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Just for fun...10 random facts about you?

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List 10 random facts about yourself. Any facts at all. Just a fun way for getting to know each other a bit better (as if we don't already share pretty much everything lol).


I'll go first.


1. I used to smoke close to 2 packs a day but quit smoking over 6 1/2 years ago.


2. I am afraid to sleep without another adult in the house. If my husband is working late or out, I can't fall asleep til he comes home and will get easily spooked by house noises. Thank goodness he doesn't travel for business or something!


3. I have 9 tattoos. I've had 10 done. One is a cover up.


4. I have type O negative blood and try to donate regularly, though lately with TTC and the subsequent ectopic and so on, it's been a while.


5. I have walked around with my nose stuck in a book as far back as I can remember. I might have been born with a book in my hand.


6. I lived in a foster home for two years, from age 14-16.


7. I haven't seen my father since he took off and disappeared when I was about 10 years old.


8. I had my first daughter when I was just 18 years old. At 38 I am trying to have just one more baby.


9. I can type over 100 wpm.


10. I have a big crush on Jamie (a fictional book character from Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" series).


Who's next? Give us 10 random facts about you! :)

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1. I've lived in the same house since I was 10 years old.


2. I hate to cook but I love to read cookbooks, magazines and food blogs. I also obsessively watch The Food Network.


3. I played basketball on a US team that travelled to Hong Kong and China.


4. I adore the Oregon Coast. It is my "happy place."


5. I cared for my beloved grandma the last 10 years of her life.


6. I was raised by a dyed in the wool feminist and am now a "conservative" Christian. Drives my poor mom nuts.;)


7. I was married 6 weeks after my 20th birthday.


8. To Kill a Mockingbird is my all time favorite book.


9. My husband took me to a Rod Stewart concert last fall and I had the time of my life!


10. I think ice-cream should be its own food group.:D

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10 random facts:


1. I have naturally curly hair. It took until I was over 40 to even like it.


2. I order books when I see them recommended here and think they will fit my needs. I try to find a good used price, and often don't read them right away.


3. I am not a fan of food in general and would eat a very simple diet if I lived alone.


4. I did not set a good test taking example for my ds today. I did poorly on a test (for something personal) that I really needed to do well on. I burst into tears and had a pity party.


5. I used to smoke. Dh and I would both smoke in the house too, long before ds was born.


6. I have a mole under my nose that is really a scar from my sister tripping me when we were kids. I hit a curb, she got in big trouble.


7. My sarcastic sense of humor has helped me survive one of the worst summers of my life. It was either the humor or take up smoking again.


8. If I were rich I would buy Aubrey and her family a house. Okay, maybe that's not a fact, except to say I am not currently wealthy.


9. My dog sleeps beside my bed. She often has dreams. When I say her name and it will be all right, she stops whimpering. It makes me feel loved.


10. I have weird dreams, many of which I use as a basis for my stories. I submitted my first short story for publication last month.

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1. I think Capt. Jack Sparrow is hot, but not so much Johnny Depp.

2. I've lived in 11 different states, some more than once.

3. I find it difficult to think of 10 random facts about myself

4. I like to drive

5. I sing loudly, but not all that well

6. I do not like country music

7. I want to go to Greece to learn to cook Greek food

8. I like to travel

9. I'd rather be in the city than the country

10. I wish I knew how to play a musical instrument

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1) I am the oldest of 12 kids, but I only grew up the the next 2 born after me.


2) I have a brother who is only four months older than my ds#1. I have another brother who is 1 1/2 years younger than my ds#1.


3) I grew up in a church considered by many to be a cult.


4) I got engaged on my "first date" which was also my 18th birthday (I wasn't allowed to "date" until then, even though dh and I had been "going out" for over two years.)


5) My hair reaches the small of my back. I cut it when I was pregnant with ds#1. At the time of the cutting, I could sit on it.


6) I am the only one of my siblings, parents, and grand parents to have hazel eyes.


7) I grew up with always having at least one dog, and I haven't been able to have one my entire marriage :(


8) I had absolutely NO flowers at my wedding. I had ivy and fall leaves instead (October wedding.) And I actually had to fight with people to keep it that way :confused:


9) I am a BIG sifi fan, Ann McCaffery especially.


10) I am starting to think about what it means that these are the things I am describing myself with...

Edited by theYoungerMrsWarde
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My welcome back to the boards after a long, busy summer! :D


1. I love to read. Love, love, love it. I will spend hours reading, pass up on sleeping and eating, and generally avoid being interrupted in favor of reading.


2. I'm a history major in school, eventually going for my PhD to be a college professor. I love Latin American history, especially 19th and 20th century Brazil. Don't ask me about it unless you have time... lots of time! :lol:


3. My daughter was a surprise and miracle. I have severe endometriosis and was told I'd never get pregnant on my own. I was also on birth control, and was only "with" her father one time. It was such a shock, I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was 4.5 months along, cuz I never expected it!


4. My favorite color is pink.


5. My last meal would be all you can eat Maryland blue crabs, medium rare filet mignon, corn on the cob, and a baked potato.


6. Two months ago I met someone. Completely unexpectedly, I met the love of my life. Things have been moving very quickly, but.... well, when you know, you know.


7. I want to travel, everywhere, but as of yet I haven't been off the eastern seaboard of the United States. I haven't even been on a plane.


