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I had my last baby at age____ and wouldn't want to have one after age____.

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I had my last baby at 35... and that was perfect for my last...


I am surrounded by happy "older" moms (including my mom, SIL, and best friend), but for a variety of reasons it is not something I would want.

Actually, thinking about it, while I enjoy having another baby in my arms, I regret not being 5 years younger!

Edited by sahm99
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I'm having my third at 33.


He may be our last. We're not sure. Our plan is to revisit the issue in 2-3 years, when we'll be 36, and decide if we want to try for one more.


I wouldn't have an issue with having a baby later than that, but for us it's more a matter of family size than age. My pregnancies have gotten easier and we've had an easier time getting pregnant with each pregnancy. With my first, at 26, it took about 6 months to get pregnant and it was a difficult pregnancy. This time around, we got pregnant while I was still nursing and we were using condoms, and the pregnancy has been a breeze. I'm assuming that wouldn't keep up indefinitely, but as it stands I'm not too concerned about having a baby any time in my 30s or early 40s, in terms of how I'd feel.

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I had my last baby at age____ and

wouldn't want to have one after age____.


Then, if you'd like, please add your experiences/thoughts on the subject.


I had my last baby at age 28. I had a c-section, and my tubes tied. I now really, really regret that decision, and wish I could have more. I am now 33.

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I had my last baby at age____ and

wouldn't want to have one after age____.


Then, if you'd like, please add your experiences/thoughts on the subject.


I had my last baby at 40. I never wanted to have kids past 40. However, DH is pushing for one more. We'll see. He's 45 and I think it's getting a bit ridiculous.

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My last birth was at the age of 35. We knew he would be our last because of some health problems, but we adopted (again) 9 months later. If health wasn't an issue, I would say 45 would be the oldest I would want to be pregnant.

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I felt that was plenty old to stop. It was a very very difficult pregnancy. I've really enjoyed my little blessing (who is now 9 yrs old)--but I definitely do NOT have the energy I had when her sisters were young.


I think children are a blessing no matter what age you have them at...

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I will either have my last at 26 or 28, depending on if I have one more or two more. If it weren't for having a c-section with all my babies, I would maybe have more, but I'm not sure. I wanted to be done having babies before I turned 30, and I don't think I would want to have more after 35.

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I had my last baby at age 35, and now that I'm 41 I think I would not want to have one after 35. I think it's fine to have one later, but I would not want to do that.


But I think there are other variables. The child I had at 35 was my 5th. It would be a different story if he was my first or second. Still, I think in the end, I would like to be a bit younger when my youngest is done college.

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I felt that was plenty old to stop. It was a very very difficult pregnancy. I've really enjoyed my little blessing (who is now 9 yrs old)--but I definitely do NOT have the energy I had when her sisters were young.


I think children are a blessing no matter what age you have them at...




I was 43 when our last was born. Definitely less energy than with his older siblings, but we manage. The isolation has been harder. All my old friends have either gone back to work or travel, and I find that the younger moms aren't interested in getting to know older moms...so it's rather lonely this time around. I don't want to put a cap on the age to have children because that depends on the selflessness of the individual.


P.S. I love being pregnant. I even love laboring and giving birth. My easiest, shortest labor was with my last...3 hours start to finish. How's that for a grand-multipara of advanced maternal age?! :)

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40 and 40. She was born a week after I had turned 40. If I hadn't got pregnant when I did it wouldn't have happened! Birth control was ready to go for my following cycle. She just about made it here and, of course, no regrets but still a big big surprise :001_smile:!

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I had my last baby at 35... and that was perfect for my last...


I am surrounded by happy "older" moms (including my mom, SIL, and best friend), but for a variety of reasons it is not something I would want.

Actually, thinking about it, while I enjoy having another baby in my arms, I regret not being 5 years younger!


I will just ditto this! Exactly my feelings on it and I was 35 with my last, too. :)

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Well. I had my *last* one at 29, but I guess now I'll have to bump that # up to 32.


How late would be the latest I'd want to do it? Gosh, I don't know. It depends partly on how many I already had. If I were 40 & didn't have any (& wanted some), why not? Otoh, I wouldn't be too thrilled about having a SIXTH one when I was 40. Partly, there's already some wear & tear on the body. Partly, there are an awful lot of other little obligations running around.


I guess that means I wouldn't theoretically have a problem w/ the idea of giving birth in my 40s, but I personally am pretty done, in my early 30s. :001_smile:

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I'm currently pregnant and will be 38 when baby is born. I used to think I would be open to more children until menopause, but, at age 37 I had my first miscarriage, which was devastating enough. I then conceived 6 weeks later so at this point have been pregnant nearly a year, which has been VERY rough on my body. Given that I am likely to miscarry more as I get older, I'm just not sure I can keep throwing caution to the wind. It's too heartbreaking and physically taxing.

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I will be 29 when this baby is born. I'm not ready to say I'm done at 30, even though that sounded good a few years ago. I'm nervous about having babies in my 30's...my mom was newly 37 when she had me and always seemed so old (I think that was more her personality though, she is a very weak and frail person). But then again, I also know a lot of happy older moms who long for another baby, or who love having babies into their early 40's so I do not know.

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I had my last one at 43. The pregnancy was no harder than with the previous three, and after he was born I actually found life easier than I had with any of the others because my eldest was then 8 and loved helping :001_smile:. I'm 47 now and both DH and I would both love another. Although I'm still healthy and energetic, and it's not impossible to get pregnant at this age, it does seem wrong somehow. If we were to have an 'accident' we'd both be thrilled. I'm also under a bit of pressure from DS10 who keeps telling me how unbearably sad it is to think that he may never have another baby brother :D - he loves babies and tells me he's going to get married at 18 and have his first baby at 19 ;).



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We had our last when I was 23, we started early and had them quickly:tongue_smilie:. I have a bad back and suffer from depression and other issues, so we decided we would rather give my girls a happy healthy home rather than more siblings. Otherwise the latest I would want one is 35 probably. We still might adopt someday if our situation changes and I think the lates I would want an 18 year old would be 50ish.

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I had my last at 36. I am done. This puts me at my limit of being able to manage and sometimes over the limit when dh decides to be a child too. The last pregnancy was way harder than the previous ones and trying to deal with other kids on top of it just took a lot out of me. Plus ds5 is more difficult to parent than all the other 3 put together.

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I had my only at 36 and truly feel that she is a miracle. I had several miscarriages before and after the pregnancy with my daughter. I was open to more until my early 40's. I'm 45 now and, I know that we won't have any more.


One of my best friends just had her first at the age of 44. Her son is also a miracle baby. They had been trying for 13 years to get pregnant with many miscarriages before he was conceived.

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Dh and I started very early (and we got married very young ;)). My youngest was born when I was 25 and we are VERY happy like this! We will be young grandparents who can enjoy and do things with our kids and grandkids (both of our parents were older when they had us, dh is 12 years, 14 years and 16 years younger than his siblings)

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What an interesting thread - lots of food for thought! :)


I had my plans, but life didn't cooperate ;)


DH and I became a couple when I was 17 and he was 18. I wanted to start a family by 25 and have the last by 35. What actually happened was that we didn't get married until 25, and our first "refused" to come until 32... All our kiddos took a while, and joined the family when they were ready, it seems.


Our littlest was born 4wks ago, and I'm 38. As far as pregnancy/delivery, the second was the easiest...


Hard to say at this point, especially when the smallest is so new, but I'd be wary of having another after 40... I'd love to have one more if we were currently closer to 35.


It sucks when life doesn't follow our well thought out plans ;)

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