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C-section without sedation/pain meds - anyone else btdt?

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I am so sorry you had to go through that!! You are amazing. So glad your little guy is okay. This is my worst fear of C/S...not having anesthesia, or not having it work correctly. Knowing it is perhaps rather common is terrifying. I'm so glad you had good support afterwards, and that you are feeling well. Those Hail Marys must have really worked. ;)

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Good gravy. No, all 3 of mine were fine; even the first, emergency one had everything standing by already. I have heard of c-sections using just hypnosis, but don't know anyone who tried such a thing.


Congratulations, though! On both the new baby, and on now having a birth story that will trump anything anyone else in a mother's group will have to offer.


My dad performed one of these in the 70s.


The woman had a pathological fear of anesthesia. I don't know how much people know about fear on that level, but it can raise your heartrate and blood pressure (even in your sleep / under sedation) to such a degree that you can literally "mentally kill yourself" by undergoing the process - simply because you are so afraid of it.


He found someone who was skilled in hypnosis (he was as well, come to think of it...) and had a perfect outcome for baby and mother. I'd never heard of it being done anywhere else!




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People don't believe me when I tell them this story. They think that doctors couldn't possibly do such invasive surgery on you without anesthesia. But, it happens. I will not ever be able to forget that feeling. Although, I think the memory of the actual pain itself has faded away mostly. My dh still won't talk about it. I think it truly horrified him.


This is why WE have the babies: we can do anything.


Mama-props to Martha!




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Nope haven't BTDT. I did have a c-section where the anesthesia started to wear off in the middle of it. When I told the dr I could feel the blood running down my side, he didn't believe me at first. Once I could tell him exactly what he was doing (I couldn't see it) he finally believed me and had them up the meds a bit. LOL




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there was NOTHING for my baby, not even a drop of colostrum.


That is how my first c/s was. I had him at 8pm after being on pit all day and the OB insisting I could deliver him even tho he was breech. By noon the next day, they had sent me home with formula bc I was dry as could be. And no pain meds other than told to take some over the counter Tylenol. I was much younger and had never had any surgery before. I thought I was just a wuss and they treated me like I was just being a wuss. To make matters worse, I had zero support or help at home. My mother had died the year before and dh had just started a new job a few months before, so he had to be back at work 3 days after the birth. It was just a fog of me, new baby that puked constantly bc he was intolerant to every single formula on the market, and his 2 toddler big brothers, pain, and exhaustion all day every day unremittingly for what seemed like forever. And I really couldn't say anything bc the general response was I deserved it for having a third. That baby didn't receive even one congrats on his birth. Dh and I were the only ones who wanted him.


I've sworn ever since that come hell or high water I will be around when my grand babies are born. If all they want me to do is fade in the back ground and scrub toilets while they put their feet up and rock baby, that's fine. But no daughter or dil of mine will ever have to feel like that if I'm living.

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That is how my first c/s was. I had him at 8pm after being on pit all day and the OB insisting I could deliver him even tho he was breech. By noon the next day, they had sent me home with formula bc I was dry as could be. And no pain meds other than told to take some over the counter Tylenol. I was much younger and had never had any surgery before. I thought I was just a wuss and they treated me like I was just being a wuss. To make matters worse, I had zero support or help at home. My mother had died the year before and dh had just started a new job a few months before, so he had to be back at work 3 days after the birth. It was just a fog of me, new baby that puked constantly bc he was intolerant to every single formula on the market, and his 2 toddler big brothers, pain, and exhaustion all day every day unremittingly for what seemed like forever. And I really couldn't say anything bc the general response was I deserved it for having a third. That baby didn't receive even one congrats on his birth. Dh and I were the only ones who wanted him.


I've sworn ever since that come hell or high water I will be around when my grand babies are born. If all they want me to do is fade in the back ground and scrub toilets while they put their feet up and rock baby, that's fine. But no daughter or dil of mine will ever have to feel like that if I'm living.



:grouphug: I know exactly what you mean. I was lucky to have my MIL (my own mom had passed many years before). She had had some rough births herself. She just understood. I feel the same way you do about any future dils. I'll be there for whatever she needs -- no judgement, no bs.

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I've sworn ever since that come hell or high water I will be around when my grand babies are born. If all they want me to do is fade in the back ground and scrub toilets while they put their feet up and rock baby, that's fine. But no daughter or dil of mine will ever have to feel like that if I'm living.


My mom was great about that. All my inlaws wanted to do was spirit the baby away (I specifically told DH they couldn't come after seeing what they did with SIL). My mom showed up, made me high fat food, and told me everything would be fine (even though I had no milk). Then she gave me a beer, promised not to give the (screeching, dehydrated) baby a bottle, and put me to bed.


I *know* that woman gave DS a bottle. She's not stupid. I slept forever, woke up to a clean house, a sleeping baby - and MILK!


