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normal or weird/not appropriate?

nude 2 year old in arms in the driveway....  

  1. 1. nude 2 year old in arms in the driveway....

    • so what? It's fine, she's only 2
    • inappropriate.
    • other

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My dh got upset today that I took our nude just turned 2 daughter out into the driveway today. She had just used the potty for the very first time, and I wanted him to congratulate her as she was a bit unsure of the whole thing. She was in my arms, with girl bits against my body (so they were not visible), with my arm under her bottom so really not visible either. And we were in our driveway on a quiet street. One person was outside, working on cleaning out their garage, several houses away and across the street. I find nothing wrong with a nude toddler, especially in the circumstances described. He feels it is bizarre and against all societal norms. He says most people would agree with him.


Do you?

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No, I don't.


We have kids running around nude all of the time, in fact you've described our entire potty training methodology: keep 'em naked, point 'em to a corner in the yard, and show 'em how to squat or spray. We're also those annoying immigrants in the neighborhood doing this type of thing and bringing down property values ;) :D LOL so YMMV.

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I said "other." Somewhere between "I wouldn't do it" and "so what," but not quite inappropriate. I lean more toward "inappropriate" but that doesn't seem to be the right word. That seems a bit strong, and I don't feel that it's that bad.


I agree with this. While not really inappropriate or even weird, really, it's just kind of awkward to me. While I completely think that little baby bottoms are the cutest thing ever, and love to see my little toddlers running down the hallway after a bathroom in the nude.


That being said, we didn't generally have them out and about in the house naked. I guess we are prudish in that way. So taking them outside at age 2, naked, yeah, probably not something we would have done.

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Meh, no big deal. During potty training little nekkid toddler butts are normally running around here. If I have people over etc I have them get properly dessed, but otherwise nekkid it is. In fact at little ones they also played in the pool in the front yard nekkid. No big deal imo

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I see nothing wrong with it either, but then I grew up in a "naked" household. My parents were relaxed about nudity, but some people aren't. Maybe your dh grew up differently, and that's why he reacted the way he did.


My dh grew up in a very very very weird home...lets just say he is going to the other extreme here.

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I voted it's perfectly fine, but I have to say that my DH is also way more uptight (not to be judgmental or anything :tongue_smilie:) than I am about our little ones being naked, and that's with all boys. I think it's adorable, but he's always all, "Where are your pants! We wear pants in this house!"

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I voted it's perfectly fine, but I have to say that my DH is also way more uptight (not to be judgmental or anything :tongue_smilie:) than I am about our little ones being naked, and that's with all boys. I think it's adorable, but he's always all, "Where are your pants! We wear pants in this house!"



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Thanks everyone. At least I know I'm not crazy! Thinking about it, he even got upset when we watched the movie Babies....there was a little boy in Mongolia running around without pants/diaper and my husband kept asking "why doesn't he have pants on!!!!!!!!"

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I wouldn't make a habit out of it, but the thing you didn't mention here was that time was of the uppermost: she JUST successfully completed the potty visit, he JUST drove up, and let's face it -- she's two, and would likely have had a hard time putting together "successful potty visit" with "Dad congratulates me a half hour later after I'm dressed." We need "cause" quickly followed by "effect" at that age. And hey -- she's just two. Big deal if it's one time.

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I think we were scarred for life by having some friends who let their toddler run around naked all the time. Call me a prude, but I don't want anyone's penis rubbed against my leg as they try to climb on me. I don't want to stare at a twig and berries unconsciously and then think "Oh no, I'm staring! I didn't mean to!" I don't want to sit on furniture where a little kid has dragged his naked butt across the seat minutes before. We wouldn't tolerate that kind of stuff from adults, so I think it's important to teach children that it is not appropriate behavior. I think part of it is also about respect -- I want to demonstrate that respect for ones own body and the privacy of others, no matter how young they might be. A one time event like you describe wouldn't bug me, but in general I'm not permissive of that because I include children as part of a greater society that does not engage in public nudity (rather than treating children like a breed apart from us or something).

