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If you've lost a lot of weight...

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How did you handle clothing as you went down?


Did you get new clothing in each size? Wear your big clothing until it literally fell off of you before replacing?


Clothes are just so expensive, ya know.


I'm down 9 pounds. Eight weeks ago, I told my doctor I was losing the weight and would be thin by next summer. I lost three pounds and then got derailed by having an exchange student. I'm now averaging two pounds per week since changing my family's diet three weeks ago.


Our diet will not go back to what it was before; I was convicted after watching Dr. Terry Wahl's TED talk. If she can cure MS, maybe diet can heal my shoulder (already better), my heel (pain has changed which usually means it will be better soon), reflux, general fatigue, sleep issues, diabetes risk, cancer risk, etc. So, while I do want to lose weight, health was the primary goal this time.


I'm not hungry and I'm enjoying our new diet.

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Goodwill. I replaced the jeans more than the shirts, because shirts can hang longer than the jeans can. But I was able to get 4 or 5 pair of jeans at goodwill for under $60, and keep myself clothed AND not have to do laundry every day.

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I am in this boat too! Waiting until they are falling off bascially. Although, I am making good use of peasant/maxi skirts.


I did go to goodwill and found 3 wonderful pairs of jeans that fit nicely right now, but one is already starting to get a bit big. Drying on high helps me for the first day also.

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I bought new clothes for each size, as I found it motivational. I shopped at thrift stores, though, so never spend more than $10 per size--a new pair of jeans or yoga pants, and a t-shirt /shirt. But I guess I don't dress as fancy or elaborately as some. :D

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I wear almost exclusively jeans, nicer tops (swore off of cotton t-shirts until they are better made and stop getting holes in them), and tennis shoes.


It's the jeans that are the most problematic. My shorts are baggy enough that they don't look very nice. My jeans are fitting comfortably again, but I'm sure they'll start getting lose soon enough.

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How did you handle clothing as you went down?


Did you get new clothing in each size? Wear your big clothing until it literally fell off of you before replacing?


Clothes are just so expensive, ya know.


I'm down 9 pounds. Eight weeks ago, I told my doctor I was losing the weight and would be thin by next summer. I lost three pounds and then got derailed by having an exchange student. I'm now averaging two pounds per week since changing my family's diet three weeks ago.


Our diet will not go back to what it was before; I was convicted after watching Dr. Terry Wahl's TED talk. If she can cure MS, maybe diet can heal my shoulder (already better), my heel (pain has changed which usually means it will be better soon), reflux, general fatigue, sleep issues, diabetes risk, cancer risk, etc. So, while I do want to lose weight, health was the primary goal this time.


I'm not hungry and I'm enjoying our new diet.


I'm planning to be in the same boat. I'd love to hear how you specifically chanaged your family's diet :)

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It's the jeans that are the most problematic. My shorts are baggy enough that they don't look very nice. My jeans are fitting comfortably again, but I'm sure they'll start getting lose soon enough.


I found the jeans the hardest... I bought one new pair in each size as I went down so I'd have something I felt "good" in. When clothes are too big, they make me look fatter, which was very demoralizing.

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I am in this boat too! Waiting until they are falling off bascially. Although, I am making good use of peasant/maxi skirts.


I did go to goodwill and found 3 wonderful pairs of jeans that fit nicely right now, but one is already starting to get a bit big. Drying on high helps me for the first day also.




Also, are you doing this with a friend? There's usually someone with ready hand-me-downs in my group for all kinds of sizes.

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I waited until clothes were falling off me to get new ones. It was to expensive to buy new ones for each size.



Same here. I've lost 45 pounds and have gone from a 2x to a 12 and still losing. I wear my clothes until they are ridiculously large....to the point of being uncomfortable. Most of my clothes right now are 14's even though i'm a 12. Hoping to be able to go right into 10's, but most of my winter clothes are 16's from last year so i might just need new before i get to a 10.

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I've lost 45 pounds. I'll let my clothes get a little baggy, but the weight loss is really encouraging when you can see it. I get new things at the thrift store or on sale every so often so that I can see my progress. This is hard work and I figure I'm worth it : ). I can also do it without spending too much money. Shirts are more flexible, so mostly I'm buying new jeans. Also, for my birthday my family gave me money so that I could go out and get new things as I needed them, so that helped!

