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16 Good
  1. Thank you for all of the responses! My dd REALLY wants to go back to public school for high school. I think my biggest hurdle is that since I'm in the public school every week, I see all of the issues: so much wasted time, lack of outdoor time, negative peer influence, and "teaching to the test" mentality among many other things, and it makes it very difficult for me to let go of those things. She would be devastated if I brought her home next year, but I'm not sure if she'd just get over it after a few weeks?
  2. I REALLY wish going part time were an option for us because that would be the perfect solution. I suppose I could go ask the school board? We are in PA so I think it is up to each district. I'm not sure anyone has ever asked...
  3. I have three children whom I have homeschooled from the beginning. This past school year, my 8th grader went to public school and I homeschooled the others. I am a high school teacher by training and substitute in the local public schools a few times a month. I am just curious as to the many reasons some of you out there choose to send kids to public school for middle and high school. Why don't you continue homeschooling? There were many positives to our year in school, but we will most likely be homeschooling again next next. I know schooling is a personal choice for us all, but it also tends to be an emotional decision for myself. My child wants to return to ps. We felt the negatives outweighed the benefits. I always enjoy hearing the perspective of others as food for thought. Thanks!!
  4. We do an hour in the morning...math 3 days, writing 2 days, reading every day. Playing some games and reading lots of books helps us as well. I'd love to school year round, but my kids need the break. Good luck!
  5. I just finished Hillbilly Elegy, which was enlightening and A Man Called Ove, which was fun. I also love a Light Between Oceans, The Obituary Writer and The Nightingale.
  6. About to begin our 8th year of homeschooling, and we have happily used MFW for the past three years for ECC, CTG and Rome to Ref. I feel spread thin with my four at such differing ability levels (grades 1-7 next year), so I bought the VP Self-paced course for Explorers to 1815 thinking I could use it to supplement and free up some hands-on time for history. However, I still really want to continue on with MFW because I like how they schedule science, Bible, maps, music, art, etc. I also like how they discuss history in the Eastern hemisphere as well as the West. Has anyone used this combination or used VP as a supplement? Just trying to decide if I should forego MFW for next year and just stick with Veritas? I am the type of person that needs the accountability of a schedule and something planned out for me. I don't do well coming up with my own thing or piecing things together. Thanks in advance! Steph
  7. I was also going to say that what you are "piecing together"is much more than MFW 1st does...I did all of those with my oldest dd and now am using MFW for my youngest dd...very different philosophy and focus, but it's what I want for her because she is a young 1st grader and my view and goals have changed since I began homeschooling. All the best to you!
  8. We are using MFW ECC (their world geography) and while we are enjoying it, I would not recommend it for the ages of your dc. I also used HOD last year, but dropped it in favor of keeping all of my dc together for bible, science, history, art, music/hymns. I also think from what I have seen of Expedition Earth and Galloping the Globe, that either would be perfect for you. All the best to you!
  9. I agree that this is just the way it is with dc the ages of yours. I also agree that you might be a little heavy in LA for your oldest...but that's purely my opinon, because we were heavy our first years as well. It does get better and you learn how to manage...welcome to you new normal!
  10. Does anyone have an "All About Me" type sheet or scrapbook page that they have their kids fill out at the beginning of the school year? We haven't done this before, but I love the idea. I'm sure I can come up with something, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel if I don't have to, kwim? Thanks!
  11. I'm a fan of HOD, but if you want to teach together (which is my desire as well), then that program isn't what you are looking for. Plus it is VERY scripted. You may also want it look at something like Galloping the Globe. That would be fun and age appropriate. I also really enjoyed the years we used Sonlight, but then it is a little more scripted as well. Good luck!
  12. Sure...and it's funny but I think you, Katrina and I run circles around each other in regards to curriculum. I NEED a pre-planned, boxed program because I am still developing in the area of having self discipline to plan and execute. Another thing for me, the boxed curriculums help me because they take out decision making which is something I do very poorly...I have a difficult time deciding on specifics. Which is why I've already purchased MFW ECC and 1st grade...all decisions made :) My husband is the biggest proponent of the boxed curriculum because he knows making decisions keeps me up at night and I am easily overwhelmed with having thee dc in school and a 3 yo to keep occupied and out of trouble. I like the idea and book selections of HOD but ultimately it came down to wanting to combine for content areas. I used bigger for everyone this year and while it was great in some regards, the history readings were very frustrating for one of my dds. I just plan to use the books i like from SL and HOD for book basket. Sorry this is so long winded...I read your other thread about piecing together for next year and I hope that you are having a peace now that you've made a step in the decision process. Yeah for you!:) Stephanie
  13. If you don't mind, please remind me...did you use hod last year for a while? If so, do mind my asking why you stopped with HOD this past year? Was it wrong placement? I also seriously contemplated using Preparing this year, but we have gone a different direction. Just curious :) Stephanie
  14. This is just my opinion, but I would think for a 7-8 year old that Singapore supplemented with LoF would be plenty. With my oldest, I started out with Horizons K for math and then in first grade tried to do Horizons and Singapore (because I was scared to let go!) and we ended up getting half a year behind with SM. This year I use CLE (Christian Light) to supplement Singapore, and while we stayed on track, it was just way too much math for my kids. Next year, I will just use SM ( I will have dc in 1A, 3A and 4A) with drill work, some Challenging Word Problems and some Intensive Practice. Hope that helps a little...I know making a decision can be one of the most difficult things about homeschooling! Blessings, Stephanie
  15. I've only been on for a few months, but I do read the boards several times a week and I have found tons of informations once I got over the initial learning curve. Everything is first posted on the General--Main Board. That's where I post my questions and where recent activity for the past few months is placed. Then, what I have found, there are two other main places I find things. Ideas-(insert program) seems to have specific information by day/week for each of the programs. Then there are the archives where information specific to a program is archived by topic. I reallly like the way it's organized personally. I hope this helps a little. I've found the mfwbooks forum very helpful in planning my year and answering questions I have about the programs I will be using. Blessings, Stephanie
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