8. I have 3 tattoos and one piercing. In about a month, I will be getting more tattoo work done on what will eventually be an entire back piece.


9. I am learning to speak, and teaching my daughter, both French and Spanish.


10. I don't vote because I have yet to find a candidate I can agree with. My "big" issues tend to fall on completely different sides of the political spectrum.

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1. In 32 years, I've lived in 24 different places. Without army moves.


2. I won a beauty pageant. When I was ONE. :lol:


3. I majored in nursing for a semester, so I could be a midwife. Until I realized people get naked when they have babies. :svengo:


4. I double-majored in art & math for a semester & made art based on the graph of tangent.


5. I failed high school calculus in part because the battery was dead on my graphing calculator. I thought I just couldn't figure out how to turn it on. :001_huh:


6. I was on the swim team for a brief period in junior high. I dropped when it became clear that they expected members to know how to swim. :glare: (I still think that should have been made clear on the paperwork. Dh just laughs.)


7. I was also on the basketball & bowling teams in high school. (Funny because I'm 5'2" & have always hated bowling.)


8. I went to 5 different colleges for my BA, & switched between 6 different majors that I can think of offhand. One college & one (official) major for my MA. Took babies w/ me to class for both.


9. I graduated high school at 15.


10. I once had a job painting a mural. For a restaurant that went out of business about a month later. :tongue_smilie: I promise--it wasn't my fault!

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1. Debussey is my favorite classical composer; Chopin runs a close second.


2. I minored in French many moons ago and promptly forgot most of it.


3. I hate cooking and baking, yet do so much of it!


4. I quilt, therefore I am.


5. I said I'd never own a dog. His name is Lewis, he's a black and tan cocker spaniel, and he and I are buddies even though he's supposed to be Dh's dog.


6. I graduated from high school two years early.


7. I hate my hips.


8. I never moved even once growing up. Married dh and moved five times in 7 years.


9. We purchased the church building that I was baptized in, my parents and paternal aunts and uncles were married in, etc. and turned it into our home after the aging church family could no longer keep it. It was built in 1898.


10. I knew when I grew up that I would be classical pianist, live in NYC, have boyfriends but no husband, and certainly no children. Then I grew up and ended up being a classical pianist with a husband and four children whom I homeschooled instead of getting a nanny while doing music therapy with special needs children!



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I'll play.


1. I like to write, but I've only finished one story in over 15 years.

2. I love wine.

3. One pregnancy = two kids.

4. I could eat some sort of pizza every single day for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the rest of my life (and be thoroughly happy about it).

5. I hate liars to the point of not allowing them in my life once they've proven it - it's a rarity for a second chance.

6. I do not believe humans in any way, shape, or form are responsible for the normal, cyclic climate change that happens to earth.

7. I love politics but have a strong aversion to any politician, regardless of which side of the aisle he/she is on.

8. I don't like milk, but I adore cheese.

9. I drive a 13 year old SUV that runs just fine but gets lousy gas mileage, and I don't see a better option available in the market just yet, so I'll drive that baby till it falls apart (or rusts to the point that I'm embarrassed).

10. I love my dogs like my own children (and my children have never, not ever, eaten my slippers, so that tells you how much I love my kids :tongue_smilie:).

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8. If I were rich I would buy Aubrey and her family a house. Okay, maybe that's not a fact, except to say I am not currently wealthy.


Don't worry about me. I'm living an authentic author's life. My first book comes out in Nov, & I've got even better ones sitting on my computer. I'm going to be wealthy, I think, & live my dream life as a recluse on a cold, stony cliff overlooking an ocean (probably the Atlantic) where tourists would never want to go. And I think I'll wear white flannel trousers when I go for my sunrise walks. And see if I can hear the mermaids.


My address will have to be unlisted, but I'll give it to you. :001_smile:

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1. I am the youngest of three children raised by a single Mom.


2. I had a love/hate relationship with my alcoholic Dad for most of my life. He died two years ago and I miss him terribly.


3. I played flute and oboe in high school.


4. I was a theatre major in college and although I don't do it professionally, working in community theatre is food for my soul.


5. When my children are grown, I want to go back to school to become a social worker to work in hospice situations.


6. I have three tattoos.


7. I quit smoking 13 years ago. When I am stressed out, I chain smoke in my dreams.


8. I wish I was a better housekeeper but it gets away from me and then I just don't know where to start.


9. My husband is the best friend I have ever had.


10. I am blessed with wonderful family and friends.

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1. I have a serious cat addiction. Even one of my tattoos features a cat.


2. I was baptized Catholic, raised Missouri Synod Lutheran, and am now... not.


3. I actually bet people that I would never get married and have children. Then I got married at the age of 18 to a guy I'd known for three months... and obviously I have kids or I wouldn't be homeschooling one of them!


4. I have battled psychiatric illness all my life. I'm still digging into that particular barrel to see what's hiding at the bottom.


5. I want to be fluent in German.


6. My favorite flavor of Tropical Sno as a child was called Lover's Delight. It was green.


7. I play flute.


8. I would love to be a correspondent for National Geographic.


9. My favorite TV shows are ones that feature the paranormal or something else theoretical (physics, myths, etc.).


10. I hate sandwiches and cookies. I will happily eat raw cookie dough, though!

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1. I wasn't supposed to be able to have children. :lol: My mom now tells me that they get the point, I can take a break now.