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I'm down almost 25 lbs. I do generally wear my clothes until they're just about falling off. And I keep tightening my belt, which I wear to keep my pants from falling off. But that's mostly because it seems the next size typically doesn't fit until that point. I haven't had to buy new stuff because I still have smaller sizes in my dresser/closet that I haven't gotten rid of. I plan to go to the thrift store to get more clothes when I need them, but that's where I buy at least half of my stuff anyway. Some of my shirts come from using $10 off coupons that come occasionally from JC Penney or Kohl's, and I look for shirts that are just a smidge over $10 so I can get them nearly free.

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I did a sort of a mix:


I found some instructions online for taking in the waistband of jeans and did so. Also, belts. I only wore the jeans when I needed to go in public, mostly with hand me down shirts that some family members gave me.


I went to a discount store and stocked up on sports bras with stretch and wore those for bras most of the time, and Old Navy and bought a bunch of yoga pants, and wore those with old oversized tee shirts around the house. It was a little sloppy looking, but the healthy exercise-induced flush and happy smiley look I had atoned for that a bit, I think.


When I had an event that I needed to look good for, I shopped.


When I was close to my goal, I shopped hard. It was wonderful.

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I wear almost exclusively jeans, nicer tops (swore off of cotton t-shirts until they are better made and stop getting holes in them), and tennis shoes.


It's the jeans that are the most problematic. My shorts are baggy enough that they don't look very nice. My jeans are fitting comfortably again, but I'm sure they'll start getting lose soon enough.


I'm glad you asked. I recently lost 10 pounds and celebrated by buying a few new things in a smaller size. One pair of pants, one skirt and one shirt. They're nice wardrobe basics that should help get me through until I fit in my old clothes again.


I already had a pair of jeans that fit me--because I bought them on sale months ago to help inspire the weight loss.:) (Same brand/style that fit my figure at the time--but one size smaller.) Those jeans finally fit me now. For tops, most of the clothes in my closet still fit, (but the new top I got fits better--plus, it's new.)


When I overeat, I spend money on food treats, so when I diet I'm willing to spend a little bit on clothing. I'm thinking of getting the same pair of pants in the next smaller size so I'll have something new to wear once I out-shrink the pair I just bought. :D

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How did you handle clothing as you went down?


Did you get new clothing in each size? Wear your big clothing until it literally fell off of you before replacing?


Clothes are just so expensive, ya know.


I wore my old clothes until they just literally could not stay on my body anymore. At that point I had lost about half of what I wanted to lose so I went out and bought some brand new "halfway there" clothes. After that though, I shopped at Goodwill. I live in a college town with a couple of really great Goodwills. Once my weight loss had pretty much stalled, I would venture into buying some new clothes on occasion.

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I got new pants, but only 2 pair. One to wear and one to wash. Now I'm back down in the pants I was in before I gained my weight so I have several pairs of jeans, one pair of black slacks, and one pair of khaki. I'm so used to having only two pair that I don't know what to do with all of these clothes! I only just now bought a few tshirts. They were $8 each at Kohls. I'd like a few blouses but I haven't been in the mood to shop. I donated my large pants and shirts that were really too big. My plan is stay my size and not get back into those larger sizes. I'm about to be a lifetime member at Weight Watchers and I have to weigh in once a month when that happens. I'm hoping that keeps me accountable and down in weight.

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How did you handle clothing as you went down?


Did you get new clothing in each size? Wear your big clothing until it literally fell off of you before replacing?


Clothes are just so expensive, ya know.


I'm down 9 pounds.




I didn't buy anything on the way down because I had old stuff that would hold me over. Belts were my friend if I had to stay in pants 1 or 2 sizes to large. Shirts I still wore as if they fit.


I'm down to within 5 pounds of my goal. I lose 2, gain 1, lose one, gain 2, lose 3. Well, you know how it goes. I have bought a just about complete wardrobe. Pants especially. Shirts are still S and L. I had just gotten to a point where I had replaced all my bookshelves to the new size and I noticed they were too big again! I had it "easy" as it was summer and I think clothes are a tad cheaper. Now for winter - I've bought one pair of jeans for that day when it yells for more clothes. I'll worry about sweatshirts and sweaters as the cold comes on. Again, I have left over clothes from when I was a S before. And the M still fit too.


