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Nursing Poll


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I voted no. I had a breast reduction at 19 and I am physically incapable of nursing. I have tried it all -- herbal supplements, DPD (prescription medication that induced lactation), pumping, Lact-Aid (an at the breast supplementer that allows one to give formula supplements while nursing). I have cried and bled and hurt for weeks with each of my babies trying to get my breasts to give even a few drops of milk. They just can't.


The nursing threads always hurt my feelings. I hate to know that some other mothers are judging me for feeding my child formula when it is the only thing that I am capable of giving. I know that breast milk is best. I don't need anyone to remind me.


I wish women were more gracious towards one another when it comes to parenting.

Don't feel bad! I don't see this thread as judging at all. I had to switch to formula with #1 because I was pg and severely underweight (my milk was also drying up). With #2 it was a long story, but my milk was drying up b/c of my thyroid and work schedule and he was puking and losing weight. I felt so bad after both of them that I couldn't nurse them longer. I hate that you feel judged. Many of us who nurse a long time have been through many nursing hurdles-no judgement from me! I have friends who have suffered after reductions trying to nurse and it kills me that they would feel bad. Formula is there (or donor milk-I donate) for people who need it!! I find it fascinating to see the age ranges of weaning for so many people on here.

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mine weaned at various ages as well, mainly due to pregnancies that changed/lowered the milk taste/supply. I was a LLL leader during the years my kiddos were young, so I had wonderful support.


Oldest dd - appx 14 months, though she did have some formula because I had to work part-time and was fairly young (21), had no one in my family who had ever nursed longer than a couple months, and didn't really know yet about pumping, etc.


2nd dd - appx 13 months because I got pg with 3rd dd and it seriously affected my milk. I was a LLL leader by the time she was weaning, and did not encourage it at all. I would've been open to tandem nursing, but she had zero interest after baby was born.


3rd dd - 2 years, and probably only stopped then because I was 4 months pg with ds. She never expressed interest in nursing after he was born though.


ds - 17 months, though he could've gone on as long as he would've liked (he was the last so no pg would've affected my milk supply). He was just busy and didn't really care (though he slept with us forever!)


What has been immensely satisfying for me is the fact that, though I was the first to nurse beyond a couple of months in my family, every single one of my nieces has nursed each of their children for a MINIMUM of a year because of the support they got from me. 13 children besides mine have had the benefits of nursing, just in my own family.

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Why do they hurt your feelings? This poll is anonymous, so how could anyone judge? I haven't seen anyone state that the people who answered no are less than superior mothers because they didn't BF.


This thread does not hurt my feelings. I was referring to other threads where people talk about all the moms they know IRL who were too lazy, selfish, immature, etc. to nurse their children; where someone states that they know a child who was constantly sick because their selfish mother fed them formula, etc.


This is a sensitive topic for me. Perhaps I should have stayed out of this thread. In the other BFing thread everyone was talking about the negativity towards BFing that they have encountered. I know that happens all of the time, but I was sort of like ---> :001_huh:. Because I've encountered that same level of negativity IRL with regards to bottle feeding. A stranger once approached me as I was settling down to feed my fussy baby and said something like, "Oh, you poor baby. Doesn't your mommy know that she should be nursing you?" I am not kidding. :001_huh:

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DD1- weaned at 14 1/2 months. Never took a bottle. Started solids/baby food at 6 months


DS--weaned 2 weeks shy of his 2nd birthday. never had a bottle. solids/baby food at 5 1/2 months


DD2---she is 18 months and still going strong :D She still doesn't eat much table food, and refused to eat any until after she was 1.

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This thread does not hurt my feelings. I was referring to other threads where people talk about all the moms they know IRL who were too lazy, selfish, immature, etc. to nurse their children; where someone states that they know a child who was constantly sick because their selfish mother fed them formula, etc.


