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s/o am I the only one....

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who doesn't text people? I don't have a phone with a real keyboard becasue we have tracfone...and we can't afford to do anything different...but I feel like such an outsider becasue I don't text...and yet I have no intention of doing so either....I, personally find it very annoying when people are constantly texting someone especially in the middle of a verbal conversation I am having with them...or when you are trying to have a verbal conversation with a teenager and they talk like they text...or worse yet, they write like they text...the kids don't even know how to spell "because" properly...to them it is "cuz"...am I alone...if so, that is fine...this is not the first time...nor will it be the last...I was just curious.

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You are not alone....cuz I don't text either. :D Actually, I really do mean...because I don't text either.


When I had a cell phone, my dd taught me how to text since I had unlimited texting or something. I would only use it to text her when needed. But, I have no phone anymore.....so, I don't text. :001_smile:


I know a few young girls who don't even have to be looking at their phone to text. Their fingers are just flying all over it and they are lookin' around. What!?!?

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Guest Dulcimeramy

I find myself texting my teens more and more. I only have a tracfone, too, so it is kind of a pain, but I'm getting faster.


At the hs convention I was very thankful for texting! I could check on my son, give directions to dh who was later at work than he thought, and make meetup plans with everyone. Phone calls would have been impossible in the noise of the corridors and exhibit hall or in the silence of the lectures.


I can't imagine ever getting in the habit of texting my own friends. Phone calls and emails for my crowd, still. But to communicate with teens without inconveniencing myself or them is great.

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I text-my friends, my dh, my sister, my eldest. I didn't text as much before my iphone, when I had to press each key multiple times for the correct letter/symbol to come up.


I will say that my teen says the homeschool teens are the only ones who use good grammar and punctuation when they text. ;)

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How come every time someone declares they don't text, it has to be added that texting is rude and cell phone use is out of control?:confused:


I do text. And I text very responsibly thankyouverymuch.;) I do not text during a verbal conversation unless I have left my kids at home or something. Then I will ask the person I'm talking to, "Would you mind if I check that text? My teens are home alone with the little guy." I then check. If it's something important I will tell whomever I'm talking to. If not, I put my phone back in my purse and ignore it.:D


Texting (and cell phone use) is not evil. Yes, some people are rude. But if they are rude when it comes to cell phone use, they are probably rude when it comes to other things, too. It's a useful technology that can be used by responsible people.



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I never saw the point of texting for myself until I gave birth. DS was not much of a sleeper and hearing my voice was like the worlds best(or worst!) alarm clock for him. He also had to be held or snuggled by me.


I could move around all I wanted and he didn't even notice. It was incredibly helpful to be able to tell DH to pick this up or grab that when he was out.


I do have a few friends who like to have conversations via text and that's not my thing and it is frustrating. I try calling them instead, but it's not convenient for them so half the time we have quick uninteresting conversations via text and the other half phone. We do really well in person though!

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I text my kids - my dh - my friends - anyone that I can to avoid having to call and carry on a conversation when all I really need is a yes or no.


I just got a phone with a keyboard (not smart phone) just to make my life easier and it has.


And no, I'm not on call 24 hrs a day and I don't interrupt "real" conversations to have a text one.


my favorite feature is that I can send one text to everyone in my family at once. Like if it is dinner time and they are at friends houses and dh working upstairs - one text and they all know to come running home - its

like I have a dinner bell :lol:

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I text. I don't mind that others don't EXCEPT for when they ask me to keep them updated on schedules, but want to turn every phone call into a 20 minute chatfest. Please, please, please just pay the 10 cents to let me shoot you the time or cancellation. Or find another messenger.

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How come every time someone declares they don't text, it has to be added that texting is rude and cell phone use is out of control?:confused:


I do text. And I text very responsibly thankyouverymuch.;) I do not text during a verbal conversation unless I have left my kids at home or something. Then I will ask the person I'm talking to, "Would you mind if I check that text? My teens are home alone with the little guy." I then check. If it's something important I will tell whomever I'm talking to. If not, I put my phone back in my purse and ignore it.:D


Texting (and cell phone use) is not evil. Yes, some people are rude. But if they are rude when it comes to cell phone use, they are probably rude when it comes to other things, too. It's a useful technology that can be used by responsible people.




I did not mean to offend anybody...but I know people (family members actually...and not all kids) who are normally, under most other circumstances very polite...but when it comes to their cell phone and texting whoever, for whatever, become so sucked up by it that the rest of the world doesn't even exist. Just like many other things in our world, there are people who are responsible and those who aren't...but it seems like the texting, cell phone use and other technology devices are being used by kids younger and younger and nobody is teaching them how to be responsible or polite...that is just my opinion.