2. I am a bookworm. And love it!

3. My favorite book is the Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Stratton Porter

4. I love cooking for a large family, never quite figured out the 1-2 person thing.

5. I have a BS in Computer Information Systems. It sounds more impressive than it really is. :tongue_smilie:

6. My husband is 3 years younger than I am.

7. We met in high school, he was one of my brothers best friends.

8. I am the daytime caregiver for my grandmother who has some form of dementia.

9. I have PCOS, sleep apnea, insulin resistance, and had surgery at 10 to remove a saliva gland that had wrapped around the nerve on one side of my face.

10. I am a compulsive list-maker. Just ask anyone in my family. :D

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This is fun! FYI: I will be copying what some others have given,b ut for me ), I really don't think I am all that interesting! :)


Ok here we go...


1. I am 36 and married for almost 14 years.


2. I was 7 months pregnant when we got married at the court house :)


3. My first car was a '67 Ford Falcon with a 289. I wouldn't go faster than 55 in that car for fear it would fall apart and I love that car still, even though it is gone.


4. I just got over 6 inches cut off my hair and donated it. Love having shoulder length hair!


5. I love the color indigo. Pink is a close second.


6. At 5'4" I am the tallest girl in my family! :)


7. I actually liked the Twilight series, much to my own consternation. I had only read it to see what the hype was about and then got hooked.:glare:


8. I have 7 different Bath and Body Works scents I rotate. No I didn't spend a fortune, I got them all at the semi-annual sale and paid half of what it costs normally! My favorite right now it Twilight Wood and White Citrus.


9. I quit smoking 4 years ago and still would love to have one sometimes.


10. I love to crochet and make lotion, soap and other toiletries, I just don't have the time.

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1. Subarus are my favorite car


2. I really wanted a German shepherd but my daughter is scared of them.


3. I would love to divorce my mother and brothers


4. My father had a 20 year affair. I am the only one in the family who does not want to brush it under the carpet.


5. I took about 5 years of flute lessons and am still in the beginner book.


6. I am deathly afraid of hospitals


7. I love love to read


8. If I was braver I would get a tummy tuck and some other stuff done


9. I love watching Nancy Grace


10. I love Frank Sinatra

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1. I got engaged after dating my husband for 4 months. I was 20. My mom threw up for two weeks before the wedding. We've been married for 10 years. :)

2. I have a license to be a school administrator and am convinced homeschooling is more difficult than anything I will face in the public schools (I will go back eventually).

3. Growing up, I knew several homeschoolers. I thought they were all unsocialized, sheltered weirdos who never left the house. :lol:

4. I knew SO MUCH about parenting before I had kids. Now, I know very little.

5. I was the drum major in high school.

6. My kids eat organic, nutritious meals and snacks and they love fruits and veggies. Once they're in bed, I eat Oreos. Analyze that!:tongue_smilie:

7. I stay up way too late and can never understand why I'm not a morning person.

8. My children know not to make any sudden movements before I've had a cup of coffee in the morning.

9. My husband is the fun one.

10. I was raised by a dental hygienist, so I have OCD issues when it comes to teeth. It's bad.

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1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read. The library was my haven growing up and my mother always knew if we weren't at home when she came in from work, she could call the library and we'd be there.

2. None of my kids have the same color eyes. Only my youngest has hazel eyes like me. ds has blue like his dad and oldest has brown like her dad.

3. When littlest dd was born it also looked like we'd have a blonde, a brunette and a red head but her hair got lighter.

4. I can't sleep when dh is away.

5. I have A negative blood but can't donate much due to low blood pressure. I always get light headed when donating.

6. I type over 100 wpm.

7. Oldest DD and I both LOVE Johnny Depp.

8. DH and I met at our companies bowling league.

9. After never making any team I tried out for, I finally made the track weight team my junior year in high school. I ended up being really good and lettered in shotput and discus.

10. I read all the vampire series my 17 year old recommends.

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1. I love to read. As a child I'd spend hours holed up in my room, reading, with a large glass of water balanced on the bed next to me. In all those years, I spilled a handful of times. Then I met my husband and he managed to spill it every single time. We now own bedside tables.


2. People constantly tell me how much my daughter looks like me. People have been known to ask "Do you call her Mini Me?"


3. My daughter is a drama queen. I have no idea where she gets that. ;)


4. I love to write. My dream is to be a comedic screenwriter.


5. I love lime. Lime juice on food, lime in iced tea, key lime pie, Mexican limeade, lime popsicles...


6. I am not an animal person.


7. Without a creative outlet, I get depressed.


8. I am an introvert. I need peace and quiet to recharge.


9. If I were to win the lottery, I'd email my job resignation from my new home in the Caribbean. Or maybe Europe. Maybe both.


10. I hate grape juice.

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1. I love Florida, and Disneyworld.

2. I was suspended in high school several times

3. I have danced almost all my life

4. I am a huge music buff. I know almost any song, any genre, and can sing most word for word.

5. I married my husband who I met in 10th grade

6. I have tatoos and a belly piercing

7. My family is everything to me

8. I would love to go back to college

9. I used to smoke a lot of marijuana in my younger days

10. I ran away from home when I was 14 for one night.

Edited by dancer67
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1. I knew I wanted to homeschool my kid(s) before I ever had them.

