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Do your kids share bedrooms?

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I'm just curious how other families share their space.


Currently, we have 3 bedrooms for 3 kids plus Mom and Dad. We are expecting #4 and trying to figure out how we will do bedrooms. I am trying to convince hubby that it would be easiest just to move :) He disagrees :001_huh:


Right now, we have the oldest 2 sharing a room and our toddler by himself in a very small bedroom. When baby comes, we will co-sleep for the first 6+ months if everything goes according to plan. Then I'm not too sure what we will do.


How do you share your space? Does everyone have their own room or do your kids share?

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I have a girl and three boys. The girl has her own room. The three boys are in one room. My husband and I have one room and then my parents have one room. We are squished.


We're in the process of building a house. We decided to do four bedrooms. Ani will have her own bedroom of course. Cameron will get his own as well (he's almost 5 years older than child #3). The two youngest boys will share. When they are teenagers Ani will be off to college so we'll put them in their own bedrooms then if they want to.

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We have five bedrooms so each dd has their own room. They shared a teeny bedroom before me moved. When I found this house, and it had the right square footage + 5 bedrooms, I had tunnel vision. All of our relatives live out of state so it's nice to have space for them when they visit; the girls just double-up. I could totally live w/o it but we do have it so we allow them to spread out.

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We have 3 dc. My boys shared a room until we got a house with 4 BR--they were about 12 and 9 yo by then. They had always shared a room which made it easier when dd came along and we only had 3 BR.


I think it would be reasonable to put the infant in with your youngest. They will be closer in age and even if you have a girl there will not be as many privacy concerns while they're young.


I had a friend who had 5 kids and 3 BR. Her two oldest were girls and they shared a room. The next two were boys and they shared a room. When #5 came along she eventually got added to the boys room because they were closer in age and still had naptimes. The girls were about 8 and 10 yo and it would have been more disruptive to add an infant to their room.

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We have 3 bedrooms and 4 kids. The oldest 3 share a room (and love it!) and the youngest has the other room. This works out very well for us, no crying baby to wake up anyone but me! For the room with 3 kids we have a set of bunk beds and a twin bed.

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Currently my kids all have their own rooms and my youngest is in our room in his toddler bed. This summer we'll be moving DS2 (almost 3) into the same room as DS8. I'm still debating if we should have two of the girls share a room so we can use it as a guest room but I don't think that's a good idea, they all like their own space and would hate sharing a room :rolleyes:


Definitely not a big deal though, I shared a room with my 3 sisters and I think a lot of kids share rooms.

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When I was pregnant with number 4, we lived in a 2 bedroom house! We did move, but we've always had at least one bedroom that was shared. Sons #1 and #2 shared until one moved out and sons #3 and #4 shared for a long time. Only my dd got her own room and hers is really small.

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We have four kids in a three bedroom. Currently, oldest DD and DS are sharing and my three year old has her own room. The baby is in our room. We are trying to figure out how we will flip everyone around when the baby needs to move out of our room.

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My kids share. Rarely have I heard "I wish I had my own room" My boys are 8&9 and share. My girls are twins and they share. All of mine also share toys, the girls even share clothes so it works out really well with them.


Even if we had a fourth bedroom, it wouldn't be occupied by a kid. It would be a school room lol

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We technically just have two bedrooms for the five of us, and we had dd9, ds6, and dd3 in the "master" bedroom, while dh and I shared the smaller room. A few months ago we decided to section off of our finished attic (formerly play/tv room/office) for the younger two, so that dd9 could have her own room. She had been really struggling with finding her own space, esp. b/c ds has some impulse control issues and was always in her stuff, no matter what we tried to reduce that. Now she can just close her door and be done with that. We kept the other half of our attic as playroom, and figure we can always designate that as a room for our youngest, when/if we start feeling that she and her brother are too old to share.

