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Pajama pants in public yah or nay?

Do Pajama pants in public irritate you?  

  1. 1. Do Pajama pants in public irritate you?

    • yes
    • no
    • other

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I don't think the presence of pj pants detracts from my environment nor do I find them unpleasant or depressing :confused:.


How would one fulfill this requirement when everyone has different expectations?

Under this thinking, do women have a responsibility to wear make up and dress trendy everywhere they go. What if I am in sweatpants, a pony tail, and am stopping to buy milk after the gym? Or what if I just did not want to put on jeans and my dress pants are dirty? Will I be disrupting someones uplifting environment?

:iagree: Fashion is an opinion.

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I think this is an American culture thing.


I have never in my life seen anyone here walking around in public in PJ's. In fact I can honestly say that I've never even come across someone in Aus wearing PJ's in their HOUSE if you visit after 10am.


At our playgroup women often swap stories of how they dared to wear their PJ's to drop their kids at school because they were running late and the car broke down and how it was so embarressing because they were caught out wearing them in public :D


Not even teens or little kids wear them and I live in a community where people are very poor - they still seem to manage to find other clothes..


I'm one of those people who doesn't wear PJ's all day at home so I doubt I would wear them in public :lol:



So a word to the wise -if you vacation in Aus don't wear your PJ pants in public - people will look at you very funny and ask what the emergency is - (obviously you got locked out of the house or it burnt down because otherwise why would you not change your clothes) :D

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Well, I voted "other," but mostly because of the word "irritate."


I don't wear PJs in public, and I don't allow my kids to do so. I have no legitimate, logical reason for this rule. I just don't like it. My daughter -- who loves her pajama pants -- frequently reminds me that her PJ bottoms cover up more than many other pieces of clothing she owns that I don't blink an eye over having her wear out of the house. I've been known to wear my sweatpants to the grocery store or to run errands, and they are not significantly different than pajamas . . .


As you can tell, this is an ongoing thing in my home.


So, we don't wear PJs out of the house. But, I'm not especially bothered by seeing other people do so, depending on the venue. It's just not something I'm comfortable allowing or doing.

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yes, they irritate me. yes, I have a teenage son who wors his fleece PJ's!!!! in the snow to go run an errand. (he is rarely cold.)


Yes, the professor welcoming my daughter's incoming doctoral program (90? students. they're ADULTS for pete's sake.) said she expected (as in resigned to) them wearing pjs' to class.

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I voted other. It annoys me to see perfectly healthy people bouncing around in pjs in public. When I see a sickly person hobbling around in their pjs I know it probably took a lot of effort for them to be out and about. That does not annoy me.



Perhaps I am a bit more lenient seeing how hard it is for my mother (who has cancer) to get around. She has been going places in sweats and pj pants.

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I just watched over 30 girls walk in and out of the college in pj pants--swim meet. I personally wouldn't wear them in public, nor do my kids, but they certainly shouldn't be illegal. There are a lot bigger hills to die on...

This would not bother me in the least.


Wearing pj pants in the grocery store or the mall or to school would bug me. Where do we go next for causal? Just running to the market in undies?

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Well this would hurt the job interviewers? I mean, what would they wear instead.



But some law maker has a little too much time on his hands. Not illegal but in certain instances I don't mind it. People who are just leaving the hospital, coming from treatments, had surgery or are as sick as a dog and have to get the meds the doc prescribed,etc.

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This would not bother me in the least.


Wearing pj pants in the grocery store or the mall or to school would bug me. Where do we go next for causal? Just running to the market in undies?


Running into the store in undies.....um yeah, have you seen peopleofwalmart.com


It happens:ack2:

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If someone wears PJ pants, at least they are covered! I would much rather see pjs than some of thebother ensembles we have seen at Walmart! I really don't concern myself with what other people wear. It is not my business. It irritated me when people get upset about someone elses choice of clothing.


Yes, I have worn pjs out of the house. I teach dance daily, my dance pants are a similar xut to most pjs. Many of you would probably think tue way I dress is awful, bit I am comfy and it is appropriate to my job. For example....many of my dance pants are capri length. I wear Ugg style boots with them in the winter to stay warm. I have gone to walmart like that.

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I think this is an American culture thing.


I have never in my life seen anyone here walking around in public in PJ's. In fact I can honestly say that I've never even come across someone in Aus wearing PJ's in their HOUSE if you visit after 10am.


At our playgroup women often swap stories of how they dared to wear their PJ's to drop their kids at school because they were running late and the car broke down and how it was so embarressing because they were caught out wearing them in public :D


Not even teens or little kids wear them and I live in a community where people are very poor - they still seem to manage to find other clothes..


