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Hi :)


I'm Polly, mom to 6, ages 21 to 7. I've been homeschooling for 15 years because...I want to. :lol:


I love to read, to a fault, and for the last couple of years I've enjoyed learning to knit!! I love coffee on my porch.


I lurked on the old boards, post on the new. :)


I really enjoy hearing other people's perspectives and trying to understand, whether I agree or not.

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*E.g. the other day we were at King Tut and I realized hubby and kiddo had gone off with my ticket. I ran 3 blocks up hill in the heat, shouting, whistling, and whooping trying to get them to stop and let me catch up. Many, many people looked at me, but not them. When I was finally 10 feet from them, and they were about to hand in the tickets and go inside, my screaming, shouting and waving (which had alerted everyone in the area I was there, except them) got their attention. Hubby said he wasn't expecting anyone to be calling his name so he "wasn't listening". I then turned to kiddo, in full view of the line, and said, "Surely YOU heard me!" He piped, "Yes, I did, but thought I was hallucinating."


What could a sweating, purple-faced woman say to the line of people all gawking? Nothing. I grabbed my ticket and walked away.


:lol::lol: Oh my goodness! That's funny!!

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My username comes from a childhood nickname that I feel is very unique. I have two children, a four-year-old and a two-year-old. We're expecting our third in October.


I work from home as a transcriptionist and help my husband here and there who has just started his own Internet marketing company.


I read "The Well-trained Mind" when my oldest was just a baby and stumbled onto this forum a year or two ago. I mostly lurk, mainly because I feel I'm already addicted enough to reading the board that if I were to post more I would spend even more time waiting around for responses.


My son just barely misses the cut-off for the local kindergarten this year and so I'm going to do a trial year of homeschooling kindergarten and then we'll decide if we put him in school or continue homeschooling. My heart wants to homeschool, but with my husband starting his own business I'm not sure how much will be required of me to help with that. Either way, I love the diversity of this board and the search function that gives me information on everything from playdough recipes, to avoiding bedbugs while traveling, and the best way to teach your children the alphabet.

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I'm Jenny (obviously)... I just finished my 10th and most likely my final year of homeschooling. :sad: My youngest will be off to PS in the fall. Her older sister already has two years under her belt, at a performing arts magnet high school in the area.


I've been around the boards since Patricia in WA (she was in Atl at the time) told me to (~8 years). I don't post as much as I used to, as life has become crazy busy, and involves way too much driving. I'm sure I'll still pop in, as after-schooling and life-long-learning is a passion of mine. I've also made some wonderful cyber friends here, and that in an of itself is priceless.

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I'm Kathryn, mom to two crazy boys. ODS has high functioning autism, and YDS adores his big brother and imitates every bad behavior and tantrum he sees. We started looking into homeschooling because of ODS's severe food allergies, which he has since outgrown. We continue it for so many reasons that I can't pick just one or two to mention.

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I think I come across as a forum doofus doing intros.


I'm Jenny. Married for almost 15 years. Mom by adoption to two polar opposite boys. Just starting kindergarten homeschooling. It's always been in the back of my mind. I had a close friend send her daughter to K 2 years ago, bad experience for all, homeschooled first grade last year. We had many discussions and we decided to do it for academic reasons, religious reasons, and not wanting our kids gone in the system for that many hours a day just to come home to rushed dinner, homework, and bed.


I fail at blogging. I have a few of them that I try to keep up. I shut one down after I was targeted by an anti adoption hate group that was quite scary. Since then I don't post pics online anymore save for a few FB ones. No names or locations. The first mom of one of my boys is an addict with a long record. It scares me that she knows where we live, even though it is far far away.


Nature and outdoors are not in my nature, but I am trying really hard for the boys. And random fun trivia: I was engaged to a man other than my husband when I first kissed DH. Ah, the young and stupid late teens. Ex-fiancĂƒÂ© decided he was gay after I broke it off with him. (I say since he couldn't have me, he didn't want any woman! DH says his experience with me was so bad he didn't want another woman!)

