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Public schools start this week in my county.

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Private schools begin next week, and public schools begin the week after.


We took off for June, but started back up part-time in July (math, Latin). We're adding one subject per week in August and should be back up and running in full soon. Summer is so hot here, that we'd rather school inside and then take some days off (or school outside) during our brief, tolerable fall season. At that point we're doing lots of our reading and history at the park or in the yard and we can afford to take a few days delay in math and Latin :)

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One district starts today, they are switching to a modified year round schedule. The other 3 main districts around us start in 3 weeks.


We are starting today....as soon as my DC wake up!! They had an overnight with Mema and Papa and then we all went swimming for 3 hours. It has been a quiet morning so far.

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Summer is so hot here, that we'd rather school inside and then take some days off (or school outside) during our brief, tolerable fall season.


:iagree:This is why we are starting! My kids are going nuts and watching too much TV because it is just too hot to be outside for long!

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Registration here isn't until Aug. 11, so it must start sometime after that. :) Usually the last week of Aug., I think. I'm going to start us back around the 15th, because co-op starts the last week of Aug and I want us to have our school routine underway before that starts up again.

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Our local schools start back on the 10th. We have been doing a little all summer. I was hoping to start back full swing today, but I'm not ready. I had originally planned on next week and decided to move it up. Of course, stuff happened and I got behind -- before the year even started. Ugh!!


:) Beachy

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There is no A/C in most of the classrooms - the students would be baked alive if they went back now.


This is the case in our area, too. Most schools now start the last week of August, though when I was a kid here it was always the Tuesday after Labor Day. That's when we start up too.


I admit I'm a little shocked that some are going back to school this week! When did vacation start for those schools?

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Schools start next Monday here, but we're going to officially start a week later (although we've been doing some school all summer long). My parents are going to be in town, so I figure it's a good chance for DD to go with her grandparents to the zoo, children's museum, botanic gardens (if it's not too hot), Incredible Pizza, and all the other fun stuff that has been WAY too crowded over the summer.


Besides, I'm hoping that we'll be able to move into our new school room over that break. We're about done painting upstairs, so can move the office stuff back in, and get the third downstairs bedroom free for school storage-even though I suspect we'll still mostly be "couch-schooling" :)

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Some GA counties started today. There is already one horrible incident. A schoolbus with kids on it caught on fire. Everyone was safely evacuated, but that's not a stellar start to the school year!


We school year round so we don't have a start date. However, I am not having a good time with ds15. I was just telling DH that we should just drop school and move to a desert island with wifi and personal grocery delivery.

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Public school starts Aug. 22 here, which is a little later than normal.


I had planned to start Aug. 8 or 15, but now I don't know, might have family in town then. I didn't want to start this week, I'm not ready. Might end up starting the 22nd as well.

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Our local school district starts after labor day. Wow, I'm surprised some districts are starting in Aug. I thought that with budget cuts nationwide the school years were being shortened. Did these districts break for summer in May?



Our districts last day was May 20 and they resume August 10. The district has only shortened the school year by 2 days for the last two years(178 days).

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School starts here next Monday, but ds4's friend started Kindergarten today as part of a ''Jump start" program to get the kids used to going. I know we're not "official" until we turn in the paperwork for kindergarten, but this makes it seem so much more real! Next Monday will be our first day not taking him to school. :willy_nilly::svengo:

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Our county started today. DH is a teacher, so he actually went back last week for planning...we usually start when he does, but the kids had camp 3 days last week and again this week, so we're getting a bit of a late start. We did a couple of short days last week, and just did our first full day today. Next week we'll be full time.

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Schools here start on August 18th. Our homeschool group is planning a not-back-to-school pool party that day!



:hurray: Love it!


Our district starts back the day after Labor Day. That's how it's traditionally been here. They shortened our summer last year by 2 full weeks, extending the end of the year and starting early, and parents complained so much they've reverted to the old schedule. We let out mid-June.


We're afterschoolers and that's when we'll officially start, too. Although we've already started math lessons 2-3 times per week in order to finish by the end of the year.

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Middle TN here too. We started back in June because it was already so hot. Now that schools here are going back we're taking a 2 week break! My kids love going bowling, to the arcade and to the pool while everyone else is in school.:tongue_smilie:


The pools here are closed during M-F once school starts. Only open on the weekends until Labor Day. But Nashville Shores is having Homeschool Days next week!!!

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:iagree:This is why we are starting! My kids are going nuts and watching too much TV because it is just too hot to be outside for long!


Isn't it crazy? Today we were driving back home from the city and our van was showing the temperature at 111 degrees. The weather report is for 113 on Wednesday. It may possibly be the hottest week on record for this area.:tongue_smilie:


I digress. Public schools here start on the 19th of this month and we will start right around there also.

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