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C-section without sedation/pain meds - anyone else btdt?

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I am so sorry you went through that. I agree that emotional processing of your experience is very important. I see you doing a beginning of that by sharing your story with the board here. You may also want to write a journal, draw, sculpt, or some other art medium.


I also see you pick bible names for your children, and you probably already know the translation of Levi's name but incase you don't... it means My Heart. A very appropriate name for this child who got your heart going in his entrance to the world.


I am glad you and babe are doing well now.:grouphug:

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My first c-section wasn't an emergency. I had a spinal and when they started cutting, it hadn't taken. When I started screaming, they immediately put the mask over my face and put me under. All I remember is them telling my husband "Sir, you'll have to leave" and the mask over my face and "10, 9, 8 ..." This was almost 22 years ago and I went on to have 5 more, but it was pretty traumatic.


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Oh my goodness!

Congrats on Levi. Hats off to both you and your husband for what you went through.


I've had various "issues" in my sections, but nothing like this. The closest I've come is with whatever drugs they give you after the section, I'd opted for some non-narcotic ones I think because I'd broken out in hives after my first section with the drugs they gave me. Nothing like itching head to toe nonstop while recovering. It took awhile to get the drugs to get rid of the hives and then they had to change up all the meds. So, I'd hope the different meds would work and not cause hives. They didn't cause hives, but they didn't work either. So, I was in serious pain for a couple of hours until they could get the Dr. to change them around. My incision felt on fire and I could feel every little movement. I opted for hives and the narcotics for the next section.


I'm glad no one gave you any problems about trying a homebirth and that they took such good care of you.

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Haven't read the whole thread, but I had a co-worker years ago that had an emergency c-section with no meds at all. She had pre-eclampsia and was in the hospital. Her entire preganancy had been difficult and she was only about 21 weeks (maybe more, it's over 20 yrs ago). She had a placental abruption, but they knew immediately because she was hooked up to all sorts of monitors. She said the wheeled her to the OR pouring betadine on her abdomen on the way. They started the c-section with her awake, but at some point put something in her iv that knocked her out. Her dd was 1# 10 ozs and survived with no problems, although it was touch and go for a long time. I know for some reason they couldn't suture her incision and it took a long time to heal.


Congrats on the arrival of Levi!!!



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I have a friend who had anesthesia awareness (paralyzed but not out...total feeling and recall) in a section but nothing like you're describing.


There is a strong risk of PTSD and similar after this sort of thing. I'd say for your husband and yourself based on what you described. There are effective treatments for that so don't hesitate to get help if needed.


Ugh. Seems as if this is a liability for the hospital honestly. You were brought in an ambulance that took 23 minutes to arrive and they didn't have an OB and scrubbed up staff in the OR including anesthesia? It sounds really bad for the hospital. If you can get some florastor probiotic I would do that. The antibiotics can't kill it like they can other probiotics and it's good with protecting against yeast as well--I'd hate to have you struggling with thrush and similar on top of all this. I'd take another high quality probiotic (maybe acidophilus pearl or culturelle) away from the antibiotic doses. Hopefully nursing babe will get some of the probiotics via breastmilk.


Ugh. How absolutely horrible.


The ACOCG standard for hospitals is "thirty minutes from decision to incision". This means that a doctor is NOT required to be in the hospital until the patient arrives and he is called in after the nursing staff evaluate the patient. I have called doctors to give them a 'heads up' if we got a call that something bad was coming in but I have never had a doctor head in to the hospital based on that alone. I have never in my entire career, including working as a travel nurse in hospitals across the states ever seen a doctor and an or team called in based on an EMT's report. After the doctor arrives, he or she evaluates the patient and makes a decision. THEN the clock starts ticking. This lady and her baby are extremely fortunate, most doctors would not even ever consider doing a c-section with only a lidocaine injection, most ob's of my acquaintance would have waited for anesthesia to arrive.

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Ugh. Seems as if this is a liability for the hospital honestly. You were brought in an ambulance that took 23 minutes to arrive and they didn't have an OB and scrubbed up staff in the OR including anesthesia? It sounds really bad for the hospital.


