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Mrs Mungo

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The treatment stuff often does not work because lice can shut off their breathing apparatus for a really long time. (GROSS!) The only way to get rid of them is to get them off the human head, they really cannot survive long at all off the human head. That is why combing is so efficient.

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Buy a bottle or two of Cetaphil soap and dump it on her head, comb through and then blow dry. Rinse out the next morning and repeat in one week and then in another week.


My son had the most persistent lice ever and this was the only thing that worked.


Bagging blankets, pillows, etc. made no difference whatsoever.

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I know just how you feel. Ds12 got it for first time this summer AND gave it to me! I had never had it in my life. What a nightmare. Have you done a head check yet?


I don't see anything. Would I see them crawling around? :crying: :ack2:


The treatment stuff often does not work because lice can shut off their breathing apparatus for a really long time. (GROSS!) The only way to get rid of them is to get them off the human head, they really cannot survive long at all off the human head. That is why combing is so efficient.


Comb, comb, comb, got it.

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My head is itching, just reading this thread.


I would check your daughter's head carefully, for starters, and I'd probably do tea tree oil at least on her. I've read about the Cetaphil thing, too, that would be worth a try, and fairly gentle.


What's her hair like... short, long, thick, thin?? Just wondering how easy it will be to check.


(Right now, I'm glad to have a boy with a buzz cut!!)

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I used bottles of the lice shampoo without any effect on the lice. The only thing that worked for us was tea tree oil, bleaching the bedding, and constant vacuuming. I put TTO in a spray bottle with some water and sprayed *everything* down. Couches, car, rugs. Then I stripped thier beds, bleached all bedding and towels, then sprayed the mattresses down.


My Typhoid Mary's family was still fighting them for weeks after we were done.

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They also crawl really fast. They can be hard to spot. We wet the hair, put white conditioner in, and then combed through. That made it harder for them to crawl around. You could see the little brown specks in the white conditioner. But you have to use a lice comb!

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Buy a bottle or two of Cetaphil soap and dump it on her head, comb through and then blow dry. Rinse out the next morning and repeat in one week and then in another week.


My son had the most persistent lice ever and this was the only thing that worked.


Bagging blankets, pillows, etc. made no difference whatsoever.


This is the *only* thing that worked for me. We had it the first 8 months of 2012. I tried every box and internet solution. We would "get rid of it" for a few weeks and then a missed egg would hatch (and have more eggs) and start the whole thing over again.


Dh almost had to commit me by July.


Does she sleep on her side or her back? Focus on whatever part of her head touches the pillow. This is the warmest and tends to accumulate the most eggs. Eggs will be within 2 inches of the scalp. Another hot spot is around the ears.


Its possible she doesn't have it. Check very, very carefully...millimeter by millimeter while watching a movie or something relaxing. Have a strong light right on the scalp. The brighter the better. Eggs are shaped like a grain of rice and close to the size of a period. The have a slight shine to them. Bugs are darker. The more developed they are the darker they are. With brunettes I like to look for eggs first because they show up better. With blonds I look for the bugs first.


If you're worried and want to pre-treat go for the Cetaphil treatment. Its a long time and its a pain but it works because it cuts off their air for hours and hours. Retreating is to catch eggs that hatch. By week 3 there are no more eggs to hatch.

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Oh that is horrible! I would have everyone wash their hair w/the tea tree oil. I would get a nitpick and comb through everyone's hair just to make sure and I would start washing bedding in hot water and then dry in high heat and boil all combs.

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Sit your dd under a good light and carefully comb through her hair every day. I think Marianne is experience with this. Maybe you could send her a pm. The new halo should be put in a labeled plastic bag. Keep hair well oiled and contained. Praying they caught it early.

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I think I may vomit just reading this. I worry that if it ever happens here I will actually run far away and just leave them all :lol:


I hope your home is safe from the nasties.


Sister, believe me, I've thought the SAME thing!! :D I know it's not exactly life threatening, but I nearly have a nervous breakdown thinking about it...

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This is the *only* thing that worked for me. We had it the first 8 months of 2012. I tried every box and internet solution. We would "get rid of it" for a few weeks and then a missed egg would hatch (and have more eggs) and start the whole thing over again.


Dh almost had to commit me by July.


Does she sleep on her side or her back? Focus on whatever part of her head touches the pillow. This is the warmest and tends to accumulate the most eggs. Eggs will be within 2 inches of the scalp. Another hot spot is around the ears.


Its possible she doesn't have it. Check very, very carefully...millimeter by millimeter while watching a movie or something relaxing. Have a strong light right on the scalp. The brighter the better. Eggs are shaped like a grain of rice and close to the size of a period. The have a slight shine to them. Bugs are darker. The more developed they are the darker they are. With brunettes I like to look for eggs first because they show up better. With blonds I look for the bugs first.


If you're worried and want to pre-treat go for the Cetaphil treatment. Its a long time and its a pain but it works because it cuts off their air for hours and hours. Retreating is to catch eggs that hatch. By week 3 there are no more eggs to hatch.


I really, really hope that I never have to become this much of an expert about lice.

