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What does the "breadwinner" in your house do?

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DH education : Highschool graduate from a vocation-technical highschool

DH jobs :



Parts counterperson at 2 wrecking yards

Estimator for autobody shop

Buyer for Wrecking yard

Self employed mechanic

(Current) Owner/manger of Automotive shop


We've been a 1 income family for most of that. When I worked, we did not live off my paycheck, but used my income for extras, like patio furniture or vacations at the local beach.

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I read all of them! :D Some very interesting jobs and some very hard working folks, indeed!


My dh does custom database development all the way from small, local business to writing some applications for the New York Philharmonic and everything in between. He owns his own company.


He has three associate degrees (math, computer science and physics). He was just a couple of classes away from a BS when life became overwhelming enough to eliminate school from the schedule.:)

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DH enlisted in the military straight out of high school.


His job doesn't have a civilian counterpart in the civilized world so when combat-related injuries cut short his military career, he had to figure out what (else) he wanted to do with his life. His disabilities limited him but he eventually found a government job that brings in six figures on its own and didn't require a degree. Plus he still draws military pay. And during his deployments and hardship tours I moved home with family and we invested his BAH into rental properties. All of our properties are paid off, so today they represent pure profit.


His career choice and path effectively bring in three incomes.


I do have a F/T job but that income is allotted to the support of my family of origin - not our nuclear family. We've always been able to live off of his income alone, even before he was injured, thanks to our income properties. They actually bring in more and cost him less! than I do :D.

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DH has a Master's degree in Computers. He works two jobs. Full-time he manages IT professionals (specifically systems analysts, programmers, systems data analysts) and manages IT strategic planning and project management. He works for a financial institution. Part-time he teaches business classes for a local university.

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He is a fire department officer / paramedic. AA in Criminal Justice, BS in Sociology, MS in Management (police/fire concentration).


He can retire in 4 years, at 46, but will probably wait until the kids clear college to move to a retirement career, which is fine with me because he only works every 4th day.

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My husband is an intelligence analyst for the Treasury Dept. He LOVES it, which is too bad because i would love to leave the DC area, but I'm happy that he loves what he does every day.


His bachelors is in political science and he is currently working on his MBA.

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Wow, amazing thread! So many computer-related jobs I never knew existed.


DH is a university professor with a PhD. We were unable to live off of his income alone for the first ten years of his employment as a full time professor, so I worked part time in the evenings and some weekends.


Once we were finally up and running on his income alone, I went back to school and I got my master's and I will be working full time as soon as someone hires me ;)


More frugal people can and do live off of one young professor's salary, but if they have as many kids as we do, it's usually pretty grisly.

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  • 3 months later...
Okay. Sort of a spinoff from another thread.


If you live on just one income from only one job, what does the "breadwinner" of the household do to earn a living?






Oh. Adding. What is their education??

He is a public health veterinarian with the USDA Food Safety & Inspection Service. What he does everyday though is essentially middle management.;)


He has a DVM.

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Mine is a soon to be Tech Sargent in the air force (whoo hoo!), we are a family of 5 and have been living off a Staff Sargent salary. It's tight, but we get by.


Its really hard considering I had been working as a nurse and our income was double. But, we're happy and that's what matters :-)


Education, He has a Associates and lots of technical certifications for his job (sat com type stuff), I have a Bachelors.

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In the beginning of our marriage dh was in the restaurant business. Worked as an assistant chef and was on his way to head chef when we decided the restaurant business wasn't really conducive to family life. He then took various sales jobs over the years, manager of route sales for a snack food company for over ten years and the last 11 years he has been in insurance sales. He has a GED and various credit hours for insurance classes. We've mainly lived on one income over the almost 32 years of our marriage. I have worked pt here and there but decided about 6 years ago that I wasn't doing that anymore and I'm pretty much home to stay.

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Owns a very small lawn maintenance company -- usually just two of them working.


He used to work in a hardware store where he learned to fix mowers. This is what prompted him to go out on his own.


He has also made extra money by painting, building a garage and fence, laying flooring, cleaning parking lots -- all winter jobs.

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My husband has a small production company doing graphics, shooting, post-production, animation, voice-overs. Mostly for corporate or political clients with the occasional music video or independent (very independent) film client. When the economy tanked he took a full time gig at a local University where he does special projects as well as his free-lance work. So basically he now works 2 full time jobs. He has a Fine Art degree.


I'm a sahm but I do do all the book-keeping and errand running for his free-lance production work.

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Clinical Psychologist in private practice; adjunct prof (undergrad and grad classes)- currently on-line; leads and teaches a Beit Midrash Bible Study/Hebraic Fellowship group; major house re-build projects (tiling, flooring, drywalling, etc).


2 Master's Degrees (Theology and Clinical Psych.); 1 Ph.D. (Clinical Psych)

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Dh owned his own construction business for over 30 years. Health and economy forced him to close those doors. He's now working construction and maintenance at a nursing facility, regular paycheck and regular hours are nice. I think the old women flirt with him. :lol:


He has some college.

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My DH works in a psychiatric hospital for mentally ill criminals. He is the front line and does everything from the very therapeutic to pinning them on the ground to take them to a safer situation. He has been doing it for almost 10 years and loves his job. It requires a one year intensive course and then a certification. He is looking into getting his RN.

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Dh is a mechanical engineer. He has a BS in mechanical engineering. He currently designs equipment & robotics for the bio-tech industry. He has also designed for the disc industry. His job is pretty 9-5 with a couple week long business trips thrown in every year. He has 17 patents (I think that was the last count) with several pending. His income would be very comfortable if we didn't live in this area. I am the only SAH-spouse at the company so it makes work events interesting. Strangely enough, the working husbands often want me to convince their wives that living on one income is possible and the working wives don't want to talk to me at all. :glare:


Amber in SJ

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Electrician. Job Foreman (means he is the boss of a couple of guys) 5 days a week (Mon-Fri 7am-4pm)

And does side jobs on Sat, every so often, just for some extra spending money :)


Oh, and he has a GED (was homeschooled, but his parents didn't do a high school diploma like mine did) and graduated from a Trade School (degree in Electricity).

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Corporate learning and development curriculum design and training.


And no, he doesn't want to talk learning paradigms and curriculum when he comes home!:tongue_smilie:


ETA: The job usually requires 40% or more of travel, doesn't pay nearly what most people think even for those at the top of their game (such as dh) with most qualifing for FS, can be an extremely stressful work environment, and can be hard on marriages.


Work stress is usually from closing offices, firing because they don't pass the training the program, outsourcing, and unrealistic deadlines of higher ups who no nothing about how the lower levels of the company function. All of these are par for the course no matter what company he would be working for.


Marriage stress is usually bc they can't help out reliable with raising the kids and simply not being around. Some couples can go months apart and not mind much at all. Some couples hate it. We are in the hate it camp, but our marriage is fairly tight. But we have also already been together for 20+ years. Some of the younger couples don't make it or end up quiting.

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DH is an engineer and has a Masters in Computer Science from USC. He works a typical 8-5 job.


Like most engineers he does his own things on the side. He has been writing his own RPG for a few years now with some friends from college. He puts a lot of effort into it however it is incomplete and doesn't make us any extra income at this point. Maybe one day. :)

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