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s/o of Breadwinner thread... What is your own background?

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I almost never am on the General Board, but so enjoyed learning a little about everyone thru what the breadwinner of the home does and the education level, here's a related question:


If you primarily homeschool now, what did you do before? And what is your education level? Cheers! :) Lori D.


I'll start:



- BA in Fine Arts (cinema emphasis)



- worked in video production for Public Television

- freelanced in film and video production

- had a Desktop Publishing business out of the home (self-taught)

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Background: BA in Modern Languages (French & Spanish) and Secondary Education


Pre-Homeschooling: Worked as a receptionist and language tutor through college, taught HS French and Spanish


Currently tutoring ESL grades 1-12!

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B.A. in psychobiology (they now, happily, have changed the name of the major to "neuroscience")


Hard won (married and moved in the middle of it and basically had to start over so took classes full time for 4 years!) M.A. in speech-language pathology.


Worked as a nanny going through grad school.


Worked for a year at a residential facility for profoundly mentally handicapped adults.


Worked for 1.5 years at a school (residential/day) for severely emotionally disturbed children 0-13yo.


Got pregnant and stopped to raise kids/homeschool.

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BA in history, MA in education. In various ways, I've taught a wide range of things - all levels elementary to high school, and a bizarre range of subjects including ESL, pe, health, math, English and history. The biggest stretch of my career was in a tiny Quaker middle school where I was the dean for a time.

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BS in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology with a minor in English

MA in Speech-Language Pathology


I worked as a Speech-Language Pathologist for about 5 years working in schools, Head Start classrooms, and Early Intervention programs.


When my oldest was born I started an internet store retailing cloth diapers and natural baby products. It grew to full-time within several years and I sold it when my youngest was a baby. Now I work for my old company part-time.

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Some college as a psychology major. Full time professional photographer owning my own business for 20 years. Artist, writer (published!) gardener, life long learner...currently a real estate agent...and learning lots more than I wanted to about breast cancer.

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Prior Jobs:

Preschool Teacher

Marketing & topical researcher/newsletter editor for a behavioral trainer/speaker



Some college, working on finishing the bachelors I started many moons ago.


The marketing/research job was attained because someone assumed my education was greater than it was, offered me a job I wasn't seeking, and was surprised to find out I didn't have a bachelors.

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B.M. in music performance (piano)...with a double major in philosophy and minors in French and one class short of minors in physics and chemistry (one class in each discipline). Somewhere in there I almost finished a music ed degree. I have more undergrad credits than any other human being I've ever met that only has one bachelor's degree. :D


Previous to children, I performed professionally and eventually had a music therapy studio specializing in moderate to extreme Autism, Down's, ADHD, children with visual tracking difficulties, extreme high IQ children (the absolute hands down most challenging beavers in the whole bunch), cerebral palsy/hands and arms, FAS, FAE, and severely emotionally disturbed foster children and I had one child with spina bifida whom I was giving voice lessons to as a way of helping her gain lung capacity/strength...this was fun for her and greatly spread out her episodes or respiratory distress. I do not have a degree in it and I don't have any formal training. I fell into it because there was no music therapist within 100 miles and doctors and psychologists kept recommending music therapy to parents but then not having anyone to refer them to so parents approached me because I had a reputation for taking "difficult" cases from other piano teachers and getting along great with these children. So I said, "Well, if you are willing to take a risk on me, I'm willing to do the research and see what we might accomplish."


It was the MOST REWARDING thing I've ever done next to raising my own kids and at times, I'll admit, sometimes a day here or there would trump that too!!! I loved it. But, I had three babies in three years and one had a little heart thingy and then we took temporary guardianship of a troubled teenager and......end of studio. My family needed me and once I had all the kids homeschooling, I became devoted to that and never resumed the other.


I may eventually volunteer to do some music therapy for a hospice facility in the city once the kids are grown. Music therapy has been shown to reduce pain 50% and reduce high blood pressures due to stress so it's good for the grieving family as well.


Graduated from high school at 16, graduated college at 19, and was married at 20. It's been busy since then!!!!



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Bachelor of Science (Computer Science). Started off as a computer programmer. Worked my way up to manager of a group of 30 people at an investment firm. Our group developed and maintained web sites for the company worldwide.


I enjoyed it and made a lot of money (more than my doctor dh) but it was also very stressful and I happily left it without a glance back to be a SAHM and homeschooler.

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Pre- Homeschooling, I was a stay at home mom.


