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ETA: 'Topics', rather than 'Things', is a better word for the header. Too bad I didn't dig deep. Also: Abraham and Isaac ;), plus full disclosure on allegorical.

I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.

I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.

I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.

I like the Duggars. (although now that I know about the Gothard stuff, I worry)

I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.

I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical/allegorical.

I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.

I still have unschooling tendencies.

Edited by LibraryLover
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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


I like the Duggars.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's nice to offer them lemonade.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.


I still have unschooling tendancies.


And I love that I know what at least some of those are referring to! LOL!!!!

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.

I have 3 crock pots. One of which was my mother's 35 year old crock pot that stilll works PERFECTLY. It is bright orange!


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


I do it because I can hear my own voice telling my kids. "Do it right. Don't be lazy, don't take shortcuts"


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.

My guys stand. But my dh is anal about cleaning up after himself and has taught my son to do the same. He comes down HARD on the boy if he leaves a mess.


I like the Duggars.

Never seen the show, but I've read her book. I sort of liked it.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's nice to offer them lemonade.

You know, they've never come to my house. I am nice to the JW's that show up, but they are very polite when I tell them that I am Baptist and very satisfied with it.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.

That story freaks me out. Although I believe that the Bible really happened, I honestly don't understand large parts of the Old Testament and I can't wait to talk to God about it face to face in heaven.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.

I have no idea what this is because I have no broadcast tv.

I think 99.99% of teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.

I really don't care. Some do, some don;t and most of them grow up normally.


I still have unschooling tendancies.


I still have SCHOOL AT HOME tendencies that I have to fight regularly.



I've been picking peaches this week.


I cannot buy a bag of Doritos or Cheetos without wanting to eat the whole thing, even though I don't really like processed foods.


I am secretly addicted to Coke Zero.


I hate taking my kids places, but I don't mind going with my dh. Going even fun places with my kids stresses me out because I am always nervous about their getting lost or misbehaving.

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.

I probably use mine about once a week. My aunt bought it when I got married, we are getting close to 20 years. So, Mine is not particularly pretty, lol.



I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


I put my cart away. I had a long scratch down my last truck because of a wayward cart in the Costco parking lot.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


I haven't really given it much thought. But, I only have one son.


I like the Duggars.


I am ambivalent about them. But, I am pretty passionate about thinking that their tater tot casserole recipe sounds yucky.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.




I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.


I could probably go either way. It isn't a sticking point for me.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.


My guilty viewing secret is My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.


I might put the percentage a little lower, but I mostly agree.


I still have unschooling tendencies.


I am just not together enough for proper unschooling.

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I've been picking peaches this week.


I cannot buy a bag of Doritos or Cheetos without wanting to eat the whole thing, even though I don't really like processed foods.


I am secretly addicted to Coke Zero.


I hate taking my kids places, but I don't mind going with my dh. Going even fun places with my kids stresses me out because I am always nervous about their getting lost or misbehaving.


I move every two years and have a tiny baby yard. So, we just have tomatoes and peppers. They are producing nicely though!


Pringles are my food like that. I try not to buy chips because I will eat them all.


I am not at all secretly addicted to regular Coke. Regular!


I figure all kids misbehave at least some, so I try not to let it get to me.

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.

I use mine fairly regularly. But not every week.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts. Depends on my mood and how far from the corral I am.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not. I hear ya.


I like the Duggars. Indifferent to the Duggar family.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade. Nothing to add.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical. I can see that.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop. Total train wreck that I can't turn away from.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass. Agreed


I still have unschooling tendencies. I've got those, too.


I wear shoes in the house and I don't make my guests take their shoes off. If you give me advance notice that you are a shoe off family I have no issue with it.


Toilet paper goes under, but truthfully, I am just thankful there is tp at all.


I have a dog. I have a big dog. If you don't like dogs, I get that, but do not demand that I lock my dog up for you to visit. I will gladly honor your request but if you are pushy I will tell you this is his home, too.



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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty. We threw ours out during the great crock pot debacle of aught-something


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts. I also put my cart away.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not. My boys are trained to hit the mark.


I like the Duggars. I don't mind the Duggars, but cannot relate to them much.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade. We don't get people knocking on our door.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical. I've never pondered that.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop. At least it's not Toddler and Tiaras.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.




I still have unschooling tendencies. I have lazy tendencies, hence we don't unschool.


As stated before we do not wear shoes in the house, but we are shoe tolerant and will not make you remove them should you visit.