I live in the same city as Martha. The ambulance system isn't run by the hospital. I think it's fire dePartment based. I do know we pay a monthly charge on the city utility bill to cover possible ambulance use.


Martha--congratulations on your new addition and I'm glad Levi came through it with flying colors. I'm sorry it was traumatic for you and dh. I can't imagine it and have never heard of it happening.

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I'm recovering okay. Home now. On a boat load of antibiotics bc it wasn't sterile. And my incision hurts lots. Coughing is excruciating.


Idk wth was up that the anesthesiologists weren't available. (in another surgery? Idk?)

And apparently they have to call down to pharmacy to get the big gun knock out drugs bc they called down for it, but it didn't arrive as fast as baby's heart rate was dropping.


Baby is great. As soon as they got him out, his heart rate soared and he was crying and doing well enough that both his apgars were 9s.


Turns out the prolapse we went in for was only the start. Once they opened me up, they saw the cord wrapped around his neck several times and it had two knots in it too.


It appears he wasn't affected by any of that until delivery. He weighed 9 lb 2 oz and his 39 week ultrasound didn't show any of those issues.


A self-depreciating funny. If you have ever watched the documentary The Business of Being Born, you probably remember what we refer to as The Opera Birther. Well I made that noise all the way from my home, in ambulance, and through most of the surgery. I had to release all that pressure to not push, to not move, to not do anything some how and by golly that was working for me. Towards the end, about half way through sewing up, I switched to a combobulated "oh my God" and Hail Mary litany. Then I heard a nurse say over Levi crying in the background "he's a 9!" and the nurse that had held him in was cheering. And another nurse on my right say, "the c------ is here! I'm giving 100 to start." (all I remember is the drug started with a hard c) that didn't knock me out, but it did make things go all weird and distorted. I heard the dr say to give another 50. Next thing, I woke up in recovery.


My time from getting in ambulance to his time of birth via c/s was about 23 minutes. Time from first cut to birth was 1 minute 5 seconds.


It actually took longer for the ambulance to arrive and load me.


:svengo::grouphug: Congratulations!

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This lady and her baby are extremely fortunate, most doctors would not even ever consider doing a c-section with only a lidocaine injection, most ob's of my acquaintance would have waited for anesthesia to arrive.


Your experience mirrors my own more limited experience with OB/hospital policy.


I'm very very glad the OB didn't wait. Levi came out awesome great. But I shudder to think of the need for resuscitation if he had had to wait. Can't even contemplate that resuscitation might not have worked.


And waiting wouldn't have meant I wasnt in pain anyways. It is horribly painful to be ready to push and baby is trying to come out and instead having to be still and not push while someone's hand is shoved in you preventing his coming out.

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Why weren't you given anesthesia? If they didn't have time for an epidural or spinal, general anesthesia takes only seconds to administer and it's right there ready to go in an OR.


That's what I was thinking! I had a kiddo in distress, and the nurse made one call. One second later one nurse was running down the hall with me on the gurney, while another was straddling my legs (riding along) and shaving my belly. As soon as we got to the OR, they put something over my face and I was out cold, and the babies were born like 2 minutes later!

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Nope. It wasn't there. Idk why. But it wasn't. And the nurse holding him in was none too happy about it. She was telling nurses to look here, there, and everywhere. Maybe it was already used previously and they hadn't replaced it yet? Idk.


I do know that nurse was very upset. She stayed with me through recovery and saw me settled in my room.


I remember the dr saying he had to wait for sedation and the heart beat just kept dropping, 50, 40, 35, 30.... and at that point the nurse looked past him to me and said we couldn't wait or we would loose this baby. Dr looked at me and asked if I understood. I said to take care of Levi. Nurse on left put an oxygen mask over my face and said no matter what to not move or it could hurt my baby. Dr started cutting.


Idk what drug they used in the end to sedate me, but the nurse was very surprised and very upset that I seemed to remember everything in recovery. She kept saying how she was so sorry it had to happen like that and if I needed someone to talk to, to have her paged or just ask any nurse.