This is a sensitive topic for me. Perhaps I should have stayed out of this thread. In the other BFing thread everyone was talking about the negativity towards BFing that they have encountered. I know that happens all of the time, but I was sort of like ---> :001_huh:. Because I've encountered that same level of negativity IRL with regards to bottle feeding. A stranger once approached me as I was settling down to feed my fussy baby and said something like, "Oh, you poor baby. Doesn't your mommy know that she should be nursing you?" I am not kidding. :001_huh:


Wow. That's an aggressive agenda that woman had. I'm sorry you've been hurt by some of the rhetoric and attitude in the lactivist community. I was never "like that", but I was part of the pack.


I like your point that nursing moms have been subject to the same stupid crap, from the opposite perspective. That's a lot of ignorance.


Hey, when I get to my goal weight, I am thinking of a reduction. Would you mind a PM?

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I am tandem nursing my 3.33 year old and my 9 month old. I didn't intend to tandem nurse, but it just happened because I didn't put any effort into weaning my DD while I was pregnant. She is very into comfort nursing. It works for our family and I'm comfortable continuing to nurse both as long as we're all happy.

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My four nursed for 15mos, 19mos, 29mos, & 41mos respectively (the last two tandem nursed for a year). I weaned my first thinking I had to in order to conceive, and then weaned my second when I had to go on medication for a while that was harmful. The last two self-weaned naturally (obviously:lol:).


I introduced other foods somewhere in the 9-12month range. I didn't really do baby food... just went straight to table foods diced or mashed.

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There needs to be an "other" option!


I had never planned on nursing, but DH is the one who pushed me over to it.


DD5 - I nursed exclusively for 3 mos then went to formula b/c neither the OB nor the LC at the hospital could figure out why I was in excrutiating-hot-knife pain whenever I nursed. The antibiotics thrown at me did nothing. B/c no one would help me, I gave up.


DDalmost 2 - I nursed exclusively for 6 mos then went to formula. The last 3 of those months were exclusive pumping since I had to go back to work. My milk went away since I couldn't pump as frequently as I needed to - trying to find time to use the pumping room when 5 other moms were pumping was hard.


DS4mos - I nursed for 3.5 months and am now using formula. For whatever reason, I had supply problems from the get-go. Domperidone got my supply up so I stopped taking, then my supply just tanked (even w/trying for another round of Domperidone).

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I planned to nurse. However, I was very young the first time. I didn't get milk in though I tried to nurse exclusively for weeks. Weight was an issue. Maybe it would have been possible had I gotten additional help? I don't know. I felt so upset and it hurt SO bad...and wasn't working. So I gave her formula.


With my son, I also planned to nurse. He had oral motor issues and I had an EXTREME amount of milk. Either issue would have been an issue. Both together were a nightmare! Anyway, I pumped and he had my milk from a bottle. However, when he was a couple months old, I started medication (medically necessary) that precluded being able to nurse. Because of the milk issue we had earlier, he still got breastmilk for awhile.


I always thought it would be nice to get preggo (or adopt an infant) just so I could try nursing one more time. I would love to do extended nursing.

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In March, I will have been nursing continually for a decade, except for a handful of months toward the end of pregnancies, when the milk dried up, and the older nursling mostly weaned. I have met the WHO's recommendations (and then some) for my three older children, and I expect to do the same for my current infant.


As for when we introduce solids, we are big delayers here. DD didn't get any solids until almost 8 months, DS1 was first given a little bit at 9 months but didn't eat more than a bite here and there until a year-plus, and we didn't give DS2 any solids at all until his first birthday. (And even though I hear all the time that they won't want solid foods if you don't start them early, I think that's baloney. None of my kids have thus far been very picky, and the one I waited the longest for solids with is the least picky of all of them. He eats anything and everything he can.)

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Oldest - 6 months then formula fed until solids


Middle - 18 months


Youngest - he was almost three before I could convince him to wean. Not in my comfort zone but boy was he stubborn.


