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I'd like to take the opportunity and speak for all of us here at the WTM General Message Boards when I say you have an obligation to go to supper at this person's house sometime in the near future and come back and give us a full report.


It will keep us fascinated for pages and pages here on the boards.


Really, it's your duty. Please go. For us.




All of us



I don't think I could do it....not even for all you guys.....sorry:auto:

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My recipe isn't a real, on paper recipe, but it goes together like this:


For a 9 x 13 pan you need:

10-12 lasagna noodles

2 cups diced or shredded leftover roast chicken (you can leave the skin in there if you like -- I do.)

about 6 cups spinach (I think -- I just use about 6 huge hand-fulls)

about 2 cups sliced mushrooms

1 medium diced onion

2 cups ricotta cheese

Seasonings are (all dried): thyme, marjoram, salt and pepper (about a 1/2 tsp of each)

and, then make a 4-cup batch of bechamel


Pre-cook lasagna noodles about half-done (they cook more in the pan).


In a skillet, add some olive oil or butter or both and saute the onions and mushrooms until they are both lightly golden. Add the chicken and heat through. Add the spinach, thyme, marjoram, salt and peppper, and saute until spinach is wilted nicely.


Spread a bit of bechamel over the bottom of the pan, then lay down a layer of noodles, top with half the chicken/spinach, then dollops of half of the ricotta, then about a cup of bechamel. Put another layer of noodles, top with the rest of the chicken/spinach, dollops of the rest of the ricotta, then another cup of bechamel. Add a final layer of noodles and pour the rest of the bechamel over it all.


Let the lasagna sit for an hour before baking. Bake at 350°F for an hour. Let it rest about 15-20 minutes before cutting and serving.


This is quite rich and filling, and I can usually get 3 meals out of this for the 3 of us.

Mmmmm. This is SO going on the menu this week.

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Do you think she would have had the nerve to serve dinner using YOUR napkins? ROFL. Even though I was disappointed to NOT read about the experience of you eating at her house, this thread was still a hoot to read.


Beats reading the ones where I am supposed to be learning how to dust...



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I can't help wondering....do you think it is possible this lady is perhaps on the spectrum ?


I do not mean that as an insult to anyone who is. I mean, is there a possibility that she is an adult on the spectrum who has not learned how to interact socially ? Her behavior and communication regarding being a dinner guest or having someone as a dinner guest strikes me as someone who is compulsive, controlling, and really clueless about the rules of social behavior for this situation. Just wondering....


If that is the case, I realize it does not make it any easier to be on the receiving end of it all.

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My recipe isn't a real, on paper recipe, but it goes together like this:


For a 9 x 13 pan you need:

10-12 lasagna noodles

2 cups diced or shredded leftover roast chicken (you can leave the skin in there if you like -- I do.)

about 6 cups spinach (I think -- I just use about 6 huge hand-fulls)

about 2 cups sliced mushrooms

1 medium diced onion

2 cups ricotta cheese

Seasonings are (all dried): thyme, marjoram, salt and pepper (about a 1/2 tsp of each)

and, then make a 4-cup batch of bechamel


Pre-cook lasagna noodles about half-done (they cook more in the pan).


In a skillet, add some olive oil or butter or both and saute the onions and mushrooms until they are both lightly golden. Add the chicken and heat through. Add the spinach, thyme, marjoram, salt and peppper, and saute until spinach is wilted nicely.


Spread a bit of bechamel over the bottom of the pan, then lay down a layer of noodles, top with half the chicken/spinach, then dollops of half of the ricotta, then about a cup of bechamel. Put another layer of noodles, top with the rest of the chicken/spinach, dollops of the rest of the ricotta, then another cup of bechamel. Add a final layer of noodles and pour the rest of the bechamel over it all.


Let the lasagna sit for an hour before baking. Bake at 350°F for an hour. Let it rest about 15-20 minutes before cutting and serving.


This is quite rich and filling, and I can usually get 3 meals out of this for the 3 of us.