I'm one of those people who doesn't wear PJ's all day at home so I doubt I would wear them in public :lol:



So a word to the wise -if you vacation in Aus don't wear your PJ pants in public - people will look at you very funny and ask what the emergency is - (obviously you got locked out of the house or it burnt down because otherwise why would you not change your clothes) :D


Nope. Apparently it's a worldwide epidemic. This is just the first article I found. http://blogs.wsj.com/juggle/2010/02/26/drawing-the-line-at-pajamas-in-public/

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I think it's absolutely ridiculous to make a law against this. I don't care what someone else wears out of the house as long as I don't have to see any bits and pieces hanging out. FWIW, my PJs ARE sweats, so occasionally I guess I do wear my PJs out.


:iagree: No law needed. I would never wear PJs in public....except my sweats of course. I sleep in sweats as well. However, I was in Kohl's and a 20 something year old male had on some smurf PJs that cracked me up:001_smile:

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Wow--doctoral students in pj's? When my dd started her Master's the head of the music department actually sat them all down and pointed out that JEANS were pushing it! Of course, she was about the only one that was already dressed up that day, after all, she was meeting her tuition sponsor. She wears a skirt almost every day as a doctoral student (unless the wind is just too much) but is always in nice trousers if she chooses pants. She has discovered Smart Wool tights--they work under her skirts.


laughing hysterically!


When I began my MA program 17 years ago, I thought people would be dressed professionally. I expected to dress professionally. But everyone dressed like slobs! Jeans and sweatshirts were the dress code. Seriously, I would have really stood out in my professional dresses and dress pants and jackets. Even the professors didn't dress that well.

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I voted other. It annoys me to see perfectly healthy people bouncing around in pjs in public. When I see a sickly person hobbling around in their pjs I know it probably took a lot of effort for them to be out and about. That does not annoy me.



Perhaps I am a bit more lenient seeing how hard it is for my mother (who has cancer) to get around. She has been going places in sweats and pj pants.

I didn't even think about that. The following is not to you, but the result of my own irritation :p when it comes to people who get so flipping high and mighty over their own fashion decisions which seems to be a real issue for THEM.




I suppose my mother is grossly inconsiderate when she goes out without her wig and false b00ks as well :glare:


I feel myself inclined to mount a high horse :angry: When you make fashion a matter of consideration you take people (like MrsRevMeg's mother and my own) who are already dealing with issues (like radiation burns and oh life threatening diseases) and adding ANOTHER failing for them to handle.


So take your pjs irritate me, I can't stand slovenly people, fashion is a matter of ettiquette carpola and expletive expletive expletive.


And when you're tempted to respond, "Oh, but I didn't mean THEM." Take a moment and think on how nice it is to be THEM, first off, and then realize that THEY aren't always so obvious, so maybe with holding on bashing might be a little bit of a good idea.





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I find the droopy wearing the jeans below your butt more irritating than the pj pants. I'd never wear pj's in public but I will wear sweat pants on occasion.



I think it's absolutely ridiculous to make a law against this. I don't care what someone else wears out of the house as long as I don't have to see any bits and pieces hanging out. FWIW, my PJs ARE sweats, so occasionally I guess I do wear my PJs out.


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Wow, I do think there should be a law against it, but no I do not think people should wear them in public. What about the very sick mom who runs into walgreens to grab meds for her and her sick kids. Would she fined or arrested?


Shorts with words on the backside annoy me, shirts with bad language and inappropriate words and pictures annoy me too, but to outlaw them because I do not like them would put things like flip flops and big hair bows, which I love, on the table to be deemed illegal too. Silly proposal if you ask me, but people rarely do. :D

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Well, my pjs are yoga pants, and I have absolutely worn yoga pants in public. I would not wear loose flannel pj pants in public because I personally would feel like I was trying to be something I'm not, which is a very young person. ;) lol but if you really want to know, for others I'd have to answer No Problem. They look very cute on the teens I've seen, and I don't see how they are any different from other kinds of loose pants. sweat pants, or tunics with loose pants etc other folks wear. Ok, maybe there are no with Tweetie Birds on some of these, but I have seen cookie monster kippah, so, once again, don't care. Doesn't bother me, hardly think about it, truth be told. I have seen medical workers in loose tops and pants covered in cartoon characters outside of offices and hospitals. What's the diff? ;) :)

Edited by LibraryLover
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I don't care what other people wear. I may not like it but I don't care.


I personally don't do pj pants in public. I only do workout clothes while working out- running, boot camp class etc. I think not getting dressed is just too lazy. A law is too much however.


We are past the point in our history where corsets were legally mandated to be in public. Mandating a certain kind of pants seems to be the same and a stupid precedent to set.

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But a law against them? That's stupid. Where does it stop? What else will they make a law against? Open toed sandals because feet can be nasty? Sleeveless shirts that show armpits when the arm is raised? Skirts above the knee that might be too short to bend over in? I think it's reeks of big brotherism to censor people's clothing. Give an inch and a mile will be taken.



