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Are you talented?

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I think I'm pretty good at some things, but not talented in that Miss America Talent Competition sort of way. Can't dance, can't act, really can't sing, can't play an instrument.


I always figured if I were the pageant type I'd have to either diagram a sentence or make an omelet.

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I've written a few songs--don't know if I'm talented, exactly.

I think talent is a bit over rated. People sometimes won't try things because they think, "Oh, I could never do THAT! It takes talent!" Not always. Sometimes it's just...well, it just happens.

And some talents are really just "applied hard work." :D

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I have potential. :tongue_smilie: I can write somewhat well, probably not reflected here though. I can make up goofy songs. I taught myself to play piano, but I am out of practice by about 5 years. I have a good aesthetic eye and can tell how a room should be decorated when I walk into. That comes in handy when you buy fixer upper homes.


I also nap really well, but I'm not sure that's talent. :lol:

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I suppose photography, but I kinda feel like I'm nowhere near what I would consider really and truly TALENTED at it. Sigh. I long to be amazing at photography, but I just don't have the $$ to get the right equipment and utilize the tools to continue learning.


I think you take amazing pictures. I understand about the equipment part, but you have the eye.

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I always figured if I were the pageant type I'd have to either diagram a sentence or make an omelet.


Now, see, I really stink at diagramming sentences. And dh is very VERY intrigued with perfecting his omelette-making technique. So we would be voting for you in a pageant.


(Plus bonus points for thinking of hiding Snickers bars in the tampon box in the bathroom -- that's REAL talent, and I'm still awestruck that you came up with that.)


As for me, I can knit, sew, and recite the elements needed for plant nutrition. I also excel at eating cookies.

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I have potential. :tongue_smilie: I can write somewhat well, probably not reflected here though. I can make up goofy songs. I taught myself to play piano, but I am out of practice by about 5 years. I have a good aesthetic eye and can tell how a room should be decorated when I walk into. Please, please come to my house!!That comes in handy when you buy fixer upper homes.


I also nap really well, but I'm not sure that's talent. Too bad it doesn't take 10,000 hours to become good at that! LOL! :lol:



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I think you take amazing pictures. I understand about the equipment part, but you have the eye.


:iagree: I wish you lived nearer to me! I'd have you do my ds' senior pictures next year!!!


I do hair. I have since high school. I did a number of girls' hair since prom. I cut my friends' hair in college. I cut my boys' hair. I LOVE to style my dd's hair. We look up styles on Pinterest and copy them. I love it. Does that count as a talent?

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I'm more of a jack of all trades type as well. I can sorta crochet (it doesn't end up looking all that great), I can run fabric through a sewing machine (and it looks awful!), way out of practice on the piano, not a great cook but I can always follow a recipe, I love singing but won't be going on American Idol any time soon :lol:, can't keep a room clean to save my life.


I used to be good at psychoanalyzing people. I seem to be a visual type of person-I remember where certain passages of text are on the page. I was fairly good at absorbing history, but not very good at analyzing it.


I've gotten fairly good at eating chocolate :tongue_smilie:

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Not everyone has a fine or performing art talent, but everyone has a talent.


I have no fine or performing art talent, but I'm good at math and I'm able to explain, look for multisensory approaches and be very patient with high school students. I've even had students thank me (that's how I know I pretty good).


I have terrible self esteem. I have to remind myself I have talents. I hope everyone looks carefully at what they have to offer the world, because everyone on this board is talented at many things.

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I like to think I'm a reasonably talented writer. I had several articles published in Secular Homeschooling Magazine, I've written some pretty decent poetry, and I always got A's on writing assignments in school.


I can type 100 wpm.


Those are probably the only things I would call talents!

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I would say my talent is making people feel comfortable. I love having people over/ meeting new people and I think its because I'm relatively good at making people feel relaxed and comfortable. Which is funny - I'm really pretty shy in groups. If I get you alone though - I'll listen all day!

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As in a performing arts talent?


Actually I meant it as generic.


I am sure you have a talent of some kind, even if you don't call it that.


