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If You've Stuck With A Curriculum for 3+ YEARS...


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What is the curriculum?


I've done my share of overbuying and yet we actually haven't "hopped" this year to anything that I didn't plan on using prior to the year's start. I'm sticking with PR and moving into PR 2 for 2nd grade, sticking with Singapore, sticking with Zaner-Bloser, sticking with Core Knowledge Literature, and sticking with Atelier Art for second grade. Science and history are changing.


Anyway, I see a lot of hopping (which is OK!) I just wonder if other people have been pretty happy and have not hopped much.

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There is such a buffet of awesome homeschool materials, it's hard to come here and not walk away with a "grass is greener" feeling. SO many things have been mentioned that I would love to fit in, or wish my kids would want to do.


Ultimately, though, as much as I love reading about and researching curriculum, i'd like to be happy with what we have and tend to other things. We're only on our 2nd year, but I think i've finally hit a groove with curriculum, so not too many holes to fill anymore. :)

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This is only our first year homeschooling, and I already feel like I've gone through three years of materials. :) I get a big dose of grass-is-greener syndrome.... "Look, something shiny!!" ;)


So I'm hoping that I'm finally settling on a few pieces, and if you ask me in three years, hopefully I'll be able to list a few, LOL!!

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We are not big curriculum hoppers. We've used the following for over 3 years and :

Singapore Primary Math

Miquon Math

Phonics Pathways


R&S English

Classical Writing

TruthQuest History

Latin for Children

Apologia Elementary (for biology related topics)


Other programs that we will be sticking with but haven't used for 3 years yet:

GD science (for non-biology related topics) next year will be year 3

*Latin Alive


*BJU upper level science

(*started this year with 7th grader and plan to continue)

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We've been using Ambleside Online for 7 years now, along with Singapore math and R&S Grammar.


I used Ambleside for many, many years.....3 of my kids went through their entire program.


I have used CLE for math, reading and LA for the past 4 or so years.


I have used Apologia sciences for high school...x 4.


I have used Beautiful Feet study guides (w/AO ) for many, many years.


We have used Memoria Press for Latin & Logic repeatedly


A Beka Literature for High school (my kids love these books. Don't ask me why.


I am sure there are other programs...this is just off the top of my head.



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I've used K12 since my oldest was a 1st grader. I use it independently (not through a charter school) from K-8, though my oldest also used it for 9th grade through MNVA.


I've used all 6 core subjects from K-8, although with each child, I've pared it down a bit to the subjects/courses we really like (science, history, English). I'm going through K12 Phonics for the *fourth* time. :)

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Hmmm. I don't know about three years, but at least three levels... DD the Younger hasn't yet been schooling for two years, so these are all for her sister.


Three years



ETA: History Odyssey (only because we spent 2-1/2 years on medieval)


Three or more levels

Singapore Math, (ETA: I'm wrong... only 2-1/2 levels)

Megawords (one book left in the series)

Learnables Spanish

MPH Science

LOF (Fractions through Beginning Algebra)


Soon to be either of the above:

Latin Prep

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I hardly ever change programs.


Math: Singapore (both kids)

Grammar: FLL for both kids. Would have continued with ALL, but that didn't work out.

Writing: WWE for both kids and now WWS

Spelling: Spelling workout for both kids

History: SOTW and now we are doing logic stage history in TWTM method

Science: we have jumped around but that is mostly because I think it is hard for anyone to make a great bio and a great earth science etc.

Latin: Lively Latin


Mostly, I focus on my method. As long as I know what method I am using and feel comfortable using it, I can usually evaluate very quickly how well materials will meet my needs. At the same time, I am pretty good at making materials I like conform to my requirements. I make the materials fit the method.

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I try a ton of curric but have stuck with:


CLE math--all 6 yrs for one dc, all 3 yrs for the other


SOTW for 6 yrs (all 4 yrs for one dc, on yr 2 of the 2nd kid's cycle)


IEW--all 5 yrs for first dc since we ended copywork, 2nd dc is on 1st yr of it


Now, I do supplement a ton with those things: bits and pieces of other math programs added in, may use SOTW as a spine only and add in tons more for history, and we do lots of other forms of writing.


Some things I don't use consecutive years with the same child, but I do repeat and use the same materials for the same grade level for the next kid (my two dc are 3 yrs apart)---ie) used FLL 1/2 for both kids when each was in that grade, MCT Town, etc., for geog they both did Galloping the Globe when each was in 1st or 2nd grade, etc., both have separately prayed through Window to the World, both have separately done Themes to Remember for music, stuff like that.