They are all very healthy so I doubt formula hurt the oldest one bit.


I worked very hard to nurse mine to try and reduce my breast cancer risk (some studies have shown it can help) and it was easier cause we co-slept and things. It fit out lifestyle and it worked out for us. It doesn't always. I don't think formula is evil in the slightest.

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You should have made this a multiple choice poll. :001_smile:


Oldest - nursed 13 months. Solids started at 3 1/2 mo.

Middle - nursed 12 months. Solids started at 4 mo.

Youngest - nursed 18 months. Solids started at 6 mo. He had suspected food allergies at 12 mo. It was easier to nurse through figuring it out to be sure he got enough nutrition.

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I voted up to a year, but with dd8 it was more like 15 months. I think she would still be nursing if I let her. She didn't want to come out, and she didn't want to give up nursing. DH and I wanted to get her a sibling, so she had to stop. Yeah, I was one of THOSE (the one who doesn't have a cycle if she even thinks about nursing). That was 2 years of non-Aunt Flo bliss.


Dd6, on the other hand, only nursed for 10 or 11 months. She couldn't wait to get out, and she couldn't wait to eat "real" food. :lol: She was tracking my fork at 3 months! I wanted to nurse her for a full 12 months, at least, but she was having none of it. I cried when I finally had to just give it up.


Oh, forgot about the solids. We tried with dd8 at 4 months with the rice cereal, like my ped told me to do, but she would scream bloody murder every time it came around. I didn't put us through that torture, so we didn't try solids again until she was 6 or 7 months. She still wasn't happy about it, but she did tolerate it. As I said above, dd6 wanted solids almost immediately. I don't remember exactly when I started giving her solids, but she had no problems at all with it when I did.

Edited by mlbuchina
forgot the solids! LOL
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#1 - 12 mos

#2 - 13 mos

#3 - 18 mos

#4 - 24 mos

#5 - 26 mos


#1-3 also had formula bottles during the day. I was teaching elementary school while dh was in grad school, and there was nowhere to pump milk at school. Also, no time. I went to lunch with my students, and their P.E. time was 2:15 in the afternoon. First graders can't be left unsupervised.


Oh, well. It worked out, and our nursing rhythm adapted. I'm thankful for that time and experience even though I was a working mom and hadn't gotten much encouragement to attempt it while working.

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DD stopped at 21 months. I was pregnant with DS and my milk had completely dried up. I guess she was tired of it because one day she latched on, too a few sucks, popped off and said "No milk, broken". That was it, she never nursed again. Sweet and sad.


DS nursed until he was 2. He was always a very fast nurser and never into comfort nursing (he had too many things to do, to sit still and nurse). Toward the end, I was practically chasing him down offering to nurse because I wanted to continue until he was 2.:tongue_smilie:

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Voted up to 2 years.


DD was 22 months when she weaned. I helped her along because she was almost done anyway, and I was so sore as I was pregnant with DS1.


DS1 was 16 months-hard hard 16 months! I almost gave up and used formula. He had a high palate and couldn't bf correctly. He also had reflux, so after I finally got the milk in him he would hurl it back at me:(


DS2 was 14 months and then he turned into a shark if I showed him any bOOks. I guess that was his way of saying "no thanks":glare:


We'll have to wait and see what DS3 does...he's still cooking.

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I had an unusual time of it, and have often wondered if it was just me or has anyone else ever experienced it.


I tried from the beginning to bf. I had a very strong physical reaction. It was a combination of horrible abdominal cramping, and an internal sensation that I can't describe well but it made me want to dig my toes into the floor. I thought it would get better so I kept trying. Dd ended up having to have surgery 2 days after birth, so I tried pumping. The sensation was still strong, but at least tolerable. After she was released, I tried and just physically could not handle it. But I was darn stubborn, so we bought the best pump we could afford, I pumped exclusively (every 2 hr in beginning), took fenugreek, and drank mother's milk tea. I was able to supply about all of her feedings for awhile then all but one and so on. By the time she was 7 months old it was down to 25% and I was pumping every 5 hours. I stopped at 7.5 months. It was a horrible physical sensation and the lactation consultant said it was likely an over production of one of the hormones (I can't remember which one, prolacin? maybe).