2. I speak Spanish, but cannot read or write it.

3. My familiar's name is Sampson, but everyone calls him Happy.

4. I adore Phillip Glass.

5. I have a secret stash of toilet paper, just in case.

6. I was baptized and raised in the United Methodist church.

7. I have lost 80 pounds since last summer.

8. I have played the piano nearly all my life (started lessons at age 4).

9. I cannot make an edible pie crust from scratch.

10. This afternoon, I gave an interview in French for a French Canadian tv programme about immigrants to francophone communities.

Edited by Audrey
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1) strawberry blonde

2) good alto voice

3) heights make me dizzy

4) I get sea sick very easily

5) I can't hold my liquor (I think 3, 4, and 5 are related)

6) I talk to my dead father daily, and I listen to my dead mother for advice (I believe these are mental tricks, but I can "hear" her loud and clear)

7) I didn't marry for love

8) If I'm not THINKING on something, I'm humming happy tunes to myself (Waltzing Matilda is a common one).

9) I love gardens, antiques, and Baroque music (this all goes together for me, too)

10) Once my son gets securely on his feet, I'd like to lay down and die. I've done enough, and do not feel I will relinquish my autonomy well. I may wander out into the snow -- no blood and less smell.

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1. I am 32 and have been married for 11 years.

2. I started dating my DH in high school and we got married one month after my college graduation.

3. I LOVE to dance! I own a dance studio and teach 5 nights a week.

4. I have an MA in Theatre.

5. I have a dog - Sampson, and a cat - Victor.

6. I have lived in 3 cities - the one I was born in, college town 1, college town 2, and now we are back to where I was born.

7. I am a chocoholic!

8. I love to bake! That simply fact prevents me from getting back to prebaby weight!

9. I have one sister. DH has 6 siblings. We have 16 nieces and nephews.

10. Right now, I am so sore that I cannot walk! We are in the middle of competition choreography dance camp! Two days to go....I may need a wheelchair by Friday night!:tongue_smilie:


Wow! That was kind of hard...I am a pretty boring person, I guess.

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1. When I was a tween I fell asleep every night listening to George Strait


2. I was pregnant on my wedding day and did not know


3. I was a cheerleader through junior high and high school (but don't want my dds following in my footsteps :D)


4. I love Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar ice cream


5. I am a huge Lionel Richie fan


6. I would rather get flowers than jewelry as a gift


7. My kids are crazy crafters and I don't have a single artistic bone in my body


8. I'm extremely shy until I get to know someone


9. I feel intimitated sometimes by the put-together, mature moms because...


10. I still feel like a kid and am in no hurry to be a grown up

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1. I almost dropped out of college to be a midwife until I realized I wouldn't be able to practice in the state I lived in.


2. I desperately want to live in Maine


3. I am a HUGE fan of The Little House books...I will go on a LIW tour one day.


4. I used to drive a giant blue 1977 Ford Econoline Van.


5. I'm a published poet.


6. I used to be a BIG drinker in my twenties, now I hardly have one drink a month, just no desire.


7. I'm allergic to everything outside, but i love to garden.


8. I used to have a cloth diaper sewing business.


9. I supported myself for 2 years as a political activist.


10. I'm a bit of a germafob.

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1. I cannot donate blood because I lived in Germany too long.


2. I lived in the same house from the time I was 2 until I got married.


3. Since getting married I have lived in 10 houses.


4. I read all sorts of books-mysteries, romance novels, snobby literature, non-fiction, my shampoo bottle, etc.


5. I hate scary movies


6. I could eat Mexican food for every meal.


7. My vices are: fine chocolate, bath products from Lush, soda and this board.


8. My first car was a '67 Mustang that I had to work on every weekend with my dad.


9. I have no tattoos or piercings other than my ears, but all 3 of my sisters do.


10. I am very, very nearsighted.

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1. I got married when I was 17 and still in highschool. We will have been married 8 years in December!


2. We hate our "home state" which is where we currently live. I tried EVERYTHING with in my power not to come back here, but in the end we didn't really have a choice.


3. Despite not loving where I live, we have yet to decide where we DO want to live. We just know we don't want to stay here. I love California, but hate the politics and all the natural (and unnatural) disasters California seems to have. I love Washington, but DH didn't like it so much. I have family in Oklahoma but the humidity is hard on my asthma. Floridia's sea air is GOOD for my asthma, but Im scared of hurricans! :lol: I put A LOT of my free time in trying to decide where to live. :)


4. We were nearly 20K in debt, (Car repo + a credit card) and despite ALWAYS making less then 30K a year, having a one income family, never having any savings, and living pay check to pay check (literally, we get paid on friday and have $5 in the bank) we will have it all paid off by the start of febuary next year! Only 3 years since we got in debt! (i'm proud! :) )


5. Im a huge Xena fan. She was my hero growing up. ♥ I might get to go to Xena Con in 2012!!! I am SO excited, but sad too. It will be the first time I go, but it will be the LAST time they ever do a Xena con. So it's bitter sweet.


6. The one material thing I want, is a house with a large fenced in yard. That is my dream.


7. I am a published author. I have one published Christian romance but would like to persue other genres. I won't tell you the name of the book because I am trying not to put too much out there about myself on this board. I will tell you it was released in 2010.