Pre- SAHM, I was in the Army.


Before that, I spent a year at Georgia State, majoring in Spanish and minoring in French.


In the Army, I went to DLI (Language School) and learned Mandarin Chinese (same as DH).


Right now, I am getting my degree in Intelligence Studies with a concentration in Asian Studies and a minor in World Military History. I'll be finished next year, YAY!!!


I don't know if I'll ever go back to work... I like staying home and DH likes to work. He's good at it, will always have a job and makes real good money.... so there isn't a lot of incentive for me to give up the good life, LOL.


HOWEVER, I believe in getting my degree b/c you just never know what the future holds :) Plus, with the GI Bill, it's completely free, plus extra money leftover.... I'd be an idiot to pass that up.

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I was in college when I was pregnant with my first. I was so sick, I withdrew and haven't been back yet (and had two more children! ). I had never had a "real" job before that. I waited tables from the age of 16-22 when I had my first daughter. I haven't been employed since (except a short 6 month stint while pregnant with #2, also waiting tables). I had finished 2 1/4 years of college.

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B.S. in Business Administration

Master's in Business Administration (M.B.A.) with concentrations in Finance and Organizational Development


Had a 20 year career in business prior to homeschooling. Worked 8 years as a restaurant manager, 2 years as an insurance adjuster and commercial lines underwriter, and the last 10 years as a project/program manager and department manager (managing the Purchasing/Logistics department for a manufacturing plant) for Intel Corporation. I truly enjoyed working for Intel and never thought I'd quit - but then they announced they were going to close the Colorado plant and relocating wasn't something we wanted to consider. DS was really struggling in preschool at the time, so then homeschooling came onto our radar. All the pieces just kind of fell into place - I took the severance package and we started homeschooling a month later. :)

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I was a lowly check out chick for about four years before quitting to ramp up to full time study. I ended up with a B.A and a Diploma of Auslan. I was going to do a teaching diploma next, but had some babies instead. :) Who knows what I'll do in 20 years time once I've graduated them. I might know something by then.



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Before kids I worked at the post office sorting mail. I graduated with my AA in American Sign Language Interpreting when I was 7 months pregnant with my first child, and become a SAHM when she was born, so I never used my degree in the workforce.

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BBA in Operations and Technology Management with a specialization in Supply Chain Management


I worked in distribution/logistics for one of the country's biggest general retailers. Huge, complicated supply chain. I got to play with giant amounts of data, and the volume was so big that it was easy to save tons of money with small efficiencies. The INTJ in me loved that job. I still miss some of my spreadsheets. :lol:

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BBA Business Management with minor in Business Law


Travel Agent during college

Flight Attendant with Delta

Manager of a hotel restaurant

Sold hotel and restaurant equipment downtown Atlanta

Corporate Flight Attendant for a large soft drink company

-Married and moved from GA to CA-

Executive Assistant at a Venture Capital Firm


My ADHD shows on my resume.:lol:

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Baccalaureate in Linguistics, emphasis in early childhood language acquisition, compsci minor

B.A. Biology, emphasis in genetics, with graduate coursework in genetics, cancer biology, immunology, and biochemistry


What I did before homeschooling:

*genetics research assistant-- molecular basis of autism & speech delays in children without other contributing problems (separate projects)

*undergraduate research in infant physical therapy

*America Online Community Leader (various roles, paid and not)

*Freelance magazine writer and magazine editor

*Wal-Mart assistant manager

*Daycare head teacher (18-36 month old room)

*former and current martial arts and self-defense instructor, internationally certified

(some of these things took place concurrently)

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B.A. in Communications Studies, emphasis in journalism

Favorite job: Working for a public health department, editing research papers for submission to journals


I'd like to go back to school, but like a PP said, I also like staying home. DH likes being the breadwinner, and he's good at it. Going to school purely for enrichment isn't on the priority list any time soon.

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BA in secondary (7th-12th grade) history education minored in Spanish.


I worked as an 8th grade American history teacher (loved teaching and my students hated the testing and the government paperwork) and as the head of the payroll department (If you want a stressful job be in charge of paying people correctly. I got yelled at by someone every day!) for a ConAgra frozen foods plant before staying home with my kids.


My favorite job ever was being the desk clerk at a Holiday Inn while I put myself through college. I worked there for 5 years and loved every minute of it. The stories I could tell from that job would shock you ;)!