I'm rather glad I remember everything. I might have been loud, but I knew what was going on and stayed in control. Only once did I move. When he started to pack everything back in, I reflexively jerked my right arm up. A nurse just said, No! And told me to grip the table, which I did thereafter.


I am stunned and moved to tears and just... amazed. You are an incredible woman to have kept control like that. Someday Levi will understand and he'll be amazed, too! I think it's good that you're writing about it here, by the way. I had a traumatic birth (but not that bad) and I had to recount it a lot to move past it, even though I was grateful for a healthy baby.

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I'm recovering okay. Home now. On a boat load of antibiotics bc it wasn't sterile. And my incision hurts lots. Coughing is excruciating.


Idk wth was up that the anesthesiologists weren't available. (in another surgery? Idk?)

And apparently they have to call down to pharmacy to get the big gun knock out drugs bc they called down for it, but it didn't arrive as fast as baby's heart rate was dropping.


Baby is great. As soon as they got him out, his heart rate soared and he was crying and doing well enough that both his apgars were 9s.


Turns out the prolapse we went in for was only the start. Once they opened me up, they saw the cord wrapped around his neck several times and it had two knots in it too.


It appears he wasn't affected by any of that until delivery. He weighed 9 lb 2 oz and his 39 week ultrasound didn't show any of those issues.


A self-depreciating funny. If you have ever watched the documentary The Business of Being Born, you probably remember what we refer to as The Opera Birther. Well I made that noise all the way from my home, in ambulance, and through most of the surgery. I had to release all that pressure to not push, to not move, to not do anything some how and by golly that was working for me. Towards the end, about half way through sewing up, I switched to a combobulated "oh my God" and Hail Mary litany. Then I heard a nurse say over Levi crying in the background "he's a 9!" and the nurse that had held him in was cheering. And another nurse on my right say, "the c------ is here! I'm giving 100 to start." (all I remember is the drug started with a hard c) that didn't knock me out, but it did make things go all weird and distorted. I heard the dr say to give another 50. Next thing, I woke up in recovery.


My time from getting in ambulance to his time of birth via c/s was about 23 minutes. Time from first cut to birth was 1 minute 5 seconds.


It actually took longer for the ambulance to arrive and load me.


How do you know it was an emergency and that you needed to call the ambulance?

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This was why I didn't choose the closest hospital to home to deliver--anesthesia was not on premises 24/7, and the MFM relayed several similar stories to the OP's. It is a horrendous call for an OB to have to make.


To the OP you are one tough cookie, and it sounds like a true miracle that baby is doing well.


I didn't read the whole thread but I think PTSD might be an issue, and it might perhaps make sense to go ahead and consider talking to a professional proactively.


Sending you best wishes for gentle healing.

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You know--I have many family members who are drs. and it is usually the very last thing I think of--but I really believe that while it sounds like you had some amazing nurses taking care of you, and thank goodness the dr. went ahead with the section, the hospital bears some liability here. What kinds of procedures should have been in place to prevent this from happening, and to keep it from happening again in the future? I think it would be worthwhile writing down a timeline of events while it is all fresh in your head depending on what you might decide in the future.

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I'm so totally impressed. I had an emergency CSection but nothing that comes close. Thankfully for me, they took the decision to do a csection, and started prepping me for it. Then I started bleeding, and the baby's heart beat dropped and was undetectable. Within seconds, I had 20 people around me and I was rushed into the operating room. They started cutting me before I was under anesthesia, but it came very quickly, and I have little recollection of the pain.


I'm just in awe of you. Motherhood is so powerful, you wanted to protect the baby so much, you didn't move at all! Wow. I so understand the need for Hail Mary there! You must have done two whole rosaries!


Congratulations to you, and welcome Levi!

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You know--I have many family members who are drs. and it is usually the very last thing I think of--but I really believe that while it sounds like you had some amazing nurses taking care of you, and thank goodness the dr. went ahead with the section, the hospital bears some liability here. What kinds of procedures should have been in place to prevent this from happening, and to keep it from happening again in the future? I think it would be worthwhile writing down a timeline of events while it is all fresh in your head depending on what you might decide in the future.



not necessarily from a lawsuit point of view but for keeping this type of situation from happening to another patient. If your doc hadn't done what he did, you may have lost your baby.


