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Do you have a child who continually gets called the wrong name?

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Our little one will deal with this. Her name is a Spanish name, and it fits her perfectly. But we knew that many in the US would not know how to pronounce it, so we tried to Americanize the spelling a tiny bit (I *still* have a bit of regret about that, actually, and ponder changing it).


So, for us, it's not the wrong name so much as not knowing how to pronounce her name!

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My ds is named Declan, and while people in California didn't seem to have any trouble with it, people here in MN mispronounce it ALL the time. Since we moved here, I constantly have to correct people. (It's a saint's name and a family name...*sigh*)

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DD20 is Jessica. She will not tolerate being called Jessie, and she will correct anyone who tries to shorten her name.


DS9 is Camden, and gets called Cameron all. the. time. His nickname is Cam. He still gets called Cameron.


DS8 is Ty. Just Ty. He gets called Tyler and Tyson all the time.

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We thought we were being original when we named dd. We didn't consult any internet sites, and only flipped through one baby name book. We were so proud of ourselves. But guess what name wound up in the top 5 list the year dd was born? Yep. Alexis. And she gets called Alexa all the time.


And I even mixed up her name a few times. We had a sheltie named Annie, and I would sometimes call dd Annie. :lol: Bad mom! Bad mom!

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Yes, but only in the last year. Seems like people in NM, Belgium, FL, and VA could pronounce the name but not in AL. It isn't a strange name, it is one of the top 100.What is strange is how its mispronounced. We can understand using the French version of the name instead of the Italian/Spanish/Russian version by mistake- that is easy to understand. What isn't easy to understand is using a completely made-up never existed name instead of her Italian/Spanish/Russian name. Her name in the French version has 3 syllables, the same as is the other common version. In the made up version, it is given 4.

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We often call dd by her middle name (as I do online) Emme. Everyone always reads it as "Emmy." The name/spelling was a last-minute hospital decision made when she was already a few days old and I didn't really research how it would be pronounced. How do you pronounce Elle? It's "El" right? As in Elle MacPherson? However, apparently "Emme" doesn't follow the same logic. So, I just write "Em" now unless it's an official thing.

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My friend named her daughter Isabeau, after a character in her favorite movie. She is Italian and when she pronounces it, it sounds nice. But when any American pronounces it, it sounds like "Iz a bow". Her nickname is Bobo. That is what most people, including me, have wound up calling her.

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Jack gets called Zack. Anna gets called Hannah. But my biggest annoyance as far as names go is when I introduce Katherine as Katherine and people then proceed to call her Katie. That's not her name and she won't respond to it.


:lol: I'm a Catherine and oh how people want to call me Cathy or Katie or some other variation. When I met my FIL the first time (he and DH are not close), he wanted to call me Katie because he said he had been told that that's what everyone called me. DH just about did a spit take.

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I'm Christy but elderly people have always called me Cindy. I answer to just about anything so it's cool. I have a sister in law who is Diana and you had better not call her Diane, she will not respond. I suppose it is a personality thing. I also answer to "mom" even when it isn't my children, I can't seem to help it! :001_huh: Then I have to clarify that I am NOT their mother, they already knew that of course and I just stand there stammering.

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Having grown up with a made-up name where this happened a lot to me, I was very careful in naming my dc.


Other than my Ellie being called Ella occasionally (both can be shortened forms of Eleanor, so she takes it in stride, as does my Andrew, who usually goes by Drew, but occasionally someone will shorten it to Andy instead), we really haven't had mispronunciation problems.

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Yes, we have a Colin that people seem to always want to pronounce Colon- come on! Would I really name my son that?!


I have a Cullen who was almost a Colin but dh was worried about the colon thing. It didn't work he still here's called both Colin and Colon. I said exactly that who would name their child after a body part? Much less THAT body part:001_huh:. My youngest is Barrett and gets called Garrett and Jarrett a lot. They both get called Lilith by me all the time:lol:

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But my biggest annoyance as far as names go is when I introduce Katherine as Katherine and people then proceed to call her Katie. That's not her name and she won't respond to it.


