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When you hear of others having babies, do you

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think to yourself, "I'm so glad it's not me!" :D


Seriously, I'm happy for all of you pregnant moms, and moms with newborns, but I SO do not want to go back to that time. Give me teenage angst, and little league, but don't make me go back to sleepless nights and potty training!


Guess that's how you know you're done-done. :tongue_smilie:

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No more babies for me please. DD4 was unexpected (she is my great-niece) and we really didn't want to start over when she came to us. 4 years later, and the chaos that she has created in our home......there is no way I would want another baby!

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I want lots more babies, I just don't want lots more kids lol When I hear of others being pregnant or having new babies, I think of how lucky they are, and how much I would like to hold and snuggle the new baby. But I am more than happy to not have any more of my on because they just refuse to stay tiny and insist on growing up.

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There was a time when I would cry in envy every time some one announced a pregnancy or an adoption. Now I no longer do that. I am very happy, I rejoice with them, but no, I don't want any more children. My neice is expecting her first in just a few days and I am thrilled for her - and thrilled to know it is her getting up at night instead of me.

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think to yourself, "I'm so glad it's not me!"



Yes. A thousand times yes.


The least appealing stage of motherhood, IMO, is the baby stage. Once they get to crawling, it gets better. Up until then, bleh. My favourite age is the toddler & pre-school years. Kids that age are awesome.

Edited by Audrey
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Seriously, I'm happy for all of you pregnant moms, and moms with newborns, but I SO do not want to go back to that time.




I knew I was done when I was holding a sick baby and all I could think was, "this baby had better not make me sick."


I've done the same thing! :tongue_smilie:

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I knew I was done when I held my niece (3 years ago), and I thought, "I'm so glad I don't have to deal with a brand new baby again". My son was only 1 at the time!


A good friend had a baby last week, so I brought her dinner last night. I sat and held her son for about 30 minutes, and I thought about how glad I was that I didn't need to start over again.


I'm excited for others, but I'd be devastated if it were us having another child. Two is plenty for dh & me.

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Really? :D No! You seem like a nice person. You would rain on the parade this way?


Nahhh not raining, everyone loves Aunt Dacia I have actually had two neices live with me off and on for years and I will help out anyone but no, I don't wanna do pregnancy birth or responsibility again lol. Maybe I sounded harsh I am happy that anyone has a baby and I love being there to hold them and snuggle them but I want to give them back!


I loved having babies but they grow up and it gets harder every year. I wouldn't trade mine but I don't wanna have more but to those that do, I will be there for ya congratulating you all the way. :001_smile:

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No. I always feel delight and joy for the expectant mom - but - I also still feel that very strong pang that it isn't me (not jealousy or envy, just the personal hurt and longing). At this stage of life, it cannot ever be me. I think it's getting better with the years . . .

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I'm generally the opposite :) My best friend from high school and one cousin are currently pregnant. 3 cousins and 1 SIL and 1 dear friend from college just had babies, a studio mom is expecting triplets! Another dear friend from college just adopted a baby boy (after nearly 10 years of trying for their own and then waiting)! It definitely makes me what to have another. We have 2 now and would like to have 4; I think I am finally ready for #3 :D

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I'm in that stage where it's hard to hear about other people's pregnancies. I had a miscarriage a few months ago, the second one in less than a year, and it's still painful. Not that I'm not happy for them, but I just don't want to think about it much.

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I want lots more babies, I just don't want lots more kids lol When I hear of others being pregnant or having new babies, I think of how lucky they are, and how much I would like to hold and snuggle the new baby. But I am more than happy to not have any more of my on because they just refuse to stay tiny and insist on growing up.



OMG..THIS IS ME!!! and noone understands..... I just want to be pregnant(although I gained 80 lbs both times), nursing, holding a squishy baby, carrying them in the sling, smelling their little heads!!!


But, UGH, the thought of more activites, more dance classes, more scouts, or sports. i can't bear the thought of doing more.. 2 is plenty here...



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Well, at my age I could not handle physically the care of a new born and then they grow into toddlers, and on up.:tongue_smilie:

After we adopted our last two I knew there would be no more. We did foster another little girl for a short time but it just wasn't right.


I have to admit, I really prefer to not even baby sit my grand kids. I don't mind having them one or two at a time but when all seven move in even for a morning or afternoon I am exhausted by the time they are gone.


I always view another baby on the way as a blessing but I am totally over wanting another addition to our home in any manner.

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Yes. A thousand times yes.


The least appealing stage of motherhood, IMO, is the baby stage. Once they get to crawling, it gets better. Up until then, bleh. My favourite age is the toddler & pre-school years. Kids that age are awesome.


It's so crazy how different people are! I LOVE the baby stage. LOVE IT. I could snuggle babies all day, every day, forever. However, they just keep getting bigger! And they don't want to be cuddled- they want to explore! (Which is great too, in it's own way, but it's not babyhood!)

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I find the baby, toddler, and preschooler stage to be boring. My kids are 6 and 8 now and I'm in heaven. THIS is what I had kids for!


A friend of mine just had a baby and I love, love, love holding the baby. But I don't want to have the responsibility 24/7. It's nice to hold the baby and then give her back.

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No, I don't think that. I generally think, "Yayyy!!!" I don't think of myself in that moment really. Most people that I hear about being pregnant want to be pregnant and I'm excited that they get to be, just like I was always excited. (Well, except for the first month or so with my first who was not planned and I was 18.)


