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If for some reason you left your dh, where would you go?

If I were going to leave my dh, I would stay:  

  1. 1. If I were going to leave my dh, I would stay:

    • With a friend.
    • With my parents.
    • With other relatives.
    • At a hotel/motel.
    • I would go to a shelter.
    • I would have nowhere to go, nowhere to stay.
    • Other.

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I'd probably rent my own apartment for awhile or make him leave. No plans to do either though.


I voted hotel though because it was the best option of the ones given.

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If it ever came to that, it wouldn't be me leaving. Unless he put all the kids in school, hired a cook/housekeeper and nanny.


Nope, his rear would be the one shufflin off.

My MIL always said that she told her dh if he ever left, that was fine, but he had to take the kids too! :D (They had 7 sons)

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If it ever came to that, it wouldn't be me leaving. Unless he put all the kids in school, hired a cook/housekeeper and nanny.


Nope, his rear would be the one shufflin off.


:iagree: But having said that, I don't "go there" in my thoughts. At all. Unless there were actual abuse. But I think I would have seen that before now in 20 years of marriage. . .

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:iagree: But having said that, I don't "go there" in my thoughts. At all. Unless there were actual abuse. But I think I would have seen that before now in 20 years of marriage. . .


:iagree: My dh and I are very happily married...24 years and stii going strong. Lest anyone think my response indicated differently. :lol:

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If it ever came to that, it wouldn't be me leaving. Unless he put all the kids in school, hired a cook/housekeeper and nanny.


Nope, his rear would be the one shufflin off.




Why would I go anywhere? :confused:


And if I did, it would be a very nice, very expensive new home that he could pay for.


And he knows it. :D

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I'd never considered this until someone close to me mentioned how difficult it is to leave, practically speaking, even when it's the right thing.


It's difficult if you're not prepared and if you don't have enough money.


Money is a huge factor, and if there isn't much money, employability becomes extremely important, so make sure you have a skill. Anyone who is even remotely thinking of leaving a marriage should plan wisely before taking any action -- except, of course, if there's abuse involved. Then, just go. No amount of money is worth your safety.

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Well, it depends...


If he ever hurt me or my kids I would kill him in his sleep. End of story.


If it wasn't a "danger" situation and I was leaving him for other reasons (drug use, infidelity) then I would make him leave.


But I do have options if I needed to be the one who leaves. I could go to any number of friends, my mom, either of my brothers, etc. And since I am employed, well-educated and with loads of experience, I could easily support myself and my children if it came to it.


My mother made sure of that. She made certain I would never be in the position she was in... Trapped in an awful marriage with 3 young children, a high school education, and no job skills.


It was the best thing she ever did for me.

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When my first husband and I split up, I moved in with my mom. She was single and it all worked out perfectly. I'm glad too because I didn't have 2 nickels to rub together. Then I had to work with Legal Aid to get the divorce. That's also an overwhelming thing to do. I hope I never have to go through all of that again. It was a nightmare and my split was mutual and peaceful!


If my DH and I split up, I would ask him to leave. If I had no choice but to leave, I would start at a hotel and get an apartment asap. I'm in better shape now then I was 19 years ago.

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I think this hypothetical situation assumes you cannot negotiate *him* leaving or paying for a nice second residence or something. I think this hypothetical scenario involves some kind of craziness - abuse, drugs, etc.


And in such a case, I have several friends and relatives who would take my children and I in long enough for me to get my head on straight and consider step two.


I am very blessed that it is highly improbable (near impossible) that I'll ever be in that situation, though I try to keep my social/moral bank account going strong so that I always have a soft place to fall.

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Other....If I was the one who wanted out...I work and have my own savings accounts. I would rent a house.



If he wanted out, he would get an apartment/house (presumably closer to his work since he has a long commute each day).

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When it became necessary to leave my stbXH, my kids and I stayed with my mom for a few weeks. Then we moved into the house that she grew up in-- it was my great-grandparents' house, then my grandparents lived here until my grandmother died and my grandfather remarried. He was moving into his new wife's house just about the time I needed a place to land.


Providence, fate, Hand of God, whatever you call it.... I'm so grateful that I have a supportive family to see the kids and me through this.


I didn't see this coming until it was staring me in the face. In retrospect, I should have been preparing for this from day one, and intensely preparing for it over the last... year or so. But... I didn't believe it would ever really come to this. There is none so blind as those who will not see, you know.

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I didn't see this coming until it was staring me in the face. In retrospect, I should have been preparing for this from day one, and intensely preparing for it over the last... year or so. But... I didn't believe it would ever really come to this. There is none so blind as those who will not see, you know.


It's easy to call the game from the sidelines, but you were right in the middle of it, and it's hard to maintain any semblance of a clear perspective when it's your own life and marriage. I'm sure you handled everything as well or better than anyone else would have.

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I'd go stay with my aunt until dh figured out where he was living, then we'd go too. My aunt would be happy to have us because she's lonely living by herself and she has 88 acres, so plenty of space. Then we'd go wherever The Dad Guy was going because I'm not going to watch him neglecting his kids while he's stuck in a pit of despair. That wouldn't do anyone any good. (And I don't think he'd want to live with his mother for long so he'd be going somewhere. ;) )



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I'd go stay with my aunt until dh figured out where he was living, then we'd go too. My aunt would be happy to have us because she's lonely living by herself and she has 88 acres, so plenty of space. Then we'd go wherever The Dad Guy was going because I'm not going to watch him neglecting his kids while he's stuck in a pit of despair. That wouldn't do anyone any good. (And I don't think he'd want to live with his mother for long so he'd be going somewhere. ;) )


We always joke that if we split up for whatever reason (though extreme betrayal is not something I can imagine; I'd like to think we'd grow apart amicably :tongue_smilie: ), that we'd buy a duplex and put in an adjoining door with a cat flap. Honestly, sometimes that sounds good now. :D I'm not sure how practical that would be. I don't know if I'd feel like I had to sneak boyfriends into the back door or not.