Someone was responsible for the doc 1. not being ready, and 2. the OR suite not being fully stocked with the drugs needed. That person needs to hear about it.

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My hat's off to him for having made such a decision knowing the risks and liability, I know many OB's who would have waited anyway.



kudos for him for making the best decision under fire without trying to worry more about covering his rear end. He potentially could have been in for a lawsuit depending on the kind of person he was working with and what that outcome was.

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I didn't read the whole thread but I think PTSD might be an issue, and it might perhaps make sense to go ahead and consider talking to a professional proactively.





First of all, Congratulations on the birth of Levi!!! I love his name.


And, I want to agree with this poster. Please take care of yourself. I had a traumatic birth with my first, but nowhere nearly this bad. I suffered with what I now think was PTSD for a long time. I wish I had gotten help then. :grouphug:

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Honestly I think the entire ordeal was a thousand times worse for dh than me.


The last view I had of him was as he pushed my table into the OR.

The nurse on me had just told the nurse on my left that we just could not wait bc this baby wasn't going to make it.

That was the last thing he heard and as the doors shut I saw him slide to his knees against the wall.


He says as long as he could hear my screaming, he knew I was okay. There were several minutes where I didn't that stopped his heart for a few.


And someone apparently thought to send for the hospital chaplain. Which also made his heart skip a few beats. A little black woman who dh wanted to throttle. (dh isn't a believer) He said she kept yapping about how if he just put his trust in God it would be fine and saying how God takes care of us and asking if dh had been saved and believed and blahblahblah. Dh just ignored her, bc he is too nice to tell a woman to shut the hell up and go away. But yeah, crisis situation is not the best time to push bad theology on a man.


Once he heard baby and I were okay, he was better. He is still upset that my worst delivery is the only one he couldn't be by my side for though. Poor guy. :(


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No, you're not alone in your experience! I was member of a board several years ago that included a couple of women who'd endured c-sections with incomplete/ ineffective anesthesia.


You're correct, that it is not that uncommon. It's just not talked about, or acknowledged by most of the obstetric community, especially since not a few OBs are proponents of a higher c-section rate.


What infuriates me are the stories of women who told their doctors they could feel everything, and were ignored, or paternalistically told it was just "pressure" they were feeling.

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Wow! I've never heard of anything like that. I had an emergency c-sect (as in baby was about to die and needed to come out NOW). The anestisiologist jammed over to the OR and did a spinal in about 3 minutes flat. I had people buzzing all around me, prepping, putting the iV, ect. I didn't feel a thing.


That said, I'm sure that you all just did what you had to do. You are a warrior mama. Watch out for PTSD symptoms, they might sneak up on you.

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I have had four c-sections and trouble with two of them. With my first, which was an emergency, my epidural only took on one side. Like the OP, the "coming out" wasn't so bad, it was the "putting in" that was painful and they put me under at that point. Then with baby #3 (at a different hospital in a different state) I had a similar situation where my spinal didn't take fully and ended up with a "twilight" and lots of drugs after she was delivered. However, #2 and #4 were born without a hitch :) I'm just so thankful for modern medicine and the wisdom God has given man to allow these babies to be born healthy and mom to recover.

And, congrats to the OP on little Levi :grouphug:

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I was trying to remember where I heard a very similar story and it was in the book Babycatcher...you might check it out when you have time--she was the midwife with baby with prolapsed cord holding baby in until emergency section and I *think* in this case there was also no time for anesthesia.


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Oh my goodness!!! :grouphug::grouphug:


I'm praying for you and babe and your complete recovery.


Be aware that you are a good candidate for PPD or PTSD as a pp mentioned. If you feel the least bit off, seek help!


I hope that you have friends and family surrounding you who will cook for you and help out. Take your time to recover!!