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.


I don't have one anymore, but it's more to do with lack of planning (to put meals on early) and not really caring for the end result than anything else. We do use the pressure cooker quite a bit though. :D


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.

Me, too. I also hold doors for people. Because it's just what one does. I'm just a lemming like that.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.

same. Whoever thought a heat register next to a toilet was a good idea had issues. I do not care to live in a kennel.


I like the Duggars.

Me, too. I don't share their beliefs, but I think they seem like kinder, more thoughtful than average people.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.

I agree. See "kinder, more thoughtful than average", above.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.

I certainly hope so. Otherwise, that really colors my view of a loving God.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.




We don't wear shoes in the house, and we take them off when entering friends' houses. I don't care if you wear your shoes over to visit, though. I think my guests can be in charge of their own clothing.

Toilet paper goes under, but truthfully, I am just thankful there is tp at all.

I, too, am thankful that there's TP at all, but "under"? You are dead to me. stuckup.gif

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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I have a dog. I have a big dog. If you don't like dogs, I get that, but do not demand that I lock my dog up for you to visit. I will gladly honor your request but if you are pushy I will tell you this is his home, too.




I'll be fine with your dog as long as he doesn't lick his man parts alot and then lick me or hump my leg.

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I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.

Ok. I'll admit it. Sometimes.... I don't put mine away. I have 5 kids! If the cart corral is a mile away and the baby is screaming in the car... well.... (I can't believe I just admitted to that here.:leaving:)

I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.

Wish I could teach my boys to do that. Instead, I just scrub bathrooms every. single. day.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.

I don't have cable, so haven't seen that one. But my girlfriend and I just went on a little vacation together without children- and watched some trashy tv for the education lol. Mainly the Kardashians. Who the heck are these people!? I was so confused.



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I'll be fine with your dog as long as he doesn't lick his man parts alot and then lick me or hump my leg.


Oh, that made me spit out my drink.


Well, I can't promise he won't lick his man parts but he has been trained not to jump and hump legs.

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty. I have one in storage. I bought it for oatmeal and it was *blech*


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts. I put the cart in the corral but here that's the norm so no dents from carts that I know of...the biggest dent is from when I hit a dumpster :blushing:


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not. Actually, I've never given this a thought and I am thankful the heat register is no where near the toilet.


I like the Duggars. I've never seen the show or read the book. What I know I've learned on this board.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade. DH is kind and hospitable to everyone who comes to the door. Around here it is JW. The problem is that it puts us on the 'list' and they always come back while we're schooling. I don't answer the door because I'm not nice and we're busy! The reason I say we're on the 'list' is because a group will drive up in front of the house, come to the door, knock and knock, slide a pamphlet under the door and then drive away. They're not walking the neighborhood.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical. Never gave it a thought.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop. I like tv and my favorite show that I never miss is Gossip Girl.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass. I've never thought much in to this and I am always surprised by the threads about this topic.


I still have unschooling tendencies. I agree with a pp. I wish I had the skills to be an awesome unschooler. Our style of schooling doesn't have a name and if it does, I don't want to know.


I hate shoes so I don't wear them in the house (but I'll wear shoes as a guest if that's the rule). I don't wear them out in the yard either. My favorite shoes are soft soled moccasins. Guests in my house can go with or without shoes.


I am pro kilt. :D

Edited by happi duck
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I'll be fine with your dog as long as he doesn't lick his man parts alot and then lick me or hump my leg.


One of our female dogs is always humping the male chihuahua. It's really bizarre.


(Yes, this is the dog I was talking about in the thread about small dogs. She is really darned odd.)

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.

I don't use mine as much as I should, one is ugly avocado, the other is pretty white

I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


I do if they make it convenient, I do not go to great lengths, if the store doesn't.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


One son, pees sitting down: no mess--Three girls: huge mess--- go figure!

I like the Duggars.

I try not to analyze this too much


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.


It depends: is it in the middle of school?


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.

I think more than just that story is.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.

Never started


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.



I still have unschooling tendencies.

Me too, --this wars with the "they must be brilliant" tendencies


I dislike animal shelters for getting pets


I feed my children cereal for dinner (too much)


I have this intense need to be part of the "in' crowd on this board


My views about God and the Bible should get me burned at the stake

I am lazy and I should be doing something productive: but here I am:001_smile:

Edited by Lara in Colo
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Yes. But do you wear shoes in your house?