She did nothing but cook and let me nap. It was perfect. I hope to emulate her some day.


(When my inlaws showed up 2 weeks later, it was awful...)




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Yeah, been there... My first crashed and we did a no-anesthesia c-section. I'd had a epidural 12 hours earlier, but it was gone. Dh passed out. With my 4th c-section, my epidural didn't take and I kept telling the guy that I had full feeling and movement on one side. He didn't believe me. At the first incision, I belted him and they put me under... We learned to give dh a chair, off in the corner where he wouldn't hit his head when he passed out...


My experience with my twins was similar. I had already had an epidural, I was trying for vaginal birth, but dd had other ideas, and off I went for emergency C. My epidural never fully took, they kept cranking it, but still could feel them pinch me. Next thing I knew I was waking up to babies crying. Apparently they gave me the highest dose they could for the epi, and then said I had to be put under. I remember none of it.


Martha, I'm sorry that happened, I can't imagine! Congrats on your new baby!

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I have had two good friends who have had emergency c-sections without sufficient pain meds. One coped with it well, one did not--she got a little PTSD. I have had two more friends who have just been knocked completely out because they didn't have the anesthesiologist on floor.


I actually switched hospitals to go someplace "bigger" that has 24/7 anesthesiology after their experiences.

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My mom was great about that. All my inlaws wanted to do was spirit the baby away (I specifically told DH they couldn't come after seeing what they did with SIL). My mom showed up, made me high fat food, and told me everything would be fine (even though I had no milk). Then she gave me a beer, promised not to give the (screeching, dehydrated) baby a bottle, and put me to bed.


I *know* that woman gave DS a bottle. She's not stupid. I slept forever, woke up to a clean house, a sleeping baby - and MILK!


She did nothing but cook and let me nap. It was perfect. I hope to emulate her some day.


(When my inlaws showed up 2 weeks later, it was awful...)




Feel free to head up here when the time comes. The only time I've had help was when I bled out really badly with Diva...I had to call my mother in tears telling her I couldn't manage. I stayed at her place for a week.


Wolf took some time off with both Littles, but with Princess, I ended up back in the hospital with a raging kidney infection. 3 days after I got home, Wolf had to go across country for a week on business.


I'm willing to let you practice for your future dil! :D

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I can't imagine. So glad you're okay and seem to be handling it well. I would definitely be talking to the hospital about this and trying to find out why no one was there to give you anesthesia and what can be done to make sure it doesn't happen again.


And you will be a wonderful MIL!


I can't believe that doctors/anesthesiologists don't believe patients when they say they can feel things. It's just so awful.

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I can't imagine. So glad you're okay and seem to be handling it well. I would definitely be talking to the hospital about this and trying to find out why no one was there to give you anesthesia and what can be done to make sure it doesn't happen again.


And you will be a wonderful MIL!


I can't believe that doctors/anesthesiologists don't believe patients when they say they can feel things. It's just so awful.


That's what I'm thinking!! How arrogant!


Congratulations, Martha. :grouphug: And prayers for a speedy, peaceful recovery.

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Oh my heavens. I am so sorry that happened to you. :grouphug: During the sewing up part of my first c-section, I felt some pressure and they increased my pain meds just for that. I can't imagine actually feeling the pain. My heart goes out to you for enduring such a procedure.


Congratualtions on the birth of your son, though.


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I was doing pretty good at home. Cranky but handling the pain, kwim?;)

I was at 10, but he just wasn't dropping further down.

So MW had me change positions so he could drop easier. When she put her hand in to check his progress down, at first she thought it was his hand next to his head. She said not to push bc she wanted to push his head back just bit to move his hand out of the way and make it easier for him to come out.

When she put her hand back in again, she got a better feel and said we had a cord prolapse, not a hand next to his head.

Again don't push, maybe we can move it.

All of the sudden I got a weird... Idk how to describe it feeling... And I looked at her and said "I don't feel good" and they (dh, MW and friend) said I started to have slow reactions. I was aware of everything. I just felt like I was on a time delay from everyone else.


Dh said the minute he heard me say that he told friend to call an ambulance. (dh was behind/under me bc he had been helping to push/sit up)


So. We were going in for prolapse, tho his hr was good at the house. MW said it was 145.


It turns out it's a dang good thing dh didn't let her deliver him at home. Tho I seriously doubt we could have after what the OB found when he opened me up. It wasn't just a prolapse. The cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times and the cord had 2 knots in it. I don't think he could have come through a vag delivery without serious injury. At least.




I was only in recovery for about 2 hours, tops. And the minute I was awake, the nurse brought my dh and the baby to me. I was too weak to hold him, but the nurse and dh helped me get propped enough to try to nurse him. They were awesome. My first c/s, which was not an emergency, gave me nightmares for months and I didn't get my baby for a long time then either.


