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What do you think of this word? Do you let your children use it? Do they have to be a certain age to start saying it?


My 4 year old just recently started saying, "What the heck?" Something she picked up from a 7 year old that's never disciplined. :glare: I don't really think it's bad if a teenager or even a pre-teen says it, but a 4 year old? It just doesn't seem right to me and I keep telling her not to say it.


Am I being too strict? I do my best to make sure my kids have good manners so "what the heck" just doesn't sit well with me.



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I probably would cringe, too. But some of my piano students (ages 5-7) say it and their parents don't seem to mind. I also have friends who post on FB "funny" stories of their under-5 year olds using REAL curse words. Ick. I think if it bothers you, stop it. Who cares if others think it's too strict, it will distract you every time you hear it.


I had to break my kids of Darnit when they were 4, which they've picked up from a grandparent. My husband thought I was crazy, but was just annoying to me.

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I think of it as a minced oath. It's been used in place of the h-e-double-tooth-picks word, but more lately so many people are using the expression, "What the (insert horrible word)?" that when I hear the first two words, I start to wince.


I try to redirect without focusing on Don't Say THAT! Too much attention and it becomes like the big pink elephant you tell people not to think about - once you mention it, it's all they can think about, kwim?!! I just try to not say it myself so my little one doesn't copy mom.

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A few years ago we had a heck battle brought on by the constant (if I remember right) use of the word in High School Musical (you can stop laughing now).


I gave up when a few months later we watched the entire Leave It to Beaver series and in 1950something "HECK" was Wally's favorite word.

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I find "what on earth?" to be a nice substitute. But then, I have a Tintin reader who shocked all the neighbor kids when he was 5 by saying"billions of blue blistering barnacles!" to express the "wth" emotion. I was fortunate enough to see their faces--they totally thought he'd just said something REALLY bad. :D He also went through a phase where he'd say, "what the..." and just trail off. o.O I just told him it didn't sound polite, and that "what on earth" was better. I agree about redirecting without making an issue--esp. at 4.

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What do you think of this word? Do you let your children use it? Do they have to be a certain age to start saying it?


My 4 year old just recently started saying, "What the heck?" Something she picked up from a 7 year old that's never disciplined. :glare: I don't really think it's bad if a teenager or even a pre-teen says it, but a 4 year old? It just doesn't seem right to me and I keep telling her not to say it.


Am I being too strict? I do my best to make sure my kids have good manners so "what the heck" just doesn't sit well with me.



This is the part I don't understand. If something is offensive to you, then it is offensive. Why should the age of the offender matter?


I don't tell my kids that words are bad. I teach them that words offend or that they aren't appropriate. When they encounter a word they don't know or understand, I explain it in age-appropriate terms and let them know if it is a word that people use as an insult or to offend other people. I haven't yet had a problem with a kid using offensive language.


For something like an annoying phrase, I just try to let it blow over because they usually do, or I rephrase what they say into something more acceptable (this takes a lot of repeats until the new phrase sticks). Now if I could only get my dh to stop adding the word "supposedly" to every other sentence he says, my life will be much calmer.

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A few years ago we had a heck battle brought on by the constant (if I remember right) use of the word in High School Musical (you can stop laughing now).


I gave up when a few months later we watched the entire Leave It to Beaver series and in 1950something "HECK" was Wally's favorite word.



That's who I was thinking about! :tongue_smilie: Thanks. It was was driving me crazy.

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Doesn't bother me in the least. I say heck. Generally "What the heck?" and if something's really something I say "Oh, my heck!" Adrian (4 in 3 weeks) has picked up on me saying "What the heck?" and we think it's rather adorable.

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Doesn't bother me in the least. I say heck. Generally "What the heck?" and if something's really something I say "Oh, my heck!" Adrian (4 in 3 weeks) has picked up on me saying "What the heck?" and we think it's rather adorable.



In the TV show Little House, I do remember Laura saying something about 'catching heck'. Maybe it's regional.


It doesn't bother me, ftr,

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It wouldn't occur to me to be bothered by "heck." In fact, when DS7 was in public school, it annoyed me that they made EVERYTHING into a "bad word." Shut up. Stupid. Dumb. Crap. Butt. Okay, fine, maybe these aren't NICE words to use with people, but they're not cuss words. Telling kids that perfectly valid words are curse words when they're not just bugs me.