That sounds delicious. Now I need to look up bechamel :)

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I would love to have been a fly on her wall after that call. Cause you know she's been stewing all week with her plans for teaching you how to cook. And you're not ready for the first big lesson?!!!


Enjoy your own homemade dinner, it sounds lovely.


:lol: :iagree:

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My recipe isn't a real, on paper recipe, but it goes together like this:


For a 9 x 13 pan you need:

10-12 lasagna noodles

2 cups diced or shredded leftover roast chicken (you can leave the skin in there if you like -- I do.)

about 6 cups spinach (I think -- I just use about 6 huge hand-fulls)

about 2 cups sliced mushrooms

1 medium diced onion

2 cups ricotta cheese

Seasonings are (all dried): thyme, marjoram, salt and pepper (about a 1/2 tsp of each)

and, then make a 4-cup batch of bechamel


Pre-cook lasagna noodles about half-done (they cook more in the pan).


In a skillet, add some olive oil or butter or both and saute the onions and mushrooms until they are both lightly golden. Add the chicken and heat through. Add the spinach, thyme, marjoram, salt and peppper, and saute until spinach is wilted nicely.


Spread a bit of bechamel over the bottom of the pan, then lay down a layer of noodles, top with half the chicken/spinach, then dollops of half of the ricotta, then about a cup of bechamel. Put another layer of noodles, top with the rest of the chicken/spinach, dollops of the rest of the ricotta, then another cup of bechamel. Add a final layer of noodles and pour the rest of the bechamel over it all.


Let the lasagna sit for an hour before baking. Bake at 350°F for an hour. Let it rest about 15-20 minutes before cutting and serving.


This is quite rich and filling, and I can usually get 3 meals out of this for the 3 of us.



Yeah, baby! This will be served at my house next week! Thanks for the recipe and please please please accept the next invite to Crazy's house!

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That sounds delicious. Now I need to look up bechamel :)


5 Tbsp butter

5 Tbsp flour

4 cups milk

2 tsp salt

about 1/2 tsp nutmeg


melt the butter, whisk in the flour until flour is dissolved in the butter. Whisk in the first cup of milk and keep whisking until it comes to a gentle boil. Add salt and remaining milk (a cup or so at a time) whisking the whole time. Finish with the nutmeg.

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Your dinner sounds fantastic (I'm also stealing the recipe). And color me shocked that while she expects the world to revolve around HER dinner needs, yours aren't as high on the priority list.


I hope she does e-mail you. That would be a riot in and of itself, I'm sure.

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I'd like to take the opportunity and speak for all of us here at the WTM General Message Boards when I say you have an obligation to go to supper at this person's house sometime in the near future and come back and give us a full report.


It will keep us fascinated for pages and pages here on the boards.


Really, it's your duty. Please go. For us.




All of us



I was getting excited thinking of the update!

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I'd like to take the opportunity and speak for all of us here at the WTM General Message Boards when I say you have an obligation to go to supper at this person's house sometime in the near future and come back and give us a full report.


It will keep us fascinated for pages and pages here on the boards.


Really, it's your duty. Please go. For us.




All of us


I hate to put you in a bind, but :iagree:. If you can find a way to wear the hat-cam or the lapel-cam we will greatly appreciate it.



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:iagree: There's taking one for the team, and then there's taking one for the team. That said, I'm eagerly awaiting the foray into Crazy Lady's territory. :D

I'm betting that our Audrey is made of sterner stuff. Now that she knows Crazy Lady is crazy she will be able to handle it with grace and aplomb.



(I think this is the first time every I've actually used "aplomb" in a sentence. :D)

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Recipe? I want to move in your house so that you can cook for me. Sounds like you're much better at it. :D


:auto: Me too!!


Oh my. I'm not sure I'd be up for that either yet. What a strange bird you found!!


On the other hand, you'll have to go eventually, because we're all dying to hear how it goes!! :D


Fascinating, much better than the junk on TV!



