smile to my face. What a random act of kindness!

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I have TWO that come to mind right away. Both from the church we used to attend before we moved 2.5 hours away...


The first one; it was a couple of weeks before Christmas and we were at church. Dh's hours at work had been cut for quite some time and things were tough. I (or dh, can't remember), went to check our church "mailbox". There was a card in it, with $200 in cash and two gift certificates ($50 each!)!! We never found out who sent that huge blessing. We were (and are) overcome with thanksgiving.


The *following* Christmas, the associate Pastor pulls us aside and said someone (wouldn't tell us WHO), came into his office and gave him $100 to give to us. The person told the Pastor that he really felt like God was prompting him to give us the money. The Pastor mentioned that he was really surprised that this particular person did this (he didn't say WHY he was surprised though).


I've never, ever had experiences like I've had with that church body. Something else that I just thought of, after those instances, dh was laid-off. Two different men from church gave him work here and there to help us get by (a little :).


I remember feeling so unworthy in those times...really. I kept thinking, "I'm not a very good person, why is God blessing me/us like this?" I am SO thankful that He did!

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We went out to eat at a local pizza chain. I'd been having a difficult time with the kids. Just the basic kids-acting-like-rabid-monkeys stuff. The kids acted mostly human during the meal, which warmed my mommy heart. When dh asked the waiter for our bill, she handed us the following letter, which I have kept in my wallet for the last 2+ years:


I would like to commend you on how well-behaved, considerate, and polite your children were while dining at Valentino's. Itwas truly enjoyable dining at the table next to you. Take care and God bless.


This lady paid for our meal. It still brings tears to my eyes. My kids really are great kids, but being in the trenches with them day in and day out gets very old. I cannot tell you how good it made me feel to know someone acknowledged the blood, sweat, and tears I have put into humanizing these little people.

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Just yesterday I was blessed with an act of kindness. Last year for Christmas, we gave my inlaws matching sweatshirts with cute clip-art pictures with all the grandchildren's names on them. Well, another baby in the family came along this year. My inlaws know money is tight for us and after I offered to have the new addition put on the sweatshirts, they said that would do for Christmas. I went to have the addition put on the sweatshirts yesterday. The proprietors are older folks running a store just at Christmas and they have a past relationship with my side of my family. Not only did they do the work while I waited, when it was all done and I asked how much it would cost, they just said, "It won't cost anything. Merry Christmas!" Wow! I couldn't believe it! Blessings! I think I might go back and bless them somehow, and we also have a little something extra up our sleeves for the inlaws too! Woot! :thumbup:

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Last week I was stranded in a tiny snowy CA town due to massive car trouble. The people were so kind and friendly.


The only businesses in town that were open were 2 hotels, 2 gas stations, a small market, a diner, and the Chamber of Commerce gift store. My mom, 3-year-old son, and I stayed in one of the hotels. First, the proprietress only charged us the AAA rate though I don't have AAA. Since checkout time was 11:00 am, I was going to have to pay for another day since there was no suitable place to occupy a 3-year-old all day until our ride arrived at 5:00 pm, but she insisted that we stay as long as we needed for no charge.


The tow truck driver also drove us to the hotel in his personal vehicle. It was just a few buildings down and across the street, but it was so nice to not have to lug our stuff around in the cold. He insisted on giving me a large bottle of apple juice that was in his van intended for his own kids. He tried to give DS a toy of his son's as well, but I wouldn't let him. When he saw me walking back to my car to get something I'd forgotten an hour later, he insisted on driving me back again.


These things weren't huge monetarily but they did wonders for our spirits in the midst of a huge mess.

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Several years ago, I wrote a blog post about having met our daughters in their orphanage in Kazakhstan. We had sponsored them for three years before I met them in person and realized that the girls whose photos had been taped to the front of our fridge for years felt completely as if they were ours. The problem was, we had no way to financially cover their adoption that would run well over $60,000. My heart was broken, and so was theirs. I returned home to an email from a long distance friend whom I had never met in person, who offered to pay for their adoption in full.


Tonight, they sit on the floor at my feet, curled up in warm blankets and enveloped in the love of a family who adores them.


It was a gift that was so completely unexpected, so totally out of the realm of possibility, that there are still times when I want to pinch myself. It was also the gift of life for our daughters...who just so happened to step foot on American soil for the first time on Valentine's Day :-0



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Wow, Cindy...just wow! I can't even imagine having that kind of money. That's amazing!


We once had a gentleman pay for our meal at a restaurant.


