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When is the last time you left your home state/province?

When is the last time you traveled outside your home state/province?  

  1. 1. When is the last time you traveled outside your home state/province?

    • Yesterday or today
    • Within the last week (but not yesterday or today)
    • 1 - 2 weeks ago
    • 2 - 4 weeks ago
    • 1 - 2 months ago
    • 2 - 3 months ago
    • 3 - 6 months ago
    • 6 - 12 months ago
    • Over one year
    • Never

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I'm curious... no other reason.


How long has it been since you were outside of your home state or province (the one you are living in now - not your native state/province)? Any reason qualifies. I'm aware that leaving some states/provinces is considerably easier than others due to size and location, but, that's life.


Poll coming.

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I answered 1-2 weeks ago (FL), but it was actually 4 days ago, but the next state over is only 45 minutes away. So it doesn't truly count, I don't think. We were at a gallery showing where my oldest had submitted a painting. We also need to be in Maryland soon for a music event for one of the kids.


The four days ago would have counted. Some of us live along the borders. That's life. We're less than 45 minutes to the border of the nearest state. Even with that, some kids at my school seldom get there.


We were out of state yesterday - went to VA to pick up two of our ponies that had been free leased for training, then used for lessons, and now are home and will be getting ready to be sold. Seeing so many different license plates along the way had us pondering how often people travel out of state in general.

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I was in Canada a few weeks ago. But that isn't as far as it might sound. Canada is my neighboring "state," and I live within a few miles of the border.:auto:


That sounds like me growing up! ;) My mom lives less than a mile from the St Lawrence River in NY. We went to Canada more often than any other "state" - sometimes just for dinner.

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Oops. I forgot that I'd been to SD and Minnesota within the past two weeks. When I think out of state, I think Missouri or Kansas which we do every 6 weeks or so. So I voted incorrectly.


That happens. Fortunately, the "didn't correctly answer a poll" hunts aren't scheduled for today. ;)


I wish there were a way to be able to change a vote as I've answered some wrong occasionally too.


The overall results should still be interesting as more people vote. I don't think any one (or two, or three) oops answers will skew things too much. They might a little as the oops generally seems to favor a later time period being selected.

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I left my county yesterday. I left Scotland at Easter. I last left the UK..... three years ago. I'm not sure which counts. It's about an hour to leave my county (in the direction I went yesterday), more like two or three hours to leave Scotland.




I would think Scotland would count since it's a significant part of the UK in the way that states or provinces are in other places. Counties are a bit smaller here, but still larger than cities/towns, etc.

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We just took a road trip with the kids last week!


We live in NH and dd goes to college at Grove City in PA. Soooooo....


Here is what we did and how we had not only a great time visiting dd, but a great "field trip" also:


We are doing Sonlight and have a good book about the Erie Canal. The night before we left, we read the book.


We drove across I 90..New York Thruway...driving right along side the Erie Canal along much of the way. We saw the "locks" talked about in the book. At one of the service stations there were some history kiosks about the canal that ds and dh were really interested in. I never knew the history of the Erie Canal! Heck, we spent the night in Albany and had to go down "Clinton Ave" and ds was all excited "Hey!!!! DeWitt Clinton!!!" LOL


We stopped off at Niagara Falls.


We then drive down into PA and visited dd Friday night, Saturday and Sunday. LOTS of shopping at the best outlet center EVER in Grove City! Yes, I am now well dressed..thank you very much Jones New York and your 50% off sale. :lol:


When we left, we drove across PA, stopping in Newburgh, NY for the night. Early the next morning, we got up and took the train into New York City for the day.


We took the kids to USS Intrepid Air, Space and Sea museum. It was WAY cool! Submarine was cool too. My ds said the experience was his "lifelong dream" LOL


Then, we took them to the Museum of Natural History. This was another great place! Then we went on to Times Square and then back to Newburgh.


Next morning we drove home, going through Connecticut, and stopping at Cape Cod to pick up our yellow lab, Bella, from my moms, and then home.


So, we hit 4 other states in a few days.


I'm still recovering!

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I went to Tennessee to visit family & friends.... in April 2005. That means that virtually none of my college friends (except the 2 who have family in Ohio & the one who came to visit when DS was born in '06) have met my kiddos. Wow. I keep meaning to go back, but never have managed to make it. I need to get on that, like, NOW.


But I'm going to Indianapolis on the 21st to shoot a wedding that weekend. That will be a good trip.

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We live seven miles from the state border and about an hour from the border with Canada. I leave the state almost every day. We've been in about half a dozen other states in the past year.