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OH MY!!! I don't even have words...it's all I can do to control my emotions while I am reading this (my kids keep asking me what's wrong)! What a strong woman you are! I'm so glad that you, Levi & your dh are all ok. Congratulations on the new little guy! I hope you are able to put the terrifying moments behind you and enjoy the gift you have been blessed with.:grouphug:

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I thought I was the only one this had ever happened too. I was trying VBAC in the hospital and my bp dropped to 30/20 which means the baby is not getting any oxygen. I remember the doc saying she could have this baby out in 90 seconds if she needed to. The next thing I remember is the nurses pushing the bed down the hall while running as fast as they could. The doc just cut me open (vertically, the doc said that is faster) and yanked the baby out and ran off with him. I was put under and did not wake up for hours. I did not see my baby until the next day. It was touch and go for him. His lungs collapsed and his heart was beating irregularly. He would up in the NICU for a week.

I struggled with nightmares, being really stressed out over the littlest things, and having really irrational fears of every day things.

He is 2 now and I still have a hard time thinking about it. Every one kept telling me how I should be grateful he was alive.

I also struggled with GUILT for trying the VBAC. My son and I almost died because I wanted a "normal" birth.

I am glad that you have your healthy baby, just take care of yourself too.

You will never guess what my little boys name is?????



There must be something about that name.

If you ever want to talk feel free to pm me, if you are like me I would have loved to talk to some one that understood.

For baby #8, I scheduled a csection.


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Whoa. I have never heard of that. :001_huh: I had a C with Sylvia, but it was planned and I had a ramped-up epidural. That sounds really scary, but welcome to your little boy! :grouphug:


ETA: Wow, I am flabbergasted that his heartrate went so low. Sylvia was deceling into the 80's and they had the oxygen mask on me and an OR on notice. Just, wow. I'm so glad everyone is ok!

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:eek: Oh my word! :grouphug: I hope you and baby are okay!


I had only heard of one case such as this, where baby's heart stopped and the docs just opened her up, but TBH, I had my doubts that the story was even true!


I did always have that thought in the back of my mind as a "risk" inherent in planning an unmedicated birth.


Oh, :grouphug: again - gosh! I'm just cringing for you!

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I had to have an emergency c- section on Sunday.

So emergency that the only time they had for numbing me was a local shot of lidocaine on the incision site and telling me to be very still and not move. (no I was not tied down either)


I did pretty good until about half way through sewing me up. Oddly enough, stuffing everything back in hurt worst than the cutting open and yanking Levi out. Went a bit shocky then. Thankfully, drugs finally arrived in the room at about the same time so they could knock me out and intubate me and give oxygen and xray to be sure they didn't leave anything behind. Woke up about an hour and a half later in recovery.


That is a very brief section of his birth story. It was still better than my planned non emergency c/s 13 years ago.




I hear tell this is not as uncommon as people think. I've had a few people say something similar happened to them too for various reasons. (spinal didn't work, they had a negative reaction to drugs, no anesthesiologist available...)


So I'm curious to know if anyone else here has had a similar c-section?



:grouphug::grouphug: Martha








General warning: Please stop reading if bad birth stories distress you.













My c-section was supposed to be with a spinal. They tested my feet. I couldn't feel a thing. They cut me open and I realized quite quickly that the spinal hadn't been done properly. I felt the whole thing. I was so stunned that I couldn't even speak, but the anesthesiologist and my dh both said, "Oh my god, can you feel that?" at the same time. I think I nodded or said something. I don't know. The doctor kept working and I remember him expressing disbelief and the anesthesiologist telling him "no, she's feeling it." Doc worked quickly after that. I remember wishing (out loud apparently) that I could have died more peacefully than that. I remember vomiting and apologizing for it. As soon as ds was out, I got morphine. I remember seeing his little face and dh asking me "what's his name" and I said his name. By the time they were done sewing, I felt nothing.


They made me stand up later the same day. The sensation of all my organs shifting as I stood made me vomit and I tore several stitches, which was very painful as well. Other than that, the recovery was fine. I healed well.