I'd like to take the opportunity and speak for all of us here at the WTM General Message Boards when I say you have an obligation to go to supper at this person's house sometime in the near future and come back and give us a full report.


It will keep us fascinated for pages and pages here on the boards.


Really, it's your duty. Please go. For us.




All of us



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I can't help wondering....do you think it is possible this lady is perhaps on the spectrum ?


I do not mean that as an insult to anyone who is. I mean, is there a possibility that she is an adult on the spectrum who has not learned how to interact socially ? Her behavior and communication regarding being a dinner guest or having someone as a dinner guest strikes me as someone who is compulsive, controlling, and really clueless about the rules of social behavior for this situation. Just wondering....


If that is the case, I realize it does not make it any easier to be on the receiving end of it all.



I was thinking along these lines, that there may some sort of pathology going on. I'm beginning to feel sorry for her. And I wonder whether her DH has tried to help her/get her help.

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I can't help wondering....do you think it is possible this lady is perhaps on the spectrum ?


I do not mean that as an insult to anyone who is. I mean, is there a possibility that she is an adult on the spectrum who has not learned how to interact socially ? Her behavior and communication regarding being a dinner guest or having someone as a dinner guest strikes me as someone who is compulsive, controlling, and really clueless about the rules of social behavior for this situation. Just wondering....


If that is the case, I realize it does not make it any easier to be on the receiving end of it all.


Yep, definitely the feeling I got. No amount of understanding helps though. I have some oddballs rolling around the family nuthouse and understanding that they have a few screws loose or that they are just different doesn't make it any easier to communicate with them. (I suffer from a mental illness myself so please take this in the lighthearted way that it is meant.)

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Is there a smiley for sputter-laughing?


Yes, it looks like this: :smilielol5: right? Cause that's what happened when I read what happened..


Wow. It's like a real life Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced bouquet).


Now you mention it...



Can't wait to hear it when you do take the offer! :lol:

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I'm waiting for an update too.


There really ought to be a location on the board for a "Best Of" thread area. There could be a section for Best of The Crazies. We could put this lady in there, and the stroller lady, and remember that lady who kept trying to make someone babysit her kids at drama class? This ranks up there with that one. Totally.



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Wow, how did I miss this thread until now??? :confused:


Can't wait to hear how it goes. You know, since your post gal peep backed you up, you need to take a brochure or business card w/ you to dinner. Afterward, you can give it to her & tell her that you & your pal offer community cooking lessons. ;) (I know you don't really want her to show up, but still.... :D) :lurk5:


P.S. Are you sure you're not getting Punk'd or something? :001_huh:

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So should I start a thread and share my crazy Bathchair woman stories? Or how about our Wacky Neighbor who tried to sell our other neighbor's vans in her garage sale. Without asking them if she could first. :lol:


When she moved we all joined hands and sang, "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!"


Not really, but we wanted to. :D

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Any updates?? Between this thread and the crazy stroller lady, I'm tapping my toes quite a bit :D


She emailed me a few dates. We emailed back that Sunday, the 6th, would work for us, if that was okay with them. I haven't heard confirmation of that yet. My dh is supposed to confirm with her dh if I don't get a phone call or email back from her.

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She emailed me a few dates. We emailed back that Sunday, the 6th, would work for us, if that was okay with them. I haven't heard confirmation of that yet. My dh is supposed to confirm with her dh if I don't get a phone call or email back from her.


We expect you to take pictures of the food and upload them while you are there. That way you can ask her all of our questions about the dishes & processes in making them.

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You do realize that on 'her board' the story will be go like this:


I invited the lady and her family over that doesn't know how to cook. You remember right, the one who still uses cloth napkins (I tried to help her out and thow them away) and feed us grass fed beef (:ack2:). Can you believe that she canceled on one hours notice! ONE hour! She is a nut job! My delicious tree leaf and bark dinner....all gone to waste...you know how it doesn't hold over from day to day. Now she wants me to do it all again, in a couple weeks!