I don't do much so I really don't have anything I'm good at. Well, I do think I'm good with children but I don't think that's a special quality. I don't sing, play a musical instrument, garden, sew, knit, crochet, cook, or anything like that. I'm a rather boring person. I watch tv and Britcoms are my favorite (I really watch the same shows repeatedly). I play games on the Nintendo occasionally and little hidden object and time management games on the computer. I hang out on this board (the only board I'm on). And I read a little. I homeschool my son although he's becoming more independent, and have a few cleaning chores. DH and I really work together to take care of the house. He's also the full cook. And that's me!

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I think I'm pretty good at some things, but not talented in that Miss America Talent Competition sort of way. Can't dance, can't act, really can't sing, can't play an instrument.


I always figured if I were the pageant type I'd have to either diagram a sentence or make an omelet.



I can tap dance, but I look hideous in recital costumes. I do NOT have the body for spandex and sparkles. :glare:


I can't read music (notes) but I still play in my church's handbell choir. My sheet music and bells are color-coded, and I can read the time stuff- note/rest lengths.


I am also phenomenal at scheduling more activities in the day than there are hours to do them or dollars to pay for them. :svengo:

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I think you take amazing pictures. I understand about the equipment part, but you have the eye.


:iagree: I wish you lived nearer to me! I'd have you do my ds' senior pictures next year!!!


I do hair. I have since high school. I did a number of girls' hair since prom. I cut my friends' hair in college. I cut my boys' hair. I LOVE to style my dd's hair. We look up styles on Pinterest and copy them. I love it. Does that count as a talent?


Aww!! Thanks :) You just made my day!

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I'm talented at artsy sorts of things- drawing, singing, etc.- but my problem is that I'm lazy, and I just don't have the ambition to pursue and develop them.


I drew this for my dd with colored pencils when she requested a dragon picture for her bedroom:




But it's literally the only thing I've sat down to draw in four years.


I'd love to trade a talent for some more get-up-off-my-buttness.


Or some math skills. I'm not so hot at math.


Anyone? :D

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I think we all have talents, but because they are generally things that come easily to us, we often overlook them or think "it's nothing". So OP, I'm sure you have a talent. :)


I love to write (and have been told that's one of my talents) and I'm very good at taking complex subjects and breaking them down into easy to understand steps. Anything business-related comes easily to me - whether it's running an operation, analyzing and solving business problems, or anything else along those lines. I love helping friends start up businesses, and have been doing more of that in the past year. I also enjoy, and am good at, facilitating group discussion and learning (which I've applied through teaching various classes to employees at my previous corporate job, leading workshops, etc). Oh, and I can get the crowd on the dance floor at Karaoke. :D


I am most definitely not blessed with any type of talent when it comes to crafts (I'm terrible at sewing, knitting, etc.), baking, etc. And I really admire people who are good at those things. :)

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I am sort of jack of all trades, master of none. I can do a lot of things pretty decently but nothing spectacularly.


This. :iagree: It describes me well.


I can moderately do:


Cooking, baking, woodworking, homeschooling, crafts, dancing, organizing, etc.


I can't do:


Carry a tune in a bucket - doesn't stop me from belting along with the music, though. I didn't inherit this talent from my musically inclined Dad, who can not read one note of music, but has self-taught himself, by ear, to play guitar, organ, and accordian, and can belt out a mean Johnny Cash or CCR tune (as well as many others).


Art - drawing, painting, etc. I didn't inherit this talent from EITHER of my artistic grandmothers! Bummer.

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No performing arts talents. Even my kids ask me to stop singing to them starting at infancy.


I can read upside down, mirror images and sideways, almost as well as I can right side up and I read very fast.


I can type 100+ wpm.


I can do very good Halloween make-up using just markers and standard make-up.

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Well... I'll be really transparent and it may come back to bite me in the backside, but I do think I am talented. And I think that I haven't worked as hard as I could have because of it. I had a piano professor in college who tole me that he 'couldn't wait til I stopped relying on talent and actually started practicing'. :blush: For me, practicing hard was playing something 1-2x a day.

I sing, play the piano, and I played the flute in school. Actually, I was just thinking about all the musical stuff recently, because I devoted a lot of my life to it and now I don't really do anything with it, despite loving it and wanting to do something with it - I just don't know what I'd do.

Oh, and I can make lists with the best of them. :D


And my mom is musically talented as well, and it hasn't served her well...

Edited by PeacefulChaos
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:I do hair. I have since high school. I did a number of girls' hair since prom. I cut my friends' hair in college. I cut my boys' hair. I LOVE to style my dd's hair. We look up styles on Pinterest and copy them. I love it. Does that count as a talent?