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I have been coming to the boards for 9 years now. I lurked on the old board and came out of hiding when the new board started. We have been homeschooling our 3 children from the beginning. High school is looming on the horizon and saying I am scared is an understatement. :D

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I'm Annie!


We homeschooled for 19 years and graduated our youngest last month.


I quilt, read, cycle, volunteer, tutor high school math, and due to my recent homeschool retirement, I'm currently deciding what I want to be when I grow up.

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I'm Jennifer. I found the these boards in 2009 while I was searching for a used curriculum. I had never heard of Susan's book at that time and was thrilled to find not only the curriculum I was looking for, but a whole thriving community here. I read TWTM shortly after being here and it really resonated with me and gave me a good plan to go on right at a time in my home school journey where I was needing a more structured plan (we started out as quasi un-schoolers). I really appreciate that there is a board here for special needs kiddos as well. I have two children on the Autism spectrum and it's nice to know I'm not alone. :) I have been homeschooling for 13 years now. I'm married and live in South Florida. :)

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I'm Tammy from Western North Carolina. I have six dc, two dil, one grandbaby, and one on the way. I started homeschooling 18 years ago for academic reasons, but quickly realized the multitude of other benefits for our family. I have graduated three, and have three to go. I was a lurker on the old board and decided to come out of lurking with the new board.


I hope this even makes sense. :001_smile: I have been at my son's house helping out the last few days while his wife is in the field (military), and I am so tired. I am definitely out of practice getting up in the night with a baby. It is worth it to get all the cuddling, though!

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Wow. I'm late to the party, as usual.


I am another that lurked on the old board and posts on the new one.


We homeschool for academic and lifestyle reasons. We own a seasonal business and don't want "the man" (public school) telling us when we can vacation :001_smile:. We have homeschooled from the beginning, but still take it year by year.


I'm striving to be more organized, ambitious, and optimistic this year, in all areas of my life.


My happy places are near large bodies of water and Walt Disney World.


made me smile today.
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Hi, I'm Kris from eastern North Carolina. I'm mom to six children ages 2 to 14. This will be our sixth year of homeschooling.


I have a passion for cloth diapering and green living. I'm admin on Diaper Pin (a cloth diapering website). Same username and avatar. I recognize a few of you here :):):)


I love to read and generally read at least 2 books a week. I'm learning how to golf and that has been quite, um, interesting. I don't think I'm naturally coordinated. :lol:


I am a few hours short of my Anthropology degree from Carolina. I think I will go back and finish but pursue a different career path. I'm not sure what yet. I went and had a bunch of career placement testing done and the program's number one pick for me was...... Coroner :D Decisions, decisions...


We are secular homeschoolers. :)

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Hi. I am Lisa, mom to three kids (ages 6, 4 and 2) plus one more on the way. I mostly lurk on the forums, but I absolutely love it here and have learned a TON already. Hopefully as we continue our hsing journey I will be able to help others as much as I have been helped! :)

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Hi. I'm Laura. We live in NC. I was on the old board a little bit and have been a lurker here since it started. We have been homeschooling since the beginning. We are going to be putting the kids into a small, private school this next year that meets 4 days a week.


I like to read, the beach, the mountains, Autumn, and chocolate. :)

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I am Mommyfaithe. I have been on these forums since the inception:D. I have been homeschooling my kids for 17 years...and have graduated 4 of my 7.


I am a sah/wahm. Dh and I own a plumbing HVAC business and our boys are working for/with us.


We began homeschooling for academic reasons, but continue for academic, spiritual and relational reasons.


Over the years I have changed homeschooling curricula many times, but lean toward a " Classical/CM bent. SWB is my hero:D


This year I will be homeschooling high school once again....



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Hi, I'm Melissa. I'm from Texas originally, but have moved around a lot since getting married. (7 places in 7 years) We're currently in Mexico City, Mexico. DS was ready to learn at a young age so I started looking into homeschooling, read The Well-Trained Mind, and here I am! I love to read, I'm an introvert, and I wish I had some chocolate right now. :)

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Hi, I'm Yvette, I've been a member here for many many years but I'm an irregular poster.


I've been married for 23 years and have 4 kids - Declan, 16, Duncan, 15, Cecily, 12, and Fiona, 9.


