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I could really use some prayers

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I am so distraught and disgusted. I'm trying not to think of the future and the likely chance that I will be a huge burden to my dh and dd's as they care for me.


I hit my head again Saturday. Hard. I thought I broke my skull this time and I only have spotty memory of the event. I had taken the dd's on a 4-wheeler ride like I have thousands of times before. We do this All The Time. I didn't know it at the time but I hit some button which made the engine stall and it wouldn't restart. Because I couldn't get the vehicle started we had to walk home. There was NO MOON out that night. NONE. It was PITCH BLACK and I couldn't see a thing. We were in the middle of conservation land with NO lights in sight. I held dd's hands tightly and told them we'd be fine (they cried, they screamed when an owl let out a HUGE hoot! He must have been RIGHT BY US!) and our little dachsund led us back home with dd11's help. By the time we got home I was crying hysterically because my little rat terrier had been lost shortly after the vehicle stalled. She can't hear and can't see well at all and I wondered if I'd see her again. I worried about that owl and the coyote den in the immediate area. We got dh and drove to the area with flashlights and candles. I don't remember what happened but dh and dd11 say I slid down a hill but there was a fallen tree down at the bottom and my head crashed into it HARD. I hit so hard that I have whiplash.


We did find our little dog. She must have made it back to the 4-wheeler by scent and she sat there on the 4-wheeler shaking. I know she knew I'd be back for her! Yes, the three of us and my two dogs went ont he trip just as we always do, the dd's sitting behind me with the rat terrier, the dachsund with me in the front. We drive very slow. You have to out in the woods!


So that's what happened, but I'm just trying so hard to stuff down my thoughts and feelings about my future, which we all know doesn't work. This is my 6th major concussion in 8 years. I'm so sensitive to it all by this point that any hit to the head affects me now. This one, however, was extreme.


I'm still dazed, I get dizzy A LOT, and I'm having these small outbursts of anger. I know it's only day two but I'm just so tired of putting my family through this. I do have hope and believe that the anger will cease and really, it's at an annoyance level and not worse. But it's still there.


My biggest concern is dementia. We all know concussions can bring this on eventually. My diagnosis this time is "closed head trauma" and not concussion. I tried to look up what that meant but I'm just too distraught to look into it. I watched my grandparents, mother and aunt all die of dementia/alzheimers, all on mom's side of the family. Mom was 63 when diagnosed with moderate dementia. I feel certain this will be my fate and since Saturday I'm just so emotional. I can't believe this happened again.


I have prescriptions for vicoden (sp?) and another for muscle relaxer for the whiplash but I haven't filled either of them. Last year my girls had NO summer as I was in a recliner with an air cast. If I take that medication I won't be able to drive. I'm holding off for now.


Please pray for me, that the headaches and whiplash will get better (and the DIZZINESS!) that the anger will cease, and for PROTECTION OVER MY HEAD AND BRAIN!!!!! I'd like to ask for prayers against dementia but I think that my fate has been sealed there. Sorry to be so negative but I'm just so over it since this happened to me again. Please pray also that I can control my emotions. I keep crying because I just can't believe this happened again. Dh is quietly concerned because I know he knows I'm going to be a mess later in life. He keeps telling me to enjoy my life all I can right now. :crying:

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Denise, prayers are already going up for your health, now and in the future!


You didn't ask for two cents, but here it is, if you want it. IOW stop reading now, if you don't. :)






Were I in your shoes, I would take everything I could that helps reduce inflammation, natural and/or rx, especially immediately for the injury, and then long-term for your overall health. Enzymes and astaxanthin (in krill oil) should not have any conflict with other meds, although as always, you should consult your dr. If they say no, ask them to tell you why, and if you can, put the burden of proof on them. (That worked with one of my drs, not with the other one.) At the very least, they should be able to document (point you to references) why *not* to take something. If you explain to your dh, can he advocate for you at dr. visits?


Keep your blood sugar controlled at all costs, as that will affect brain function over time as well, if you have systemic inflammation from high circulating insulin levels.


Anything that will help your blood circulate better will also be protective to your brain. Astaxanthin is showing some remarkable results in improving circulation and is an extremely effective/powerful antioxidant. I don't know if you can take it if you are allergic to shellfish though, as it is sourced from krill.


I hope you find some things to help. I would pull out all the stops right now in treating this as an injury that needs anti-inflammatory help.

Edited by Valerie(TX)
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Denise, you got it. Not to compare myself but I have chronic back pain and since February, when I fell at Yosemite Park, I have been pretty much laid up. We can't do alot and I am on 6 (10/325) Loratabs a day plus Neurontin for nerve pain. I am used to it so I do drive.