I usually wear shoes or slippers in my own house. I feel slightly uncomfortable being expected to remove my shoes in other houses, especially if I am not wearing socks. It feels like being asked to disrobe.

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


I like the Duggars.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.


I still have unschooling tendencies.


Could you please start a blog? I don't know you but I :001_wub: you.

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I usually wear shoes or slippers in my own house. I feel slightly uncomfortable being expected to remove my shoes in other houses, especially if I am not wearing socks. It feels like being asked to disrobe.

so you ask the hostess, "Shall I take off my shirt and pants too?";)

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty. I don't like crock pots. There, I said it. If I worked away from home, they would be wonderful contraptions. As it is, I can't stand the smell of cooking food all day. Makes me so hungry!


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts. 95% of the time this is true. If it is 110 out? The cart goes where I put it.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not. I prefer sitting boys, too. I have 1 out of 3.


I like the Duggars. I don't know if I like them, but they fascinate me.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade. I won't give lemonade to people pedaling religion at my door. But, I won't be mean either. Now, being confronted by missionaries at parks where I can't escape is an entirely different story.....


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical. Of course.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop. Never seen it, but I'm addicted to Hoarders and Hoarding: Buried Alive.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass. I'm with the PP that said that number is so low because you have to account for some people not having arms. :lol:


I still have unschooling tendencies. Not me.


I sometimes where shoes in the house and I own a pair of flips that I take with me to other people's houses who don't allow shoes in the house. They have never been worn outside. That way I don't have to go barefoot.


I don't like dogs. There, I said it. I took care of 200 dogs, 5 days a week, 51 weeks a year, for 3 years. I don't care if I ever have to deal with a dog again. It's all good if you like dogs. But, bringing your dog to stores/restaurants in a purse? I will confront you and I will be loud. Yuck.


I think horses are scary. They are huge and have scary teeth and metal feet.


I love the desert because we don't have bugs, mold, or soggy chips.


I love Coke Zero and I don't care if it is chemical-laden. It tastes good and I like the bubbles.


I like pictures of kilts and use "pass the bean dip" in regular conversations regardless of the funny stares I get. I also snicker when I hear "tea" used in regular conversation and can't help but think of lingerie when I hear the word "booKshelves."

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.


I use mine all the time. I'm an uncreative cook. I also like having the mess contained to one pot.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


I put mine back, too. Although, now usually my 13 year old son offers to run it back.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


I don't care if they sit, stand, or hop up and down on alternating feet so long as I don't sit or step in urine. So far, so good with my two boys. My husband has never been a messy bathroom guy (thank goodness!)


I like the Duggars.


I wouldn't know most Duggars if they bit me on the bum. I can recognize the mother, maybe the father, but none of their kids.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.


I don't think I've had any LDS people come to the house, only JW. They are always nice.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.


I tend to take the bible at face value, if it says it happened a certain way, I believe it happened that way.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.


I wouldn't know a Dance Mom if she bit me on the bum. Clearly, I don't watch TV.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.


:blushing: I do my best not to think about it. I wouldn't get in a lather over it, though. I'd rather have one handling it themselves, so to speak, than outsourcing.


I still have unschooling tendencies.


I wish I could unschool. My daughter might do pretty well, but my boys would never choose to learn anything. I'm a somewhat reluctant school at homer.



I enjoy doing laundry. Freshly washed clothes make me happy.


I go slightly berzerk if the house is cluttered.


I love, love, love to be near a natural body of water be it an ocean or a lake, even a pond will do in a pinch.


I hate most trees. There I said it. :leaving:


I don't allow shoes in my house. Blech.


Oh, and my avatar? Yeah, Sheldon Cooper stole that move from me! I am a totally germ-a-phobe and I want to hose my kids down with Lysol when they are sick.

Edited by Ghee
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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty. :thumbup1:


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts. :thumbup:


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not. :iagree:


I like the Duggars. :ack2:


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade. :auto:


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical. ;)


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop. :glare:


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass. :hurray:


I still have unschooling tendencies. LOL! Me, too!

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I think horses are scary. They are huge and have scary teeth and metal feet.

no some are really nice. So are cows. And some chickens.


I love Coke Zero and I don't care if it is chemical-laden. It tastes good and I like the bubbles.


I heart you!


I use "pass the bean dip" in regular conversations regardless of the funny stares I get. I also snicker when I hear "tea" used in regular conversation and can't help but think of lingerie when I hear the word "booKshelves."

me too!