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"What the heck" doesn't bother me in the least. However, I tell my kids that they can't do the "What the...." without putting a word in there. To me just trailing off sounds like you're thinking a word too dirty to say. ;)

Funny thing is my oldest started saying "bleep" as a swear word... like he was bleeping himself out. I'm trying to end that one as well. :lol:

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I'm not fond of it, but it's not one of the battles I choose to fight right now (my kids are 5). They have heard me say worse things. It's hard to explain to a young child just what is wrong with "heck." I think I'd be more likey to address it if they were older and could understand why it grates.


That said, I'm pretty sure I wasn't allowed to say it when I was little. Same for dumb, fart, and various other words that most parents are not picky about.

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"What the heck" doesn't bother me in the least. However, I tell my kids that they can't do the "What the...." without putting a word in there. To me just trailing off sounds like you're thinking a word too dirty to say. ;)

Funny thing is my oldest started saying "bleep" as a swear word... like he was bleeping himself out. I'm trying to end that one as well. :lol:


In my house it's "cuss." The Fantastic Mr. Fox movie, anyone? :D



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I'm not offended by swearing, unless it is just repeated over and over or for no reason.


Yesterday DS was having a horrible day because his Minecraft was not cooperating :lol:


We were in the car on the way to the post office and he kept talking about it on and on and on....then just said "It's just being sh*tty to me." I just looked at him and asked him if he realized what he said. Where is the bag over head smiley :tongue_smilie:


I don't have a foul mouth, but it slips sometimes. THey know to never use bad language around others, because we care about our image.

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We try to avoid euphemisms like 'heck' in our house. But we do tell our kids that it's our own family rule and that just because someone else says it doesn't make them BAD.


Some things I just think sound uncouth coming from sweet little mouths. Several of my boys have started saying "What the..." with nothing afterwards. I think they picked it up from Cars. But I discourage it, because it just encourages the listener to fill in the blank. On the other hand, my two year old says "what in the world?!" and it's adorable. :001_smile:

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It doesn't bother me. Cursing doesn't bother me either unless it is excessive or completely pointless.




I passed "heck" so long ago it's not even on my radar anymore.


:lol: Yep. Me too.


The only think I'll say is that I have taught my kids that these words - both the really dirty ones, and the subs for dirty ones like heck, bother some people and to respect and be aware of that. But they're just words.

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It wouldn't occur to me to be bothered by "heck." In fact, when DS7 was in public school, it annoyed me that they made EVERYTHING into a "bad word." Shut up. Stupid. Dumb. Crap. Butt. Okay, fine, maybe these aren't NICE words to use with people, but they're not cuss words. Telling kids that perfectly valid words are curse words when they're not just bugs me.




Funny thing is my oldest started saying "bleep" as a swear word... like he was bleeping himself out. I'm trying to end that one as well. :lol:


ha! One of mine does that too!


We found it very funny that closed captioning does it too. We were watching Hell's Kitchen and I had muted the tv to take a phone call. Our tv automatic,y switches to closed captioning when you hit mute. So we see the scrolling diatribe of Chef Ramsey. "what the BLEEP and you Bleep bleep bleep doing with the bleep bleep sauce in this bleep bleep bleep kitchen you bleep?!":lol:

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I didn't realize anyone would consider heck a swear word. Heck, darn, shoot, geesh, etc... aren't encouraged, but we wouldn't make a big deal out of them. Now, cr*p and s*ck bother me.


Jerk is the word that sends me.


It's freakin' or frickin' for me.

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My ds4 has a habit of saying "Heck is that!?". Makes me laugh every time he says it.


Wouldn't bother me at all. A word is what you make of it no less.


There were times a loooooong time ago where certain words meant something totally different than they do now. Like "Sweet", "Hot" and "Gay".


The only word I really take issue with is the "F" word and the "B" word.

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These conversations always remind me of two shows.


Recess and the creation of the word Whomps.


And Friends and the fist smack.




I freely admit that we use the word Whomps here.


But we make up words all the time.