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Education: Highschool and some college (drafting and accounting, back when both were done on paper with a pencil LOL). Work history: Mostly blue collar work in small manufacturing businesses, including some owned by family. When I worked for family, I usually did payroll, tax records, and inventory when I wasn't needed on a drill press or other machine. I also had a housekeeping business for several years - my favorite job!

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Education: some college



6 years of active duty Air Force as a computer operator/systems administrator/web designer

2 years web designer for an IT company

2 years assistant director at an early childhood center


various other jobs: cashier, book keeper for a chain of 17 stores, hostess, waitress, etc.


Plus, with the GI Bill, it's completely free, plus extra money leftover.... I'd be an idiot to pass that up.


I was that idiot. Time had elapsed on my G.I. Bill and I never was able to go back to school. Life circumstances just never allowed me to complete my degree. One of my biggest regrets is not to making it a higher priority. Such a waste. :crying:

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I have a BA in advertising and public relations and a masters in counseling. I worked as a fundraiser and client coordinator as a crisis pregnancy center until my oldest was born. I am seriously thinking about going back to school and getting a nursing degree when the kids are almost out of the house. I think I'd work in labor and delivery or the NICU. I think! :)

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I took post-secondary classes at a community college full time during my junior and senior years in high school. I later attended our state university as a music major, (flute performance and music therapy). I couldn't stand it and dropped out. I then found my dream job at an adoption agency coordinating Eastern European adoptions, (my first language is Russian). The two years I spent at that job were brilliantly challenging and rewarding. I reluctantly quit once my first child was born, but eventually decided to stay home full time. Recently, I have completed training as a birth doula, and am pursuing my certification through DONA. I also hope to go into midwifery when my kids grow up. :)

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I was that idiot. Time had elapsed on my G.I. Bill and I never was able to go back to school. Life circumstances just never allowed me to complete my degree. One of my biggest regrets is not to making it a higher priority. Such a waste. :crying:


Sorry, I stick my foot in my mouth often. :grouphug: You're not an idiot, you were busy, it happens.... I wasn't too busy to do it, so in my case, yes, I would be an idiot :) I wish they gave you a longer time limit.... when you are young and getting out of the military, 10 years sounds like forever! Mine runs out in December of next year, and I'll finish school: in December of next year, LOL!!

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Education: skipped end of year 8, and 9, (so went from 8th to 10th) did halfway through year 10 at TAFE, I had a disagreement when I got sick and had to cancel (talking to my mentor who told me to cancel tafe and enrol in distant education) when he would not allow me to do the 2nd semester of Maths and Take the test (or just take the test lol), as because of doing half through Maths at Tafe that qualified me for pass level, and I needed to continue to get credit or distinction in order to pursue the field I wanted to, that coupled with another red tape barrier due to suburb & artifacts (see, ultra long story) meant I just quit. I'll be attempting to finish through another alternative I found with a local homeschooling company, so will be homeschooling myself as well as my kids! yey!


Degree in Beauty (Mum insisted long ago on a back up job, this was my answer, means I can work in Fields of Make-up, Frangrance, Consulting, Advice etc)


Pre-homeschooling work:


- Real Estate

- Animal Industry (Retail & Vets)

- Research Assistant (Not labs LOL, researching for a company, hard to explain)

- Library Assistant/Liaison (helping out children and adults requiring more than a yes/no answer, the librarian basically referred them to me if she had to answer more than one word or move from her spot, which meant most of the time :lol: )

- And one more job that will be kept private :tongue_smilie:



- Animal Industry (Pounds & Welfare Organisations)

- Charities (Red Cross, Muscular Dystrophy etc). This required anything from working with people involved (blood donors, children etc, to doorknocking, Administration, Website & Brochure designing, fund-raising ideas etc

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Finished highschool very well.


Half of a Bachelor of Arts degree (double major in music and literature) that I can't see myself ever finishing.


Worked for a few years in a standard office job.


Taught sunday school and religious education in a school.


Currently half-way through my piano exams, on my way to becoming a qualified piano teacher. :D

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BA in Journalism/Mass Communications

Master of Social Work - I keep the license current although I am not in practice


Convinced my education has helpedme greatly with homeschooling and working with our son who has autism. :001_smile:

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Dh and I met in Navy Nuclear Power School. I was in the Navy for about 3 1/2 years before I got discharged (honorably). After I got out, (with a small child) I went to school and obtained a B.S. in Criminal Justice. I have been a stay-at-home momma for almost 11 years.

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