I started homeschooling Declan when he was little because he was very, very shy, and a huge perfectionist and I knew he wouldn't do well in a regular classroom. I continued with Duncan because he is my super high energy kid who can't sit still for 2 minutes. Anyway, we liked it and have been homeschooling for 12 years now, and enjoy the flexibility and family togetherness.


My dh and kids are very involved in music. All the kids are in 4-H. I like reading, gardening, crocheting, baking, and I am active in my Orthodox parish, and in volunteer work.

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Hi, I'm Chris.

I have a high post count bc I started homeschooling with a high schooler and a k'er, so I had posts on 3 boards...:D Also posted on special needs for a while and on the college and logic stage boards. I keep the computer on all the time, so it seems like I'm always here but I'm not...


I'm a priest's wife, but more of a Mary than a Martha. I'm much more conservative than my denomination, but haven't been given permission from the Head Honcho to leave yet (and that would be the Big G, not Dh).


I have 3 kids who are all different from each other--really different from each other! Eldest is an undiagnosed Aspie who's obsession with movies comes in handy (see siggy). He homeschooled all thru high school.


Middle son is brilliant but troubled by addiction--he's currently not living with us, trying recovery again.


Dd homeschooled for 4 years, but we put her in ps for these last two, and don't know about further homeschooling. She is resistant to the idea bc she had a wonderful time this year.


I currently work part-time as a dog walker, which is hilarious to me, since I'm really not one of those "outdoor people."


I wish I could meet you all irl!:D

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I've been here forever it seems -- since the old board, then I left when things became dicey with people hacking and using other folks' screen names....then returned about 18 mos later when I began homeschooling all three kids.


Their info is in my siggy - i think.


We live in northern virginia - have been here for 11 years, and i am originally from NJ -

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I'm Paula. I need to change my username to 4blessingmom b/c we EXPECTING!!! a new baby in December.:party:



My other 3 blessings are 9, 7, and 6yo. I've HSed from the start. I'm a PW and give voice lessons...and teach music in a small co-op. We just moved out to the country after living in suburbia forever. The kids and I are growing our very first garden this year.

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I started "researching" (a.k.a. reading these boards) when my eldest was 2. He's 8 now and going into 3rd grade next year. He's got three sisters: DD6, 1st grade; DD4, K; and DD3months.


DH is military and we live out in the West currently. He and I both are of Korean descent, but we don't consider ourselves Korean. I was adopted as an infant and DH was born and raised in the States. Interestingly enough, we met and got married in Korea...




I just discovered babywearing with my fourth. So between the WTM and TBW forums, I'm surprised I get anything done in an average day!



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Hi, I'm jolley. We began homeschooling in 2004 for academic reasons. We adopted 2 of our dc in 2007. Homeschooling was the perfect environment to work out emotional issues and bond us as a family. I rarely post because I seem to find most of my answers already asked or discussed here. :001_smile:

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I had to look at my profile to discover that I joined in 2010. I started reading and posting in the last year or so while trying to make some curriculum changes for dd who is 7 and an only child.


Dh and I have our own business in the financial services industry so I basically work full time and homeschool dd at the office in between the six balls I'm always juggling at the office.


This board has been an invaluable resource for me and I read a lot more than I post.

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Barry here.


One of the few dudes that posts here...wife to another WTM member. She's the smartest woman I know, and my best friend. She's way better than I deserve.


Homeschooled since day 1...my 4 daughters are now 16, 14, 12 (just), and 7. We are thriving as a homeschool family.


We were called to homeschooling due to our interpretation of Christian Scripture. We've never looked back and feel profoundly blessed by the journey and its fruit.



We are not classical homeschoolers per se, but more Charlotte Mason types. But we subscribe to academic rigor and excellence. We believe children are born with an inate desire to learn and it's our duty to cultivate it, not crush it. We felt homeschooling was the best environment to accomplish this.


I'm an infrequent poster now due to job changes and taking on more HS duties with respect to sports and other activities. Which is just as well, because I frequently make people mad when I post :tongue_smilie: It's not on purpose...