Pumping made it a little more tolerable but I would bend my toes and push them into the carpet as I pumped. I have no idea how my toes were related to my bOOks :lol:. Oh, and I did kind of feel like a bf outcast, but I tried. I still marvel at women who talk about how awesome it is and how they didn't want to stop, or they treasured that time. It was one of the most uncomfortable sensations of my life! It always made me wonder 'what the heck is wrong with me?':lol:

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I nursed my daughter till she was 2yrs 10months. I nursed my son till he was 4yrs 10 months. Both my kids would have kept nursing but something happened to stop it. I had four wisdom teeth taken out when my daughter was almost 3 and when my son was 3, then 4, then almost 5... I explained that kids usually stopped nursing when they were eating lots of other foods... Finally at almost 5 I just said "no" and didn't back down. I really was sad as he was my last... :( It wasn't always easy, I got mastitis, and I leaked all over the place. BUT, I hate formula, don't like to spend money on stuff I don't have to, and enjoyed losing the weight :) I also am at high risk for br**st cancer...

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#1 was physically unable to latch on so I pumped but my milk never really came in properly despite everything I tried (hospital grade pump every 2 hrs round the clock, medication, herbs, etc.) At most I got half what she needed so I had to supplement with formula. 3 weeks PP, I came down with a nasty case of mastitis and even though I kept pumping through it, the little milk I had started drying up. It was totally gone by 6 weeks PP :(


#2 I nursed for 11 1/2 months. I was planning to wean him at 1 year but he went on a nursing strike so I decided to end it a few weeks early. I did start him on cereal at 4 months on the advice of my pediatrician because he was anemic.


#3 I nursed for 1 year. She also started on cereal at 4 months per the pediatrician because she was borderline low on iron.

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I just have to say WOW I am in awe of the number of people who have nursed for longer than 2 years. You ladies are rockstars!


Neither of my kids went longer than 8-10 months. I was pretty proud of making it even that far, what with how I had to pump all the time and had trouble producing enough for my tiny tots. It eventually got to be too much stress because my supply kept dwindling and the kids' appetites just kept getting bigger, so that was the end of that, had to switch to formula so they could get enough to eat. Some people I know gave me guilt trips for not having gone all the way to 12 months, but I did the best I could. :crying:

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I did nurse each child but I'm not able to produce enough milk alone for their survival.


The pediatrician threatened to have my first son taken away from me and hospitalized for failure to thrive. Eventually I found a comfortable place nursing first for 15-20 minutes (quarter to half and ounce) and then bottle feeding.


How long each bf depended on my own state of mind and their preference.


ds1 refused the breast at 3-4 months

ds2 I stopped after 7 weeks because of depression

ds3 made it all the way to 10-11 months

ds4 @8-9 months

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I nursed three until they were 18 months. one weaned herself at 15 months, my youngest I weaned at 3 1/2.


one had hit me for SIX MONTHS after weaning, so I thought maybe I shouldn't have weaned him. when youngest had some of the same issues, I kept nursing until I couldn't take it anymore.

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I was at both extremes--less than two months with the first and over two years with the second.


Health issues and a lot of nursing issues led to my stopping early the first time; I gave up the struggle entirely when I got knocked flat by mastitis. I had milk supply and feeding problems the second time too, but I had an amazing support system of lactation specialists who were helpful and didn't try to use shame or manipulation tactics but actually encouraged and supported me to get me through the initial hurdles. It made all the difference, and I feel teary just thinking about them.

Edited by WordGirl
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We've been all over the map.