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I hope you feel better soon.


Try to keep in mind that none of us know the future. You might get dementia, you might not. You might be hit by a bus tomorrow and the point will be completely moot. Your dh's advice is very wise for everyone, whether or not they're genetically predisposed to dementia.

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I know how it feels to worry about the future. I have some sort of mystery "thing" going on akin to autoimmune disease of some sort.


I agree that you should take special care of yourself and take anti-inflammatory supplements although I think I remember that you mentioned once that you already do this.


May I also suggest - no more night time 4 wheeling. I have heard of so many accidents on those things I wonder why people even do it. If you really want to protect your head - no more risky activities ;)

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The muscle relaxer can be taken just at night if you so choose. That way it will help you sleep and heal faster, but not keep you groggy during the day. I recommend that very strongly. You're going to be better sooner if you take the stress off those injured muscles. If they are spasming from pain, you won't rest well and you won't heal quickly.


Dementia is not a given, even in this circumstance. They are learning more and more about it. The baby boomers' parents are getting this right and left, and baby boomers drive most medical research spending. I think that by the time we get that old there will be much better treatments to prevent it and to slow down its progress.


So glad you found your pet!


I know how DARK dark can be. And yet how many times didn't I bring a flashlight along on a jaunt? I have a backpack now with sealed bottles of water, a couple of granola bars, a light backpacking tarp (waterproof), and a flashlight. I STILL don't always bring it along, though. Crazy.

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Denise, prayers are already going up for your health, now and in the future!


You didn't ask for two cents, but here it is, if you want it. IOW stop reading now, if you don't. :)






Were I in your shoes, I would take everything I could that helps reduce inflammation, natural and/or rx, especially immediately for the injury, and then long-term for your overall health. Enzymes and astaxanthin (in krill oil) should not have any conflict with other meds, although as always, you should consult your dr. If they say no, ask them to tell you why, and if you can, put the burden of proof on them. (That worked with one of my drs, not with the other one.) At the very least, they should be able to document (point you to references) why *not* to take something. If you explain to your dh, can he advocate for you at dr. visits?


Keep your blood sugar controlled at all costs, as that will affect brain function over time as well, if you have systemic inflammation from high circulating insulin levels.


Anything that will help your blood circulate better will also be protective to your brain. Astaxanthin is showing some remarkable results in improving circulation and is an extremely effective/powerful antioxidant. I don't know if you can take it if you are allergic to shellfish though, as it is sourced from krill.


I hope you find some things to help. I would pull out all the stops right now in treating this as an injury that needs anti-inflammatory help.


ok now in all my years of reading about various health issues, I had NEVER read that blood sugars can affect brain function over time. I've been hypoglycemic since a small child, now borderline diabetic, and I have NOT been careful like I should have. I do tend to eat healthier than most and after years of severe blood sugar crashes I try to make sure that doesn't happen.


I take fish oil for my brain and am definitely open to natural treatments. I will check into astaxanthin - never heard of it! I have heard of krill oil. I do have issues with inflamation and was going to start a search on that so I could be on an anti-inflammatory diet but I will have to wait until I can absorb what I read better. I also hope to visit an Amen Clinic in the future.


Thank you for this information!!!

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I know how it feels to worry about the future. I have some sort of mystery "thing" going on akin to autoimmune disease of some sort.


I agree that you should take special care of yourself and take anti-inflammatory supplements although I think I remember that you mentioned once that you already do this.


May I also suggest - no more night time 4 wheeling. I have heard of so many accidents on those things I wonder why people even do it. If you really want to protect your head - no more risky activities ;)


I have not read anything about anti inflammatory herbs that I can remember but I will need to research this. I do think it would be very good for me.


The no more 4-wheeling at night rule is in effect. I guess most would call me pathetic on the 4-wheeler at night with my girls as going 15 mph is fast for me. We usually go around 12. We COULD get hurt still but I am very careful with that, and often times we don't leave our land at night when on it. The accident happened because I stalled the engine, and this is the second time we've had to walk home when I couldn't get it started. :glare:


The 4-wheeler was bought so I could herd up loose animals if they escaped. I have no desire to use it for anything other than that and gardening now.

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The muscle relaxer can be taken just at night if you so choose. That way it will help you sleep and heal faster, but not keep you groggy during the day. I recommend that very strongly. You're going to be better sooner if you take the stress off those injured muscles. If they are spasming from pain, you won't rest well and you won't heal quickly.


Dementia is not a given, even in this circumstance. They are learning more and more about it. The baby boomers' parents are getting this right and left, and baby boomers drive most medical research spending. I think that by the time we get that old there will be much better treatments to prevent it and to slow down its progress.


