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Why do people do this?????? Grrrrr.....

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In my fil's case, it's because he's desperately trying to quit smoking. Yes, the incessant chewing of nicotine gum is annoying, but I'm glad he's trying and I don't ride his butt over it.

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well I don't go to church anymore, but when I did I'm sure I chewed gum. I enjoy chewing gum and can do so without you even knowing I am. Maybe I'm a stealth chewer. :coolgleamA:


People coughing without covering their mouths or coming to church while sick are more annoying than the random smacking of gum to me.

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well I don't go to church anymore, but when I did I'm sure I chewed gum. I enjoy chewing gum and can do so without you even knowing I am. Maybe I'm a stealth chewer. :coolgleamA:


People coughing without covering their mouths or coming to church while sick are more annoying than the random smacking of gum to me.


:iagree: I honestly don't see the big deal unless they are smacking or popping gum.

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I chew gum at church. My whole family chews gum at church, but they don't make noise. The few times that I did hear my son when he was little, I poked him and he stopped making noise.


Why? Because I usually forget to bring water/my mouth is dry, and also because I have a fear of talking to someone afterwards and offending them with bad breath.


ETA: It's discreetly spit back into the wrapper before Communion.

Edited by ThisIsTheDay
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:iagree: I honestly don't see the big deal unless they are smacking or popping gum.


:iagree: I chew gum in church and let my kids do it (and I'm on staff!). It never occurred to me that someone would have a problem with it.

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I've chewed gum at church. :blush: On more than one occasion. :w00t:


It wasn't a conscious decision for me. It was a we're-driving-to-church-and-my-horrid-coffee-breath-is-going-to-knock-someone-over-and-I'd-better-do-something-about-it moment.


All three times I realized too late that I still had it in my mouth and was already seated before I was aware I was still chewing my gum. I didn't want to distract others by shuffling and leaving/re-entering, I have no desire to swallow gum :ack2: and I figured I'd spare someone starting a rant thread about used gum under church pews. ;)


I figure chewing gum silently is better than knocking someone out with horrid breath but it's never been my intention to keep it there all through the service.

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Guilty! You caught me!


I was chewing gum this morning in church. My coffee-breath was offending even me and the passing of the peace was coming up soon. I didn't want anyone fainting when I greeted them.


I did spit it out before communion. I did NOT stick it under the seat in front of me. :D

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I think it's trashy and low-class to (audibly) chew gum anywhere except int he privacy of one's own home. :tongue_smilie:


I'm only half joking.

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There have been a few times I have, because it helps my sinuses/ears to stay clear. Sometimes my allergies are REALLY bad and I'm either going to be sniffing and snorting or chewing gum. Gum seems less annoying. Cough drops help too, but you aren't supposed to eat too many.

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I chew gum quite a bit because I have this horrible, horrible, horrible habit of nibbling the inside of my mouth. I *HATE* that I do it, but I do it subconsciously. I chew gum or eat sunflower seeds while I watch tv. It would be rude to eat sunflower seeds in church imo so I opt for gum.


Wait. I don't go to church anymore.:tongue_smilie:


Smacking or blowing bubbles would be VERY rude, though.

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Why do people chew gum while at church? I understand you may not be receiving communion, but c'mon. It is so rude & disrespectful; not to mention distracting for the people who are sitting around you.


Rant over.


Really? :001_huh: I'm baffled that this is on your radar.


I've chewed gum in church before to cover up coffee breath.

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Really? :001_huh: I'm baffled that this is on your radar.


I've chewed gum in church before to cover up coffee breath.

I assumed there was some noise because it was "distracting." Most people manage to chew quietly, and you wouldn't know they were chewing gum unless you happened to be looking at them.


Audrey, your FIL totally gets a pass. Good for him.

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:bigear: Yeah. :bigear:


I've never heard it called passing the peace, but we exchange a "sign" of peace before receiving communion. We shake each others hands and say "peace be with you," or give the peace sign to those too far to reach. It's quite nice actually.

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I chew gum..and I'm the pastor's wife!

I just figure that the people I council with would rather have my breath smell like mint than coffee. :D


I've chewed gum in church before to cover up coffee breath.


:iagree: I enjoy my coffee on the way to church and then chew some gum on the way in to cover up coffee breath. I remember seeing the pastor's wife chewing gum in church and figured if she did it then it was ok. KWIM? I have been to churches where it would clearly not have been ok to chew gum. I think chewing gum helps my dc listen to the sermon better. So we all chew gum in church--except dh--but we do so quietly. Funny thing is I don't really like chewing gum at all otherwise.

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Ok......i guess I will have to agree to disagree with the majority & move on :001_smile:

I am used to being the odd one out so it is all good!


I am with you on this one.


The way some people chew gum always reminds me of cows chewing their cud.


With the exceptions given earlier (health reasons etc) I do not think church is a place to chew gum.

Edited by pqr
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I've been known to have a mint or hard candy in my mouth at church, especially during the sermon.


Honestly? It helps keep me awake. I'm one of those folks whose brain needs more than one thing to do at a time in order to pay attention to anything. I also have a blood pressure quirk that means I tend to fall asleep any time I hold still for any length of time. The combination of those two things means that sitting quietly in church with nothing to do but listen is pretty miserable for me. I either zone out or nod off (or both).


