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Random foods poll... do you eat....?

Do you eat these foods?  

  1. 1. Do you eat these foods?

    • Banana and mayo sandwich?
    • Banana and peanut butter sandwich?
    • Banana and nutella sandwich?
    • Pineapple and Mayo Sandwich?
    • Tomato and Mayo sandwich?
    • Cucumber and Mayo Sandwich?
    • Pear salad consisting of pear halves with mayo and cheddar cheese
    • chicken salad with grapes and walnuts mixed in (mayo of course)
    • tuna salad with tons of hard boiled eggs, DILL pickles and mayo?
    • tomato, onion and mayo salad? All diced up and mixed together?

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ETA: Oh wait, technically I do not eat Nutella because I am dairy free, but I do make my own version :D


I know you said you make your own, but if you ever feel like buying some and the stores near you carry it, Justin's Chocolate Hazelnut Butter is fantastic! We are dairy free and happened to see it at the store one day. I cannot do chocolate, but allow myself a wee bit every now and then. It's definitely fantastic with bananas on (GF) toast.


As for the poll, I love mayo but can't stand tomatoes or cucumbers. My mom, my boys, and my dad when he was alive love sliced tomatoes with mayo, salt, and pepper. The bread is optional. I love PB and bananas or the above mentioned Justin's nut butter with bananas. I have never tried pineapple and mayo but I'm going to have to.


As for chicken salad or tuna, I don't like walnuts, but this is how we make it:

chicken salad has diced pineapple, red onion, pasta, and mayo in it, with a healthy addition of crushed candied pecans. Tuna is made with red onion, candied pecans, lemon juice and mayo. We've also made chicken salad with raisins or cranberries, pecans and mayo when in a hurry or out of pineapple.

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None, I hate bananas and tolerate mayo. Don't like tomatoes either. I've never heard of some of these combos either, plus I don't eat bread. The weirdest I go with any of those items is peanut butter mixed with honey. That's yummy. But I eat it out of a bowl.

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The closest I come to anything on your list is #7, but only pears with Miracle Whip, not mayo, and sans cheese. I saw it on Mr. Rogers when I was little and had to try it. Also #9, but with sweet pickle relish. If I make tuna salad the way I really like it, it will have diced boiled eggs, celery, red onion, lemon juice, and lemon pepper.


I think my husband takes the cake with his PB & mayo sandwiches. Blech!

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Can't believe NO ONE shares my love of pineapple sandwiches..y'all don't know what you are missing. They are DELICIOUS (in high pitched singing voice)


I love pineapple sandwiches! I eat everything on your list, except for cucumber sandwich and tomato/onion salad.


Are you from the South? Your list makes me think so. :001_smile:

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Actually, my favorites of the list are:

tomato, Dukes mayo (regional brand, the only REAL mayo ;)), salt and pepper

banana, peanut butter and mayo (grosses my husband out :))

banana and mayo


My preferred chicken salad has curry, hard boiled eggs, celery and apples in it, but grapes and walnuts would be good. My mother used to make the pear salad described, using canned Bartlett pear halves. I liked them, but haven't had one in years---I think they had them in the cafeteria when I was in college. It seems like a recipe that likely came out of a 1960s or 70s women's magazine.:)


I despise canned tuna, so don't eat it in any iteration.

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I picked chicken salad and tuna salad option. I used to love Miracle Whip but now equally love homemade mayo. I like the tart w/ the sweet in tuna and chicken salad. I live in the Midwest and one of the local butchers had a chicken salad w/ grapes and nuts that sold like crazy. I like tomato and mayo as well but prefer to have bacon on there as well. Of course being gluten free I generally eat without the actual bread. I also picked banana and nutella but I wouldn't actually eat that because it would be too much sugar but I think it would be tasty.

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Just curious, does anyone else like dill pickles on their grilled cheese sandwiches?? I found out I can't have dairy and this is one I miss, esp. in the winter with tomato soup.


A yummy sandwich is

toasted bread

cream cheese (if you can have dairy)





I do like banana and pbutter, esp. on gf toast or gf pancake

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I wouldn't eat any of them.


While I might consider eating peanut butter or nutella on a banana, I would not eat a banana on bread.


Mayo belong with a meat, always. Cucumber, tomato etc is fine but there has to be a meat with it.


Fruit NEVER is eaten with a meat. :ack2:


I also have a huge aversion to mixed textures. I find it disgusting when people want to add pickles, nuts, celery etc into they egg/chicken salads. All of those things are fine on the side but just not in the sandwich fixings.


So if given a choice, I'd vote "yes you eat weird" but since as you can see I have my own food issues, I will admit I'm not the most objective audience.

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I don't really eat anything listed, but I do like egg salad sandwiches with mayo and lots of chopped dill pickle. I'm sure it would taste fine with tuna, but I avoid eating tuna.


I dislike Nutella- I find it too sweet, but I love peanut butter.