8. I am SCARED of being sick, especially sore throats. I never use to be but in 2009 I got sick. It started with a sore throat. Before I knew it I was couch ridden and thought I was going to die. LITERALLY. I remember praying every night to make it to the next day. Towards the end I could barely get off the couch and my poor 2 year old was eatting bags of cereal for breakfast and lunch, and had to stay sat on top of me for most of the day in case I fell asleep, just so I knew where she was at all times. I could barely walk and I was coughing up blood and throwing up. I eventually had to send my daughter to my moms house for nearly a week. It was the first time I had been away from her. :( It was 2 weeks before someone brought me their left over antibiotics. 3 days later I was 100% better.


9. I recently learned how to make fudge with out marshmallow fluff, corn syrup, or sweet and evaporated milk. And I am SO proud of myself!!


10. When I am able to go to college, I want to be a lactaction consultant. :)

Edited by Caterpiller
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1. Another avid reader here. It's always been my favorite hobby for as long as I can remember.


2. The first time I heard of homeschooling was when I was in 7th grade my bf from church was home schooled. I totally loved the idea, and my friend's family was so neat I knew it could work.


3. No tattoos. Never smoked. Never drank (Ok, a sip of champagne on my wedding day). Always been a good girl.


4. Met my dh when I was 16, he was my first real boyfriend. Married after I graduated college. Still together <3


5. Favorite food: All salads. Especially when someone prepares them for me.


6. I've never mowed a lawn in my life.


7. I talk really fast, but you all don't have to be subjected to that.


8. Love lists too. and paper, and pencils and all writing implements.


9. Coffee: always first thing in the morning. Although sometime I change baby's stinky diaper first so I can truly enjoy that first sip.


10. 80% time when I've been reading the board this past year has been when I'm in my rocking chair nursing the baby. The boards are so interesting I may never wean him.

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1, Met my dh in college.

2. Autumn/fall is our favorite time of the year.

3. Took our first WDW vacation Nov 2010.

4. DH and I saw the "aspiring" Billy Joel in person, in concert, around 1977...give or take a year (in college).

5. DH and I are both "babies" in the birth order

6. John Glenn, the astronaut, visited my ps elementary school in the 60's

7. Ronald Reagan's limo drove right past our apt complex in Milw when he visited a retirement center of some sort I think (long time ago) around 1980 or close to it

8. Addicted to romaine lettuce/salads "usually"

9. Had a crush on Bobby Sherman (who here remembers "Here Comes The Brides"?)......saw him in concert in my teens.

10. Wow, this is a boring list.....maybe I'll try again...:lol:

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I don't know if these are facts or confessions. :lol: Possibly a little bit of both. :lol:





  1. I hate to cook. If I were a family of one, I'd have peanut butter on toast for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  2. My son is my best friend, and I think we may be what others consider unnaturally close.
  3. I hate talking on the phone, but text messaging is my absolute favorite thing to do.
  4. I clean when I'm stressed out. If the floor is sparkling like new money, watch out!
  5. Even though I know homeschooling was the best decision for my son and our family, I'm secretly jealous and a little humiliated when I run into ladies I used to work with and they have the career I KNOW I would have had if I'd stayed in the work force.
  6. We are dirt poor. We probably live on less than a lot of people on this board make quarterly, but I actually LOVE my life.
  7. I was raised in a crazy religious cult, but now I haven't been to church in a couple of decades.
  8. Valina ice cream really is my favorite flavor. Seriously.
  9. I :001_wub: anything sparkly. I wear sparkly lip gloss every single day and try to only write with sparkly pens.
  10. My parents divorced after 36 years of marriage, and now they are dating EACH OTHER and talking about getting remarried. I secretly like them better apart, but I am pretending to be supportive, because . . . what the heck else am I supposed to do.


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I'll play :)



  1. I love all types of music: rock, country, heavy metal, rap, oldies, classical, folk.
  2. Through my old job as a Promotions Manager for a large retail department store chain, I met lots of celebrities (mostly sports figures, but also Morris the Cat, the dog from Frazier, several soap stars).
  3. I love cooking, but I get bored making the same meals all the time, so I donĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t often repeat dishes.
  4. I used to belong to a Revolutionary War reenactment group.
  5. I have an irrational fear/hatred of slugs.
  6. I recently got my braces off.
  7. I live in a 270 year old house with no doorknobs or light switches.
  8. I wash and reuse plastic baggies.
  9. I really want to run a 5K.
  10. I love that IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m learning as much as my kids by homeschooling.

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I've really enjoyed reading all these. Now mine:


1) I had an awesome recovery of significant health issues with the help of an Osteopath in Big Stone Gap, Virginia last fall, doing better than I have in all my adult life. I am beyond thankful and plan to enjoy my health :)


2) I haven't spoken to my father (and therefore my sisters) most of my adult life. I wish I had a relationship with my sisters and their families.


3) I really would love to be able to foster a houseful of children, do it well, and adopt when best. How many kids would I end up with? I'm not sure. Probably 8, 11, 14? For now, 7 is good; but sometimes I can so see a few more.


4) I grew up the oldest of 6 then married a man who is the youngest of 6.


5) I was an avid reader from the age of four. That changed May 29, 2006. I have not read a single novel since. I tried once to no avail.