And just in case anyone doesn't realize this happens, but I HATED hearing "better you than me" when I was pregnant. I thought it was rude and implied that I was doing something stupid that would be a big inconveinance to me. It ranked up there with my family saying "So this is the last one, right?" after my second through fifth pregnancies. I know we all get annoyed by different things that others say, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets irritated by that. Just a FYI. Think it all you want, but I don't recommend verbalizing it.


My feelings about not having any more children don't make sense to me. I enjoyed different things about all the stages we've gone through with our children but I'm also relieved that I won't be going through some of them again. But at the same time, it makes me sad that I won't get to go through them again. I think it's mostly that I want time to slow down. My kids are growing up too stinkin' fast!

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think to yourself, "I'm so glad it's not me!" :D


Seriously, I'm happy for all of you pregnant moms, and moms with newborns, but I SO do not want to go back to that time. Give me teenage angst, and little league, but don't make me go back to sleepless nights and potty training!


Guess that's how you know you're done-done. :tongue_smilie:


Oh yes! I am right there with you!

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How can you all be so heartless?! :lol: Babies are the best (truly, I think so).


It's the older kids who give me a run for my money. I can handle sweet, squeaky, adorable babies. It's when they get around 3 years old, scream in my face, crap in their pants on purpose (adult size poops by now) and get more and more needy as the years go on that make me want to climb the walls!!!!!

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and I LOVE having my grandson and one on the way, I think I will ALWAYS miss my own nursing newborns to toddlers. I know I'd never want to raise another from toddlerhood on, but I would LOVE to have a newbie that was ALL MINE!!! :tongue_smilie:

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I'm in that stage where it's hard to hear about other people's pregnancies. I had a miscarriage a few months ago, the second one in less than a year, and it's still painful. Not that I'm not happy for them, but I just don't want to think about it much.


:grouphug: I feel you Mamabegood. I feel you. I am so very happy for others, and yet . . .:grouphug:

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I have pangs of envy when I hear pregnancy and baby stories. It's a part of me that didn't quite get fulfilled- I wanted one more child and didn't get it, and even though I don't dwell on the longing much at all, and I accept my situation, and am grateful for the 2 kids I have and our lifestyle....the pang of envy shows me it is not something that has gone away completely.


In some moments...I am also glad for those days to be behind me. I see friends who are just starting out with babies and small kids and I remember how all consuming those years are- and exhausting- and truthfully, the strain on the marriage as well, even though kids are also bonding. It is nice to have a cuddle and give them back- but that could be me just distancing myself to handle my feelings. I think those years are a blur for me now.

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I hated being pregnant; giving birth was no joke; and PPD and breastfeeding sucked. I have no desire to relive those moments.


:iagree: The older years - YES the TEEN years - have been my favorite. My son is an awesome, amazing young man and one of my very best friends. No more babies for me.


My stepdaughter has given us grandchildren and I love them in small bursts, but having small children is exhausting. Especially when you've been out of practice as long as I have, LOL. I love spending the afternoon with them and then taking them home to their Mom!

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think to yourself, "I'm so glad it's not me!" :D


Seriously, I'm happy for all of you pregnant moms, and moms with newborns, but I SO do not want to go back to that time. Give me teenage angst, and little league, but don't make me go back to sleepless nights and potty training!


Guess that's how you know you're done-done. :tongue_smilie:


Heavens, yes! We have a new "crop" of babies at church, and I love holding them, snuggling them, sniffing their sweet baby heads, but most of all, I love giving them back to their mammas!

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I have pangs of envy when I hear pregnancy and baby stories. It's a part of me that didn't quite get fulfilled- I wanted one more child and didn't get it, and even though I don't dwell on the longing much at all, and I accept my situation, and am grateful for the 2 kids I have and our lifestyle....the pang of envy shows me it is not something that has gone away completely.


Same here....I wanted more children, but now I'm unable to conceive due to emergency surgery. For the most part I'm content, but sometimes the sadness creeps in. I am very thankful for the two I'm blessed with.

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think to yourself, "I'm so glad it's not me!" :D



I’m always excited for the expectant Mom & family, but I didn’t love being pregnant, so ‘no thanks!’ on that again.

I do *adore* babies. My MS limits my ability to hold & cuddle older/bigger babies, but newborns or smaller babies are like therapy to me. :001_smile: They have a soothing, calming effect on me.

Cats, dogs, pets don’t really do anything relaxing for me. They’re cute, but just not my thing.

Great business idea = Therapy Babies! Surely I’m not the only one that benefits from snuggling little ones. :D

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I LOVE babies! I am one of those crazy ladies who will smile at your baby in the grocery store.


I can't have anymore babies. I'm so thankful for the 3 God gave me, but I think that I will always feel this twinge of "I wish we could have just 1 more."


And yet at the same time, I'm completely overwhelmed by my 3 beautiful, bright, endless-stream-of-verbiage children that I couldn't imagine fitting a baby into our lives.

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think to yourself, "I'm so glad it's not me!" :D


Seriously, I'm happy for all of you pregnant moms, and moms with newborns, but I SO do not want to go back to that time. Give me teenage angst, and little league, but don't make me go back to sleepless nights and potty training!


Guess that's how you know you're done-done. :tongue_smilie:


Yep! I never wanted more than one child. I could never relate to wanting more kids. I admit to loving babies but I want to give them back. :lol:


Also, my DD has always been incredibly easy. I'm not sure that I could handle a tough one!


I'm all done, have been for a long time!

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