Just last week, a friend came by to drop some things off (three Hallmark ornaments that she wouldn't let me pay her for). She says she ran over an envelope in my driveway. The envelope was addressed to my family, had no return address, and had no postmark stamp. Inside was a card, not signed, and a $100 bill. We have no idea who sent it. Our friend insists it wasn't her.

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This past May, a particular Boardie gave my dd $500 to get to her national science competition. BLEW.ME.AWAY. She even said that she was making the check out to dd, "So you can't refuse it, because I didn't give YOU anything." LOL


Also, several other Boardies sent money to my family in October to pay for the crosses that were to be sewn on our families baptismal robes. I am still speechless.



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When I was pregnant with dd11, dh and I were visiting NYC. We had been walking around all day and I was just dead on my feet. We decided to stop and eat at Hard Rock Cafe, if the wait wasn't too hateful. I went to the hostess stand to ask how long the wait would be, as the lobby and bar area were pretty crowded. The hostess looked at me and said, "Ma'am, are you pregnant?" to which I replied "Yes, I am". She then proceeded to tell us that we could go right to a table. It just made my day.

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These are making me cry... There are wonderful people out there. My experience shocked me to the core. This past spring my mom was diagnosed with full blown leukemia so I flew to California to take turns with my sister and dad so someone was with her in the hospital at all times. We has two wonderful friends step up, both at home the first week and down in California the next 4 weeks to help with my daughter so I could be with Mom.


We knew Mom did not have much time left so my husband flew down to visit one last time, and while he was here, we boarded the dogs. He never had a chance to pick them up before my mom passed away, and when he finally was able to pick them up, it had been almost two weeks. The staff knew what was happening and when he asked what he owed, the owner said "no charge." My husband was confused and thought she meant for that day, but she meant the entire 12 days. I had no idea how we were going to pay for the visit (other than putting it on the credit card) so this was a huge blessing. She had comped over $600. They more than earned my business from then on.

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These are all awesome stories, and I so needed to read them this morning!


There are 2 that stand out in my life, I've shared before, but will repeat :)


One, when my oldest was a baby, he was on a special formula as he could not tolerate milk at all. I was in line at the store, and had just that and a few other items. The woman in front of me told the cashier to add my things to her order and refused to let me pay. I was blown away.


The second was not of monetary value at all but was a hugely sacrificial thing and totally saved me; when my youngest was in NICU, I was driving 1.5 hrs each way to visit him. I was pumping every 3 hrs, and when I'd come up, I'd bring in the milk I'd collected thus far and the nurse's station would give me my next supply of the sterile bottles that we had to use for collecting the milk. One night I got up there and they did not have any fresh bottles for me. I had to pump that evening and was nearly in tears thinking I'd have to pump & dump, throw out that milk. A man in the waiting area overheard, went to his locker (there were a few long-term storage lockers available), pulled out a bag of bottles and handed me the whole thing, save a few for his wife to tide them over until morning. It was just one of those stunning things that was so needed, yet so unexpected.....I don't think I'll ever forget that family.

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Several things have happened to me that blew me away:


1. A boardie recently mailed epipens to me because I can't get them in Malaysia and my ds has a severe peanut allergy.


2. Another boardie let my whole family stay in her guesthouse for a week free of charge when we visited the US last summer.


3. Three years ago, when we got the call that a baby girl was available for adoption, and we had about 12 hours' notice before we had to pick her up... and NO BABY ITEMS whatsoever (we were completely taken by surprise)... My entire staff did a phone/email chain and within 7 hours our home was FILLED with baby items... Everything you could ever need for a baby!


4. Six months later my dh was in a motorcycle accident and broke his neck and I was on the other side of the world when it happened! Again, my staff banded together and took care of my dh and kids and home, etc. until I could get all the way back to Malaysia.


Those are just a few instances off the top of my head. I have some really amazing people in my life.



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In August I was going thought an extremely low point in my life,it was the lowest point in my life! In fact I think I was having an emotional or mental breakdown. Rosie from these boards drove about 14 hours, just to bring me some Tim Tams, and a hug, she was here for a total of 15 minutes, then had to turn around and drive 14 hours back home again.




I knew I liked her, but she just got about a million more Awesomeness Points.


I'm just floored.

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Love this thread.


One recent-- dh and I took two of our boys to Silver Dollar City mid September. The lady in front of us turned and gave us 3 tickets to get in. As we were in shock over that and thanking her the cashier hands us a 4th ticket! Dh was really sick but had been working.....he forced himself to go on that trip against my wishes...he could barely walk. After that weekend he was unable to work for 3 months so that gift of 4 tickets turned out to be more needed than we had any way of knowing at the time.