People don't believe me when I tell them this story. They think that doctors couldn't possibly do such invasive surgery on you without anesthesia. But, it happens. I will not ever be able to forget that feeling. Although, I think the memory of the actual pain itself has faded away mostly. My dh still won't talk about it. I think it truly horrified him.


More :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: for you, Martha.

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Yeah, my second one was pretty weird. They were rushing to get me under, but it just wasn't happening for whatever reason. I think the anesthesiologist finally just pushed a mega-dose of whatever on me and my diaphragm froze. I'm not sure if I was hallucinating or really having a near death experience, LOL. It seemed to me that I stopped being able to breath for some period of time and things sort of slowed down and time froze. I thought at the time I was dying, but was completely peaceful about it. Weird. Really weird. Then, it was as if I was able to suddenly draw a breath again and I was back in the game.... I agree that the repacking was the most uncomfortable part of the whole thing....

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How do you know it was an emergency and that you needed to call the ambulance?






I was doing pretty good at home. Cranky but handling the pain, kwim?;)

I was at 10, but he just wasn't dropping further down.

So MW had me change positions so he could drop easier. When she put her hand in to check his progress down, at first she thought it was his hand next to his head. She said not to push bc she wanted to push his head back just bit to move his hand out of the way and make it easier for him to come out.

When she put her hand back in again, she got a better feel and said we had a cord prolapse, not a hand next to his head.

Again don't push, maybe we can move it.

All of the sudden I got a weird... Idk how to describe it feeling... And I looked at her and said "I don't feel good" and they (dh, MW and friend) said I started to have slow reactions. I was aware of everything. I just felt like I was on a time delay from everyone else.


Dh said the minute he heard me say that he told friend to call an ambulance. (dh was behind/under me bc he had been helping to push/sit up)


So. We were going in for prolapse, tho his hr was good at the house. MW said it was 145.


It turns out it's a dang good thing dh didn't let her deliver him at home. Tho I seriously doubt we could have after what the OB found when he opened me up. It wasn't just a prolapse. The cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times and the cord had 2 knots in it. I don't think he could have come through a vag delivery without serious injury. At least.


I did not see my baby until the next day. It was touch and go for him. His lungs collapsed and his heart was beating irregularly. He would up in the NICU for a week.

I struggled with nightmares..



I was only in recovery for about 2 hours, tops. And the minute I was awake, the nurse brought my dh and the baby to me. I was too weak to hold him, but the nurse and dh helped me get propped enough to try to nurse him. They were awesome. My first c/s, which was not an emergency, gave me nightmares for months and I didn't get my baby for a long time then either.


So far I am not having nightmares or flashbacks. I'm actually feeling rather cheerful. Maybe it's bc the staff treated me so well. Idk. Maybe I am in shock still. Dh doesn't think so.


So far my general reaction is I did get the delivery I wanted. I was able to labor at home until it wasn't advisable to do so, then I got prompt care when I needed it. This hospital does have 24/7 anesthesiologists. Several. Idk what they were doing. Maybe they were in another surgery and couldn't leave? Idk. I feel kind of stupid for not asking these questions while I was there. I guess some would say this is the fault of having a home delivery, but truth is if I had had a sudden change in situation while laboring there, it would have had the same result.

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People don't believe me when I tell them this story. They think that doctors couldn't possibly do such invasive surgery on you without anesthesia. But, it happens. I will not ever be able to forget that feeling. Although, I think the memory of the actual pain itself has faded away mostly. My dh still won't talk about it. I think it truly horrified him.



Oh honey. And it was your first and only baby too?! :.(:grouphug:


That is how I felt with my first c/s. Tho the spinal works, it was very traumatic in several other ways. No one believes me either. And even those who did acted like I should just get over it bc all that matters is a healthy baby to take home. I doubt I would have pushed so hard for the 6 vbacs I had after that if it hadn't been so traumatic for me. Seriously I STILL rate that c/s 13 years ago as worse than this one. And they didn't give any pain relief. It was a long time before I saw my baby and they were very callous about my efforts to breastfeed. It was just generally a horrible time. He was the only baby I had PPD with.