A weird sandwich my dad always ate was fried egg and peanut butter.

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I don't really eat anything listed, but I do like egg salad sandwiches with mayo and lots of chopped dill pickle. I'm sure it would taste fine with tuna, but I avoid eating tuna.


I dislike Nutella- I find it too sweet, but I love peanut butter.


A weird sandwich my dad always ate was fried egg and peanut butter.



Nutella is very sweet but I love chocolate and hazelnut and found this.. not sick sweet(not super smooth either) I don't know if they have it where you live but you might like it=D



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If you let me eat the mayo I make, then I would eat the tomato/mayo, cuke/mayo and the chicken salad. Peanut butter and fish make me gak and nutella is one of the nastiest things you can get away with calling a "food." :ack2:

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None of the above as I don't eat sandwiches. Gluten free bread is depressing to me so I don't waste my starchy carbs on it. So I eat lettuce wraps instead. I do like mayo within reason, more so if it is homemade (YUM). My fave fake sandwich/lettuce wrap is turkey, tomato, onion, cucumber and avocado with a little mayo.

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fried egg & mayo, yumm! (especially if you fry a thick slice of bologna to go with it :001_smile:


Anybody add mayo to their peanut butter & banana sandwiches, or is it just me?? My dh looked down on those sandwiches for years until I made him try one! He wouldn't make one himself but had to admit they taste pretty good :D

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Can't believe NO ONE shares my love of pineapple sandwiches..y'all don't know what you are missing. They are DELICIOUS (in high pitched singing voice)


just ate a pineapple, shredded cheddar cheese and mayo sandwich for lunch :p Thought I would rub it in how much awesomeness y'all are missing out on :lol:


:DI was just about to tell you to add in some cheese on that sandwich! Personally, I prefer American to cheddar for pineapple sandwiches.


I eat most of your list. Take out the nuts and cucumbers for me. All are best on white bread. I prefer wheat for most sandwiches, but those combos demand white. Hmmm. I think I might just make myself a pineapple, cheese, and mayo right now. it sounds SO good. (Canned on a sandwich. Fresh has too much tang, though I prefer it most other times.)

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Wow, I must be a bad Southern girl. Growing up, our family ate egg salad (and yes, I do prefer it with dill pickles, though Mom always made it with relish), potato salad, tuna salad, chicken salad, and pimento cheese spread. All with mayonnaise, though Mom (like me) prefers mustard to mayonnaise and would usually go about half-mustard, half-mayo for all except the pimento cheese.


We never used mayonnaise as a spread for sandwiches. I think all of us (except maybe Mom, who can tolerate it better) order our sandwiches at restaurants without mayonnaise. For years I couldn't use the stuff without gagging. I finally found a solution: squeezing it out of a bottle rather than scooping it out of the jar. And I have to pretend it's butter rather than mayonnaise, or else I still gag. But at least I'm able to make some yummy sandwich spreads now. :)


And I agree that Duke's is the best. DH brought home kroger brand mayonnaise one time, defending his choice by saying it had the same ingredients as Duke's and was cheaper. True, but....

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The best is thick slices of tomato, still warm from the garden on white bread spread with mayo and salt sprinkled on top.


Thanks for the trip down memory lane. :)


Yep! Gotta be white bread and tomato still warm from the garden - YUM!


Just curious, does anyone else like dill pickles on their grilled cheese sandwiches??


Yes! Although I sometimes simply put bite sizes of pickles as a side with the sandwich. Either way, it's delish!



Another southern gal here wondering why the poll didn't include fried egg and mayo sandwiches, a true classic.


Not southern, but we love fried egg sandwiches with mayo. We also include ketchup too, though, so that probably makes it more gross in most people's minds. :tongue_smilie:


Fried egg and mayo with cheese - YUM! Occasionally with lettuce added, too. My family splits between preferring these with mayo or ketchup.

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ha ha, y'all and your Duke preferences.. I like Duke until it makes me sick... I have to get Hellmans made with Canola. Very limited selection that isn't made with soy oil.. however, just a few years ago that wasn't the case. Soy is taking over the grocery world :glare:

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DH says I eat weirdly.


What? No thinly sliced turkey, extra sharp cheddar cheese, and pickle sandwich?


:iagree: with your dh. Poor guy....I wonder what he thinks every day he opens up his lunch box? :lol: Just kidding!


I couldn't vote....so I don't know what the results are.

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What? No thinly sliced turkey, extra sharp cheddar cheese, and pickle sandwich?


:iagree: with your dh. Poor guy....I wonder what he thinks every day he opens up his lunch box? :lol: Just kidding!


I couldn't vote....so I don't know what the results are.




ha ha, I do not force my wierdness upon him. He typically eats subway for lunch or leftovers from dinner which are typically the normal southern cuisine of meatloaf, spaghetti, baked chicken, etc.

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