The funny thing is the exercise clothes are so elastic that I haven't replaced any of them! I'm now wanting too.

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Just don't do what I did. I lost about 10 additional pounds before I went to visit my Mom. She about had a fit over my too-big clothes and, especially, my mom jeans.


We went shopping. It was pretty amazing to me that I could wear a smaller size.


I tossed my too-big clothes before I went home. I then ate a lot of peanut buster parfaits at DQ and gained 10 lbs. back in two months.


I have about 3 outfits I can wear, and none of them are clothes I want to be seen in public in. I saved one pair of mom jeans to wear in the yard.


The worst part is that the two pairs of non-mom jeans I bought -- well, I can't button them. I had ample warning -- the muffin top occurred right before that.


So I'm back to eating healthily. This is in lieu of hoping the weather gets colder soon. I hate cold weather, and it is strange to be thinking about it in a positive way. What a life! Either eat rabbit food or pray for snow. I have a wardrobe of fall and winter clothes that should be too big.

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Congratulations on your dedication and success! How about asking on Freecycle? I've seen people giving away clothes as they lost, and I've seen at least a few people asking for clothes in certain sizes as they lost.


(Also, I'm jealous :blushing: You just reminded me that I'm supposed to be meal planning for LCHF meals this week. We all need to lose a few, and some of us need to lose a lot *sigh*)

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It was a little more complicated when I was working and really could not have a pitch meeting with a supporter (nonprofit) in clothes that were too causal or too baggy. Now that I am mostly a homemaker/homeschooling mom it is easier.


Buy a belt.


Get 2-3 pairs of pants per size. Shirts are fairly easy to find at Goodwill. Pants can be harder, but look anyways just in case. If I can't find used, I look at the Gap and Land's End sale/clearance sales. I can usually find 2-3 pairs for under $65.


Occasionally splurge on something you love to wear as you drop sizes to give you a boost.


Dresses and skirts can be more forgiving. I am wearing more pull over dresses than ever before (about $5 at Goodwill.)


And yeah, let people know you are looking for clothes. A friend was at a mama clothing swap and saw 5 pairs of pants that were too big for her and she thought would fit me. She got them and I thought "um, maybe those will fit in 3 months." Later that same day, I was walking in with groceries and my pants fell off. In my driveway. Yeah, in public. So I tried the ones she gave me that I thought were too small and they fit snugly but well enough to wear! Woot.

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I just started a weight loss thread, so funny!! :tongue_smilie:


I wore my old clothes until they were literally falling off of me. But I also had the "comfortable" jeans, the "fat day" jeans, and the "skinny day" jeans. :D So my fat day jeans were gone a long time ago, they were bordering on too big as it was and as soon as I started losing weight I looked as if I were swimming in denim. Then the comfortable jeans were the staple, and when they started to get loose, I switched to the "skinny" jeans. (Not skinny-leg jeans, just the jeans I had that were tighter on me before. :D) Now, all the jeans I own from before look ridiculous. It wasn't bad over the summer because we didn't go many places, but I just went to the thrift stores and found myself some new pants.


Shirts were easier because I haven't lost as much weight up top. I don't lose in my chest... unfortunately..... :glare: I wish I would!!!


So, the moral of the story is- I wear my clothes until they are falling off, then get new ones. I love just skipping over sizes and going right into smaller sizes that I haven't seen in years. :D

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PSA: A few weeks ago, I was swimming with the kids in a still comfy & decent looking Lands End Tankini.


I jumped out of the pool to hoist myself on the side of the pool to get out . . .


My shorts/bottoms FELL RIGHT DOWN OFF MY BUTT!!




It was, ahem, shocking to my ds who was right there, and hopefully not too shocking to the innocent bystanders who were also in the pool. Thankfully, I felt it happening, and splashed right back into the pool and pulled them up again!