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Rebecca is my real name. I go by Critterfixer because I am a veterinarian working part time at several different clinics a day or so a week.

I am a former home-schooler. My mother home-schooled me, my two brothers and my baby sister at one or more places in our education.


I'm homeschooling twin boys, age 8. They have been home-schooled from Kindergarten. The younger twin was diagnosed hFA at the age of three. The DH and I had already planned on home-schooling well before that diagnosis because we both remembered our lives as the odd ones out in the school settings we had both been in.


I'm on and off the boards for the past year or so. I go through phases where I want very limited social contact and I might disappear for a month or more. I do try to leave a note to that effect when I do a vanishing trick.


I live in the Arkansas River Valley.

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Hi! I haven't done a siggy line yet. I have been lurking for about a year. Have learned a lot from you guys. Just joined a couple of weeks or so ago.


My dh and I have 4 dss. 13 y/o down to 21 months. We have homeschooled from the beginning.


I am an RN but have not worked since the birth of my 3rd ds (about 8 years ago). Well, I did a little prn stint, but other than that have been home with my kiddos. Loving every minute of it - even when I feel like pulling my hair out!


My dh is a small business (building component) owner with some rental property on the side.


Thanks for starting this thread. I wondered if I should introduce myself before posting, but I just jumped in after joining and started posting without a formal intro. I guess I just felt like one of the gang since I have been lurking so long.:)

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My name is MĂƒÂ©lie and I currently live in Texas with my British (soccer-loving :glare:) husband and our two dorky little boys. :D


We started homeschooling in January 2012 and will start our first full year in two weeks. We aren't religious and decided to homeschool for academic reasons. Also, we are a bilingual family and hope to do some of our studies in French in a few years.


I'm new here, but about to start with some WTM methods and materials, so I'll be around a fair bit! :)

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I'm Momma H. I am in a tiny town in southwest Missouri and I love it here. We have cats, a dog, chickens and ducks. We garden, can, and are trying to be as self sufficient as we can.

I have 4 kids, (the last 2 from adoption). They are 15, 13, 7 and 4. They have always been homeschooled.

I have been married for 20 years. WOW!

I lurk more times in a day than I care to admit and post a little.

I am a Christian and we homeschool for all kinds of reasons but mostly it is just a wonderful way of life that I am very grateful to have.

Edited by Momma H
Wanted to add info.
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I'm Paula and I have lurked here for a long time but don't post much. I originally started homeschooling because I thought it would be fun. :blink:

I currently homeschool my 2 daughters, 9 and 11. I also have a son who just graduated from college and is looking for a job. I homeschooled him in 7th, 8th, and half of 9th grades.

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I go by Amira here and we've always homeschooled. My oldest will be in 8th grade in the fall, my second in 6th grade, and my little one isn't old enough yet for kindergarten. I've been posting here for nearly 10 years.


We homeschool mainly because we move all the time. We all like homeschooling and it works for us. We homeschool almost entirely with ebooks (mostly scanned ourselves) since we're so mobile.


I also love to read, cook new food, and learn about new places, especially anything to do with Central Asia.

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I'm Lee and I have always homeschooled my 6 children. I read the WTM when my just-graduated-last-month oldest was about 1st grade age...back when there was only ONE board, and then it split into two, and well...here we all are together!


My current interests:

Classical Education -- Greek may be my undoing...

Society for Creative Anachronism -- I'll attempt to attach a photo of my daughter the archer.

Sailing the world in a catamaran -- swimming lessons for the whole family start this weekend!

Horses -- since we just got home from a vacation to Chincoteague!



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I'm unreasonably weird about trying to stay unidentifiable on here. I am not interesting, well-known, or afraid of internet strangers. For awhile, I just needed space from other homeschoolers in the area but I liked being on this board.


I am convinced people who meet me find me forgettable but also feel conspicuous because I do not blend in where I live. I used to live in a more diverse area. The lack of diversity here didn't bother me until last week.


The personal details that I've let slip in posts (and I read far more than I post): We live in the northern U.S. and I am currently homeschooling just one. We mainly started for academic and medical reasons. I love the flexibility for our life, too. I am definitely introverted and love to read, write, visit museums, bake, take photos, and travel with my family.