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I think we were scarred for life by having some friends who let their toddler run around naked all the time. Call me a prude, but I don't want anyone's penis rubbed against my leg as they try to climb on me. I don't want to stare at a twig and berries unconsciously and then think "Oh no, I'm staring! I didn't mean to!" I don't want to sit on furniture where a little kid has dragged his naked butt across the seat minutes before. We wouldn't tolerate that kind of stuff from adults, so I think it's important to teach children that it is not appropriate behavior. I think part of it is also about respect -- I want to demonstrate that respect for ones own body and the privacy of others, no matter how young they might be. A one time event like you describe wouldn't bug me, but in general I'm not permissive of that because I include children as part of a greater society that does not engage in public nudity (rather than treating children like a breed apart from us or something).


I don't let her run around naked when we have people over, or even on a regular basis at home. Just when we are trying to learn to use the potty. Interesting post though. I guess I never thought of it that way..I know in most societies, including our own for a long time, children had different standards and codes of dress than adults. (some places that meant naked, some places it meant boys and girls wore dresses, some places it meant boys wore short pants and men long, and girls wore short dresses and men long)

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At that age I think its completely fine. What's weird is anyone having a problem with it. :D


Guess I'm weird then. :tongue_smilie:


My DH would have reacted the same way, and barring a house fire or something, I wouldn't even take a naked infant outside of the house. I don't even allow them to run around in only a diaper unless they are inside our house.

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I dunno - I guess I keep picturing perverts lurking around the corners ogling little kids... too many cop shows!! lol


I'm generally very loose in the "who sees a body" thing, including my own (I'm sure as shooting not going to be upset to jump out of bed bum-nekked & attack an intruder, for instance, or feel personally violated if some creep decides to plant cameras or something bizarre - not that I'd be "ok, whatever", I just wouldn't be "omg I can't take it!")... but I am uncomfortable with the thought of deliberately going out in the public, open-to-the-world front yard with a completely naked child. Only a diaper, sure. Backyard with walls, sure. Running around the house naked, sure. But walking outside with a totally naked child, with neighbors in their yards? Um... no. At the very least, I think it might potentially be very uncomfortable to THEM, which I would want to avoid.

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I wouldn't let her run streaking down the street, but holding her in your arms for a short while in your own yard is not weird. She's practically a baby.


I would not let a little girl play naked outdoors or indoors for any length of time, but that is more of a sanitary issue. (My kids, age 5, are always trying to get my goat by streaking around the house. They think it is hilarious.)

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No matter how often I try to clothe Ellie, she is nude a fair bit. And even when she is dressed, it's usually a dress and no panties. I try to make sure she has underwear on if she's in the back yard. My kids are required to wear clothes to be in the front (or answer the door)...

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I dunno - I guess I keep picturing perverts lurking around the corners ogling little kids... too many cop shows!! lol


I'm generally very loose in the "who sees a body" thing, including my own (I'm sure as shooting not going to be upset to jump out of bed bum-nekked & attack an intruder, for instance, or feel personally violated if some creep decides to plant cameras or something bizarre - not that I'd be "ok, whatever", I just wouldn't be "omg I can't take it!")... but I am uncomfortable with the thought of deliberately going out in the public, open-to-the-world front yard with a completely naked child. Only a diaper, sure. Backyard with walls, sure. Running around the house naked, sure. But walking outside with a totally naked child, with neighbors in their yards? Um... no. At the very least, I think it might potentially be very uncomfortable to THEM, which I would want to avoid.


i guess I get that. We know all our neighbors, they all have kids too, although older than mine. And the only one outside was half a block away, not close enough to see anything.