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I use my crockpot more in the fall and winter than the summer and spring. For those time I make sure my family is poisoned by grilling.


I'll take a cart to a corral, but I've been known to park it elsewhere when dd was an infant and she and I were alone.


I don't care how the males that enter my house pee. As long as they don't miss.


I am ambivalent about the Duggars and Joseph Smith. If either were to show up at my house I"d offer lemonade. I don't invite the young missionaries in since they always show up when dh isn't home.


I think Abraham and Issac actually happened, but the creation story is metaphorical.


I like the Disney show Good Luck, Charlie


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.

:iagree:Where there is a will, there is a way.


I prefer cats to dogs.


I prefer people take off their shoes in my house, but don't make it mandatory.

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So do I! I also liked Wizards of Waverly Place and Suite Life. I know. I'm weird! I don't like the newer shows though - Ant Farm and the others.


Parrothead, my favorite show is Good Luck, Charlie. Both my dc and I watch it.

Is the new baby going to be a boy or girl?

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.


I used to have two, gave one away. The one I have gets used once a year (on Halloween, to keep apple cider warm). Come to think of it, I may ditch my crock pot & just put the cider on the stove....


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


I put my carts back because I feel it's the right thing to do AND because I like walking.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


I don't monitor how the males in our family use the bathroom. However, they know they better aim correctly or clean it up. (Wish I could say the same for the male cats in the house. :tongue_smilie:)


I like the Duggars.


I rarely, rarely watch tv. I know who the Duggars are because of threads on here & because of my 'trashy' online reading of websites like People & The Daily Mail. I think they have way too many kids & I can't imagine how it is to sell your personal family time for public consumption. (Yeah, I'll put on my flame-proof suit now.)


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.


I don't usually answer my door unless I know who it is. And, no, I don't like people showing up to convert me or to sell me something.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.


I have no idea or opinion on it.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.


I've never seen it (falls under my rarely watching tv category).


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.


Probably so.


I still have unschooling tendencies.



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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.


I have gone through 2 - one I got for a wedding present and one that was my mom's. I bought myself a new one before Christmas. We use it often in the winter.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


:iagree: I have also been known to take carts from women with small children to save them a trip.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


I taught my boys to aim with cheerios as tinkle targets. Boys who missed got to clean it up. I have my boys wipe down the bathrooms a couple times a week so they notice if their aim isn't so great. I figure we are geeky enough as it is. I didn't need to add something else that would make them feel different.


I like the Duggars.


Meh. I can take them or leave them. Jim Bob drives me around the bend. However, the more I learn about their faith tradition, the less I want to watch them.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.


We don't get many at our doors. JWs are another story. I am always polite, but let them know that we are happy being Catholic and do not wish to argue.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.


I could agree with you there, especially after my last 10 years of Bible study.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.


They are a guilty pleasure of mine as well - I really shouldn't say pleasure because I am just gobsmacked that these moms would leave their darlings in that crazy woman's care.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.


Don't know about the %-age, but I think it will happen one way or another. They know how our church feels about it, but, at this point, it is between them and God.


I still have unschooling tendencies.


:iagree: The only reason I found TWTM was because I just wasn't a good unschooler anymore. I found myself saying "Later" way too often and we never got to "later." The third child did me in.


I don't wear shoes in the house. I should but I can't sit crosslegged with shoes and chairs are just too uncomfortable sitting with my feet down. I do make kids take off their shoes when they come to visit. Almost everyone removes them in icky weather. I can't stand stepping in wet spots when wearing socks. I really can't stand it.


I am a cereal-aholic. The only reason why I have not lost these last 10 lbs is cereal. Nature's Path Pumpkin Granola is a special weakness of mine. I open a box and it's gone. My oldest has inherited this tendency. I imagine that most of our care packages to him in college will be boxes of cereal:).

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty. I strive to use my crockpot more. Although it is the third one I've owned in 2 years - who knew you could be "hard" on a crockpot??? Crockingirls.com rocks!


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts. I have no dents nor a minivan but I still put the cart away - and so far I haven't left the baby behind, yet - although at the height of his "terrible twos" I thought about it :glare:


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not. I wipe down the toilet area everyday, cause really, even when they sit they still make a mess.