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I knew I liked her, but she just got about a million more Awesomeness Points.


I'm just floored.



Speaking of Rosie she came up with the idea to have boardies send me quilt squares to make a quilt when I was going thru a bad divorce. ( as if any are good). Then Mariann organized collecting them all and mailing them to me in a beautiful gift box. I am ashamed to say I still don't have the quilt made but I will soon!!! Every one IRL who hears this story is gobsmacked.

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Oh!! I thought of one I haven't shared :)


Last winter, DH spent hours in the garage trying to get our snowblower started after the first significant snowfall. With frozen hands and nearly frostbitten, he gave up for the night. I can't remember if it was later that night or the following morning, but I heard a snowblower going outside and got up to look. It was a woman I had never seen before. When she was done, I poked my head out the door to thank her and she came up to tell me that she had been driving by (for unrelated reasons) when she felt God telling her that she needed to do this, so she went home, got her snowblower and came back. :)


DH did eventually get the snowblower started too.

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Love it! Maybe this thread can turn into a "What kindness I received" thread. :)


And Erin, she will be getting cookies every other week until....forever!


I give all my clients cookies, candies and banana bread this time of year. She got some today. I told her I take requests! :)



Your story really lifted my heart. There are so many troubles in this world that it's such a blessing to read about people who let their light shine (which includes both you and your friend :001_smile:).

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About five years ago when my dh went on a mission trip to India, a fellow preacher in the area called us up at home a few months before dh was supposed to leave. He asked if I would like to meet my dh on his return trip back from India somewhere in Europe. He offered to pay all of my travel expenses and the travel expenses while we were in the country of our choice. I couldn't believe that someone I'd only met once could be so generous. He said that God had blessed them so much in their ministry that he liked to help other preacher's families be blessed as well.


I met dh at the airport in Amsterdam, then we flew to Rome and spent 10 days in Rome, Florence, Pompeii, and the Amalfi Coast. It was like a second honeymoon, and we had a fabulous, unbelievable time.

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About 2 years ago our son had been diagnosed with his lung disorder and things went from bad to worse quickly. At the same time, we were in the midst of going through with a step parent adoption so that my husband could legally adopt my dd from a previous, teenage relationship. Here, step parent adoptions are treated (and viewed) as private adoptions - incurring the same amount of time, red tape, and money that a private adoption would incur. We knew we would have to hold off on the adoption until after our son's surgery - although my husband makes a fantastic salary for our area, and even with great insurance, our portion of the pre-op procedures, specialist visits, surgery, and hospital stay would cost us every bit of 50K+ by the end of it; there was no way we could come up with an additional 10K for lawyer fees, GAL fees, court fees, etc. We also knew that we couldn't dedicate the time to putting together the adoption documents, court dates, etc in the middle of a health crisis.

The woman who lives next to us is an attorney (works as a prosecutor for the city). I asked her one day for referrals to a good family attorney and she inquired as to why we needed one. I explained the situation. She had no clue that our dd (who she was very close to) wasn't biologically my husband's. Then she proceeded to tell me that she had been adopted by her own step father at the same age (our dd was at the time) and that it was the best thing that happened to her. She told us that she would ask around for a referral. The next day she informed us that she had talked to her boss (the DA) and he gave the go ahead for her to take on our adoption herself - free of charge. She was also given the go ahead to act as dd's guardian ad litem for the proceedings. She dedicated SO MUCH of her time, putting our case together, making our court dates, talking to Autumn, making sure everything went smoothly... and all at no charge. We felt so blessed. We still do, years later. Everytime dd runs in to hug her father good night, proudly writes *our* last name on her papers, giggles with Dad at the comments she gets "how much she looks like her dad" (and they really are the spitting image of eachother, oddly enough), I thank God for sending that woman to us.

On a similar note, the way our neighborhood banded together during my son's surgery - helping to watching dd, checking on the house, the dogs... the way they still help today, 2 years later... one neighbor is a speech therapist who offered her services to our son, at no charge, the retired nurse across the street who calls to check on us and loves to come hold the new baby... when we had the new babe, everyone pitched in to get our other children to activities, vacation bible school, watching them when we were in the hospital until family arrived, bringing food and baby clothes; even the lovely simple little things like dinners and wine hosted here by us, or elsewhere by them. Every time I walk our little subdivision, I feel so incredibly blessed.

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