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Do you fold your undies? Do you iron your bedsheets?

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What I'm curious about is what kind of undies are you ironing? I can't quite picture that. I can imagine being able (not that I would) to iron my husband's boxers but mine? I can't see that working. Hmmm... Am I trying to picture everyone's undies now? LOL!! :lol:

Me too, me too! I am flabbergasted at the number of undie-ironers hanging out on this board. I can't get my head around it. My undies have never been wrinkled after being washed. And how does the iron even fit them? And why spend time on something that won't be seen, and that gets washed every single day? Feeling very curious over here!


ETA: Ok, I guess I can't read. :) I thought that great numbers of you were admitting to folding your undies, not ironing them. WHEW!

Edited by GingerPoppy
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No for both. :) I don't even fold sheets anymore, I just put the whole set inside one of the pillowcases. My girls have a few dresses that we hang up, but other than that all their clothing goes in bins under their bunk bed unfolded.



That's the best idea I've heard all day! I'm going to try it tonight!


I don't iron anything unless I'm crafting. I don't fold kid clothes (most of them go on hangers). I don't fold underwear of any sort. I only fold grownup shirts, pants, towels, and until now, sheets.

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How do you get the sheets in there if you don't fold them?


I fold everything. I iron nothing. :D


I just wad everything up in ball and shove it in the pillowcase. :) We don't make beds here either. I still fold our towels to make them fit in a small space, but someday we'll have a bigger apartment and I will probably ditch that too.

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We don't make beds here either.


So glad it's not just me! I don't know anyone IRL who doesn't. I figure I'm just gonna get back in it this evening, so why bother?

I have a feeling that last sentence could lead to a debate that ends up with a locked thread! :D :auto:


As for the original question, no and no.

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I don't iron anything and I only fold a very few items namely: jeans, sheets and towels if I get around to it mostly for storage reasons. Anything that hangs gets hung, everything else either gets thrown into drawers fresh from the dryer or stored in a basket in the closet.


I do remember as a child and young adult ironing and startching sheets so that they laid nice and flat when they were put on the bed but now I am wondering why in the world someone would do that. Startched sheets don't sounds very comfortable.

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So glad it's not just me! I don't know anyone IRL who doesn't. I figure I'm just gonna get back in it this evening, so why bother?

I have a feeling that last sentence could lead to a debate that ends up with a locked thread! :D :auto:


As for the original question, no and no.


:lol: Just don't mention shopping carts, crockpots or shoes in the house. :D

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I only fold dh's undies but that's because he insists on it (must be that OCS training LOL) I don't iron sheets, and I rarely fold them because I usually wash them and then put them right back on the bed when they come out of the dryer.


I have a Great Aunt that to this day still irons her husbands Tighty Whiteys. Not sure how that works because I never stuck around long enough to be "taught" how. She loved to teach others how to be a proper housewife, I think she was a bit nutso.

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When I was young my mom liked to hang the sheets and pillowcases on the clothesline. Afterwards we would iron the pillowcases since, unless it was fairly windy, they'd be quite wrinkled. I loved the fresh, crisp pillowcases when I went to bed on Thursday nights!


As for ironing undies, here's a quote from MSU.edu (Michigan State? No clue -- it's the first thing that came up when I googled "iron underwear to kill yeast")



" Some medical types think that when you have a yeast infection, you should wash and dry your underwear and then iron it or throw it in the microwave on high for 5 min to kill the yeast. On the other hand, check out this testimonial: "I wanted to alert your readers that putting underwear in the microwave for 5 minutes is a VERY BAD IDEA... I went off to finish my nightly ablutions, leaving the underwear nuking away. I came back to a little black melted pile and an incredibly difficult to clean microwave." There you have it. I personally am going to stick to ironing."


So, folks, there's a possible reason to iron underwear. Which I don't do. And I don't hang my sheets on the clothesline because of dh's allergies, so I don't iron them -- I usually just stick them back on the bed immediately (even crazier than that, I don't even wash them on Thursdays, which I had grown up believing was the worldwide sheet-washing day).

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I figure I'm just gonna get back in it this evening, so why bother?

I have a feeling that last sentence could lead to a debate that ends up with a locked thread! :D :auto:




To me, a made bed says, "Don't I look so comfy, cozy, and inviting??"


A rumpled bed says, "Don't even think about laying down again, you lazy bum! Get on with your day, already! " :lol:

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Just bought Susan Wise Bauer's book, in ebook format, from Google eBooks. Best price I've seen for this book! Had to download it in ePub format to my computer first but it was VERY easy to transfer to my NOOK. I'm SO excited!


I love SOTW but am forever misplacing it. Plus, this is more in depth and great to use with my 13 year old.


Anyone else have some fun eReader discoveries?

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Folded undies? Definitely! I can't imagine not folding them. If they aren't folded, what do you do with them exactly? Just leave them crumpled in a pile? :confused: Nope, can't do that. No way.


I definitely don't iron sheets though. Way too much work! I would love them to be ironed, but someone else would have to do it.


I have to have the bed made daily. I don't like getting back into it at night if it hasn't been made.

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When we first got married, I had DH underwear all folded and stacked nicely in the drawer. He looked in there and looked at me like I had a 3rd eye. I think it actually sort of creeped him out a bit. My mom always folded EVERYTHING. It had to be Just So. For him, it was just weird.

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Just bought Susan Wise Bauer's book, in ebook format, from Google eBooks. Best price I've seen for this book! Had to download it in ePub format to my computer first but it was VERY easy to transfer to my NOOK. I'm SO excited!


I love SOTW but am forever misplacing it. Plus, this is more in depth and great to use with my 13 year old.


Anyone else have some fun eReader discoveries?


Trying to change the subject, are we? :lol:

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I used to fold dh's underwear. Then I decided that I simply had better things to do and stopped. Same things with his hankies. I do fold his t-shirts, but not the way he would do it. I've never folded my underwear.


Sheets? no. I iron my tablecloth once a year for Thanksgiving, and that's quite enough for me, thank you.

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Here is a lovely, simple tutorial on panty folding:


Or you may prefer this more elaborate method instead:


And, here is a lovely series on ironing and folding any kind of sheets you may have:


Edited by Audrey
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Oh My Goodness. Now I've seen it all. BTW, who wears panties that big?


Here is a lovely, simple tutorial on panty folding:


Or you may prefer this more elaborate method instead:


And, here is a lovely series on ironing and folding any kind of sheets you may have:


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