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Please pray - Jean in Newcastle's Dog

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Jean's female dog, an English Springer Spaniel named Libby, was hit by a car less than an hour ago, right in front of Jean and her kids, and Rocky, their other dog (a male; same breed). Rocky ran out of a dog park and Libby followed him and was hit. Thankfully, the driver stopped, and so did other people, to assist them and to comfort Jean's little daughter. Jean's son was very helpful -- he sat in the back seat with Libby on the way to the vet, so that Libby would try to get up.


They are at the vet. Please pray for Libby, and the whole family (including Rocky). This dog is very special to Jean's little girl.


All they know is that Libby is in shock, and being treated for it. She was unconscious for about 10 minutes after she was hit, but came to, and was not whimpering in pain and didn't try to bite anyone. Her tongue was bleeding, but that is all.


Your prayers are much needed. I will update if I find out anything before Jean gets home. I have Jean's permission to use the dogs' names.


Thank you.



Edited by RoughCollie
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oh no! I'm SO sorry to hear this!!! I hope either you or Jean will keep us updated. I pray for a full recovery!


6 weeks after we bought our home on a 1 lane, dirt road (as rural as it gets!) our yellow lab was struck and dragged by a car on Christmas Day! She was in shock and needed surgery. Her abdomen was ripped open and her innards were all exposed. There was a ton of grit and rubble inside her, but she survived.


I pray for a similar outcome. And pray for her dd as I know how traumatizing that is on the kids.


(Oh, and I can't IMAGINE seeing it happen!!!)



:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:Jean and kids:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Jean's female dog, an English Springer Spaniel named Libby, was hit by a car less than an hour ago, right in front of Jean and her kids, and Rocky, their other dog (a male; same breed). Rocky ran out of a dog park and Libby followed him and was hit. Thankfully, the driver stopped, and so did other people, to assist them and to comfort Jean's little daughter. Jean's son was very helpful -- he sat in the back seat with Libby on the way to the vet, so that Libby would try to get up.


They are at the vet. Please pray for Libby, and the whole family (including Rocky). This dog is very special to Jean's little girl.


All they know is that Libby is in shock, and being treated for it. She was unconscious for about 10 minutes after she was hit, but came to, and was not whimpering in pain and didn't try to bite anyone. Her tongue was bleeding, but that is all.


Your prayers are much needed. I will update if I find out anything before Jean gets home. I have Jean's permission to use the dogs' names.


Thank you.






It is 10:42, my time. We just got home a little while ago. Libby is still in critical condition. We transferred her from the local animal hospital to an Animal ER hospital at about 7pm.


She has no broken bones. But she does have head trauma and some internal bleeding. The vet does not know if there was bleeding and it stopped or if there is still something bleeding slowly inside of her. She can move her head and all her limbs. She has been in severe shock but other than that has shown no visible signs of pain. She's being monitored at the Animal ER hospital over night and is on doggie pain medicine and fluids. Basically, tomorrow we will find out if we have to say our good-byes to her or not.


Dd9 is having a very hard time with all of this as am I.

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