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Sister, believe me, I've thought the SAME thing!! :D I know it's not exactly life threatening, but I nearly have a nervous breakdown thinking about it...


I was the same way. I thought I would have a heart attack when my mom found them on ds and then when she found them on me it nearly pushed me over the edge. Also it was about 10:30 at night and I had to go to wm right then for treatment stuff. I treated our head that night and combed thru ds's hair...and did laundry until about 1:00 am. The next day I drove 45 min to my parents and mom spent HOURS getting nits out of my loooong thick hair. I heart my mom. I have no idea what I would have done if not for her. She has lots of experience from her days as public school teacher.

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I have never had lice, nor has dh or ds. I get physically ill just thinking about it. I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really hope you do NOT get lice in your family.

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We've had three infestations over the last 10 years. The first time I bought all the heavy duty chemical stuff and obsessed. The last two times I just combed conditioner through their hair every night in the bath for two weeks or so. It was quite time consuming with four of them, but luckily they're boys, so their hair is quite short. After two weeks all the lice had gone and there was no reinfestation. Apart from the usual washing of sheets, etc, we never did anything more. My experience is that lice are quite easy to get rid of. Reinfestation is usually due to coming into regular contact with families who just do nothing about it at all (eg at school).

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It's really not too terrible. Like I said, ours was gone in a matter of days and we are a large family. Dd and I had it the worst (I was HORRIFIED!!! Never in my life have I had lice, or dealt with it in my kids!) The first night was awful, there was tons. The next day there were only a few, in the days after we would occasionally find 1 newly hatched nit. Within a week for sure we were clear. I bagged up our bedding for a couple weeks, but I never did anything to the couch, the car, etc. I did vacuum the floors and the bedding. That's it. No chemicals, no Cetaphil or any of that stuff. Not even tea tree oil. It wasn't too bad. The stomach flu is way worse IMO.

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Another tip from my school teaching days--get shampoo w/coconut in it. I don't know what it is about the coconut but teachers swear by it! I still use shampoo with coconut because you just never know where those creepy little bugs are going to show up!

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It's really not too terrible. Like I said, ours was gone in a matter of days and we are a large family. Dd and I had it the worst (I was HORRIFIED!!! Never in my life have I had lice, or dealt with it in my kids!) The first night was awful, there was tons. The next day there were only a few, in the days after we would occasionally find 1 newly hatched nit. Within a week for sure we were clear. I bagged up our bedding for a couple weeks, but I never did anything to the couch, the car, etc. I did vacuum the floors and the bedding. That's it. No chemicals, no Cetaphil or any of that stuff. Not even tea tree oil. It wasn't too bad. The stomach flu is way worse IMO.


You are one tough mama!

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You've already gotten a lot of great advice, but I have one more thing -- have your dd wear her hair in a braid or a bun, and put hairspray on her hair. I think lice also hate coconut fragrance. (I'm not sure if it's coconut or another scent, though, but I'm sure the info is online somewhere.)

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Wow, How awful! I hope none of you have them. Our oldest dd brought SCABIES back from a summer mission trip to India in 2004!

While home on break, she saw her dermatologist who quickly figured it out and even let us see one of the little critters under the microscope. Eeeek!!! Can't stand the thought of creepy crawlies living on me and my family! Fortunately the treatment was quick.


Good luck to you!!

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The cetaphil REALLY works! I was a mom 20 years then last year my two dds got lice from our homeschool group. We all got treated. We used cetaphil twice, then I oiled our heads up in oil and saran while we homeschooled. The entire thing had me frantic. I upset my scalp so much from treating. I KNOW I felt crawlies but my hairdresser kept telling me I had nithing. I'd itch and treat again. I know, ridiculous. I am telling you I felt itching!


I woukd treat with Cetaphik twice, sterilize everything used on the hair then call it done.

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I don't see anything. Would I see them crawling around? :crying: :ack2:




Comb, comb, comb, got it.


no, you have to comb - especially if it's early in the infestation. My son complained for weeks that his head was itcy. I looked diligently. And washed with head-n-shoulders thinking it was itchy scalp. Still, I kept looking and never saw anything until I broke down and bought the chemical stuff that comes with the special comb.... lo and behold - he had lice. Ugh. Either get a fine toothed comb or the special lice comb and use a magnifying glass to look at what you pick up in his hair.

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I didn't read all the responses, but my kids brought it home last year and we used "Licefree Spray!" (that's the name). It says non-toxic and has a picture of a girl on it. We bought it at Walgreens. It worked like a miracle. We used it on every member of our family twice (10 days apart). It killed the lice the first time around, but we still repeated the treatment.

If you want to figure out if she already has them, get the lice comb and use it. We combed out several from my younger's head (bad, bad memories). I also ran all the pillows and blankets through a dryer.

Good luck!


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Sit your dd under a good light and carefully comb through her hair every day. I think Marianne is experience with this. Maybe you could send her a pm. The new halo should be put in a labeled plastic bag. Keep hair well oiled and contained. Praying they caught it early.

:iagree: Use hair product liberally -- hairspray, gels...
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