I like the Duggars. I like the Duggars, in a way. I think they set the bar high and for some that can be a downer.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade. If they brave my 102 lb monster dog howling and barking at them like a released hell hound, I would serve them lemonade - so far that hasn't been much of a problem :D. She's very sweet, though, really.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical. I have no idea what you are talking about.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop. My guilty pleasure is Sookie Stackhouse - the books

I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass. I disagree about the no arm thing- I bet the .01% with no arms just haven't figured out the best tool (ah-hem - brew pot) for the job


I still have unschooling tendencies. I am so busy sometimes that we unschool by default.


I hate wearing shoes in my house but I also hate being told to take my shoes off at someone elses house. Makes me uncomfortable - like I've shed a few too many layers of clothes.


I have 8 cats - yes, 8 (They were rescues, most of them are black, and most of the people of this community think black cats are "evil" :001_huh::glare::lol: - so this was the best home). I also have one 102lb monster dog named Daisy, who has no man parts to lick and whose greatest desire is to be a 20lb lap dog that could be toted around in a purse. We also have fish and chickens. But no goats....yet.


I agree that horses are scary. An animal that large has no business being that easily freak out-able.


I drink hot tea year round. Come around, and I'll make you some, too!:001_smile:

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I sometimes where shoes in the house and I own a pair of flips that I take with me to other people's houses who don't allow shoes in the house. They have never been worn outside. That way I don't have to go barefoot.


I should pass this tip on to my sister-in-law, who has recently been told she must always wear shoes for medical reasons.


The thorns around here tend to make it dangerous to go barefoot even inside, because they get dragged in all the time. I should probably have indoor and outdoor shoes, but I wouldn't even suggest anyone go barefoot. (Note that Kalah and I live in the same general area :p)


I have a feeling I'm sensitive to either coconut or eggs. Either one would suck, but I guess I'm hoping for the coconut, as that would be easier to cut out.

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.


I have two and I use them often. Mostly in the fall and winter.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


I usually put mine in there, too, unless there's 6 inches of snow on the ground. Then I'm lucky to get it to the car. Forget trudging back to put it in a corral that's not shoveled.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


The only males in this house are two kitties: Nigel and Murray. They use a covered box.


I like the Duggars.


I do, too. I don't particularly want their lifestyle, but I like them.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.


I never get suited young men at my door. Just angry women with pamphlets the 4 Saturdays before Easter.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.


I don't, but it's not a hill I plan to climb, much less die on.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.


Well, I got sucked into Pretty Little Liars. I watched one season in a weekend and now have to wait 2 weeks for season 2 to stream on Netflix.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.


I'm not sure this is true, but I don't know 99.99% of teens, so I can't really comment on it.


I still have unschooling tendencies.


The unstructured part of unschooling makes me twitch. Personal preference. I don't have the energy to worry about how others home school.

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty. I use mine once or twice a week in the fall and winter.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts. I always put the cart away. I try to get the spot right next to the corral.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.

I clean the toilet daily and I don't want to know how the males in the house pee. TMI!


I like the Duggars.I don't like that show.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade. I am nice to them, too.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical. One "s", two "a's"...I say that a lot. :D I think it's literal and metaphorical. That is to say, I think it actually happened, but I think it is there as an archetype of the Redeemer.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.I like that show. I'd choose it over the Duggar's every. Single. Time.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass. I stayed out of that thread for a reason. So that's all I'll say about that.


I still have unschooling tendencies. My kids are going to PS next year.


But I'll probably still come here daily. :tongue_smilie:

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I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical. One "s", two "a's"...I say that a lot. :D I think it's literal and metaphorical. That is to say, I think it actually happened, but I think it is there as an archetype of the




I need to write that 100 times. Further, i wanted to write allegorical. I'm going to fire my non -existent editor.

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I use my crock pot only to make broth from chicken carcasses.

My crock pot is white.

My kitchen is white.

All kitchens should be white.


I have better things to do than watch the Duggars.

On a related note, Dance Moms Miami is superior to the original Dance Moms.


Other people's tea is none of my business.

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.

I have gone through more crockpots than I care to admit. I now own three and use them all. Regularly.

I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts. I always put the cart back. I am one of those obnoxious rule followers.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.

The males in my house clean the toilets daily. You dribble you clean it!


I like the Duggars.

0)"] We own an entire season.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.

We get both. My philosophy: you tell me about your religion, I get the same amount of time to tell you about mine.:D

I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical. Hmmm.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop. I got to watch real life gym moms for years.

I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.

As a parent of teens and several more who will be some day that is something I refuse to believe.