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who doesn't text people? I don't have a phone with a real keyboard becasue we have tracfone...and we can't afford to do anything different...but I feel like such an outsider becasue I don't text...and yet I have no intention of doing so either....I, personally find it very annoying when people are constantly texting someone especially in the middle of a verbal conversation I am having with them...or when you are trying to have a verbal conversation with a teenager and they talk like they text...or worse yet, they write like they text...the kids don't even know how to spell "because" properly...to them it is "cuz"...am I alone...if so, that is fine...this is not the first time...nor will it be the last...I was just curious.



I am totally, 100% with you. I don't text anyone. I used to exchange texts with my dad, but we aren't speaking anymore.

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I didn't know what I was missing until I got a new phone 4 months ago. I love being able to ask a quick question and not have to chat. So, put me down for loving my texting phone.


Yes, I love being able to gain information without getting into a long-winded conversation. Chatting=talking, information=text. I only have one family member who doesn't text...okay, two counting my 85yo grandpa. And I find I spend a lot more time playing phone tag with them than exchanging any meaningful information. It's a tool like anything else. So no, you aren't the only one who doesn't text, but it's foolish to throw out the entire idea as meaningless.



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Yes, I love being able to gain information without getting into a long-winded conversation. Chatting=talking, information=text. I only have one family member who doesn't text...okay, two counting my 85yo grandpa. And I find I spend a lot more time playing phone tag with them than exchanging any meaningful information. It's a tool like anything else. So no, you aren't the only one who doesn't text, but it's foolish to throw out the entire idea as meaningless.




I am sure it has it's place...but like much of the techno stuff...it is so easy to take something like this and start using it as a "tool", but then you easily get sucked into the vortex...and then there is no turning back.

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I am sure it has it's place...but like much of the techno stuff...it is so easy to take something like this and start using it as a "tool", but then you easily get sucked into the vortex...and then there is no turning back.


There is always turning back ;) One just has to exercise manners and self control. Texting and manners are not mutually exclusive.



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who doesn't text people? I don't have a phone with a real keyboard becasue we have tracfone...and we can't afford to do anything different...but I feel like such an outsider becasue I don't text...and yet I have no intention of doing so either....I, personally find it very annoying when people are constantly texting someone especially in the middle of a verbal conversation I am having with them...or when you are trying to have a verbal conversation with a teenager and they talk like they text...or worse yet, they write like they text...the kids don't even know how to spell "because" properly...to them it is "cuz"...am I alone...if so, that is fine...this is not the first time...nor will it be the last...I was just curious.


I like texting...

It's nice for me cause I can think about what I want to say before I say it :)


and it's fun to text my other half while he is at work (can you pick up the batteries please the baby swing isn't working!!)


plus...I'm super shy and have a hard time talking on the phone with people for some odd reason so it works out for me (I get anxiety attacks over it...not joking)...


plus I like having the time to read and respond, with a baby it's a lot easier to respond to texts when I have time...then to sit and talk on the phone (who else needs three hands?) :seeya:

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please don't get me wrong...i am sure there is always a good time and a good place and a good reason to use it...it just seems to me that more people than not OVER use it...and it is mostly kids...not adults. Yes, I see the benefit to text somebody a quick message when you don't have time to talk...I could see myself doing that too...but then I feel like if I wanted to do just that, others would end up assuming I want to do more and with my phone, it would cost me to send and receive messages. So, I feel sort of trapped too.

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please don't get me wrong...i am sure there is always a good time and a good place and a good reason to use it...it just seems to me that more people than not OVER use it...and it is mostly kids...not adults. Yes, I see the benefit to text somebody a quick message when you don't have time to talk...I could see myself doing that too...but then I feel like if I wanted to do just that, others would end up assuming I want to do more and with my phone, it would cost me to send and receive messages. So, I feel sort of trapped too.


I suppose it's like anything else. You have to set boundaries you are comfortable with. I agree with you that kids tend to overuse, but kids tend to overdo everything. It is out job to temper that and to teach them manners. In our house, you don't text in the common area. I view it like whispering...it's silent but it removes you from the surrounding group. Teens use texting in the place of conversation rather than as an addition to it. I understand that, but I view it the same way I would a phone discussion. If you are carrying on a long text convo, you do it in your room away from the common area so that everyone knows you are unavailable. No texting while reading or studying. It's bad for the brain.


Shrug. Some kids behave badly. They aren't my responsibility.


You shouldn't feel trapped. If someone texts you, you never have to feel like you need to answer right this second. I look at it like instant email. I try to get the kids to see it the same way. The other party doesn't know that you''ve seen their text. You don't need to answer it right away or even in the same evening. You get back to it at your convenience.



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My phone is so old, it was made before they made phones with cameras. I keep saying I'll get a new phone when the battery dies, but this thing WILL NOT DIE!!!!


