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woah baby! (a bit CC)

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Congratulations! Your ILs may not be happy, but you don't need their validation in order to enjoy the new life growing inside who will join your family soon. .


No, but she does need their hospitality at the moment.

Wishing you a healthy pregnancy, OP, and a prosperous New Year!



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A new life is a blessing, I wholeheartedly agree :D, and, at the end of the day, you are only accountable to God. He entrusted you with this new life, and He will make a way.


In the meantime, may all the negative comments just roll off your back - it certainly isn't easy...:grouphug:

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bumped this a bit to thank everyone for keeping me in their thoughts. DH had phone calls right before New Years and now has TWO interviews at schools (he was a middle level math teacher and can do general k-8) next week. This is AMAZING after 4 months of nothing at all. Even if the interviews don't lead anywhere, this will hopefully bring some of his confidence back. And maybe I won't have to bring a new little one into the world into this very uncomfortable living situation.

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bumped this a bit to thank everyone for keeping me in their thoughts. DH had phone calls right before New Years and now has TWO interviews at schools (he was a middle level math teacher and can do general k-8) next week. This is AMAZING after 4 months of nothing at all. Even if the interviews don't lead anywhere, this will hopefully bring some of his confidence back. And maybe I won't have to bring a new little one into the world into this very uncomfortable living situation.



Praying that your dh gets a great job, and things get back to normal for your family.:grouphug:

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Congratulations on your pregnancy! I didn't read the whole thread so maybe it's already been said, but I just wouldn't tell anyone about the pregnancy. I would keep my lips sealed and wait until it was so obvious that someone asked me point blank. Maybe by then you'll be out of their house anyway. :grouphug:

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  • 2 months later...

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:grouphug: This thread, my husband, my kids, and the kids' religious education teacher at church still remain the only ones that have congratulated me on this baby. Everyone else has scolded me, given me opinions on birth control, or otherwise told me they hope for my sake, the baby doesn't go to term so I don't have another mouth to feed and to not get the shots the OB suggested to maintain the pregnancy. :sad:



I had my second ultrasound, and she is a little girl :001_smile:. She is halfway there. I need a shot every week to try and keep her in, so as a side of that, I have had the chance to hear her heartbeat every week.


Thank you, everyone, and I hope the next 15-20 weeks are uneventful and boring, Ha! I just kind of felt like telling someone in the world besides DH that she's a girl. (The kids will be surprised because she'll be a tie-breaker.)

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… Everyone else has scolded me, given me opinions on birth control, or otherwise told me they hope for my sake, the baby doesn't go to term so I don't have another mouth to feed and to not get the shots the OB suggested to maintain the pregnancy. :sad:



I had my second ultrasound, and she is a little girl :001_smile:. She is halfway there. I need a shot every week to try and keep her in, so as a side of that, I have had the chance to hear her heartbeat every week.


Thank you, everyone, and I hope the next 15-20 weeks are uneventful and boring, Ha! I just kind of felt like telling someone in the world besides DH that she's a girl. (The kids will be surprised because she'll be a tie-breaker.)


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:. I am so sorry you have recieved so much meanness.


:hurray::hurray::hurray: Congratulations on your new (half way there) baby girl.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I am so sorry people have been mean to you. It makes me sick. What a terrible thing to tell someone who's pregnant.


As long as you and your husband and your other children love this baby and each other, that's all you need. We'll be praying for you. Congrats on having a girl.

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Only a few months to go before everyone falls in love with your adorable new daughter and feels deeply, deeply ashamed for the way they treated you both during the pregnancy.


I am sorry your joy is not more widely shared. But I am happy for you, the new life you are home to, and I look forward to reading about the many wonderful ways the Lord is going to meet your needs in the coming months and years.


Hang in there, hon!

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:grouphug: This thread, my husband, my kids, and the kids' religious education teacher at church still remain the only ones that have congratulated me on this baby. Everyone else has scolded me, given me opinions on birth control, or otherwise told me they hope for my sake, the baby doesn't go to term so I don't have another mouth to feed and to not get the shots the OB suggested to maintain the pregnancy. :sad:



I had my second ultrasound, and she is a little girl :001_smile:. She is halfway there. I need a shot every week to try and keep her in, so as a side of that, I have had the chance to hear her heartbeat every week.


Thank you, everyone, and I hope the next 15-20 weeks are uneventful and boring, Ha! I just kind of felt like telling someone in the world besides DH that she's a girl. (The kids will be surprised because she'll be a tie-breaker.)


Congrats! What a pain to have to deal with the rude people. Regardless of your situation or their opinions, the only polite thing to say to a pregnant woman is congrats and to wish her well.


Any chance of applying to public housing or something so you won't have to live with people like that any longer?

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:grouphug: This thread, my husband, my kids, and the kids' religious education teacher at church still remain the only ones that have congratulated me on this baby. Everyone else has scolded me, given me opinions on birth control, or otherwise told me they hope for my sake, the baby doesn't go to term so I don't have another mouth to feed and to not get the shots the OB suggested to maintain the pregnancy.



I'm so sorry to hear that people are being so mean. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


It makes me so angry to know that even your husband's own family isn't ready to welcome your new baby girl. :angry:


But please know that we are all so happy for you, and we are praying for both your health and the health of the baby. I cannot imagine ever wishing a miscarriage on anyone, ever, even if it was the meanest, nastiest person in the world. What a horrible thing to wish on someone. I truly can't imagine how awful a person you would have to be to want something bad to happen to someone's baby.