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hence the StaceyinLA board name. I've been on the boards a LONG time, probably 10 years or more.


I've always home schooled my kids (stepson only for a year though - he lived with his mother). I have graduated 3 so far. I have a junior left at home.


We live in the boonies, have done lots of animals in the past, but now I've given up most of that for traveling to see my grandson!

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My name is Melissa. I have homeschooled my girls since the beginning. Just always knew I would homeschool and continue because I believe they can learn in less time at home which leaves more time to play.


I spend more time on here learning and lurking than posting. Trying to put coherent thoughts into words takes too much time and actually stresses me out. If you guys only knew how much time I spend editing and proofreading the simplest of posts. :D


I am a new, morning runner. Almost been at a year and love it! Love almost all sports, especially if it involves the Razorbacks!


My youngest is four and potty trained so I am actually starting to feel human again.

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I am game.


I was on the old boards beginning around 2004 or 2005. This board has seen me through homeschooling my only, fighting my now XH over it, discovering his secret second double life, my divorcing him, getting to continue homeschooling ds with no interference ever again, meeting my new dh and marrying him 11 weeks later.


I keep coming back for the support here...the weirdness (because I'm weird too)...

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Hi, I'm Briana, more commonly known on the Internet as Brii. I have been self-educating myself for the past couple of years after doing K-8 in public school. I truly do love the freedom.

I live mainly with my mom and sister (who is very active in public school). I wished to be homeschooled in middle school and managed to convince my mom to let me try it out in ninth grade.

I have lurked on this board for the past year and a half mainly because of the active high school board and only came out of lurking to ask a few questions.

My hobbies mostly consist of writing, surfing the Internet, and trying to get back into regular reading.

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I'm Heather & I live in TX. We've always homeschooled homeschooled--we knew from pretty early on that we didn't want PS, so it would be private or homeschooling. Then I came across TWTM when ds 1 was still a baby and knew immediately that it was what we needed to do.


Dh and I will celebrate our 13th anniversary next week. We have two boys and are expecting another little one in December.:001_smile: Before kids, I taught music (preschool-8th grade) at a private Christian school, and now I direct music at our church and teach voice lessons.

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My name is Michele and I live in California. I have two daughters, 11 and 10. Three step-children who are older and 1 almost three year old grandson who calls me Me-Ma. I have been homeschooling for 1 and 1/2 years and love it! My DH is an EMT and we just celebrated our 12 year anniversary. I have worked for my local school district for the past five years with special education preschoolers. Recently, I have been on a medical leave for lung disease and sleep apnea.


We have four cats (Yes, Really), 1 guinea pig named CoCo and 1 really cool 13 year old African Grey parrot. She was our wedding present to each other. No joke, neither of us even have a wedding ring. We bought her instead. :001_smile:

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Hi, I'm LoriAnn and have lurked on the boards for about three years. Our third son is pursuing a degree in atmospheric physics which is what led me to the college boards here. We've been Sonlighters for thirteen years now and have one dd left at home. She'll graduate in about six years :)

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Hey, that's funny - my name is Michele and I live in CA too. :tongue_smilie:

We moved cross country for a dream job (spacex.com)for dh 3 years ago.

Initially, I really didn't like it here, but I am "adjusting".

We have always hsed....we owned a dive shop and thought we'd live out of the US....wait! Is SoCal still the US? :tongue_smilie:

We have 3 kids and a hamster. In my past life I was a critical care RN. I really like art, reading, camping, and having a quiet minute to myself (still waiting on that one).

I am a SWB fan club member - saw her at the Long Beach Convention. She moved me to tears with her family story. Thank you, if you read these threads.




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I've been reading the boards and researching for about 2 years, but I don't post very often.


My oldest missed the kindergarten cutoff by one day, so we did some relaxed homeschooling this past year (along with a few half-days of preschool a week). I'm not a big fan of our local school district, and she's done with kindergarten stuff anyway, so we'll be HSing 1st grade this coming year.


omg! I love your avatar!

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