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I opened the hood of a car once and found squirrel PARTS all over it! :ack2:





My squirrel was alive and kicking. I turned on the fan, but quickly turned it off again when he started yelling. The handyman for the rental house decided we should catch him. The handyman was to hold the bag, dh yank the filter out, and I hold open the back door just in case. Dh yanked, the handyman held, the squirrel missed the bag, took one look at them and fled out the back door.

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Telugu - the language of the state of Andhra Pradesh in South India! And for both years there were just two of us in the class. The other girl came from a Telugu speaking family! I had to move to Wisconsin to attend UW which has the only Telugu program in the country! Luckily I married a Telugu guy so it wasn't all a waste in the end!


Cool! I know a few words of Telugu and I've been to the Andhra Pradesh region of India. I had no idea any university in America offered study of Telugu.

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I doubt I am the "only" one here who does any of the quirky things I do...but I can name the stuff that I know I am in the minority for doing:


~We raise our own meat (chicken, beef - coming in 2012, pork) and eggs

~I have OCD (yes, I like the sheets straight too...I will actually wake my dh up from a sound sleep so I can "remake" the bed before going to bed at night. I can't stand rumpled sheets beneath me either.

~I worked for a metallurgical company as a writer and learned more than I ever wanted to know about destructive testing

~I probably am in a minority with the number of animals I have....7 cats, 1 dog (not counting the chickens, etc). I am a rescuer by heart.

~I was a teen mom

~I am a hypochondriac (and I am not just flippantly calling it that...trust me. I am a full blown hypochondriac who has to take Lexapro in order to not have those irrational "I am sick" thoughts)

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I bet I'm the only person here...


...who has hung out with gypsies and translated for them.

...who has accidentally laundered a large cockroach.

...who drove from California to Toronto just to see Lord of the Rings the Musical.

...who has been paid at two completely different and unrelated jobs to fill in other people's badly-filled bubbles on questionnaires.

...whose aunt has kept her dead rottweiler in a freezer for many years.

...who registered just so she could answer this thread.

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This is such an awesome thread.


I bet I'm the only one who is somewhat obsessed with planners, especially Filofaxes - and blogs about it. But I'm not the only one on the Internet. :D


I shut a wasp in a freezer once - we found its frozen body later.


I've been to 17 operas.

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I bet I'm the only one who had the immense pleasure of watching a very drunk middle-aged couple in front of us grope and make out for an entire Huey Lewis & The News concert. Yes, Huey Lewis. (We had free tickets... what was their excuse??)


DH & I still shudder to think of it! :blink:


I have many others (famous people in our immediate family) but I have to keep those on the down low. ;)

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My dissertation was on non- destructive evaluation of materials.


I doubt I am the "only" one here who does any of the quirky things I do...but I can name the stuff that I know I am in the minority for doing:


~We raise our own meat (chicken, beef - coming in 2012, pork) and eggs

~I have OCD (yes, I like the sheets straight too...I will actually wake my dh up from a sound sleep so I can "remake" the bed before going to bed at night. I can't stand rumpled sheets beneath me either.

~I worked for a metallurgical company as a writer and learned more than I ever wanted to know about destructive testing

~I probably am in a minority with the number of animals I have....7 cats, 1 dog (not counting the chickens, etc). I am a rescuer by heart.

~I was a teen mom

~I am a hypochondriac (and I am not just flippantly calling it that...trust me. I am a full blown hypochondriac who has to take Lexapro in order to not have those irrational "I am sick" thoughts)

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I bet I'm the only one who owns a piece of the red carpet from the aisle that Diana walked down when she married Prince Charles.


The backstory - friends of my parents live in England and apparently after the wedding the carpet was being used to carpet some government buildings. The husband worked at this building and was able to get a piece for both my sister and I.

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I bet I'm the only one who owns a piece of the red carpet from the aisle that Diana walked down when she married Prince Charles.


The backstory - friends of my parents live in England and apparently after the wedding the carpet was being used to carpet some government buildings. The husband worked at this building and was able to get a piece for both my sister and I.


Aw, that's really cool, but it makes me kinda sad. Poor Diana...


I am unbearably boring. This thread is awesome.


Me too. I can think of one thing, but it's a bit TMI, and might not even be that unusual :lol::lol::lol:

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We only buy toilet paper to have for guests. All of us use "family cloth". Not the only one but it is a pretty rare thing.