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This is our third year and nothing falls in this category yet. However, next year will be our third with Handwriting Without Tears. I haven't even considered changing this since we first tried it. I anticipate that Math Mammoth will also be a long term choice.

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R&S Math

CLE Math


A Reason for Handwriting


SRA Spelling




That's not to say I haven't supplemented with other things at times while using the above, but we've stuck with a number of these for well over 3 years and are still using many of them.



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Sonlight for 4 years

WWE in our 4th year now (oldest)

FLL in our 4th year now (oldest)

HWT first book through cursive with my oldest


Singapore Math in our 5th year now, and my younger is using it also, though I did switch from US Edition to Standards Edition last year.

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Things I have used for 3 or more years:


Sonlight (history and literature)

Mystery of History

Horizons Math

All About Spelling

Handwriting Without Tears

Workboxes (not a curriculum, but a great method for us!)


I've only used Math-U-See for 2 years so far, but plan to use it again next year and all through high school.


Hope you find some great products you can stick with! Merry :-)

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We've been using Tapestry for three years. We start our fourth year in July. Love it.


Although not a core subject, for poetry we use "Favorite Poems Old and New" edited/collected by Helen Ferris and we LOVE this book. We've been using it since Kindergarten and it is a favorite.

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Well, we've only been officially homeschooling for three years now, but we did do preschool and kindergarten at home before that.


Things we've used for more than three years:

Core Knowledge

Singapore math


Just finishing the third year:



Donna Young's handwriting


DS has been using Faber piano for three years, but DD had only used it a year and a half.

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Singapore Math, Miquon, LoF, GWG, SOTW, Reading Reflex (taught two to read with this, and working on the third), Lively Latin, FLL, OUP's history for middle school, Sequential Spelling...


We rarely switch what we use and we've had very few duds. The changes come with new subjects rather than new sources, although since my youngest hasn't started school yet, I haven't used several of the things I've listed in a while, although I will again when he starts. We're on our 8th year of homeschooling.

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Next year, it will be WWE. I think that's it. Everything else, I've either changed already or plan to change next year. :tongue_smilie: Though I have used Math Mammoth and FLL for 3 or more levels. Already changed the math this year, and will be changing the grammar next year.


I don't plan to ever leave WWE/WWS (and Writing With Style will hopefully be ready by time DS is in high school :D). Famous last words, I know. It's just such a good fit for DS1. He IS the boy described by SWB in her lectures. ;)

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I didn't find any curricula, except MUS, I wanted to stick with before DD was in 4th grade. But we've stuck with these since then. There are a few I wish we would have found sooner.


Michael Clay Thompson LA -- DD has done 4 years and will complete the last two. DS has done 3 years and will do all levels too.


IEW - I tried TWSS and SWI. I liked the premise of the program but not those two parts of it. I finally become happy with it when I started using the theme based curricula. We're nearly done with US History Volume 1 and will do US History Volume 2 next.


Math-U-See - DD has done Gamma through Prealgebra and will continue through high school with it. DS did Alpha through Algebra and has switched to AoPS. I expect to stay with AoPS through graduation for him.


SOTW - We've done years 1-3 and are on year 4 now.


Apologia Science - We'll do Botany next year. Once that's done, we'll have done all of the elementary books except Human Anatomy, which I'm going to use for health. We'll skip middle school and go straight into their high school books.


Art - I've been using miscellaneous art projects from artprojectsforkids.com for two years and will probably continue that next year. We've also been very slowly working our way through Draw Squad during the same period of time.

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Hmm...this is really good to think about, especially at this time of the year!


* Math-U-See

* Rod & Staff Spelling

* Phonics Pathways (used for all 4 kids)

* Growing with Grammar

* Biblioplan (used with SOTW, for grammar stage history)

* Explode the code


* God's Design for Science - we've used this for three years now with our small science co-op and it seems to be a good fit. I do use other science books at different levels to go along with our science co-op studies.



Things I've used 2 years with no plans to change:


*Analytical Grammar - my oldest son will be finishing season 3 next year, no plans to change that

*Lively Latin - middle son has completed Book 1 and is starting Book 2

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I'm only 2 years in as well but I have already purchased Phonics Road and will continue all the way through the whole series for sure.

Horizons math

Sotw(not as a spine but in there somehow)


and we will soon be a total Oak Meadow family as I just bought K,1,2,3,5,6!!!! DONE planning and tweaking;)

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SLs literature

AOL's reading lists


WWE (now moved 1 to WWS)

MMM (the David Quine one)

AAS :glare: (I continue to use it because it works!)

Artistic Pursuits

Getty-Dubay Italic's


I'm wondering what we'll end up going with in our new year (2013), as DS will be finished with MMM & SOTW.

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