So glad you found your pet!


I know how DARK dark can be. And yet how many times didn't I bring a flashlight along on a jaunt? I have a backpack now with sealed bottles of water, a couple of granola bars, a light backpacking tarp (waterproof), and a flashlight. I STILL don't always bring it along, though. Crazy.


your advice about the muscle relaxers is good. I appreciate it! I think I will have them filled today.


I usually NEVER am out at night without my phone, which has a great little flashlight in it. The phone was dead so I went without it. If I had the phone I could have called dh, and I could have used the flashlight so that I could have seen. I have mylar sleeping bags, a flint, compass for hiking. I usually only bring my phone at night but we won't be doing that again.:glare:

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Praying for you, Denise. Did I give you my number? If not, pm me, if you want, and I will give it to you. You are more than welcome to call me any time. I'm here for you. :grouphug:


Thank you, Nakia. I'm here for you too....... I'm just not up to talking at the moment. :sad:

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:iagree::grouphug: and prayers and more prayers and even more prayers


Sorry but I thought if you giggled a little, it would help with your recovery. Laughter is supposed to be the best medicine, isn't it?


I agree! My humor is what helped get me through caring for my mother as she suffered through dementia!


What are we laughing at? I think I missed it.!

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ok now in all my years of reading about various health issues, I had NEVER read that blood sugars can affect brain function over time. I've been hypoglycemic since a small child, now borderline diabetic, and I have NOT been careful like I should have. I do tend to eat healthier than most and after years of severe blood sugar crashes I try to make sure that doesn't happen.


I take fish oil for my brain and am definitely open to natural treatments. I will check into astaxanthin - never heard of it! I have heard of krill oil. I do have issues with inflamation and was going to start a search on that so I could be on an anti-inflammatory diet but I will have to wait until I can absorb what I read better. I also hope to visit an Amen Clinic in the future.


Thank you for this information!!!


Not a link to specific research, but a general link describing the connections between blood sugar and cognitive function, including dememtia and alzheimers. What opened my eyes to this was the link someone posted several months ago featuring Dr. Oz and a female Johns Hopkins researcher describing the connections between diabetes, alzheimers, and nitrates. That was a starting point for me.




The part that I'm connecting to it, that might be new to many lay people, is that many T2 diabetics and pre-diabetics have insulin resistance and therefore high circulating insulin levels, b/c their pancreas hasn't yet completely conked out. Insulin produces an inflammatory response in the body, so keeping insulin levels low is important. I suspect that many years of inflammation in the body is also tough on the brain, although I haven't seen that spelled out anywhere.


More than you might want to know, but like other posters have said, the good news is that this is within your control! :) Yaay!!!


I say all this as one who is working on it, not as having arrived! Off to fill my plate with colorful veggies...


God bless and give you healing and wisdom!

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That made me laugh this week! :)


I agree, the amount of anxiety you are building up over something that has not happened yet will give you more health issues than the actual events! None of us know what tomorrow will bring, but do not be anxious today for what tomorrow brings, cliche I know but so true.


Don't let your fears rob you of this day you have today with your children and husband, friends....take a walk on the brighter side! :)


I speak from experience...was car 3 in a five car pile-up...ruined my lower discs....suffered for 10 years, got control of it, and started exercising daily....helped tremendously, and amazingly took a bad fall off my horse last fall and ever since NO back pain at ALL!! The best adjustment I ever had :)


I had unexplained seizures in college and ruined my knees from constantly passing out and falling to my knees....I could have let all those things affect my outlook, but I give them no thought, I go on and do what needs to be done, find joy in the smallest graces and celebrate each day I DO have....many others are far worse off than me....I have two legs, two arms with which to hug my kids...life is good!!


Oh, and I've had 3 concussions....not worried about a thing.. :)

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Some on this board may remember this, but almost exactly seven years ago it looked like I was going to lose DH, or if he made it, he'd be in a nursing home for the rest of his days. He survived, but two different doctors told me that he wouldn't last more than five years, if that. And he's still alive and working seven years later. We've been through threats of cancer, threats of heart problem, and countless procedures and more surgeries. He's still here, and the doctors all call him "the outlier" because he defies all explanations. They finally stopped the dire predictions because he just doesn't "fit" at all.


Praying that you are another "outlier."

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Arnica is an anti-inflammatory homeopathic med, but you're suppose to start taking it right away. Easy to take, just tabs under the tongue. I'd look into that. Here, you can ask at our local health center, and they're good at suggestions. Don't know if you have a good spot right around you...


I am SOOOO sorry!! If you get on the 4 wheeler again... at least put on a helmut! ;) Dementia isn't something you have to get.... Just take care of your precious head... and keep homeschooling!! My dad always says that memory work is good for everyone, because it helps to keep the brain sharp. Praying for healing for you!