Sucking on a candy, doodling on my order of service and similar things make me a better, calmer, more attentive church goer.

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I've been known to have a mint or hard candy in my mouth at church, especially during the sermon.


Honestly? It helps keep me awake. I'm one of those folks whose brain needs more than one thing to do at a time in order to pay attention to anything. I also have a blood pressure quirk that means I tend to fall asleep any time I hold still for any length of time. The combination of those two things means that sitting quietly in church with nothing to do but listen is pretty miserable for me. I either zone out or nod off (or both).


Sucking on a candy, doodling on my order of service and similar things make me a better, calmer, more attentive church goer.


I'm with you on this one. If I do not do something with my hands, I will bite my nails and/or fall asleep. Some of it is a genuine compulsion (dermatillomania) and some of it is exhaustion-related (anemia). Either way, the only way I will be able to pay attention to the sermon is if I occupy my hands in some way, so I crochet during the sermon (not during worship or prayer). There are those that have an issue with it, but this simple activity saved my church experience and kept me going when I was tempted to quit.

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Well, I hate gum chewing anywhere, but I thought it had been established eons ago that nice people can and do chew gum in public.


Seriously, if you have room in your mind and spirit to get bothered by this very small thing you are living a charmed or blessed life. Give thanks.



My understanding was that a small piece, chewed discretely, was acceptable. In my case, I deal with dry mouth and it puts my breath at greater risk of offending even after brushing and using mouthwash. A piece of gum occasionally (and not chewed with my mouth open) can prevent greater offense. It's also discretely gotten rid of before communion. I was taught that rudeness is when one is blowing bubbles from it in church (usually a kid or teen). My grandmother kept mints, but it's difficult to find mints without fake sugar in it.

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Well, I hate gum chewing anywhere, but I thought it had been established eons ago that nice people can and do chew gum in public.


Seriously, if you have room in your mind and spirit to get bothered by this very small thing you are living a charmed or blessed life. Give thanks.


Gotta agree with TB here. Such a little thing to be upset about.

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Well, don't sit next to us.


My grandmother kept Chicklets in her purse to keep me quiet at church.


I keep gum and Altoids in my purse mostly for church. Why? Just always have. We don't chew like cows. :glare:


I can't fathom why anyone would even care :confused:

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I chew gum in church and lots of places because I enjoy that last sip of coffee many times and want my breath to be fresh when I greet others or give a hug, etc. Yes, there are breath fresh mints, but I find a good mint gum is longer lasting and I don't enjoy strong mints... When someone laughs next to me and I can detect the spices they used in their last meal, I wish they'd chew a piece of gum... lol... (and that does happen...).

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Wow, I must go to a totally different sort of church than some. Gum = totally acceptable. Many of us even drink our a.m. coffee during the sermon. We read our Bibles --gasp-- from our iPhones. And we wear jeans. :coolgleamA:


Not a big deal. I doubt Jesus cares as long as we're there to worship and glorify Him.


(*However, I can see how gum smacking is annoying and a bad habit, regardless of location. I don't let my young ones chew gum in church because they lack self-control and discretion.*)

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Wow, I must go to a totally different sort of church than some. Gum = totally acceptable. Many of us even drink our a.m. coffee during the sermon. We read our Bibles --gasp-- from our iPhones. And we wear jeans. :coolgleamA:


Not a big deal. I doubt Jesus cares as long as we're there to worship and glorify Him.


(*However, I can see how gum smacking is annoying and a bad habit, regardless of location. I don't let my young ones chew gum in church because they lack self-control and discretion.*)




I chew gum between sets to help keep my mouth from drying out. (And because no one wants to smell whatever the band had for breakfast when we pass the peace and meet and greet after services. :D )

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Why do people chew gum while at church? I understand you may not be receiving communion, but c'mon. It is so rude & disrespectful; not to mention distracting for the people who are sitting around you.


Rant over.


Yes, gum chewers and pen clickers are extremely annoying!

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alisoncooks: Wow, I must go to a totally different sort of church than some. Gum = totally acceptable. Many of us even drink our a.m. coffee during the sermon. We read our Bibles --gasp-- from our iPhones. And we wear jeans. :coolgleamA:



Most people wear jeans and read Bibles on the iphones. But I gotta tell ya, I've been in these churches where people eat and drink and even talk through the service. There IS a point where overly casual just goes too far.


I had enough at a Vineyard once when a teen took out his bag from McDonald's and proceeded to pull out his Big Mac and fries and chomp through the service, smelling up the building. That was just beyond rude and inappropriate in a church setting. Honestly, I'm not cool with coffee drinking either. It's not a casual social gathering to me. I realize that most people don't care but it just doesn't feel right to me. I drink my coffee before I come.

Not a big deal. I doubt Jesus cares as long as we're there to worship and glorify Him.


Just personal opinion and I realize that I'm probably a couple decades older than some people here, but there is a point at which being casual just ventures into irreverence, in my opinion.

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I've never heard it called passing the peace, but we exchange a "sign" of peace before receiving communion. We shake each others hands and say "peace be with you," or give the peace sign to those too far to reach. It's quite nice actually.


Yeah, a Catholic thing....also known as passing the germs in the winter!;)

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