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what's your "crack?" (food)

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I just discovered Parmesan & Garlic ripple chips at Meijer today.


Yes indeedy. I found a new fun food!


I also want to try chocolate-covered bacon. Yum!!


What's yours?


Where are they in Meijer? In the chip aisle?


You can get Choc covered bacon at Kroger Market Places.

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soda. :(


I hear ya. I had to stop buying it entirely when my problem reached its peak. We'd had family in town visiting and my mom had stocked up on 12-packs of Coke. Unfortunately, everyone was cutting back on soda, and when they all left, we had five 12-packs in our downstairs fridge :svengo: When I started having a Coke with breakfast every day, I knew something had to change. It was bad.

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Candied ginger

Dates stuffed with blue cheese.






Original flavour Doritos - I have them once a year at a group birthday party

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Diet Dr. Pepper. I swear they put crack in there. I am so addicted.


Also, ghost pepper salsa. No matter how painful it is, I just cannot stop eating it.


And for fall, those mellocreme pumpkins. I could eat bags of that stuff.

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Pomegranates. They're expensive, they're time-consuming, and they stain the heck out of my counters. And clothes. And fingers. And I'd really appreciate it if you didn't look too closely at the cat right now. Good thing they're also seasonal.


And lest I sound like a smuggo who gets addicted only to healthy things, I'll also cop to having to hide the miniature peanut butter cups from Trader Joe's.

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Pomegranates. They're expensive, they're time-consuming, and they stain the heck out of my counters. And clothes. And fingers. And I'd really appreciate it if you didn't look too closely at the cat right now. Good thing they're also seasonal.


And lest I sound like a smuggo who gets addicted only to healthy things, I'll also cop to having to hide the miniature peanut butter cups from Trader Joe's.



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Pomegranates. They're expensive, they're time-consuming, and they stain the heck out of my counters. And clothes. And fingers. And I'd really appreciate it if you didn't look too closely at the cat right now. Good thing they're also seasonal.


And lest I sound like a smuggo who gets addicted only to healthy things, I'll also cop to having to hide the miniature peanut butter cups from Trader Joe's.


Irish Breakfast Tea with a teaspoon of sugar and a splash of milk. I have to make two mugs in he mornings ow because my 12-year-old requires a hit too.


Food-wise, I'm promiscuous. My current obsession is Chipotle burrito bowls. I've got the app that lets me bypass the line and cash register. It's a problem. Also problematic is that we've decided to pronounce Chipotle 'chu-pottle-lee' just to irritate our Hispanic friends! I expect an intervention at any moment.

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Oh, but you have to admit that if you toast it and cover it with salty butter and eat it while it's still hot, it's a kind of heaven rarely experienced. Man, I really hate being gluten sensitive :glare:


Toast, while a wondrous thing, is what happens to bread so faulty it lasts more than a day. Toast is how you fix bread.


Once, on a Choir Tour, a host fixed my friend 7 different kinds of toast as a snack, the way other people might put a bowl of nuts out in their living room. Seven different kinds. My friend was incredibly impressed and still talks about it to this day.

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My crack: coffee with heavy cream


I have Costco-sized jars of Nutella right now because the kids eat it (yep, that's it ;)). My dream is to create a nutella-like substance with cocoa, coconut oil and much less sugar :)


Yes. In the chip aisle.


Seriously? If I actually find choc covered bacon at Kroger, it'll be all your fault :tongue_smilie:

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My crack: coffee with heavy cream


I have Costco-sized jars of Nutella right now because the kids eat it (yep, that's it ;)). My dream is to create a nutella-like substance with cocoa, coconut oil and much less sugar :)


Oh my word, someone posted a recipe like that here once, I think. Now I have to start looking.


ETA: Maybe this will help? Scroll down for the recipe. I'm sure you could sub in coconut oil for the oil. The OP of the thread I found it in said that the toasting and skinning of the hazelnuts was very time- and labor-intensive, so you could start with hazelnut butter to save time.



Edited by Sweet Morning Air
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The 'crack' in our house today was sopapilla cheesecake. I made it at 5pm and there are only four pieces left now (there's only four of us).


My 'crack' would have to be avocado. I eat it with just about everything, and nothing seems to be right without it. I haven't been able to taste for the past six months, but I still need avocado with my food. :001_huh:

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Diet Coke. Seriously, crack must be in there somewhere.


I don't know what it is with diet pop but I'm always in the mood for it. It doesn't even matter to me that I get a stomachache from artificial sweeteners. I like to shake it up and get diet pop besides diet coke. Right now diet wild cherry pepsi is my favorite.


Have you tried zevia? It's pop sweetened with stevia (real stevia not truvia or other things like that). It does have sugar alcohols but it's got to be better than aspartame. The only downside is the price - $5+ for a six pack of cans. The black cherry is the best.

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