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I find "what on earth?" to be a nice substitute. But then, I have a Tintin reader who shocked all the neighbor kids when he was 5 by saying"billions of blue blistering barnacles!" to express the "wth" emotion. I was fortunate enough to see their faces--they totally thought he'd just said something REALLY bad. :D He also went through a phase where he'd say, "what the..." and just trail off. o.O I just told him it didn't sound polite, and that "what on earth" was better. I agree about redirecting without making an issue--esp. at 4.


Occasionally one of my boys will get into the habit of 'what the...' and I seriously hate it. Pinkalicious says 'What in the world?' which is really cute (that and, 'Oh. My. Word.' :D )

It wouldn't occur to me to be bothered by "heck." In fact, when DS7 was in public school, it annoyed me that they made EVERYTHING into a "bad word." Shut up. Stupid. Dumb. Crap. Butt. Okay, fine, maybe these aren't NICE words to use with people, but they're not cuss words. Telling kids that perfectly valid words are curse words when they're not just bugs me.

I couldn't agree more. We have people who we are acquaintances with, and stupid is a bad word for them, and shut up, etc. There are others (that, if I remember correctly, are even more eyeroll worthy!) but I can't remember them off the top of my head.

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ha! One of mine does that too!


We found it very funny that closed captioning does it too. We were watching Hell's Kitchen and I had muted the tv to take a phone call. Our tv automatic,y switches to closed captioning when you hit mute. So we see the scrolling diatribe of Chef Ramsey. "what the BLEEP and you Bleep bleep bleep doing with the bleep bleep sauce in this bleep bleep bleep kitchen you bleep?!":lol:



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It wouldn't occur to me to be bothered by "heck." In fact, when DS7 was in public school, it annoyed me that they made EVERYTHING into a "bad word." Shut up. Stupid. Dumb. Crap. Butt. Okay, fine, maybe these aren't NICE words to use with people, but they're not cuss words. Telling kids that perfectly valid words are curse words when they're not just bugs me.

I remember when one of my kindergarten students came crying to me because one of the other girls said (gasp, sniffle) "the s word." I was a bit startled, thinking what it might be. It turned out that the girl had told her to "shut up."


I think "heck" is not the worst thing a 4 year old could say, but I don't find it impressive.


However, my kids were asking me about "sparting." A neighbor girl taught them this word, so they said. When they described it, I had to tell them it was "farting." One of them refuses to believe me.

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Not a big deal for us. I wouldn't think anything of a 4 yr old using it. I am EXTREMELY strict about some things, and then there are some battles I just don't even deal with. Heck, IMO, is not disrespectful. I guess that is where I draw the line. Say "idiot", "shut up", "whatever", "retard", etc. things that are disrespectful, insensitive, and/or rude and that is the kind of stuff that I jump all over my children for. As long as they are saying please and thank you and ma'am and sir and excuse me, then "what the heck" is no issue for me. It is more about the tone and the respect, not the word. I know that there is no way to use the *F* word respectfully, so I am not saying that is the case for ALL word. Also, I HATE potty talk. It is disgusting and put a halt to that, too. With 3 boys, that can get totally out of hand!!!!

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Heck is on their "word list" In fact we sing with it how can you sing "how in the heck can I wash my neck" without that word.


Crap is also on the approved word list


*the word list is an ongoing family joke that goes back to when we were kids. My sister said a bad word and my mom pretended to check her list to see if that word was allowed. It was not on the list. Anyway it has stuck around ever since so when the kids try to slip in a bad or rude word I usually remind them it is not on their word list. Or if another child tattles that my kids said something that I deem not a big deal I usually answer with "that's okay it's on their word list"

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It wouldn't occur to me to be bothered by "heck." In fact, when DS7 was in public school, it annoyed me that they made EVERYTHING into a "bad word." Shut up. Stupid. Dumb. Crap. Butt. Okay, fine, maybe these aren't NICE words to use with people, but they're not cuss words. Telling kids that perfectly valid words are curse words when they're not just bugs me.


:iagree:This is what had ds8 in trouble so much at cub scouts. He was being punished all the time for swearing, when he never swore. A kid would hear him say a not nice word and they would tell that he swore and he would be punished, though the leader never asked what the word was. Definitely not nice words and they didn't belong at cub scouts but he could never figure out what he did wrong because the focus was on not swearing and he never swore.

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