When I was a kid, all of our family lived a few hours away in another state, and we would drive up every other weekend. The fact that we left the state never really occured to me. We would pass the bridge to Canada every time, too, and went there a few times. I went to college about twenty minutes from the border. My roommate was freaking out about going shopping "out of state." She called her mom to see if it was okay, because.... wait for it... she had never left the state of Ohio in her life. :lol: She was so much fun: excited to drive over the border and see the sign. I should have kept going to Canada and really freaked her out! :D

Edited by angela in ohio
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We live in DC. We go to MD or VA most days. It *is* only 10 minutes away.


When I was a kid, my mother went through a period where she didn't leave NC for about 5 years. But she traveled extensively. It's a big state with lots of possible places to see and I think my mother saw them all.

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That sounds like me growing up! ;) My mom lives less than a mile from the St Lawrence River in NY. We went to Canada more often than any other "state" - sometimes just for dinner.

Yeah, we do that. Quizno's is over there. So is A&W. We went all the way to Fredericton just to get Greek food.

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I put 1 -2 months, but that is an abnormality, normally I leave the State every few weeks or less. Last weekend DH and the two older ones went to Virginia to drop my in-laws off at the airport, I didn't go because there wasn't room in the car for me and the baby. We live close to Virginia and DC though, so we leave the State frequently. DH leaves the state every day he goes to work actually so 5 day a week. I don't leave the state quite that often, but 1-2 months is a really long time for me not to have left.


Even if we don't count the closeness of the border, we normally go to Philly 2 to 4 times a summer, and I visit my parents in Atlanta 4 to 5 times a year.

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she had never left the state of Ohio in her life.


Both where I grew up (right next to Canada) and here (within 25 minutes of MD) there are kids who have never left the state as their families just don't travel (either by choice or due to finances). Where hubby grew up (NC) he had friends who were surprised anyone ever wanted to leave the county, much less the state.


Families definitely can be different!


Personally, I love traveling and would do it 24/7 if we could.

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I think it was April-ish. We (and our whole extended family) live in the middle of a moderate-sized state, and I normally work seven day weeks. I won't travel for work unless I can take my kids. Besides, we pretty much have everything in-state. We do have a Caribbean cruise planned for the New Year, though.

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I leave my home state every day as I work in a different one:tongue_smilie:. We live right on the border so it is quite easy for us to do.


Same here.


I was thinking to myself. . . hmm, was it back in May when we visited Houston? Or have we gone somewhere since then?


And then I remembered, we live right on the border between VT and NH. We go back and forth all the time. I had to think whether we went into VT yesterday. We didn't, but we were within spitting distance. We definitely did on Sunday, though.

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About 4 years ago. We haven't been able to afford it since we've had three kids (our state is an island, so it's a plane trip or a long drive plus expensive overnight boat ride).


Yes, for some folks it's definitely easier to do this than others! ;) There's a huge difference between "where do I want to shop/eat/etc" for those of us near a border and "we need to pack up and spend a lot of $$ to get there" for those who aren't!

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When I was a kid, I never left this state until we took short trip across the border when I was 10. And then when I was 13, we moved closer to the next state and would occasionally go over the border (about an hour drive) for the nearest big shopping mall. At 22 my friend (foreign student) talked me into accompanying her to many US destinations to visit her old friends who'd immigrated. That was my first real "travel." But, I managed to accomplish a lot in spite of my lack of mobility.


My kids were a lot more traveled at 4 than I was at 22.

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We got back just a week or two ago from a big trip up through Utah, to Grand Tetons, Yellowstone and into Montana. I had never been so far north before. The kids watched for license plates while we were out and found almost every state. They got Hawaii and Alaska, but we never saw New Jersey, Rhode Island or Maine.

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I live in the middle of Texas. I think it's a 5-6 hour drive to get out of state in the closest direction(s). I went to DC and to CO/NM in May, and haven't left the state since myself. I've sent my kids out of state -- they just got back from TN/NC/SC 2 weeks ago, but plane tickets weren't in the budget for me to go too.

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We got back just a week or two ago from a big trip up through Utah, to Grand Tetons, Yellowstone and into Montana. I had never been so far north before. The kids watched for license plates while we were out and found almost every state. They got Hawaii and Alaska, but we never saw New Jersey, Rhode Island or Maine.



We've taken the family on two driving trips out west. Even though we live in the east, the last license plate we saw on BOTH trips was Rhode Island. It really surprised us. NJ and ME are actually rather easy to see around us. RI is still far less common. We guessed they don't do road trips often and it was actually "confirmed" on a History Channel show about the state as one of the "common" traits of Rhode Islanders! ;)

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