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:iagree: No law needed. I would never wear PJs in public....except my sweats of course. I sleep in sweats as well. However, I was in Kohl's and a 20 something year old male had on some smurf PJs that cracked me up:001_smile:



But if sweats are your pjs, then you ARE wearing pjs in public. Shame on you. :tongue_smilie:



Totally kidding. I LOVE sweatpants. Probably too much.

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Legislating pj's is absurd.



That said, I don't wear my pj's in public.



I did see a woman wearing pj's in public y-day. She was carrying a teeny-tiny nb baby in her arms:001_wub:, so she gets a free pass. (In fact, I was thinking it was either great that she was able to get out so soon after birth...or it was pitiful that she had to get out so soon after birth...blessings to her either way. She's so sleep deprived right now, that she won't remember the pj's in a year or two...)

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I answered yes, although, it really depends on the pajama pants. I don't know why it matters, but plaid flannel (or something similar) doesn't bother me as much as say...green with yellow rubber duckies all over them(I would TOTALLY wear those at home!) Truly, I'm a to each their own gal, for the most part. I do, however, inwardly roll my eyes when I see someone in Target with their rubber ducky jammies (or power rangers or kitties...whatever) & slippers as if they just rolled out of bed. Full disclosure, though, I have jammie pants that are solid colored & look a little like yoga pants that I have been known to wear to get the mail...:D

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I don't sleep in pajama pants, so I really see no problem. If I don't like it, I don't have to wear it. It is none of my business what other people do.


I sleep in sweat pants when it is cold, and so do most of my children. They used to always fight with their aunt when they would sleep over, because she would ask for their PJ's, and they would point at their sweats. Now one of them uses PJ's, but I don't hold it against him.;) Seriously though, I see no problem if it cover you up and you are comfy. I don't see why everyone has to dress like me, or I like them.



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I think they look ridiculous but I think sweats do as well(sorry to those who love them!). Athletic or yoga pants imo look much better and are comfy as well, although I wouldn't wear them in public either. However, people can wear what they like assuming they keep themselves decently covered and I see no reason to make a law about it. I do hope there is some shift back to caring a bit more about appearances, without going as far back as corsets and such.

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What people wear doesn't really matter to me unless it is a professional situation. Then I expect them to dress professional.


My opinion? In white ...


As a married woman, it makes more sense for me to wear PJ type stuff to the store than to bed. In fact, the only reason I own that stuff is to toss on when in a hurry or to lounge about in.

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It is not something I would wear but then I don't have to.


My dd and most of the members of the swim team (boy & girl) come to and leave practice in their pajama pants.


It is really none of my concern. However, I will admit to silently judging someone in pajama pants while shopping at the mall. As others have said at least they are covered up.

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I wouldn't say that it annoys me really. BUT... I would NEVER do it! I used to have nightmares when I was a kid that I forgot to get dressed and showed up at school in my pajamas. lol


I find it incredible, though, that someone would even think to regulate something so trivial. Big government at it's best.

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When I see disheveled people out there, who knows what is going on in their lives? Maybe their husband just left, they have depression, they don't have money for other clothes, they're undergoing cancer treatment, or maybe they just don't have the energy to put into what they wear? I can think of many better uses of our legislator's time and energy than regulating what people wear. Especially when they're fully covered!


Exactly. Also, fashion isn't everyone's priority. While I've never gone anywhere in my pj's, I've gone from being a fashionista to very casual for practical reasons. I love sweats, but don't have any good ones to wear in public. When my dd's gave the okay plus someone else I have started going out in some velour pants I have that are similar to sweats or yoga pants at times. At least there's no wayward flies on them and they have pockets. Plus I don't sleep in them.


I'm with the crowd that is more offended by crass sayings and too much cleavage, rear, underwear showing than by casual wear.


That said, there is a time & a place for it, and while I think it's okay at the grocery store or swim practice, there are many places, such as high school, where I'm opposed to it.

Well in most businesses shoes and shirts are the only thing required anyway.:tongue_smilie:


Would who uphold this law anyway? The fashion police. Here's your sign. :D




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:confused: Why was law even brought into this discussion??


Because a law is what started this hole discussion. There is a politician in the states that wants to create a law prohibiting people from wearing pj pants in public. It was on the radio here in Alberta the other day to stir up discussion so I brought the discussion here.

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Because a law is what started this hole discussion. There is a politician in the states that wants to create a law prohibiting people from wearing pj pants in public. It was on the radio here in Alberta the other day to stir up discussion so I brought the discussion here.


Well that's just silly of that politician. There is no reason to outlaw pajamas outdoors when flip flops and slippers are obviously a much higher priority, or should be given the much higher danger and annoyance factor.

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Because a law is what started this hole discussion. There is a politician in the states that wants to create a law prohibiting people from wearing pj pants in public. It was on the radio here in Alberta the other day to stir up discussion so I brought the discussion here.


Do you have a link or can you point us in the direction on who the politician is?

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