6) I watch 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom. As a teen mom, I guess I...I really don't know. LOL


7) I met a deaf child (whole family was deaf) when I was 6 or 7 so decided to learn some sign. When I was 16, I went on a mission trip where I was the only one who could communicate with one of the people we were working with. It was kinda neat.


8) My earliest memory was of sitting in a cafeteria in the hospital when my baby brother was ill. I was under two years old.


9) I sometimes don't know if I really even want to finish up my degree even though I'm basically on the home stretch (I have the in-school tasks and support assignments then will have a few months off before I do student teaching and the cohort next fall).


10) I had oysters (with mustard on crackers) for breakfast this morning.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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~When people ask me where I'm from, I'm never sure what to say. My mom is German, my dad is American, and I was born in Germany on an army post.


~Growing up, everyone in my family was a smoker, yet I never had a cigarette in my life.


~My mother had 5 children by 3 different men. I'm expecting my 4th child by the SAME man, and I'm dang proud of it!


~I lean towards creative careers, yet I don't consider myself creative.


~I'm fluent in German, yet I have the most difficult time teaching it to my dc.


~I make my children eat 98% healthy and don't allow them to have soda... I have a soda per day and eat chocolate like there's no tomorrow...


~My dh was my "first" and he will be my last.


~I'm scared to death of insects and bugs, yes even butterflies...


~I hate being the only adult around at night.


~I cannot go to sleep without music or sone other background noise.

Edited by RainbowSprinkles
fixed spelling
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1. I am too short to easily access anything on the top shelf in my kitchen.


2. I love the idea of gardening, but promptly kill anything I attempt to grow.


3. I can recite most of the lines from Steel Magnolias.


4. I would get a Coke Zero with chocolate from Sonic daily if I could.


5. I delete about 2/3rds of the posts I type out.


6. I fully intend to eat TWO scoops of Blue Bell ice cream tonight.


7. I married my college sweetheart.


8. I have two medical issues that make life interesting at times. Not impossible, but interesting.


9. I am generally careful with how much information I post online because I have people from my past I purposely avoid.


10. I lost 10 pounds over the past month.

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This is fun!!


1. I am madly in love with Jesus.


2. I am also madly in love with my husband, who is the most amazing man in the world. Some days I want to knock him over the head with something heavy, but he is just perfect for me.


3. If I was younger and beautiful and thin and single, I would chase Alexander Skarsgard all over the country.


4. All I ever wanted growing up was to be a nurse and a mom. I am both, and I love it!


5. I recently decided I don't want to have a photography business anymore. I still want to do the photography part, just not the business side of it. I feel really relieved!


6. The older I get the more I lean left.


7. I sometimes have a potty mouth and can cuss a blue streak if need be.


8. I heart sarcasm and crude jokes.


9. My younger brother is my best friend. I tell him everything.


10. I have never been out of the Southeastern US.

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1. I have no sense of smell. I can not taste most herbs, etc. But I love to eat :-)


2. I can juggle.


3. I was born on the 27th of my month, hubby on 27th of his month...twins on 27th of their month (then the girls had to break the "norm" and not be on the 27th of their birth months).


4. My grad. school roommate at UCLA and I married guys who were undergrad. roommates at University of Dallas.


5. I have collected silent films since I was 11 years old...starting four decades ago. Anyone need a Super 8 collection of films? Sigh. Now I collect on dvd ;)


6. I have attended SEVEN colleges, worked my way up from cc (went to different ones chasing film courses) to state u to private LAC (BA '82) to University of California (UCLA - MA) to Northwestern (PhD ABD but got my Mrs. and MOM instead of finishing dissertation).


7. Actually won one of Ree's (Pioneer Woman) contests (espresso maker)


8. Never seen Lost, 24, Friends, or Jersey Shore :D


9. Have had cats since before I was born (mom has a photo of her sitting with a cat draped over her pregnant torso.)


10. Make a mean apple pie...and pretty decent tamales and pad thai!!!

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Sheryl, my #1 is for you:


1. I think my ds looks like an Asian version of Bobby Sherman. :)

2. We have homeschoolers on each side of my family.

3. I've owned my own company, and worked for one of the larger employers in the U.S.

4. My children were adopted, because I never was interested in birthing children. (see #6 below)

5. I'm pretty sure, if there are previous lives, I was always a man.

6. I may be being punished for those previous lives this time around. ;)

7. I used to run to get away from my family and the overwhelming (to me, and see #6) responsibilities of becoming a SAHM.

8. Now, I run just for fitness and sanity.

9. My first concert was the Osmond Brothers, when I was 8.

10. My first album was Leo Sayer's Endless Flight.

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1. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 22.

2. My first plane trip was right before my 20th birthday. I flew Portland, OR, to Seattle to NYC to Paris to Zurich.

3. I am a middle child, yet I think I do the worst job of parenting my middle child.

4. I hate Twizzlers. Passionately.

5. I love candy corn and buy a bag for me to eat all by myself every October.

6. I have a horrible time telling left from right.

7. Despite number 6, I'm a good navigator.

8. When I had one of my root canals, the teeny tiny drill bit snapped off in my mouth and is still embedded in my gum.

9. I think (almost) all the good church music was written before 1900.

10. I only home schooled for one year, but I just can't stay away from this board.

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I could live on cheese and brownies.