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Oh wow. Martha, I'm so sorry you had to go through this experience, and am so impressed to read each of your updates and seeing how you are dealing with everything. You're obviously a very strong, amazing woman. Please do remember to allow yourself whatever feelings come up -- now and in future -- and reach out for support whenever you might need it. :grouphug:


Congratulations on your newest addition, and welcome to the world little Levi!

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Oh dear -


Mine wasn't quite like that, but I also had an epidural that didn't quite work. The c-section was fine, but when they went to put everything back in place they also tried to fix a hernia and I could feel everything they were doing.


I thought the epidural was wearing off and that I was about to "feel everything" while still being completely cut open. I started to hyperventilate. The anesthesiologist ran across the room and knocked me out within seconds. My last thought was "I am going to die. I will never see my husband or baby again."


When I woke up I cried for a month. I am not exaggerating.


If you begin to feel down or emotional or have trouble with the baby, ask for help! I agree with the other poster - PTSD could happen in this situation.


I'm sorry your birth was hard and congrats on Levi!

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Oh honey. And it was your first and only baby too?! :.(:grouphug:


That is how I felt with my first c/s. Tho the spinal works, it was very traumatic in several other ways. No one believes me either. And even those who did acted like I should just get over it bc all that matters is a healthy baby to take home. I doubt I would have pushed so hard for the 6 vbacs I had after that if it hadn't been so traumatic for me. Seriously I STILL rate that c/s 13 years ago as worse than this one. And they didn't give any pain relief. It was a long time before I saw my baby and they were very callous about my efforts to breastfeed. It was just generally a horrible time. He was the only baby I had PPD with.


:grouphug: They did that to me, too. I'd been on pitocin trying to induce for 3 days prior. And they treated me like I wasn't trying hard enough when there was NOTHING for my baby, not even a drop of colostrum. I was so grateful to my MIL when I went home. She saved my sanity and helped me so much just by letting me be ME, and not judging me at all. I felt so judged in that hospital and by the LL people.


Still... I am also grateful for my son and if that is what had to be done to have him safe... well, I am grateful I could do it and get through it.


I hope this doesn't sound silly... I think you know I mean it with all my heart... be yourself and enjoy your baby, Martha.


If you ever need to talk, you know where to find me. :001_smile:

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I had an "emergency" c-section too...kind of--I mean I'd already been in the hospital like almost 9 days and everything had gotten into a calm routine I guess....I had pre-eclampsia issues (blood pressure related-diabetes issues)---blood pressure had gotten somewhat under control but that afternoon the dr decided to do it that day-hubby had just left to go get ready to go to work so I had to track him down and get him to turn around and come to hospital....they gave me the spinal and got me situated on the table and were ready to cut but I could still feel things so she had then put me to sleep--I guess I'm glad she did-sometime during the procedure I had trouble breathing and had to be put on an breathing machine---woke up in icu later that evening--baby was OK but tiny and in NICU (4 1/2 pounds)-he had a few breathing issues so he was on oxygen too-I stayed in ICU for a few days then went back to regular room---stayed about a week more and then was sent home--(too early I think)----was home for about 2-3 days and feet started swelling--brother in law who was an ex-emt made me go back to the e/r and they put me in CICU this time and scared the heck out of us telling us it could be heart failure but just turned out to be more complications from pre-eclampsia--I lost like 60pounds of water weight in 2 days :001_huh: --what a story!

it's been 8 1/2 yrs later and baby and I are doing great---well he is--my health is starting to take another turn--(having bad trouble with my hands either RA or carpal tunnel-having tests to learn which one)....because of all the problems I had they told us not to have anymore kids so we only have one son......


zach was born 8weeks early and weighed 4 1/2 pounds.....I was born earlier and weighed under 2lbs not sure what problems my mom had to cause my early delivery

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Oh Martha! I am so glad things worked out. Sadly I know from experience (not my own) that is not always the case. I am sorry for your trauma, but rejoice with you over Levi's life.


I agree with so many of the other posters to be on guard for any post traumatic stress or ppd.


Praying for the most boring and uneventful recovery possible.




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