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Try not to let your anxiety rule you... The brain is an amazing and scary thing -- I've been learning more about the brain than I ever wanted to know. My husband was so brain-damaged with his stroke, he wasn't supposed to survive. Now he is walking, reading, and learning to speak and write again. If it were only 20 years ago, he would not be, because doctors would have thought recovery was not possible and they would have given up. Now, neurologists are learning that the brain is an amazing organ and healing and changing ARE possible, more than anyone had every dreamed of not too long ago. So many new treatments, meds, etc. are underway as we speak. I'd work at prevention for now, but know that the brain is a lot stronger and a lot more changeable that we once believed.

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You know the stuff I'm dealing with. I'm not looking towards the distant future, I'm very now focused. Getting through today. Sometimes that's too daunting, and I have to break it down by hrs, sometimes minutes to keep it together, to not fall apart.


Do what you need to do to take care of you. You know how to reach me if you need to. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I hope you are feeling a bit better by the time you read this. I know that concussions have haunted your family and you have seen the worst, but do remember that everyone is so different in illness and healing.


I have a patient who has been coming to my pharmacy for as long as I can remember. 3-4 years ago, he barely remembered his own name. He wasn't allowed to pick up his wife's prescription a year ago, because he would lose it before he got home. Today, he was incredible. He has been steadily getting better for the past 6mths. The correct medications...saved his life, no doubt. I couldn't believe the conversation we had today and how coherent he was. He takes a premed before dental work and it was out of refills. He thought through the problem, and decided to drive to the dr's office to get a paper copy. An hour later he dropped of the script, and remembered to come back and pick it up. He was laughing and joking, fully coherent. I know people with dementia can have moments of clarity, but this has been steadily building over the past 6mths.


MY aunt lived in and out of mental institutions her entire adult life. She was paranoid schizophrenic. At the end of her life, they had to make some med changed due to advanced lung cancer. The new meds created phenomenal changes in her. My mother (aunt live with my mother) was amazed at how different she was on the new medication, and felt sad for her sister, because she could have lived a much different life if she had got this particular med combination sooner. She had wonderful clarity for her last 6 mths of life.


I only say this to remind you that medical strides are made every year. Both in medical treatments and medications. What you saw your parents go through, may or may not happen to you. If it does, there are already medications on the market that are making a difference. These are two people that I have seen first hand, have a life altering life change when it appeared all hope was lost.


~Prayers for healing for you my friend,


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Praying for you.

Denise, prayers are already going up for your health, now and in the future!


You didn't ask for two cents, but here it is, if you want it. IOW stop reading now, if you don't. :)






Were I in your shoes, I would take everything I could that helps reduce inflammation, natural and/or rx, especially immediately for the injury, and then long-term for your overall health. Enzymes and astaxanthin (in krill oil) should not have any conflict with other meds, although as always, you should consult your dr. If they say no, ask them to tell you why, and if you can, put the burden of proof on them. (That worked with one of my drs, not with the other one.) At the very least, they should be able to document (point you to references) why *not* to take something. If you explain to your dh, can he advocate for you at dr. visits?


Keep your blood sugar controlled at all costs, as that will affect brain function over time as well, if you have systemic inflammation from high circulating insulin levels.


Anything that will help your blood circulate better will also be protective to your brain. Astaxanthin is showing some remarkable results in improving circulation and is an extremely effective/powerful antioxidant. I don't know if you can take it if you are allergic to shellfish though, as it is sourced from krill.


I hope you find some things to help. I would pull out all the stops right now in treating this as an injury that needs anti-inflammatory help.


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thank you everyone. You're all so kind!


I'm doing better today but I've taken it easy. Yesterday I was with friends and just nodding my head in agreement during conversation not only made me VERY dizzy, it caused me to get a severe headache/borderline migraine. I had to leave to come home and nap. :sad:


I have extreme fatigue but the dizziness is getting better today. Thankfully! It was REALLY bad yesterday. My anger outbursts yesterday were also bad. I hope and pray those do NOT stick. I know they're there but I'm not able to really control them at the moment. Having a relaxing time is working but not realistic long term. I'm not crying and dwelling on dementia nonstop, so improvements ARE there. You're all right, I need to be positive and enjoy life. Period! I just can't BELIEVE I did it again. And again, I'm shocked I didn't crack or break my skull this time.


I took the advice and got my prescriptions filled and the muscle relaxers helped SO much that they've also cut my headaches WAY back.


The dizziness was the worst and I see improvements today. I hope and pray the anger will cease as well.




Thanks everyone!!!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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