I have a huge love for hip hop, old school rap, feminist punk rock, and also for opera and classical music. Have been to 60+ opera performances (I used to work for an opera company and my husband and I used to vacation around opera performances). Have seen the complete ring cycle 3 times.

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We only buy toilet paper to have for guests. All of us use "family cloth". Not the only one but it is a pretty rare thing.


I have a huge love for hip hop, old school rap, feminist punk rock, and also for opera and classical music. Have been to 60+ opera performances (I used to work for an opera company and my husband and I used to vacation around opera performances). Have seen the complete ring cycle 3 times.


We do too! :D:grouphug:

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I thought of one...


I bet I'm the only one who got a wedding proposal that began, "Would you shut up....". :lol:


The next words were "I'm trying to propose" and he did get on one knee. He's never lived down the "shut up" though.

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And for your second post - we must have the gypsies story!


When I was in college a friend and I went to see the gypsy band Taraf de Haïdouks. She was totally fangirling and waiting around afterward trying to catch a glimpse of them, and they noticed us and invited us to hang out. They didn't speak much English but they did speak French, so since I was the only one there who spoke French, I ended up having to translate for them.

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Oh I think I have one!! I bet I am the only one here who was hit by a mail carrier's car or should I say run over by it. I was visiting friends in PA as a teenager. Riding my bike I went to go behind the mail lady's car as she was talking to my friend's family. The mail carrier realized at the last moment she forgot to put mail in the mailbox she had just done. She proceeded to back right into me. My bike and I went right under her car. Thank the Lord, I only had scrapes and bruises. My bike was repairable but I think she was so scared she gave me money for a brand new one. Talk about being scared!!

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When I was in college a friend and I went to see the gypsy band Taraf de Haïdouks. She was totally fangirling and waiting around afterward trying to catch a glimpse of them, and they noticed us and invited us to hang out. They didn't speak much English but they did speak French, so since I was the only one there who spoke French, I ended up having to translate for them.


Love it - thanks!

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When I started reading this thread, I couldn't think of anything but now I have three.


I bet I am the only one to be attacked by squirrels in my backyard when I was 5.


Also, got caught by security making out with a guy on the Dallas Cowboys' practice field.


And one more, went to college for 5 years and still 16 years later, is one class short of her degree.

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We only buy toilet paper to have for guests. All of us use "family cloth". Not the only one but it is a pretty rare thing.


I have a huge love for hip hop, old school rap, feminist punk rock, and also for opera and classical music. Have been to 60+ opera performances (I used to work for an opera company and my husband and I used to vacation around opera performances). Have seen the complete ring cycle 3 times.


What is 'family cloth'??

I've never heard of not buying toilet paper before...

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What is 'family cloth'??

I've never heard of not buying toilet paper before...


You know how you can wet a cloth wipe for babies and then wash it with the diapers? Just don't switch over to toilet paper when you've potty trained.


We don't do it here. It's hard enough for me to keep up with the laundry here, and I can't see myself lovingly washing that load for my family.

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When I started reading this thread, I couldn't think of anything but now I have three.


I bet I am the only one to be attacked by squirrels in my backyard when I was 5.


Also, got caught by security making out with a guy on the Dallas Cowboys' practice field.


And one more, went to college for 5 years and still 16 years later, is one class short of her degree.


My husband went to college for 7 years, and is one degree sort of a degree. But he did try many different things. It has been about 16 years since he finished college.


He has a friend who went for the same thing for 8 years, a 2 year degree. He didn't manage to complete it.

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I am probably the only one here who held the door open for an armed robber.


It was at a gas station in NM and the girls and I had just gone inside to use the restroom. On our way out, a guy was about to walk in and I held the door. As the door was swinging back and we were walking away, we heard "This is a stick-up" , We quickly got back in the car while I started dialing 911 and told the local police what was happening.

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I am probably the only one here who held the door open for an armed robber.


It was at a gas station in NM and the girls and I had just gone inside to use the restroom. On our way out, a guy was about to walk in and I held the door. As the door was swinging back and we were walking away, we heard "This is a stick-up" , We quickly got back in the car while I started dialing 911 and told the local police what was happening.