Needless to say, I now advocate for not waiting TOO LONG to replace tankini bottoms!! I thought maybe those bottoms were stretched out or the elastic was bad b/c they were my fave, but they are the exact same size as an identical suit (that wasn't my fave colors so hadn't been worn much, but I had it b/c that color was super cheap on clearance some time). So, I guess even going down a single size in certain swimwear is a big deal. I mean, maybe I went down a size and a half at most.


Two newly purchased (smaller) LE tankinis are upstairs waiting for the beach, and two more are on order now that I know what fits (and they are having a killer sale, anyhow).


All that said, I have just lost a couple sizes (from 14s to 10s in pants, XL to L or M in most other things), and I don't expect to lose a huge additional amount, so I've gone ahead and bought what I need/want. I shop sales, and I don't need huge volumes of things, so I just buy what I want. If I were expecting to lose a lot more, I guess I'd be slower to fill out the wardrobe, but I'm sure I'd at least want some nice fitting jeans and a cute outfit or two, just b/c it is fun being slimmer & I'd want the reward.

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So, I guess even going down a single size in certain swimwear is a big deal. I mean, maybe I went down a size and a half at most.




Swimwear sizing is a pretty big deal.


This is also the very reason I don't buy swimsuit for my dd with growing room (Boy's trunks have a drawcord.). It's a stretchy fabric and it stretches even more when wet. The added weight of water will cause it to.... well... you know now what it causes! :tongue_smilie:

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Honestly, I spent too much on new clothes at each size. I'll admit it. It was exciting, new clothes encouraged me, and I just never could envision myself any smaller. When I got to 150 I bought quite a bit thinking I would never be smaller than that. I got down to around 135 (thought I'm back up a little over 140 now).


Don't do what I did. It was a waste of money and I still feel foolish. However, if I had it to do again I would still buy a few things here or there than fit nicely and made me feel good.

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I'm planning to be in the same boat. I'd love to hear how you specifically chanaged your family's diet :)


Here's my Facebook album of some of the meals we've been eating.


Dr. Terry Wahls recommends 3 cups of greens. So, I'm trying to get greens in every day. I'm getting between 1 and 3 cups, depending on the day. She recommends 3 cups of sulfur-containing vegetables. I don't think we can do that, but I'm working on eating them twice a week. She recommends 3 cups of brightly colored foods. We eat a large variety of fruit, and I try to get my OAS son as much variety as I can. She recommends omega 3s. Dr. Sears also talks about omega 3s in his nutrition books; he says 6oz of wild salmon twice a week. I can't afford that so I'm working on once a week. I've switched to using Dave's Good Seed Killer Bread, which is high in omega 3s. Between the cost of the bread and trying to lower carbs, we don't eat a tone of it...usually a slice of toast, or half a sandwich, or buttered and toasted....so one slice a day. I've lowered our meat to 3-4 ounce servings, usually for dinner though we also sometimes have it with lunch. She recommends organ meats; I'm skipping that one. And we've lowered our dairy consumption.

Edited by joannqn
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Here's my Facebook album of some of the meals we've been eating.


Dr. Terry Wahls recommends 3 cups of greens. So, I'm trying to get greens in every day. I'm getting between 1 and 3 cups, depending on the day. She recommends 3 cups of sulfur-containing vegetables. I don't think we can do that, but I'm working on eating them twice a week. She recommends 3 cups of brightly colored foods. We eat a large variety of fruit, and I try to get my OAS son as much variety as I can. She recommends omega 3s. Dr. Sears also talks about omega 3s in his nutrition books; he says 6oz of wild salmon twice a week. I can't afford that so I'm working on once a week. I've switched to using Dave's Good Seed Killer Bread, which is high in omega 3s. Between the cost of the bread and trying to lower carbs, we don't eat a tone of it...usually a slice of toast, or half a sandwich, or buttered and toasted....so one slice a day. I've lowered our meat to 3-4 ounce servings, usually for dinner though we also sometimes have it with lunch. She recommends organ meats; I'm skipping that one. And we've lowered our dairy consumption.


Milled flaxseed is also a good source of omega 3s, and not too expensive. I try to get 1 TBSP per day in something (green smoothie, oatmeal, yogurt). I buy it whole and grind it in my coffee bean grinder. I keep the seeds in the freezer and the ready-to-use stuff in a jar in the fridge.

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