I loved crew as a teen but I would prefer if my daughters did not become rowers.


I like to teach my kids movie quotes even though they haven't seen the movies.


I LOVE David tennent! His new movie comes out this weekend.


If the word Degrassi is in the title of a tv show I'll so watch it.


I really wish I had a friend irl that homeschooled.


My hair has been blue, red, purple, pink, and peach. I'm dying it tonight too!


I have been to three universities and had three different majors but never finished my degree.


If I could only read one author's work for the rest of my life it would be Kurt vonnegut.


I hate cooking raw meat but I like eating it.

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1. I'm the baby of 6 by 12 years.


2. I love all kinds of music, but I'm partial to Metallica. ;-p


3. I never had a desire to visit Hawaii, but I will spend a total of 2 months here this summer (and I really love the place).


4. The only academic award I ever won was for journalism. I had a breastfeeding article published in a book, and have had multiple letters to the editor published, including one on partial-birth abortion that was handed out on the senate floor in Louisiana by a pro-life doctor.


5. I can't carry a tune in a bucket but I LOVE to sing!


6. I can throw a mean horseshoe, and play with my husband and the other guys in the neighborhood weekly.


7. I have a mad crush on Josh Duhamel (look him up - he is GORGEOUS!)


8. I never wanted to read Harry Potter, but when I finally did, I read them all in less than a month and LOVED them!


9. My mom lives on our property (my dad passed away 16 years ago).


10. I have a super close family (my sibs, their kids, my kids, etc.)

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1. I was the first girl born on my dad's side of the family in 99 years.


2. I grew up around brothers and male cousins and had two boys of my own before having a girl.


3. When I was in high school I worked at a Swiss Colony store. I was the girl in the red dress handing out cheese and sausage samples in the mall.


4. My nickname in college was Suzy Homemaker.


5. I love to cook, write, create, teach. Unfortunately I hate to clean. If my college friends could see me now, they'd have called me something else.


6. I recently had my first job interview since the mid-1980's.


7. Back-to-school shopping makes me mean.


8. If I had money and time to fritter away, I'd buy a euphonium, build science fiction and historic type models, and have flowers delivered every week.


9. I don't like holidays. I especially don't like Mother's Day and Christmas.


10. I haven't lived in the same state as my brother since 1978 but we talk on the phone nearly every week. Sometimes more frequently.


I really need an option for one more because I forgot to mention that my junior high crush was Jim in the Trixie Belden books. Stay away, girls, he's mine!

Edited by Pippen
posted by mistake after typing #1
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1. I have run for public office.


2. I saved the life of a 3 yo boy who escaped from his childcare facility and was about to step onto a very busy road.


3. My oldest daughter and I were pregnant at the same time :)


4. My father committed suicide by gun in 2002 & I finally stopped having nightmares that he would one day kill me.


5. My husband proposed on our first date - going on 19 years now!


6. I am the first person in my family to earn a degree.


7. I love music - I love to play it loud and sing loud especially when I am by myself in the car! ...and sometimes I don't even know the words :D


8. I was once a certified fitness instructor - taught step aerobics and kickboxing


9. I still pout when I can't get my way


10. I Google pics of Russell Crowe for motivation when I'm on the treadmill. :lol:

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1) I met my DH in high school marching band. I was a junior, he was a hot shot freshman who came in and took first part from me. Then he dropped my mouthpiece down the football bleachers. We made out on the way home from state auditions and have been together ever since, 12 years in December.


2) My oldest son is named after DH's World of Warcraft pseudonym. We chose it well before kids, when no one had heard of it. It was the 7th most popular baby name in 2008, and that didn't include all the alternate spellings!


3) I majored in music education in college, but switched to a general music degree my last year to avoid the recital. My senior research paper was on Shostakovich and the changes to the Russian symphony under Stalin's rule.


4) I love to play Call of Duty and Halo, but I cannot watch violent movies at all. They make me sick to my stomach.


5) I have never owned a dog.


6) I threw out the first pitch at a major league baseball game in 1998. I won a drawing because my mom signed me up for the kids club, at age 15. I was embarrassed.


7) My favorite band is the Smashing Pumpkins.


8) My selfish reason for homeschooling is that I still need to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, and I'm hoping something kind of jumps out at me over the next 16 years.


9) I can't sleep without a fan blowing on me.


10) I just started reading History of the Ancient World. I've quickly realized that none of this is familiar (did I ever study ancient history in 16 years of school?), and I have to finish it in three weeks. Two chapters down, 83 more to go...

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This is fun!

1. I have dreadlocks.

2. I don't wear pants, even to ride my horse.

3. I am politically liberal and religiously conservative, and that makes absolute sense to me.

4. I have 13 tattoos.

5. I have been pierced over 50 times as my husband learned his trade, but have only my ears pierced now(2gg).

6. I was told I couldn't have children at age 16, got pregnant with my first at 19, and have been pregnant every year since.

7. I am quiverfull, and not accepted by most other qf families due to #1,3,4,5.(But I am ok with that too).

8. I met my DH at 16 and got married as soon as I turned 18. We have been married for 15 years.

9. We have a llama(and a horse,donkey, dogs,cats,chickens,fish,snakes,and usually pigs. The llama is my favorite.)

10. I love the Harry Potter/Twilight books, and despise all the movies except HP 1.

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Ten random facts about *me*, not my family huh?


