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Elementary, middle, junior high, high school?

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What are the breakdowns for each where you live? Apparently things are different from when I was in school. Poking around the site of the school the girls would have gone to, it looks like elementary ends with 5th grade.


I'm asking because Rebecca got it in her head that she had to know whether she'd be in elementary or middle school next year. I tried to explain that it didn't matter for her, but... :tongue_smilie:

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Elementary K-5

Middle 6-8

High 9-12


K-2 is informally called lower elementary and 3-5 is upper elementary.

Junior high would be assumed to be 9-10 eventhough we seldom hear people use that term.


When house hunting, there is a school district that is

Elementary K-6

Middle 7-8

High 9-12

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Elementary K-5

Middle 6-8

High 9-12


This is how it is where we live in Tn, where we lived in Ga. It's also how it was when I was growing up in Maryland (but I knew people in other counties that had Jr high 7-9 while I had middle in mine).

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In our district:


Elementary PK-5

Transition 6th (half elementary/half middle school)

Jr High 7-8

High School 9-12



All the neighboring districts vary with much confusion in some of them. The one I personally graduated from now has:


Elementary PK-4/PK-5/K-4/K-5

Intermediate 5-6

Jr high 6-8

9th grade centers

High school 10-12/9-12

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My district is constantly rearranging. Sometimes elementary goes to 6th, other years it's 5th. Some of the zones do intermediate school only, some did or are doing intermediate and junior high. Our high schools were 10-12, but now they're 9-12. Our population shifts a lot.


Ds town has a K-8 school, then they go to the regional high school.


My hometown was K-4, 5-8 middle school, and 9-12 when I went. Now it's broken up into k-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8, and 9-12.

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Almost everywhere around here it now seems to be:


K-5 Elementary

6-8 Middle School

9-12 High School


When I was in school, it was:


1-6 Elementary (there was no public K in town then)

7-8 Junior High

9-12 High School


Dh grew up less than an hour for me. Elementary was the same, but:


7-9 Junior High

10-12 High School

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What are the breakdowns for each where you live? Apparently things are different from when I was in school. Poking around the site of the school the girls would have gone to, it looks like elementary ends with 5th grade.


I'm asking because Rebecca got it in her head that she had to know whether she'd be in elementary or middle school next year. I tried to explain that it didn't matter for her, but... :tongue_smilie:


Elementary is K-6

Middle 7-8

High school 9-12

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In our district:

Elementary K-5

Middle 6-8

High School 9-12


The district where I grew up used to have K-4 in elementary, then a 5-12 secondary school with 5-8 in its own "middle school" wing. Then when I was in 6th grade, they reorganized the schools so K-6 were elementary, and the secondary school started in 7th, with the 7th & 8th graders in a "jr. high" wing. Finally, they very recently shifted the 6th graders back into the secondary school because of a shortage of space at the elementary school. Not sure whether they call the 6-8 wing "jr. high" vs. "middle school".

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Northern VA

Elem K-6

Middle 7-8

High 9-12


Middle and High are in the same building, called a Secondary School. The kids have classes on opposite sides of the building, with the cafeteria and the auditorium in between. Dd has a foreign lang class, and so she treks to the other side every other day.


In Ohio where I grew up,

Elem K-6

Jr. Hi 7-8-9

High 10-12


In FL where I went to hs

Elem k-5

Middle 6-7-8

High 9-12



Elem k-6

Jr Hi -7-8

9th stood alone

10-12 high school


In Ohio where my nieces went, some weird arrangement--can't remember. Something like 6 and 9 stood alone.


FWIW, SWB counts Logic Stage as starting in 5th.

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When I was in school:

elementary: K-4

Middle: 5-6

Jr High: 7-8

High: 9-12


Now? In the SAME school district if i lived there:

elementary: K-6

jr High: 7-8

High: 9-12


Its because they built 5 new elementary schools and they have so many new students that the old middle school wasnt big enough (even with those trailers they put kids in)

ETA: I dont know about the current school district because ive never looked. The above is from the school district where i grew up.

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Where I live now:

Elementary: K-5

Middle School: 6-8

High School:9-12


Where I grew up:

Elementary: K-6

Junior High: 7-9

High School: 10-12


Although, I understand from friends who still live where I grew up, that is some sort of bizarre centralized thing. Such as one school dedicated k-2, another is 3-5, etc.

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I'm asking because Rebecca got it in her head that she had to know whether she'd be in elementary or middle school next year. I tried to explain that it didn't matter for her, but... :tongue_smilie:

And I'd just keep repeating that it doesn't matter. It's enough (actually, it's too much, IMHO) that we even know what "grade" our dc are "in." :D

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small town:


elementary K-4

Middle 5-8

High 9-12


When I was in school (eons ago):


elementary K-6

Junior high 7-9 (9th grade still counted toward high school credit & graduation)

high 10-12


The small town where I lived is now:


Elementary K-4

Middle 5-7

Jr. High 8-9 (with HS credits in 9th)

High 10-12


It used to match elegantlion's when I was in school (not quite eons ago :D).

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When I was going to school it was: Elementary K-6, Jr. 7-8, High 9-12. Where we live now it is: Elementary K-5, Middle 6-8 and high 9-12. When I was younger 6 grade was almost always in elementary but now it is almost always in middle. I think that is because kids are going through puberty earlier these days.

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Where we live now:

Elementary = K-5

Middle = 6-8

High = 9-12


But we used to live in a district in AR that was:

Elementary = K-4

Middle = 5-6

Jr High = 7-9

High = 10-12


Where I grew up (and I think it's still this way):

Elem = K-6

Intermediate = 7-8

High = 9-12

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I tend to think of middle school and junior high as interchangeable terms


Growing up


Elementary K-4

5th grade was in school by itself

Middle 6-8

High School 9-12


The district I went to High school in outgrew its HS and now arranges things thus:

Primary K-1

Elementary 2-5

Intermediate 6-7

Middle 8-9

High 10-12



The district I live in

Primary K-2

Elementary 3-5

Middle 6-8

High School 9-12

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