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I think we were scarred for life by having some friends who let their toddler run around naked all the time. Call me a prude, but I don't want anyone's penis rubbed against my leg as they try to climb on me. I don't want to stare at a twig and berries unconsciously and then think "Oh no, I'm staring! I didn't mean to!" I don't want to sit on furniture where a little kid has dragged his naked butt across the seat minutes before. We wouldn't tolerate that kind of stuff from adults, so I think it's important to teach children that it is not appropriate behavior. I think part of it is also about respect -- I want to demonstrate that respect for ones own body and the privacy of others, no matter how young they might be. A one time event like you describe wouldn't bug me, but in general I'm not permissive of that because I include children as part of a greater society that does not engage in public nudity (rather than treating children like a breed apart from us or something).


:confused: Is this post hyperbole or sarcastic? It must be, and I am missing it.



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I don't know. On one hand, she's 2 so it doesn't seem like a big deal. On the other hand, I can't help but think of the man who was arrested because his child (4 yrs. old I think?) drew a picture of him with a gun. I can totally see some government official deciding that carrying a naked child around outside is some sort of abuse. But I admit I'm a person who sees the negative side of everything. Sorry.

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I voted "inappropriate", but that really isn't the right descriptor for why I wouldn't do it. Regardless of whether you feel you know your neighbors, or whether you think you know if they can see your naked little girl from their house/windows, I'm just too aware of how often predators live among us. With the prevalence of girls who are sexually abused either by strangers, neighbors, family members (as evidenced by informal polls on this board), I would not feel comfortable exposing my dd's body in public. Yes, to me, and to most people, a 2 year old is just a sweet baby. To others though, it's a titillation that I don't want to provide, kwim?


I wouldn't freak out about a one-time short exposure, but I understand your dh's reaction.

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Pfft, mine ran around nekkid all the time. ALL the time. I asked my neighbor if she was offended, and she was a French Canadian and fully endorsed naked children running around.


Just one more reason I love you, and your posts.



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Totally fine in our household. I would do (and have done) exactly what you did with no hesitation.

Our 2yr old DD takes off ALL her clothes every time she goes on the potty! She never wants to put them back on so she is very often running around the house without clothes, and I've taken her out the front like that when necessarry for brief periods.

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Someone who finds 2 year olds to be sexually stimulating doesn't need to see them naked to do so.

I wish it were as simple as that. If that were true, there would be no child porn.

Ask an offender which would more readily draw their attention--naked child, or clothed child? Sadly, I think we can guess at the answer to that one. Wherever my dc might be seen by others, they had their clothes on. In the house, or in our very private yard, naked was okay, but not in possible view of neighbors or passers-by.

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:confused: Is this post hyperbole or sarcastic? It must be, and I am missing it.





Totally fine in our household. I would do (and have done) exactly what you did with no hesitation.

Our 2yr old DD takes off ALL her clothes every time she goes on the potty! She never wants to put them back on so she is very often running around the house without clothes, and I've taken her out the front like that when necessarry for brief periods.

My DS stripped every time he went #2 until he was almost 6. The boy really likes to be naked, even now at 6, it's a battle to get him dressed after a bath.

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I remember in the neighborhood where I grew up, there was a family that had kids age 1, 2, and 3, and often after a bath they would escape running naked down the street, their mom chasing them with a towel. I really don't think anyone was pulling out their cameras or getting off on the sight. Neighbors just chuckled, felt sorry for her, and wondered if she was going to get her life under control before she had any more kids.


Yes, there are weirdos out there, but the vast majority of incidents involve people the family knows and trusts. I would not worry that a brief flash of baby skin would excite someone down the street. If there is a pedophile in the neighborhood who would actually touch the neighbor kids, a layer of clothing isn't going to prevent that.


I'd be curious to know why so many dads are intolerant of baby nudity.

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Guess I'm weird then. :tongue_smilie:


My DH would have reacted the same way, and barring a house fire or something, I wouldn't even take a naked infant outside of the house. I don't even allow them to run around in only a diaper unless they are inside our house.




We never made a big deal out of it, but ds always wore clothing. There was simply no need for him to run around naked. I don't see it as a lack of freedom to put some clothes on.


I don't think the OP did anything terrible or that there was any harm done, but honestly, I would have taken the extra 30 seconds to put the kid's clothes back on before taking her outdoors.

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