So far I am not having nightmares or flashbacks. I'm actually feeling rather cheerful. Maybe it's bc the staff treated me so well. Idk. Maybe I am in shock still. Dh doesn't think so.


So far my general reaction is I did get the delivery I wanted. I was able to labor at home until it wasn't advisable to do so, then I got prompt care when I needed it.


My husband runs hospitals for a living and he's pretty shocked at the situation you've described. He also is pretty sure heads are going to roll for the unstocked OR whether you complain or not. He also says to file a formal complaint to be sure it isn't buried somehow. I think the nurse sounded pi**ed enough that SHE will be sure it isn't buried.


Martha, I believe you are going to be okay. This was a horribly traumatic experience, but through it all you never lost control of the situation. This wasn't something done to you against your will, and you were never treated like an empty-headed doll who doesn't understand what was happening to you. Your outrage was voiced for you by those wonderful nurses. You came through it with your dignity intact and feeling strong. You've made us all proud to be women.


Take care of those incisions, though. Infection is probably a bigger danger that emotional issues right now. :grouphug::grouphug:



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My mother had a similar experience with my younger brother. That story was why I spent my entire first pregnancy terrified of a c-section.


My mom was starting to have a few contractions and was beginning to think it might be the day when her water broke, in bed, and she felt the urge to push. I remember her screaming for my dad. They raced for the hospital, put the fetal monitor on her as soon as they got there, (she was at a 10) and put her on the operating room table--the room and staff were prepped to do a planned c-section for another woman who was just about to start her surgery, but they said she'd have to wait.


They tried to keep my dad out of the room, but he stuck his foot in the door so they couldn't shut it all the way and watched from the hallway. They couldn't wait for the anesthesia, but started cutting even as they were getting the anesthesia, so she was awake for the cutting part but went under just before they pulled my brother out.


My dad says he was limp and the color of a sidewalk when he was born, but they got him breathing and then allowed my dad to come into the room. He kept stopping breathing again for a bit and they kept having to poke, tickle, and pinch him to get him to take a breath and start breathing again.


My mom had a pretty traumatic time dealing with all of it afterwards--not so much the being awake part but the missing the birth part. He was a healthy, wonderful little boy, and he's a fine young man now.

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My mother had a similar experience with my younger brother. That story was why I spent my entire first pregnancy terrified of a c-section.


I've had several failed/incomplete epidurals/spinals with previous vbac deliveries, but I always figured they would shoot some special drug in my iv and it'd be okay if I had to have a c/s.


So much for that idea.


I do remember repeatedly asking for "drugs." Dh said no addict ever sounded as disperate as I did at that moment. Thing is, I wasn't even asking for it for pain relief. The urge to sit up and push was unbelievably strong and I was absolutely terrified I'd give in to it instinctively. I wanted the drugs to dull the urge if that makes any sense.

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My husband runs hospitals for a living and he's pretty shocked at the situation you've described. He also is pretty sure heads are going to roll for the unstocked OR whether you complain or not. He also says to file a formal complaint to be sure it isn't buried somehow. I think the nurse sounded pi**ed enough that SHE will be sure it isn't buried.


Take care of those incisions, though. Infection is probably a bigger danger that emotional issues right now. :grouphug::grouphug:




We chose this hospital specificly bc we had previously had 4 other deliveries there and felt this hospital was better than the other hospitals I had delivered four other babies at. Also, this hospital does have 24/7 anesthesiologists on staff.


I will talk to my dh about filing a complaint. Idk. The hospital did have an exit survey that we filled out, but none of the questions were surgical. It was all about the nurses and my room and the nursery. Stuff like did I feel the nurses met my needs promptly and courteously. Did the nursery respect and support my wishes wtr to my baby's care? Was my room kept clean and stocked? We did fill it out and gave glowing opinion on several nurses by name.


Eta: I'm still on antibiotics. They had me on IV antibiotics for three days and it looks like prescribed another 2 weeks worth via pills 3x a day. And I am staying home except for my follow up appt with the dr who did the c/s. And I'm telling anyone with sniffles of any kind to stay away. Coughing is painful. I can't imagine having a cold or stomach bug!

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  • 3 years later...
Guest lucasmom

I have been searching the internet to find someone who could relate to my birth experience! My son was born via c-section with NO anesthesia, I felt everything, eventually passed out, developed DIC and bled out 90% of my blood volume. Touch and go for 2 weeks in ICU, but we both survived. I was never able to get past the PTSD to get pregnant again. In my case they didn't call an available anesthesiologist until it was too late (placental abruption and baby coding). Crazy that ANYONE else has had something like this! Would love to chat with you! <<<<hugs!!>>>>

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I was med free, but we were both fine (aside from the fact that I was split open). My second was a planned c section so I wasn't nervous at all. I'm sorry for your struggles and hardship. I shook and silently sobbed from the pain, but didn't pass out. He needed CPR. His APGAR scores were 2 and 8, but he was perfect by the time he was 3 days old. We both went home.