#1 - stopped nursing at 2 weeks

#2 - nursed till 14 months, exclusively until 6.5 months

#3 - nursed till 15 months (I was 2-3 months pregnant), exclusively for 6.5 months

#4 - nursed till 24 months (I was about 4-5 months pregnant), exclusively for 8 months

#5 - nursed till 27 months (again, about 4-5 months pregnant), exclusively for 7.5 months

#6 - nursed till 26 months (4-5 months pregnant), exclusively for 6.5 months

#7 - nursed till 2 weeks, then proceeded to pump till he was 8 months old. He received almost all breastmilk till 4 months when I couldn't keep up with him anymore, then he got about half and half till I weaned. He was tongue-tied and not gaining weight, and we didn't discover it till he was about 2 weeks old. By then my supply was SHOT.

#8 - still nursing exclusively at 2.5 months

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I needed an other.


I nursed the first for more than 3, less than 6, months but supplemented with formula during that time and I think he got rice cereal around 4 months. I had very little nursing support around me at the time, and was relatively clueless about the whole thing.


I nursed the second for less than 3 months, for various reasons, mainly again lack of support/education on the matter. And it seemed easier to do bottles.


I nursed the third for a bit over 3 years, with no solid food until he was about 7 months corrected age (he was 9 wks early).

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Nursed all 3.


dd#1 a little over 2 years.


ds until he was about a year. I would have nursed longer but he just quit. He was a weird nurser too. Only one side at a feeding and for exactly 6 minutes. :001_rolleyes:


dd#2 over 2 years (probably close to 3). If she had her way she'd still be nursing. Sounds weird....but it's nothing yucky...she just remembers it as such a calming and relaxing thing. Sometimes she gets teary about it because she just loved nursing so much. :crying:

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dd#2 over 2 years (probably close to 3). If she had her way she'd still be nursing. Sounds weird....but it's nothing yucky...she just remembers it as such a calming and relaxing thing. Sometimes she gets teary about it because she just loved nursing so much. :crying:

For my third, the sling has the same reaction. I didn't use it much with the older two, but by him, it was a necessity. I had to kick him out of it at 3 1/2 when I started having pregnancy complications (he was small for his age). His baby sister never wanted anything to do with the sling at all. Last summer, I was repacking some baby clothes and the sling came out and at 10 1/2, he still looked at it wistfully. He's still small (always will be, I think), but I'm small too, so there's no way I'm lugging him around in it now. It was the same calming/relaxing memories thing, though, I think.
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I dry nursed DD through my pregnancy with DS. We did have to supplement with organic formula that used to drive my DH nuts when I bought it because my milk dried up at 13 weekish. But DD dry nursed through the rest of that pregnancy.


Then DS was born, he nursed like a champion from the get go. DD saw that and latched right back on. I tandem nursed them until DD was 4 1/2 and DS was 3 1/2. They spent the last 6-9 months only nursing at night or in extreme bodily injury situations. :lol:

Edited by Jennifer3141
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I tried desperately to bf dd, who was born at 35 weeks. Had help from the lactation consultant at the hospital, then from my mother, a NICU nurse, who came and stayed with me for a month, and also hired another lactation consultant. Silly girl would not latch and suck! Meanwhile, started pumping. Finally, at 6 weeks (at which time she would have been full term), she finally started to nurse, but it was excrutiatingly painful. So since I was pumping successfully (about 35 oz. per day at the most), we just continued with that. Lasted about 5 months, at which time it just got to be too much, since I had to pump during the night, as well as feed dd every 2 1/2 to 3 hours, each feeding taking an hour. Started spacing out pumping sessions and lost my milk in less than a week.


Ds, on the other hand, immediately started nursing like a champ, even though he was also born at 35 weeks. He was the most efficient nurser, chowing down his meals in about 10 minutes. That boy loved to nurse, wouldn't take solids of any significance until 14 mos, and continued until I finally weaned him at about 28 mos.

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