BTW, has your dh had any luck finding a job yet, so you can get out of your in-laws' house?

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Congratulations on your little girl!!!


I will be praying that your husband will find a job soon that will enable you to get away from those horrible negative people.


In the meantime, I would also suggest that you look into housing assistance just to get away form such negativity.



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bumping this-



:grouphug: This thread, my husband, my kids, and the kids' religious education teacher at church still remain the only ones that have congratulated me on this baby. Everyone else has scolded me, given me opinions on birth control, or otherwise told me they hope for my sake, the baby doesn't go to term so I don't have another mouth to feed and to not get the shots the OB suggested to maintain the pregnancy. :sad:



I had my second ultrasound, and she is a little girl :001_smile:. She is halfway there. I need a shot every week to try and keep her in, so as a side of that, I have had the chance to hear her heartbeat every week.


Thank you, everyone, and I hope the next 15-20 weeks are uneventful and boring, Ha! I just kind of felt like telling someone in the world besides DH that she's a girl. (The kids will be surprised because she'll be a tie-breaker.)



Congratulations on the baby girl!


Sorry about your horrible family. Anyone who wished harm on my child would be cut from my life like a cancer (or wish they were :mad:). That would not be a day they would soon forget!

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Thank you! I do feel blessed. My husband has not found a job in his field yet, but this is just starting the beginning of his hiring season. He's going to look in other fields by summer. We now are back on our feet with just the unemployment and my babysitting money, and we have a car paid off, but we are still living with his family. We looked into housing assistance at first, but so many people are on that list in this county, it would be awful. (And things always seem to run strange in Cook County, IL.)


I believe God is waiting to guide us to an area that we will love as a family. I am curious to what is in store for us. It's hard not to have questions, but I need to trust Him. Just thinking now- our move here, while unpleasant for the year, has done two things for us. It has solidified my resolve to homeschool when I'd been having doubts in April and May of last year. Having no options but to send them to public school has set that in stone. And secondly, I am within 5 blocks walking distance from a hospital that is helping me on a sliding fee basis for the baby care, and it makes it easy to go for my shot each week. I am a mile from a high level NICU at a children's hospital if needed, and I am not very far from about 3 or 4 more (I am in a little suburb surrounded on three sides by Chicago.)


On top of this, we are enjoying being at DH's childhood parish for Mass, and I discovered that a woman I'd made friends with at the library (I saw her homeschooling her older son mid-day and we bonded over that) is the wife to the pastor of a Methodist church down the road where my kids have scouts. They have both been a kind ear. It is just amazing how His hand is weaving all this together. I know in my heart we don't belong in the city, but at least outside of the house, I've found things to keep me going.


I guess I have to learn to quit being so impatient, but it's hard! :lol::lol:

Edited by prairiebird
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bumping this-



:grouphug: This thread, my husband, my kids, and the kids' religious education teacher at church still remain the only ones that have congratulated me on this baby. Everyone else has scolded me, given me opinions on birth control, or otherwise told me they hope for my sake, the baby doesn't go to term so I don't have another mouth to feed and to not get the shots the OB suggested to maintain the pregnancy. :sad:



I had my second ultrasound, and she is a little girl :001_smile:. She is halfway there. I need a shot every week to try and keep her in, so as a side of that, I have had the chance to hear her heartbeat every week.


Thank you, everyone, and I hope the next 15-20 weeks are uneventful and boring, Ha! I just kind of felt like telling someone in the world besides DH that she's a girl. (The kids will be surprised because she'll be a tie-breaker.)


I am so sorry for you. There are some very sick people in ypur life. Focus on the blessing and refuse to think about these toxic people. Please.

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First of all, thank you for sharing your struggles! And congratulations!!

I have never had in laws and we were threatened with forclosure last fall, when Chase could not take our payment ( their site was messed up, then we were late on the next payment!) That was scary by itself... I had to have surgery for endometriosis, and got pregnant immediately after surgery!


We are not Catholic, but believe God is the Creator of all life, and that the methods of controlling it ( which I used to try with no luck!) are not good for our health and may cause miscarriage even without knowledge.


I can't imagine how difficult it is on you now, and I hope no one actually wishes you ill. I have been scorned and ridiculed with every child since our 2nd, and our 8th is due in late May or June.


I hope you have peace each day in this time, and that your DH finds a good job so you can move out.


I have worried about what would happen to us if my dh lost his job, and there is no way I can work or go back to College right now. I have to trust God more than ever. I am having to use a wheel chair to get out of bed now, and can't do much without becoming debilitated and in so much pain. I read that it can be very painful after having abdominal surgery. I have never had this much pain walking in pregnancy. :grouphug:


God is with us.

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I am so sorry you have to deal with negative remarks about your pregnancy. :glare: Every baby is a gift from God. Do not let others' negativity take away from the joy that this pregnancy should bring.


I know it is hard to be pregnant, live with IL, and have dh out of work. BTDT. God worked our situation for good, even though it was hard for a while and it's still not perfect. I know God is with you and working in your situation too. I'll be praying for you and your family!

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