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I have been searching the internet to find someone who could relate to my birth experience! My son was born via c-section with NO anesthesia, I felt everything, eventually passed out, developed DIC and bled out 90% of my blood volume. Touch and go for 2 weeks in ICU, but we both survived. I was never able to get past the PTSD to get pregnant again. In my case they didn't call an available anesthesiologist until it was too late (placental abruption and baby coding). Crazy that ANYONE else has had something like this! Would love to chat with you! <<<<hugs!!>>>>

Wow! This baby of mine is turning 4 years old next month! And he is so dadblum awesome and ridiculously stinkin cute. Not that I'm biased much. He is thoroughly spoiled by everyone in the house.


I'm so sorry you had such a bad experience and that your recovery was also so difficult physically and emotionally.


I had some PSTD that made it really hard for me not freak out about surgery. I had to have a gallbladder removed a couple years ago and fear of surgery/hospital admittance kept me from getting it done when it would have been easier and safer and less painful. What could have been an out patient procedure ended up 7 days in the hospital dealing with acute pancreatitis before I could have the surgery to remove the gallbladder. I didn't freak out about it, but yeah, I was extremely leery and nervous about any hospital care and that caused me to put off what needed to be done, even at a different hospital for different reasons.


But the good news is the surgery went wonderfully well and my recovery was fairly quick.


I am not scared of getting pregnant any longer. We abstained for a long time so my general health could be taken care of and focused on just enjoying our new baby. And by the time we did all that and didn't quite freak out at the prospect of doing something that could put me in a delivery room again, nature seems to have decided against it. I will probably always have some extra fear of hospital admittance and surgery, but it is manageable now for both of us.



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First, congrats and welcome to Levi!


2nd, :grouphug::grouphug: :grouphug:


My first child was a csection. I had an epidural from labour. When I started screaming on the table, they ended up knocking me out with a horse syringe of valium.


I remember the anestisiologist (sp) leaning down, trying to convince me all I felt was pressure. Yeah, right. :glare:


This same exact thing happened to me, except they used gas to knock me out after I started screaming when they cut into me.  I told the doctor I could feel things and the anesthesiologist (had to look it up) :) said "You'll feel some pressure" :eek:



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I had a very scary emergency c/s in 2012.  The last thing I remember is the Dr.'s face, scalpel in hand, shouting "GET HER OUT NOW!!!!"


They either got me out or gave me some good drugs to forget.  He saved dd's life and mine.


When I woke up after surgery, I was in the worst pain ever imaginable.  My scar is long and jagged.  It was a 30second "Splash & Slash" as I've heard it called.  He did get her out in about 30 seconds too.  Baby Girl took over 3min to resuscitate. She laid 3 days on a cooling blanket to minimize brain damage.  She does have gray brain matter, but she's developing perfectly.  She is a Miracle in every way.


dh says that the  room looked like a war zone when it was done, needles and blood everywhere.  They let him see dd as they zipped her off to a NICU in a different city.  I won't be having any more dc.


And, Martha, I have been having gallbladder issues...you are stepping on my toes...lol

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My planned C-section with my second was a spinal that worked, but wore off before they were done putting me back together. The anesthesiologist didnt seem to believe me when I told her that I was in pain, but the pain kept getting worse and worse and worse, and it took forever for her to call for meds and then to get the meds in my IV bag. So my problems seemed to be an idiot anesthesiologist, not the actual pain meds.

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Holy crap, is all I have to say. Didn't realize this was a zombie thread. But congrats on baby Levi, since I wasn't on the WTM to say it when he was born!





Nope. It wasn't there. Idk why. But it wasn't. And the nurse holding him in was none too happy about it. She was telling nurses to look here, there, and everywhere. Maybe it was already used previously and they hadn't replaced it yet? Idk.


I do know that nurse was very upset. She stayed with me through recovery and saw me settled in my room.


I remember the dr saying he had to wait for sedation and the heart beat just kept dropping, 50, 40, 35, 30.... and at that point the nurse looked past him to me and said we couldn't wait or we would loose this baby. Dr looked at me and asked if I understood. I said to take care of Levi. Nurse on left put an oxygen mask over my face and said no matter what to not move or it could hurt my baby. Dr started cutting.


Idk what drug they used in the end to sedate me, but the nurse was very surprised and very upset that I seemed to remember everything in recovery. She kept saying how she was so sorry it had to happen like that and if I needed someone to talk to, to have her paged or just ask any nurse.


I'm rather glad I remember everything. I might have been loud, but I knew what was going on and stayed in control. Only once did I move. When he started to pack everything back in, I reflexively jerked my right arm up. A nurse just said, No! And told me to grip the table, which I did thereafter.

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