So, no, I don't text, either, because with my 42 yr. old arthritic fingers, I'm not gonna try to press those mini little keys- no keyboard, either. I have to keep reminding dh that I don't have a texting plan, so every time he sends me a text, I have to pay, like $2.00 or something! I know I can call and have them turn off the texting thing, but I never remember to do that!

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I didn't know what I was missing until I got a new phone 4 months ago. I love being able to ask a quick question and not have to chat. So, put me down for loving my texting phone.


I agree. It's fabulous for asking dh a quick question during the work day without interrupting a meeting. It gets his attention faster than an email, but without the disruption of a phone call. There are numerous times when a very quick question can be handled better via text than phone.


*Obviously* one needs to exercise manners and restraint. Of course it's rude to text in the middle of a conversation with someone else (unless it's directly related to the conversation) or during a movie or a play, etc, etc. Those are issues of self-control and basic etiquette.


But I find it an extremely useful tool.

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who doesn't text people? I don't have a phone with a real keyboard becasue we have tracfone...and we can't afford to do anything different...but I feel like such an outsider becasue I don't text...and yet I have no intention of doing so either....I, personally find it very annoying when people are constantly texting someone especially in the middle of a verbal conversation I am having with them...or when you are trying to have a verbal conversation with a teenager and they talk like they text...or worse yet, they write like they text...the kids don't even know how to spell "because" properly...to them it is "cuz"...am I alone...if so, that is fine...this is not the first time...nor will it be the last...I was just curious.



I don't text either, but I do use BlackBerry Messenger every now and then.

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But I always spell correctly and use punctuation. LOL


Mainly I send texts when I'm in areas where the cell reception is mediocre -- enough to eventually get the message sent and/or received, but not enough to get through a call without a lot of "are you still there?" questions. But my texting behavior isn't any worse than my voice-message-checking. There's no vortex. If I'm having lunch with a friend or otherwise engaged in real-life social situations, the phone is in my bag waiting for a more opportune time to catch up on messages left.

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I find texting to be very useful and will text in preference to phoning if I just want to say something short.

However..I don't like phoning.

I text maybe half a dozen texts a week, usually to and from dh and my 2 teenagers.

It does get useful once you have teens.

I have one gf who texts me sometimes.


I purposefully dont hand out my mobile phone number much- I use it mainly for my family so we can keep in touch. Very useful at the mall or when picking them up from somewhere. Or when a teen is getting home after dark, to stay in touch.


I understand teens can be rude with it, and mine will often respond to texts while i am driving them somewhere and in full conversation- I will tell them that its rude at times. But it is their world too, and I make space for it as well.


I think its a bit dangerous to get sour about the world our kids are growing up into. It is possible to embrace it while maintaining some boundaries.

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I only text dh and my sister. Dh is hard to get hold of during the day so I find texting easier. If he is in his local office we communicate on Microsoft Messenger. I don't text while in a group or visiting someone. If I did, I would excuse myself as if I was taking a call. My sister comes to visit with her daughter, and spends most of the time texting. I find it rude to the extreme. I just go about my life as if she isn't here.:D

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I enjoy texting.


I do try to be my courteous self w/my new awesome technology, however.


I have always disliked chatting on the phone, so I might not be the person to ask about texting. Texting seems simple & direct. You don't have to chit chat.


I've always been a reader & a writer. Texting just seems like fast mail. The phone never worked for me in this regard.

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I think its a bit dangerous to get sour about the world our kids are growing up into. It is possible to embrace it while maintaining some boundaries.




I didn't start texting until my oldest got her phone (when she was 18). She was driving to college an hour each way and was totally out of pocket from 6:30am to 6:00pm. While she was there the only means of communication was texting. I learned how very quickly. We also had family unlimited texting added to our plan at that time.


Fast forward to now...I have 4 "family" members on our plan and amongst all of us this month our total of texts is 12,000+ for the month. I know I am way over my usual usage this month as I have been working with the homeschool yearbook staff to complete our book and the texts have been flying back and forth between us (mostly us moms, LOL). I love being able to ask a question and I'll get my answer when they have a moment...it doesn't interrupt my day - my plans - or schedule. I can control when I talk to someone...rather than feel like I have to answer the phone when they call. My phone even has a silent setting which I use frequently. :D


I also believe being "old" is a mindset. I refuse to become "old" before my time...so this close to 50yo woman learns as much as she can. I don't need my dc to teach me how to use the computer, cell phone, etc...I teach them ;)

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I disabled texting on our phones as we were getting too much spam texts. That said, I do have email and internet on my phone so I can still get info if things are canceled at the last minute or someone sends last minute info about an event out. I don't worry about not getting texts people send since it does tell them the text didn't go through to the recipient when it is blocked or the recipient doesn't have texting. At least it does with Verizon.

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