Yes, that counts as a talent.


Compare yourself to me -- only the dog lets me near when I have scissors or clippers. I once made my son bald by accident, and my DH asked me who he was, and DH was serious! I have no talent for hair cutting or styling -- actually I have a negative amount of talent in that area. Yes, I've read the books, watched the videos, practiced... it's not just a skill. Currently, I've nearly balded the dog twice. I just cannot get the hang of how clippers work. Yes, I've watched the videos, etc. I cannot cut and I cannot style any hair.

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I also nap really well, but I'm not sure that's talent. :lol:


I often brag that I am quite good at napping, too. Wouldn't it be cool if we could do competitive napping? That way we'd have an excuse for dozing off when others think we should be productive -- we'd just say we're in training.

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I can think of songs and poems off the top of my head, faster than I can write them on paper. It's actually really weird and fun because the ideas just fly out of my head wildly, out of nowhere and I rarely have to revise them.


Once in high school, I wrote a full page synopsis of our OM problem in about five minutes (because writing it down took up the time!). The three other girls working on their poems (it was my idea to write a poem rather than just the regular description) either had a blank page or a couple of lines written.


I guess this is a talent but one I rarely discuss because I am shy about it (IRL). So all of you are the first to hear me talk about it!:D

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Napping IS a talent. I can't nap. I SLEEP. If I lay down and close my eyes, I'm down for the count. It doesn't refresh me. I always wake up feeling worse, because a) I slept too long and feel like a slug and it takes me an hour just to "wake up", just like in the mornings and b) I feel depressed that I slept too long and wasted part of my day.


I am also moderately talented at hair. Cutting and styling. Although, with no training, I can't guarantee that I can re-create a cut. I cut my sis's hair once into a cute little spiky, short pixie-ish cut. I could not, for the life of me, trim it to keep it that way, though! There was a lot of point-cutting involved. :001_smile:


I can also change the words in songs or add words to tunes to fit the occasion, when the mood strikes me. I did a lot of funny little songs for the kids while they were younger, to the tune of popular or well-known songs or t.v. tunes. So as to not sound too normal, I also made up songs for my dogs when I had them, and now for the cats. :D The current one in use is simply "Kitty, Kitty. Kitty, Kitty, Kitty Cat" - to the tune at the beginning Sanford and Son, if you recognize that at all. Or the other one "Stinky cats, Stinky cats, Stinky smelly cats" to Jingle Bells, when I'm cleaning the litter box. I have, in the past, had a lot more elaborate songs, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.


All of this, just to reiterate that I have no major, easily recognized (or often requested*) talent and am more "jack of all trades, master of none" as previously stated.

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I play bass guitar in a band; we've done some recording and play gigs in bars and clubs. We do some covers but focus mostly on writing our own music.


But I wouldn't say I'm talented! :D I just love doing it and put a lot of time and effort into it. It doesn't come particularly easy to me, but it's (usually) so enjoyable I don't mind the effort.

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I don't think I'm talented, but more like "crafty." I like to sew and make things. Even though I generally think I suck at it. But it's a fun hobby. I love art and music but can't do either. Although I could talk art and composer history until the sun went down. I really haven't found anyone to take me on that offer. My dh says I'm a great writer, and I do love to write, but usually just for my eyes only. Except online drivel. ;)


I have kept journals for as long as I can remember, and even wrote a short novel in college. Again for my eyes only.


I love photography and I have a Diana F+ lomography camera that I've played around with occasionally. I had to help my college boyfriend (art major) do most of his photography assignments, including development. I would love a personal dark room.


Mostly I'm a thinker more than a doer. Nothing (except homeschooling) really grabs my interest as a passion.

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I believe everyone is talented at something.


Then I tried to think of what I am talented at, and it really took me awhile.


I am talented at belching, but my daughter is better :lol:


I sing in the choir, but I am average.


I read way faster than most people do, but that's not really a talent.


I am not at all artistic, good in the kitchen, and I am not a jock.


But then I thought, I am really, really good at friendship...I am patient, forgiving and kind.


I am very easy to talk to, and often end up being the one person someone shares a secret with.


I am good at big picture thinking, which really helps with homeschooling.


I am good at being ME!



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