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When we first moved into our current house 10 years ago I was excited because all three of my kids would have their own rooms. Well, my boys had always slept in the same room and didn't like sleeping alone. They would take turns sleeping on the floor in each other's rooms.


After a couple weeks of this, I told my middle to move his bed into the oldest's room. They have been in the same room since and now the former bedroom is the school room so it all worked out.

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We have 4 bedrooms and 6 kids - so obviously they share :). My 2 boys, 16yo/7yo, girls 9yo/5yo, and girls 13yo/3yo, and dh and I. They all have bunk beds, a tall dresser, and a modest-sized closet. The boys have storage drawers under their bunk bed, and I'd like to get some for both girls' rooms, too.

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Our boys actually enjoy sharing, and at one time, even though we have six bedrooms, we only used two of them - the older two shared a room, and DH and I and the younger two were in another. Of course they're all a lot bigger now, and the older two have been given their own rooms, but they'd be very happy to share. DS5 and DS7 have a room which they share, but they still both keep coming into our bed, and DH ends up in a spare room. In our family having your own room seems to mean being sad and lonely :tongue_smilie:.

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We choose to have our children share bedrooms. We have 4 dc and 5 bedrooms, so they don't have to share, but we think that the lifeskills that they're gaining by having to compromise with someone that way are valuable, so we use the other bedrooms for other functions. We may eventually split the girls, because the 5 1/2 year age difference can be a lot to overcome (not impossible, f-i-l shared with his brother who was 14 years younger), but the boys are barely 2 1/2 years apart and will likely share as long as they live with us. When they were little, all three shared. There was a time when we considered a short-term assignment that would have meant living in a two bedroom high rise apartment -- they would have all shared -- oldest would have been 10-12, youngest 4-6. They would have gone out to school during that time, partly because there would have been good choices that we don't have here, and partly because it would have been a pretty tight space to try to have a homeschool lifestyle (though I know that some do it).

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We have 3 kids and a 3br house. My boys have shared a room since ds16 moved out of our bedroom at about 18 months - even though we had a separate bedroom for him. He wanted to be with his brother and they have been inseparable ever since. Dd has her own room, only because we don't have any more children and she is the only girl. When she would crawl in with us (even at age 7), she reasoned that she was the only one who did not have a sleeping buddy.


Even if we had more bedrooms, our kids would be sharing and the spare room would be an office/sewing room/guest bedroom.

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Theoretically my 19yo, 7yo, and 5yo share a room. Practically that means my girls keep their stuff in there and sleep on my bedroom floor. The 14yo, 11yo, and 9yo sleep in the other room. The 3yo's bed is in my room, but he sleeps wherever he decides most nights (with his brothers, on my floor, on the couch, etc.)

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We have one boy and one girl. They each have their own room. Dd would be fine sharing her room with another girl. Ds will never share his room because of his unique circumstances. ...But I am not expecting any more dc, unless God surprises me :D. Dd was our little miracle and ds was our surprise. We joke that he fell off the back of a truck :lol:. His actual story is far too complicated.

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Our children grew up sharing rooms, and you know what? We never had a single complaint. I liked that they shared rooms and had to learn to live with another person. :) We had 3.5 rooms for a family of 7. (The .5 is a den that you have to walk through to get to the bathroom. We have often used this room as an extra bedroom.)

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Once upon a time we had three boys in one bedroom. Then I got pregnant and we moved:). Now we have five bedrooms, one is the master, one is utilized as a schoolroom, one as my dh's office, one is my dd's who is currently away from home and not using it and our 10yr twin sons share the last. I really can't imagine them NOT sharing a room. As they get older, they will have the option to have their own room so we'll see what they decide. I really think they will stay together and we'll make dd's room into a guest room.