I'm a Kathleen and had an uncle who used to call me Katie. He only did it because he got a kick out of annoying my mother. She insisted Katie was only a nickname for Katherine, not Kathleen. It didn't bother me as much as it bugged my mom.

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Yes, we have a Colin that people seem to always want to pronounce Colon- come on! Would I really name my son that?!


Well, Colin Powell is pronounced COE-lin. :001_huh:


I love the name (pronounced your way!). It was a back up name for us, but the Colin/colon issue was there, and I didn't want to spell it Collin.


It's been our experience that people mix up Trevor/Travis all the time. I guess it's hard with all of those Ts and Vs.:confused:



My name is Kristine; I answer to Kristin and Kristina ALL the time. Most people mispronounce it. I don't mind, as long as they don't call me Kris--at which point, I'll correct them.

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Yup. Quinn is often called Quinten. Really? Five letters, one syllable. Quinn. Not difficult.


I'm almost always "Andrea" and wear a name tag with Angela in bold print at work. Sometimes, I'm "Michelle". :confused:


We thought we were being original when we named dd. We didn't consult any internet sites, and only flipped through one baby name book. We were so proud of ourselves. But guess what name wound up in the top 5 list the year dd was born? Yep. Alexis. And she gets called Alexa all the time.


And I even mixed up her name a few times. We had a sheltie named Annie, and I would sometimes call dd Annie. :lol: Bad mom! Bad mom!

Funny, my 11yo has an Alexa on her team who is always called Alexis.


I call the children and the dog by the wrong name all the time. We've had to go to the "I'm looking at you, so I'm talking to you, whatever your name is!" place more than once.

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Our last name is a first name, so sometimes if people don't hear the first part of my name when I say I am Candid XYZ, they will start calling me XYZ. I generally try to correct them since I figure they just heard it wrong. After that I ignore it.

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Eloise, gets Elise semi frequently and occasionally people shorten her name to Ellie or Elle, neither of which get goes by.


Very few people get Desmond's name wrong, though it has happened once or twice, don't remember what they called him instead.


With Sully we sometimes get Solly, or Solomon, when his actual given name is Sullivan.

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Jack gets called Zack. Anna gets called Hannah. But my biggest annoyance as far as names go is when I introduce Katherine as Katherine and people then proceed to call her Katie. That's not her name and she won't respond to it.


Gabriel hates to be called Gabe. He will correct people too. London is often misheard as Lundey. :001_huh: And what is the deal with people getting upset because they shortened a name when they were clearly told the long version?

I've always had people either mispronounce my name or call me Jennifer (my FIL calls me Jen) or NettE. :glare:



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When I introduce Noel, people often call him Noah.

When I write his name, they almost universally call him Noelle.

Once people "get" that he is named Noel, they then they spell it Nole.


Gabriel is always being called Gabrielle, especially doctor's offices. I have a cousin who even writes it that way, even after having it pointed out to her (not by me). :confused:

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I have a name that is much more popular today and oldest DD has a name that was more popular in the '70's and '80's. Think along the lines of Madeline and Melissa. So folks are constantly calling me by DD's name and DD by mine. I understand why people get mixed up, but it does get annoying.

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I have two. One is worse than the other. My youngest is Josiah and he constantly gets called Joshua or Josh. He can have a name tag on and people will still call him Joshua or Josh.


My Josiah gets the same thing. I nearly named him Joshua so I just figure he got both names.:001_smile:

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My ds doesn't, but dh does and I did as a child. I had people try to tell me my real name was Pauline. Um, no, it's just Paula. I would loved a nickname, but Paula doesn't lend itself to nicknames.


My poor dh has a common Irish spelling name. I can't believe the number of people that don't know how to pronounce it.

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