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She emailed me a few dates. We emailed back that Sunday, the 6th, would work for us, if that was okay with them. I haven't heard confirmation of that yet. My dh is supposed to confirm with her dh if I don't get a phone call or email back from her.


I can't wait to see how it goes. I want you to know I'm sending you positive thoughts for Sunday evening. I really do hope you have a lovely time, even if it would be very boring to report back here. :)

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You do realize that on 'her board' the story will be go like this:


I invited the lady and her family over that doesn't know how to cook. You remember right, the one who still uses cloth napkins (I tried to help her out and thow them away) and feed us grass fed beef (:ack2:). Can you believe that she canceled on one hours notice! ONE hour! She is a nut job! My delicious tree leaf and bark dinner....all gone to waste...you know how it doesn't hold over from day to day. Now she wants me to do it all again, in a couple weeks!



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Some helpful things you could comment on at her dinner ;) :

**Make remarks about her causing all those trees to die if she doesn't use cloth napkins.

**Perhaps you could say that your kids are allergic to paper napkins and bring your own cloth ones!


On a serious note, I hope all goes well. Just be prepared for the unexpected and that should help with all that happens.

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I'm waiting for an update too.


There really ought to be a location on the board for a "Best Of" thread area. There could be a section for Best of The Crazies. We could put this lady in there, and the stroller lady, and remember that lady who kept trying to make someone babysit her kids at drama class? This ranks up there with that one. Totally.






I remember the forced babysitter thread! It was a trip.


I really just wanted to say "Hi, RegularMom. I miss you!"

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So should I start a thread and share my crazy Bathchair woman stories? Or how about our Wacky Neighbor who tried to sell our other neighbor's vans in her garage sale. Without asking them if she could first. :lol:


When she moved we all joined hands and sang, "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!"


Not really, but we wanted to. :D


Why, of course! VanLady sounds like a worthy entry in the whackaloon tournament we seem to be having around here.

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She emailed me a few dates. We emailed back that Sunday, the 6th, would work for us, if that was okay with them. I haven't heard confirmation of that yet. My dh is supposed to confirm with her dh if I don't get a phone call or email back from her.



Oooh, I can't wait!

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I'm waiting for an update too.


There really ought to be a location on the board for a "Best Of" thread area. There could be a section for Best of The Crazies. We could put this lady in there, and the stroller lady, and remember that lady who kept trying to make someone babysit her kids at drama class? This ranks up there with that one. Totally.



Oh PLEASE!!!!! That would be awesome. :D



She emailed me a few dates. We emailed back that Sunday, the 6th, would work for us, if that was okay with them. I haven't heard confirmation of that yet. My dh is supposed to confirm with her dh if I don't get a phone call or email back from her.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I can't wait.

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I was gone when this was originally posted, and now just caught up.


I now have a song going in my head, to the tune of, "This is the song that never ends."


This is the crazy that never ends,

Yes it goes on and on my friends,

Dh invited it for dinner,

Not knowing what it was,

Now we're getting demand invites,

Forever just because,


This is the crazy that never ends...

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She emailed me a few dates. We emailed back that Sunday, the 6th, would work for us, if that was okay with them. I haven't heard confirmation of that yet. My dh is supposed to confirm with her dh if I don't get a phone call or email back from her.


Really hoping you go and then report back. Something tells me you will eventually become great friends and look back after many years and laugh at this whole thing.


Whatever you do, don't behave like this kid. :001_smile:

Edited by dmmosher
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Good to see you, too, "TejasMamacita," haven't seen you in a while. :D


Hi to you too. Such kind words. I think about you often. You're sweet. Hope all is well with you all. :)


You two are making me :blushing:. Life has been throwing me many curve balls. My online life is just a shell of what it used to be, LOL.


Not to hijack or anything. I'm waiting to hear about Dinner at Crazytown too.:tongue_smilie:

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