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Who handles finances in your house?

Who handles the finances  

  1. 1. Who handles the finances

    • Spouse/Significant other does
    • I do
    • Spouse/SO does but I wish I did
    • I do but I wish I didn't
    • Other

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Both of us.


We pay the bills together, balance the check book together, do the taxes together, etc.


We use a cash envelope system.


If either of us were to die, the other spouse would still know what is going on and we both know at all times how much money we have coming and going.

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i budget everything and pay the bills, but it's a joint effort in carrying it all out.


ETA - it isn't stressful for me though. our budget accounts for every penny, and i just plug in the numbers. month to month is very similar, so it's easy for me. we also use the cash envelope system. cash only always.

Edited by mytwomonkeys
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We share the job.


My husband handles the "big picture" stuff, knowing how much money is in checking and savings, transferring between them when necessary or appropriate, etc.


I actually pay bills and manage the day-to-day stuff.



This only opposite... DH does the bill paying and I do the big picture stuff.

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Dh is a financial consultant so I let him deal with it. He thinks it's fun. However, he still makes sure I know what is where and how to access it if something were to happen to him. Oh, and he makes sure I know who to go to in his office and what to do if something were to happen. He's a planner!

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Kind of both of us. I pay all the bills but he knows what they are and sees them.


We don't believe in hidden finances on either side for sure (not accusing anyone else, just saying we are firm in our belief that finances should be very open.)


We also both budget.



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Dh does, thank the Lord. I have never balanced a checkbook (even when I did my own financing through college). I would never get bills sent out in time if it was my responsibility. I do have good principles to go by and I had a lot of influence on our basic financial plan. How odd is that? Dh makes the money, handles the finances, and I have better credit.:001_huh:

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Both of us.


We pay the bills together, balance the check book together, do the taxes together, etc.


We use a cash envelope system.


If either of us were to die, the other spouse would still know what is going on and we both know at all times how much money we have coming and going.


I really wish that we did this from the beginning. I do them by myself. I have asked him several times to do it with me, but he just doesn't want to.

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I do it all. DH isn't even on the bank account. If he wanted to be I would definitely take him down and get him on it he just doesn't want to. He has his own Paypal card so he can spend money if needed but he rarely does. In fact last weekend when he took ds to the movies I purchased the tickets ahead of time. I also am the sole bread winner and teacher so it is at a point where I make the money I pay the bills if he wants to do something or go somewhere he asks and I determine if we can afford it. Kinda the opposite of how it was in the beginning of our marriage when he was the only one working.

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I put that I do, but that's because I pay the bills and keep our "Mvelopes.com" account current (virtual envelope system, way cool!). It's a recent development too. I am really glad I am doing it now because it makes it so much easier to be thrifty when I know where all the money has gone!


Dh is very involved, knows how much everything is and provides a back-up fund if we have unexpected expenses (he takes care of his business finances and makes our deposits to checking).

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My dh handles the family money, and my best friend handles my business money. She was here on Friday working on my accounts. When she left, she said, "If you feel like it, you can enter these transactions into quickbooks...or on second thought....don't touch any thing until I come back."


Let's just say money isn't my strong suit.

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My current DH does. He is more comfortable doing it, and quite frankly after being married to two other men who apparently couldn't grasp the concept of bills actually being paid, it is very much a relief to me not to have to worry about it. I had to do it for my first two marriages and if I don't have to do it ever again that is fine with me.

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I do, but keep DH well updated on the state of things. I let him know when I pay bills, when I move cash around, if we're getting close to the edge financially, when we might need to worry etc. He handles retirement details though--not that there are many, but he handles that particular body of knowledge.

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We have a strange situation where dh earns, holds and allocates the money, while I pay all the bills.

I dont like it much- I would rather it be more a mutual thing or that i just do it all. Its annoying to have to ask for the money to pay the bills. Not that he is trippy about that...but he does want to feel in control, but i do most of the paperwork and tracking of expenses etc, so I feel like its not quite balanced.

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dh has degrees in economics and accounting, plus a MBA focusing on finance. he does the finances. (he did my mother's and does his mother's . . . ). he thought the national math test in high school was "relaxing".

Edited by gardenmom5
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We both do. Our budget is up on our computer all the time and we discuss bills/savings/etc. before payday. That said, I'm more responsible for the day-to-day handling of the money and where it's spent. Debt repayment and savings, especially, he might not know exactly how much is given to either without looking at the budget. On the other hand, he is in charge of investment accounts and retirement and I stay out of that as much as possible. I get confused looking at the numbers go up and down.

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