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64 y/o teacher punches student

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I definitely don't think punching students is okay BUT I've been that teacher who was cornered against a wall by a student who was much bigger than I was- and I can honestly say I don't blame her very much.


It was then that he launched a verbal assault on her and called her a f***ing c*** and then walked towards her.



students who witnessed the incident said the teen made contact first and the teacher was responding to that.




She has a clean disciplinary record and was voted by students for the school's Teacher of the Year award last school year.



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I had a teacher who was a nun crack my hands with a ruler in 6th grade for giving a smarty pants answer to a question and never even thought to tell my parents about it (too ashamed). I can't imagine having the b###s to approach a teacher with violent intentions and then lament about being hit. My, how times have changed.


Not that I'm condoning any hitting of any sort, just thinking out loud.

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I don't usually condone a teacher hitting a student....but that guy was big, in her face, angry, and cursing. She didn't know what he would do next...grab her by the neck? Her fight or flight reaction was to defend herself and punch him. I can't blame her. He wasn't a small, defenseless elementary child. He was a big guy, probably very nearly an adult.

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A 16 year old male corners a 64 year old women at very close range while being verbally abusive?


Not only self defense, but he had it coming.


:iagree: He was bigger than she was and students who were present are backing up her version of events.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Before this incident she had 22 years experience and a perfect record of discipline in the classroom. Last year the students voted her Teacher of the Year. She's not an angry or abusive teacher. No way.


I'm glad the charges were dropped. I've spent 20 minutes or so reading comments at various news sites known for different political biases and I'm glad to see that the overwhelming majority everywhere agree that it was a case of self-defense.


Thank God we all still have some sense. That poor woman.

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I can't get the video to play, so I'm going off of the series of pictures.....


Whether he technically made physical contact or not (which seems to be somewhat up for debate) the language he used and his "looming" posture, all while advancing on her and backing her in a corner....he meant to be physically intimidating. He was using his size against her.


You can't do that to people, get in their physical space like that, and then claim (whether I believe him or not) that he didn't touch her, so she shouldn't have reacted......

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I don't usually condone a teacher hitting a student....but that guy was big, in her face, angry, and cursing. She didn't know what he would do next...grab her by the neck? Her fight or flight reaction was to defend herself and punch him. I can't blame her. He wasn't a small, defenseless elementary child. He was a big guy, probably very nearly an adult.


:iagree: It looks as though things escalated quickly. I don't think that she had time to calmly dissolve the situation. He didn't leave her with many options.

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The whole thing is so sad. She seemed to be considered a good teacher but he was clearly looking to make trouble. Who, in their right mind, licks a window without shame at the age???


As far as the comment (here or in one of the links) about there being no discipline at home.....perhaps there is too much discipline and not enough guidance. Seems he has learned to use intimidation well. Sad for him as well if that is the case.


Homeschooling is a breeze if that is the option.

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I don't blame her either. She deserved to defend herself. Plan and simple.


Here, we had a student come into a classroom and stab a teacher -she lost an eye. ANY threatening behavior from a much taller, menacing student and hey - I'd defend myself, too.


Students need to know their actions WILL have consequences, and teachers WILL defend themselves! Just because they are teachers doesn't mean they have to stand their and take it.


If the parents file a lawsuit - it is because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and they hope to bully the school into paying up.


I think all schools should cut into the budget for sports, etc. and provide mandatory self-defense courses for all adult school staff!

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After watching the video, I agree it definitely looks like self defense to me. He was towering over her, literally right in her face. She told him to back away and he didn't. No one seemed to be going to get help from other adults - it seems like all the other students were just there watching. So what else was she supposed to do? In the video it looked like she could have been in imminent physical danger.


It sounds like the teen needs help though. Licking a window, exploding into that much anger - it seems like his parents should be seeking some help for him instead of filing a lawsuit.

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The smirk on the one kid's face in the beginning of the video makes me want to smack him. Then the girl yelling out as if the teacher had done something wrong. Yes, this is the level kids have sunk to.


If anyone ever asks me again why I home school I will link them this article.

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A 16 year old male corners a 64 year old women at very close range while being verbally abusive?


Not only self defense, but he had it coming.


The smirk on the one kid's face in the beginning of the video makes me want to smack him. Then the girl yelling out as if the teacher had done something wrong. Yes, this is the level kids have sunk to.


If anyone ever asks me again why I home school I will link them this article.


Atta girl. She's got a pretty good right.

Just needs to learn to follow up with a swift knee...


Blows my mind that the parents would even consider suing. Insane.

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You may want to put a warning on that second link. My daughter was near me and there was an obscene picture to the right AND I kept getting one pop up after another :)

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If we were watching a video of this and the scene was the grocery store, then it would be a no brainer for EVERYONE. But for some reason, some idiot parents think they can dump these degenerate kids off for the day and the teachers will just suck up the abuse.


That's awful!!!


And why the heck that school hasn't thrown that kid out is beyond me. There's no way in heck I'd want my kids in a room with him!!

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If we were watching a video of this and the scene was the grocery store, then it would be a no brainer for EVERYONE. But for some reason, some idiot parents think they can dump these degenerate kids off for the day and the teachers will just suck up the abuse.


That's awful!!!


And why the heck that school hasn't thrown that kid out is beyond me. There's no way in heck I'd want my kids in a room with him!!

That is another thought. Why haven't the other parents raised h-e-double-hockey-sticks over this violent kid being in the school.


Maybe it is just me. Violence in the schools is one of our top 3 reasons we homeschool.

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From what I can see it looks totally like self defense. It is completely out of line for a student, or anyone for that matter, to tower over and back someone up to a wall in a threatening manner. She had a right to defend herself imho.


I agree. I admit to being a *little* surprised at the other students. There are other big guys in there, but they don't do anything until she punches the kid? The girl who yells that he didn't do anything? That's crazy. Bu, I've seen punk teens get away with worse.


I will say that I think it's unfair to imply he learned to intimidate with his physicality from his parent(s). This is a kid who has been in the public schools.

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A rare case of common sense prevailing in schools apparently. Obviously one wishes there was another way to resolve this, but I'm glad she was cleared.


She was cleared of criminal charges, but I think the school district is still deciding if she will keep her job or not.

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