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Well considering that I know someone who did this last week, I can tell you the concensus is it is not a practical solution. The fallout is hideous. And this was someone without the extra burden of children, a living Mom...


Anyway I chose other. I had to smile a bit at the poll...some of us are too old to have "parents" as an option. My Dad is dead after living a good long life and my Mom is in a Nursing Home. Heck even when I was 30 and divorcing I was on my own. You have no options when you don't know where the money is. If you know that, then you can always make a plan.

Edited by nono
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I wasn't assuming you didn't know about it. Personally I don't have much regard for quitters. Anyway, your choice is ironic given the theme of this thread is how to have the courage to change from living in a deathly situation to a better one. :001_huh:

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I wasn't assuming you didn't know about it. Personally I don't have much regard for quitters. Anyway, your choice is ironic given the theme of this thread is how to have the courage to change from living in a deathly situation to a better one. :001_huh:

no quitter here, I have been married for just on 20 years.

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Well, change the locks seems the first choice if something crazy were to cause me to need to leave my DW. However, if for some reason I HAD to leave the house (she turned into an axe murderer in the middle of the night? Idk), I could stay with my parents or one of several relatives for a time until I figured out housing.


I do have an emergency fund in my own name though, so I could get a hotel or apartment and manage for a few months if I had to.


She would actually have a harder time leaving me since her family is farther away and she doesn't actually have any accounts that are not joint. Thankfully I am not an axe murderer.

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Well, change the locks seems the first choice if something crazy were to cause me to need to leave my DW. However, if for some reason I HAD to leave the house (she turned into an axe murderer in the middle of the night? Idk), I could stay with my parents or one of several relatives for a time until I figured out housing.


I do have an emergency fund in my own name though, so I could get a hotel or apartment and manage for a few months if I had to.


She would actually have a harder time leaving me since her family is farther away and she doesn't actually have any accounts that are not joint. Thankfully I am not an axe murderer.


You're prepared just in case she's a nut, but you can assure her that you're not a nut? Lol.

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I have a friend in a situation. She has nowhere to go and no way to do it on her own, at least at first. So she is pretty stuck (which really stinks because she was a single mom for most of 15years and did it fine but can't get there again with her current circumstances).


Me? Well, I'd go to my parents. But I really can't see it working. I don't have the ability, at this time, to take care of me and all the children financially as I cannot work full time (nor is that good for these kids anyway).

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I'd probably rent my own apartment for awhile or make him leave. No plans to do either though.


I voted hotel though because it was the best option of the ones given.


My parents are gone.

My family beyond my kids does not exist...or would be unwilling to help....except maybe sil...and that would be weird in that circumstance:tongue_smilie:



I would rent an apartment.....or his his tushy would be out the door.


That is not a scenario I am entertaining.

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I would make him leave. My neighbor is going through this right now. Her dh (whom she is divorcing) refuses to leave. Her attorney told her if she leaves without the kids it will be considered abandonment and she loses her kids. I told her to consult another attorney.

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I see a lot of people thinking they can just "kick out" their husbands. The question posed in the OP doesn't indicate an amicable situation to me. Where I live, you cannot kick out someone who lives in your house. You cannot change the locks. If he wants to get into his own house (whether or not his name is on the mortgage or lease), the police will let him in. And if the police arrive and you decide you don't want to stay with him, you will be allowed to take only necessary toiletries and clothes with you if he disputes anything.


ETA - In regards to a PP's post, if you leave without the kids, that most certainly would be abandonment and would not look good for a custody dispute.

Edited by kebg11
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I can't see any reason this would happen in my marriage, but I have thought of what might happen should DH die. I would get a job (I had a career for 16 years before becoming a SAHM) and the kids might be old enough to do HS on their own at this point. I am not sure. I would most likely sell this house, but I am not sure about that. It is 2.5 acres and taking care of it is HIS baby, I have no desire for a huge yard.


We will be married 17 years in about 6 weeks.

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My mother made sure of that. She made certain I would never be in the position she was in... Trapped in an awful marriage with 3 young children, a high school education, and no job skills.


It was the best thing she ever did for me.


You have an amazing mother.


I kicked my husband out and my mother seemed to think it better that me and my kids live in a shelter than move in with her into her gigantic apartment (3 beds, 3 baths for one person).

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I see a lot of people thinking they can just "kick out" their husbands. The question posed in the OP doesn't indicate an amicable situation to me. Where I live, you cannot kick out someone who lives in your house. You cannot change the locks. If he wants to get into his own house (whether or not his name is on the mortgage or lease), the police will let him in. And if the police arrive and you decide you don't want to stay with him, you will be allowed to take only necessary toiletries and clothes with you if he disputes anything.


ETA - In regards to a PP's post, if you leave without the kids, that most certainly would be abandonment and would not look good for a custody dispute.


A woman in that situation would have to have the court order the husband out of the house and to pay spousal support until the divorce is finalized. And yes, moving out without the kids would be seen as abandonment. Which is probably the reason her neighbor's husband isn't leaving.


Once she has the house she then faces having to pay the mortgage/ property tax which most divorced women can't manage, so they end up losing the house anyway.


If I wanted to divorce my husband I would have to wait until the mortgage was paid off and then file-- and hope the courts decided everything in my favor. It would be a huge gamble.

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