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I have my 9, 5 (in Sept.) and 3 (in July) year old sons all sharing one room. They have a bunkbed with a pull out trundle for the littlest one. My daughter is 14 months and has her own room until the baby comes in August. In a way, I'm hoping it's another girl to make room arrangements easier. We aren't planning on anymore so in all reality, we could survive with a 3bdrm with no problems as long as the rooms are big enough. :001_smile:

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We have 4 bedrooms. One for me and my husband, one for my daughter, one is a nursery for the baby, and the 3 older boys share a room. When the baby is big enough for a bed around age 2, we'll put 2 boys in each of the larger rooms and my daughter will go in the smallest room (currently the nursery). I should add that the 4 older kids frequently change up the sleeping arrangements, with various boys spending the night with their sister in her double bed, or with her in their room since they have 2 bunk beds. That's my least favorite configuration; 4 young kids in one room makes for some late nights and early (noisy!) mornings when it's a novelty and not the norm!

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We have a house big enough that we could split the kids up. But, I remember growing up and staying up late talking with my sister. I want my kids to have that. My boys share the master bedroom (three of them). Dd has her own room but sleeps with dh and me most nights.


If one of them has to be somewhere early, he can sleep in another bedroom. Not a problem.

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Up until a week ago, we had the four girls in one small-ish bedroom, and my son in the other (even smaller) bedroom. Then we had a 4th bedroom finished and the older two girls just moved in. I find it very interesting that they seemed to all get along *better* when they shared the one bedroom - right now there seems to be a lot of "fighting for position" as they get used to their new set up.

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We've all different combinations depending on the house and number of children.


ds(6), dd(nb) - shared

ds(8), dd(2), dd(nb) - sharing

ds(10) own room, dd(4), dd(2), ds(nb) - sharing

ds(12) & ds(2) - sharing, dd's - sharing

boy's sharing, dd's(7 & 5) + nb brother sharing

boy's sharing (15, 5, 2), girls sharing.

oldest (18) - own room, all the others sharing (12,10,8,5)

currently dd(15) shares w/ youngest ds(8) ~ they're my messies & the middle two share ~ my neatniks. This has cut down on the number of disagreements a lot.

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For the first 11 years of marriage we had a 2 bedroom house when we moved it was all 4 in a room. Now we have a 3 bedroom and DD has her own small room while the 3 boys share the largest room in the house.

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We have two master type bedrooms upstairs. Girl oldest then two boys. Large closet/kneewall room off one bedroom. The most squished was when daughter needed privacy, more, she was in the little kneewall room (when husband and I in that room, we used it as a nursery), and the boys were in the main room, with shelves dividing the room. Once she was old enough, we turned the den on the first floor into a bedroom, then the dining room became a bedroom, so we have a medium sized kitchen, large living room, long enclosed porch, to live in. Kinda squished, but everybody wanted their own space. Big ones are in and out with college.

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currently dd(15) shares w/ youngest ds(8) ~ they're my messies & the middle two share ~ my neatniks. This has cut down on the number of disagreements a lot.


I've broached the topic of switching to olders and youngers, as the 11 year old and the 7 year old are in really messy phases right now. The olders, who will be 13 and 14 this summer, decided that they'd rather stay with their same gender sibling than share with each other (fair enough), so things stand. Almost-13 has actually gotten messier lately, which is one reason why her taking over one of the other bedrooms is off the table. We currently have a bed in there for out of town guests (doesn't happen often), shelves with craft supplies (mostly hers), and younger ds's desk, because he prefers to have a space to go off by himself (interesting to me, because he is the one who MUST share a room -- when his brother leaves for more than one night, he bunks in with his sisters on their floor), while the others prefer working in common areas.

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We've done differently through the years. My two oldest (opposite genders) shared on and off all their childhoods, including two years ago. So we *really* aren't worried about it.


Right now, my little boys share a room and the baby is in with us. The girls and older boy each have their own rooms. It isn't very reasonable for everyone to have their own bedrooms as we'd have to have a six bedroom home (which I see available *very* rarely). Who knows what we'll do over time. The huge age differences makes it the toughest. The girls don't care so maybe one day they can be together, but the older boy does care.

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