I want to know about some of the threads to which you all are referring.


Oh yeah, I like my bunnies to wear kilts. ;)

Edited by Excelsior! Academy
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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.


I have one and use it a lot because I hate to cook and it's easy.

I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


I usually put mine away unless my great niece is with me. Since she's only 20 months old, I refuse to walk away from her in the van if the corral is not next to my car.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


I prefer this too. However, they don't. But, apparently when the three boys were in the 8-12 range, I had a conniption fit (according to eldest ds my head actually spun around, flames shot from my nose, and my eyes turned into lasers) and they don't leave a mess for me to clean up.


I like the Duggars.


Really just don't follow their story at all.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.


We haven't had an LDS young man at our door in many years. I don't think there is a local congregation so that is probably why.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.


Hmmmm....haven't really thought about that one too much.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.

We don't have cable and no t.v. antenna, nor can we tune in even the three major networks so I've never heard of this show.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.


I think that's one thing many suspect, but we'll never no since I doubt we'd get the teens to participate in a poll! :D


I still have unschooling tendencies.


I'm the other extreme.

Thanks! This was fun.


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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.


I maybe use mine once every couple of months. I used to tell myself that I should use it more often, but I never remember to, and now it's somewhat small for all the people in this house.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


:iagree:I don't have any dents in my car because of it, but it just seems like good manners and the right thing to do, and because my kids are watching, and I want them to learn to be helpful, I take carts for older people or people with babies too.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


My boys stand, and I hate it, but it was the only way I could seem to get my oldest to potty train, and once one is doing it, well it was all down hill after that. My oldest boy is old enough to clean up their bathroom now though and I've noticed that he's much more careful than he used to be.


I like the Duggars.


I've only watched them a few times, they somewhat fascinate me.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.


I think it's right to be polite to whoever comes to my door and usually have some very interesting conversations with them when they come here. It's been pleasant enough that when I see them in the library, or somewhere else in town, we usually stop and say hi how ya doin. I don't agree with them, but I don't agree with my best friend on some things either.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.


I don't, but I'm not too concerned about it.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.


Never seen the show before.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.


Again, I don't think the percentage is that high, but I don't think it's worth getting my panties in a knot over.


I still have unschooling tendencies.


I struggle on the opposite side of things. I REALLY need to loosen up with the structure I have to our day.





I wear shoes as little as possible. In fact I would never wear them except for safety issues with the animals, and the fact that it's illegal to drive without something on your feet.


I have more dogs than children on this place.


I am addicted to pepsi despite the fact that I normally go to all sorts of lengths to avoid having processed foods in this house.


I read college textbooks for the shear joy of it and haven't read a novel in years.


I happily tack the term redneck to myself.

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I don't use my crockpot often, but the one I have is very pretty.


We have 3 or 4 at least. Some are 30+ years old and dh has had them for a very long time. We use them in spurts - don't use it for a few weeks, then use it almost every day for a week or so.


I put my shopping cart in the corral because I have several dents on my mini van that I know are from wayward carts.


I will usually put my cart back. If the weather is really bad and I have the kids with me and it's too far to leave them in the car alone but I don't want them out in the weather longer or running across the parking lot - I may not but then I always put the wheels up on a curb so it doesn't roll around.


I pefer the males in the house to sit down to pee, so they don't splash on the heating register. It smells yucky and reminds me of the old Fenway Park stench. Although I never check to see if they are standing or not.


No preference but honestly, my youngest dd is way messier than the guys. She sits down and pee shoots straight out. We're working hard to teach her to lean forward slightly.


I like the Duggars.


No real opinion. Don't really follow them.


I don't understand Joseph Smith and the seer stone, but I am nice to suited young men who kock on my door. I've learned that it's kind to offer lemonade.


Never had this happen around here.


I think the story of Abraham and Issac is metaphorical.


I think a lot of the bible is meant to be metaphorical/allegorical.


I started watching Dance Moms again, even while I promised I would stop.


I watched the first season or so and then it got too annoying and I couldn't take it anymore.


I think 99.99% of perfectly healthy teens brew tea whether we witness it or not, even if bedroom and bathroom doors are removed, and even if the shower curtain is replaced with sliding glass.


I agree. Where there's a will, there's a way.


I still have unschooling tendencies.


I'd love to unschool but my kids would just spend all day on the computer.


And we don't wear shoes in the house but it's not like a rule or anything for guests. I just hate shoes.

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