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Rosie (the rat) has passed on.

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For those of you that were kind enough to keep her in your thoughts yesterday, I just wanted to let you know that we brought her to the vet and had her put to sleep today.


When I woke up this morning, the entire front half of her body was paralyzed, and she was gasping for air. I couldn't watch her suffer anymore, so we took her to the vet. They were very nice about it, and she didn't feel any pain.


Dd is very sad. Me too. :crying:


Thank you all again for your prayers and kind thoughts yesterday.

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:crying: :crying: :crying:


I'm so sorry. I know what it's like to camp out on the floor next to a dying pet, like you did last night, and it's such an awful thing when they take that final turn for the worst. You did the right thing by getting her to the vet this morning and ending her suffering. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Oh I missed the original post and am very sad for you. I will go and read your original post about Rosie in a minute.


Not only are we a rat family but we currently have a 17 mo. old Rosie. Her real name is Raindrops on Roses (like in My Favorite Things) but we never call her that.


We've got two rats now, our Rosie and a brand new (7 week!) Pippin (also a girl). I understand how sweet, smart, and (sometimes) cuddly they can be. They just live such short lives.


We've said goodbye to five other rats over the last 1.5 years, putting down four of them to ease their struggling. In fact, we just lost three rats since February, a group of old ladies who all were done being rats. One went, and two weeks later another, and two weeks later the last of that trio.


I know the pain and I hurt for you but thank you for doing the right thing and making her end a good end.


Having rats is a lot of fun and remember rats that are gone brings us smiles but that transition between being alive and being a memory is tear-filled. It's a hard transition.


Here;s a hug for you: :grouphug: and tomorrow (for I am already tucked into bed) I will give my Rosie an extra hug...


Take a little time to relax with your family for this is a tough time.

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