1. I was born a military brat and lived overseas from 2 to 5.


2. I have had 3 cats named Princess. I didn't name the first one.


3. I only started running because my dad wouldn't let me play soccer in high school. No girls team and my brother was on the boys team so we knew how rough they played.


4. I never heard of the college I went to until I got a recruiting letter from them in my junior year. For track.


5. During my time in college, I broke the school record for every track event my coach made me run.


6. I've run 3 marathons and told my dh not to let me run another one after the second. I've told him that again.


7. I enjoy every age my kids have ever been. It's always the best age they've been so far. Not to say they don't have moments/days when I'd give them away. But the years have been great.


8. I was against guns so much that I wouldn't let anyone buy a toy gun for ds. Now I'm waiting to be able to afford another one for me. And I really hope dh gets more than one deer this year.


9. I wish I could figure out how to buy organic everything. On the budget we have. Without going back to work myself.


10. I know dh wants me to go back to work once the kids are out of the house so I keep thinking about going back to school and getting a pharmacy degree. But that pesky budget problem. How do we put 3 kids through college and still have $60K for another degree for me?

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I admit that I stole most of this from my '25 Random Things' that was rampant on FB in 2009. I'm probably telling you this because of my #5. :lol:


1. If we have *ever* held a conversation, chances are, I have replayed said conversation in my mind and thought that I said something really stupid.


2. I do all of my best thinking in the shower. I come up with snappy comebacks, business ventures, and solve geometry problems in the shower.


3. I am equally entertained by Masterpiece on PBS and The Inbetweeners on BBC (raunchy BritCom).


4. I always feel like I'm going to cry when arriving and leaving the ocean. I think it's the Aquarius in me.


5. I'm an honest person, but probably only because I suck so much at lying. My face has betrayed me any time I've tried.


6. I *love* bed. The feeling of slipping under the covers each night brings a feeling that I can only describe as bliss.


7. I love my husband. A lifetime doesn't seem long enough to be with him.


8. I think the hottest scene in movies is between Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed in "It's a Wonderful Life":


"Now, you listen to me! I don't want any plastics, and I don't want any ground floors, and I don't want to get married - ever - to anyone! You understand that? I want to do what I want to do. And you're... and you're..."


...and then they kiss intensely. It's perfect.


9. When I was about 9 years old, I fell asleep watching cartoons. I woke up to no one in the house (my parents were outside). I thought the "Rapture" had happened and everyone was "taken" but me.


10. I love to read. One of my proudest parenting moments was when my daughter was grabbing a book as we went out the door and said in passing "you never know when you'll get a chance to read." She has heard me say that her whole life. I specifically buy purses that are big enough for at least a paperback.

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1. I love my kids and play more than I should.

2. I have read Twighlight, Southern Vampire Series, and Harry Potter. I'll read anything.

3. I sew and crochet a lot.

4. I talk all the time EXCEPT while I watch TV or a movie, LOL. I demand silence.

5. I have 5 dogs, 1 cat, 1 bunny, 3 kids, and 1 hubby.

6. It seems like I always forget to pay either the electric bill or the water bill. I hate getting shut off, and it is always my fault.

7. I have more college credits than my mom and dad together.

8. I smoke! Still! Gah!

9. I love blue jeans, t-shirts, tennis shoes, and a pony tail.

10.I am not good at cleaning my house. I love clutter. (stacks of books inlcuded)

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OK, this is good procrastinating


1. I lived in Tokyo in middle school.

2. I have 3 degrees that seem unrelated (BS chem, MEd sp ed, Law)

3. I've had several careers that have combined these degrees, but haven't had a career that combined all three (maybe homeschooling did that).

4. I wanted 4 or 5 children. We stopped at 3 when each of our dc each presented with different disabilities and health issues.

5. I've moved to my current town at age 9, moved away for college, and moved back at age 26. I live 1/2 mile from my parents.

6. I have the best MIL ever and feel blessed whenever I read MIL stories here.

7. I love my mom too.

8. I teach swimming and am obsessed with water safety.

9. I took 6 years of piano lessons and can't play -- I can read music very well though.

10. I took hot yoga classes for the first time this week. I had a coupon for 5 classes. The first class was very hard. The second class made me think I was going to die. I hope it gets better. I will finish the coupon.

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Sheryl, #1 is a shout out to you!


1. When I was a teenager, I had three posters on my walls...Elvis Presley, Bobby Sherman (Julie, do ya love me?) and Secretariat.


2. I've been to 18 countries, but never to Mexico, the one closest to where I live.


3. I love horses. When I was a child, I 'galloped' around on all fours so much my mom thought I'd never walk upright.


4. Photography is part of my DNA. I first got a camera when I was 11. Was a photographer all through high school. Met my husband in the college photography darkroom. Went pro for nearly 25 years in my own business. Now I use it in my real estate work.


5. I love where wine grows. :D The climate vineyards like is my favorite.


6. If it isn't an Arabian horse or a German Shepherd dog, it's second best.


7. My dh and I were each other's 'firsts' on our wedding night. We've been married 34 years next month.


8. I love being outdoors, gardening, riding, hiking.


9. I do many things left handed.


10. I'm afraid of heights so I make myself rappell every summer.


These were fun to write and I've loved reading everyone's.

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