Oh my gosh! I think I would have passed out after dialing 911! You just never know who you're holding a door for do you?? CRAZY!! :svengo:

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I am probably the only one here who held the door open for an armed robber.


It was at a gas station in NM and the girls and I had just gone inside to use the restroom. On our way out, a guy was about to walk in and I held the door. As the door was swinging back and we were walking away, we heard "This is a stick-up" , We quickly got back in the car while I started dialing 911 and told the local police what was happening.

Nope! A few years ago when we still lived in SF Bay area I had the same thing happen. It was at a small bank branch, two big guys, dressed in black and ski masks, run in and had the guns out.


I didn't go inside (duh!), run to the car and called 911. We couldn't get out because their getaway car was blocking the way. We gave the operator the car description and license plate numbers (it was stolen I learned afterwards).


I remember my Mom commenting upon hearing this story, "Wow, it's just like in an American movie!" :lol:

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I am probably the only one here who held the door open for an armed robber.


It was at a gas station in NM and the girls and I had just gone inside to use the restroom. On our way out, a guy was about to walk in and I held the door. As the door was swinging back and we were walking away, we heard "This is a stick-up" , We quickly got back in the car while I started dialing 911 and told the local police what was happening.



Ok this would completely freak me out. And the fact that it happened to two of you. Wow, what are the odds?



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I'm pretty sure
was based on my own personal experience. :D



This is hilarious.


I fell out of a car when my date reached over to kiss me. I had opened the door to leave (flee) when he started talking again. I leaned back in, but the door didn't close. When he leaned over to kiss me, I moved up against the door to avoid his kiss and the door flew open. I tumbled out and ran into the house. We were both so embarrassed, but how we're FB friends.



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Some more of mine:


My brother was on the original Gladiators show. I was on a show called Burden of Proof, hosted by the then up and coming Greta van Susteren.


My dad is in the Guinness World Book of Records.


I was chased by the KGB.


I had a bird poop on me as I was getting on the school bus and had to go to school like that.


I went to 4 elementary school by the time I was in 5th grade (probably other military brats on here have done this as well).


I am married to a Rhodes Scholar.


I ate a monkey kabob (at least that's what I was told it was).



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Some more of mine:


My brother was on the original Gladiators show. I was on a show called Burden of Proof, hosted by the then up and coming Greta van Susteren.


My dad is in the Guinness World Book of Records.


I was chased by the KGB.


I had a bird poop on me as I was getting on the school bus and had to go to school like that.


I went to 4 elementary school by the time I was in 5th grade (probably other military brats on here have done this as well).


I am married to a Rhodes Scholar.


I ate a monkey kabob (at least that's what I was told it was).




Why is your dad in the GBof WR?

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Why is your dad in the GBof WR?



My dad was both cheap and afraid of flying, but he loved trains. So at one point Amtrak had this great deal on ride as much as you want for x amt of $$$. So, my dad spent about a month mapping out the Amtrak lines to travel as many miles possible on rail lines within a month w/o duplicating any lines. I forget how many miles he went. He slept on the train and 'showered' on the train. I don't think he ever used a sleeper car. He might have had hotel overnights occasionally. I'll have to ask my mom. Obviously, this was in a category of its own, but w/proper documentation Guinness gave my dad his 15 minutes. Some company (Nabisco I think) used his record as some promotion--I still have the poster somewhere. This was in the mid-80s.



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My dad was both cheap and afraid of flying, but he loved trains. So at one point Amtrak had this great deal on ride as much as you want for x amt of $$$. So, my dad spent about a month mapping out the Amtrak lines to travel as many miles possible on rail lines within a month w/o duplicating any lines. I forget how many miles he went. He slept on the train and 'showered' on the train. I don't think he ever used a sleeper car. He might have had hotel overnights occasionally. I'll have to ask my mom. Obviously, this was in a category of its own, but w/proper documentation Guinness gave my dad his 15 minutes. Some company (Nabisco I think) used his record as some promotion--I still have the poster somewhere. This was in the mid-80s.




That sounds awesomely cool!

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That sounds awesomely cool!


Now, in retrospect it is--especially for my kids b/c my dad died when my oldest was one. But, when I was a kid, having an uber cheap dad wasn't always cool.


My kids get a bigger kick out of knowing their uncle was on Gladiators b/c a few years ago it came back on TV (not sure if it's still on).



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